lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
We speak to you from the Galactic Federation. Hence, we speak to you as the unified voice of the Arcturians, Pleidians, Sirians, Andromedans and many others. We are here to welcome you back into our Galactic Family. We come to you now to assist you in aligning your energies with your fifth dimensional expression of SELF, so that you can more easily receive and understand our communications. Your fifth dimensional expression of SELF is within your Core and resonates throughout your spinal chord and chakras. When you align with your Core, you merge with your Multidimensional SELF in which we are your family and dearest friends.
Do you now see and feel that ascending energy within your core? Follow that feeling within your core up into your High Heart and Third Eye. Visualize the shape of a pyramid with the base of the pyramid being on your physical body. We see that your third dimensional self feels a need to create the pyramid rising UP towards the higher worlds. However, we wish you to see how the pyramid is facing IN toward your inner world. See how the peak of the pyramid points to your Core. In this manner, you turn around inside your earth vessel to look, not out into the illusions of your external world, but instead into the truth of your inner reality.
As you look inside, you see the expression of your fifth dimensional SELF who has long awaited your conscious merging. This Being is androgynous, but may choose to wear a body of gender. This octave of your SELF, who has likely been your unseen guide throughout your entire life, serves as the step-down transformer to aid you in receiving and understanding the huge downloads of information that are constantly emanating from the higher dimensions. We, the Galactic Federation, come to you today to remind you that you are all receiving these downloads of multidimensional light and unconditional love.
It is important that you release your third dimensional cognition and rely entirely on your multidimensional consciousness to receive and integrate these downloads. Do not be concerned with trying to remember the process with your Third Dimensional Operating System of cognition. Instead, relax into the Knowing that your Multidimensional Operating System can open these files of information that we, the Galactic Federation, are projecting into your consciousness. When you are fully aware of your physical self and, simultaneously, aware of your fifth dimensional self, you will KNOW that which you have downloaded.
When you begin to receive our communications, they will often be in the form of images. You receive the information this way, as this is the manner in which the information was downloaded. We ask you to remember that your heart and mind must focus as ONE to “read” this material. Actually, it is your High Heart and opened Third Eye that must focus as ONE. Your opened Third Eye, which is your Crown and Brow united, that receives the Light Language and your High Heart that uses the power of unconditional love to recognize the meaning of each symbol and picture.
We are going into great detail to explain how to consciously download our transmissions because these instructions are necessary in order for you to clearly receive and understand our messages. Again, imagine the fifth dimensional SELF with whom you are merging as standing in front of you.
How do you perceive this octave of your SELF?
See your SELF as it moves towards you with open arms to embrace you.
Feel its hands touching yours to connect Lightbody-to-earth body.
Allow that touch to move up your arms and into your High Heart.
As you relax, this sensation rises up into your opened Third Eye.
Feel the download of information into your Crown and allow your fifth dimensional SELF to assist you in activating your Multidimensional Operating System to better understand the message. As you become intimately connected with this expression of your Multidimensional SELF, it can greatly facilitate this process. Therefore, we ask you now to use your breath, your life force, to merge with the life-breath of your fifth dimensional SELF.
Breathe into the image of your higher dimensional expression with the intentions of unconditional love and unity. With your next inhale, allow the breath of your fifth dimensional SELF to enter you. Contain that essence within your earth vessel. You are now ONE with your Lightbody. You are ONE with your Lightbody within your Core and ONE with your Lightbody in the fifth dimension.
Take a moment now to release your belief in time, space and separation to better embrace this experience. Relax and allow your High Heart to FEEL the messages that you have received. As you tune into your multidimensional light/consciousness, hear the tones and see the colors of these messages.
Feel and see how the cells of your body are drifting further apart and glistening with light. Imagine that your inner Lightbody is expanding beyond the illusion of your physical vessel and is emanating out from your Core in every direction.
As you feel your light shining out past the form of your earth vessel, feel the Light beaming into you from your fifth dimensional Lightbody SELF. Observe, as the two sources of light rays interlock in ONE.
These interlocking rays of light expand into the body of Gaia and into Her Core Lightbody. Feel the rays of Gaia’s fifth dimensional Lightbody interlocking with your fifth dimensional Lightbody.
You are now ready to understand our message.
Our dear grounded expressions of SELF, we are beaming our consciousness into your earth vessels. We ask you to accept the expanding light that is coming into your frequency of reality. If you, our grounded expressions, could see how many of you are opening to our frequency of reality, all your collective fears would be released. We of the Galactic Federation are communing with our family members, our beloved ones, to tell you we have always been within you.
The rules of the 3D Game of polarized Earth were that you could not look deeply WITHIN until you could look UP. In other words, until you could look UP into Spirit, you would not be able to look IN to find Spirit. It is the process of looking UP into a Higher SELF that assists you in releasing your attachment to your ego. Once you have deeply connected with this Higher Being, you are free enough of ego to look WITHIN. Then, when you look WITHIN you can remember that YOU and that Higher Being are ONE. Because you are connecting with your “Higher SELF,” you can more easily connect with us, your Galactic Family.
Can you now remember that you have taken a physical form so that you can awaken to our presence in this lifetime? We wish you to know that we are downloading into you all the tools you will need for your process of ascension. As you merge your consciousness with ours, we can bathe you in our multidimensional light and unconditional love. Our message will also help to activate your Multidimensional Activating System to remember what you once knew, but forgot. You forgot this Knowing because your mind became limited to the third dimensional thinking and your heart separated from the ONE.
To begin this process of remembering:
Feel how our Light, consciousness, is interlocked with your own.
Feel the unconditional love that is the medium through which that Light Flows.
Release all belief in the illusions of limitation and separation.
Place your awareness inside your High Heart and opened Third Eye.
Our blending with your Mind-to-Mind (opened Third Eye) and Heart-to-Heart (High Heart), allows us to completely intermingle our multidimensional consciousness with yours. From our perspective, WE are ONE. We of the Galactic Federation are ONE with our dear grounded ones, and our grounded ones are ONE with us. You are experiencing the closing of the Third Dimensional Matrix. As you perceive this closing with your Third Eye and High Heart, you can actually see how the energy field of that Matrix is beginning to short-circuit and transition into the Fourth Dimensional Matrix.
The transition of the Third Dimensional Matrix into the Fourth Dimensional Matrix will allow those who are not ready to fully awaken to their fifth dimensional reality to reside within the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension is superior to the physical world, but it is still a polarized, dualistic reality. The fact that there is the concept of above and below means that there is still an attachment to polarities. Therefore, turn around and look inside. “Turn your back,” so to speak, on the illusions of the third and fourth dimensions and seek the Truth within your fifth dimensional SELF.
Fortunately, there are many of our grounded ones who are interlocking their light with ours and merging with their Celestial and Galactic Families. Many of our grounded expressions are still holding their earth vessel so that they can align their transition with that of Gaia’s. In this manner, people and planet can return to Lightbody as ONE Being. Your Lightbody has always been within your Core, awaiting its birth. Just as the butterfly is always within the caterpillar, your Lightbody has always been within your earth vessel.
Dear grounded ones, we want you to KNOW how simple your transition will be. It is from within your Core that you can best turn away from that which is ending, and unite with that to which you are returning. You can no longer become lost, for the greater light and love are here to guide you Home to your SELF and your Family of Light. As you find your way home, you remember that you never left. You simply logged into an illusion and believed that it was real.
We conclude our transmission, with the reminder to:
Turn around inside your SELF.
Look inside to see your Core.
Step into your core to BE your Lightbody.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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