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Mayan Messages: Focused Prayers
As Received by Theresa Crabtree
July 30, 2011
I am Men 3 and I welcome you to this time that we are now sharing together. Please take a moment to quiet your outer world. It is a wise practice before you read anything that you feel may be of importance in your life that you first take a few moments to set aside the busy-ness of the day. You will then allow yourself to be fully in the moment and your ability to integrate the information will be greatly enhanced.
We begin now by saying that you are loved beyond all measure. If you have not experienced your Angels, Spirit Guides or your concept of God, we ask that you trust that they do exist. They are ever-present to fulfill your highest dreams. You need simply ask for their help. When you pray, focus your intention on what you would like to see accomplished. Even though you may not fully understand the dynamics of how your prayers will be set into motion, pray anyway. Trust that your prayers will be heard.
The more focused your prayers are, the more able we are to set into motion the events that will lead to your desired outcome. Wavering back and forth tremendously slows down the process while fears and doubts can fully block progression towards your goals. Perhaps there is something you wish for. If you continually hold the belief, “I really want that, but I know I can’t have it” you will have effectively created a mute point and we cannot move forward in fulfilling your initial dream. When you have thoughts such as, “I can’t have it. That is impossible!” the universe sees these as your truth and will not try to convince you otherwise.
If we were in a social setting and I offered you a piece of cake and you said to me, “No, thank you. It looks lovely, but I can’t have it because it makes me ill.” I would respect your wish and not entice you with the cake. That is what your thoughts of, “I can’t have it. That is impossible.” does to your prayers. Your Angels and Spirit Guides know that nothing is impossible and that you can have anything you desire. However, they cannot and will not impose anything on you that goes against your free will or is not in alignment with your belief codes.
This is why so many of our messages suggest that you look at your belief codes. Take them apart, brick by brick and examine them to see which ones are not structurally sound. When you enter this world and as you mature into adulthood, you will pick up other people’s fears and belief codes. Humans tend to mold their self-concept around the way they think others view them.
It is time to grow beyond those limiting beliefs. Take time each day to quiet yourself and examine these codes. During your daily activities, be mindful of your thoughts, your words and the judgments you place on yourself and project onto others. Where did the initial thought come from? Is it still relevant or do you believe differently now?
Pay attention to your behaviors. You will discover that when you change a belief code, the behaviors that accompanied them will remain unless you consciously change them, for they have become habits. Know that at any time, you can drop a belief code and stop an unnecessary habit. This can be done by switching your thoughts. If you find yourself thinking thoughts that you don’t want to have anymore, switch your attention to something else. Watch in amazement as you switch your attention to new things. A whole new world will open to you. You will notice things and wonder, “How could I have not seen that before?” You will begin to look at events through different eyes.
Like any skill or habit that you took time to incorporate into your daily life, it will take time to undo beliefs and habits that hinder you from moving into the world of your highest dreams. As you face your fears and undo habits that no longer serve you, a huge amount of energy will be freed up for you to use as you like.
It is similar to a computer. When you load several software programs, hundreds of photographs and dozens of videos, at some point the computer cannot handle any more data. If you have not been paying attention to the little signs: the programs getting slower, you ignore popup warnings, you don’t protect against viruses and such, at some point the computer will crash and simply stop functioning.
The human body is wired in a similar fashion. If you keep pushing yourself and doing things that do not make your life joyous, when you add beliefs that are not your own without cleaning out your files, you are destined to catch viruses, get overloaded and crash. This need never happen if you pay attention to your body, mind and spiritual needs.
To avoid a crash, take time each day to do a scan and note areas of discomfort, including your thoughts, words and actions. Are you enjoying the daily work you do, the people around you and your free time? How do you feel most days, do you feel uplifted or downtrodden?
We encourage you to pay attention to every word you utter and every thought you think. Be especially mindful of gossip, whether it is about people within your circles or whether it comes from media sources. Your thoughts, words and emotions are more powerful than even the wisest among you can imagine. Many of you are engaged in one specific habit that unknown to you is extremely detrimental to the utopian society you spend so much time attempting to create. That is the habit of talking about the doom and gloom of the “End Times.” Much of this comes from the news media and channelings from people who claim to be of the Light.
What we witness over and over are people in conversations such as, “Did you hear that this catastrophic event is going to occur on such and such a date? This part of the Earth is going to be destroyed by this or that event. The dark government is plotting to do this or that.” We could go on and on with the list, but hope that you get enough of the idea to understand what we are trying to impart to you.
Can you see that when you share this knowledge, you are helping to energize it? Not only are you focusing your attention on it, you are now bringing it to the attention of others. Whatever you are focusing on becomes your reality in that moment. If you are feeling emotional about it, such as fear or anger, you have energized it. If the person you are talking to puts their emotion into it, you have exponentially energized it. What tends to happen when you are emotional about an issue? You want to share it with others and before long, everyone in your circle is giving it attention and begin spreading the word within their circles and so on.
We understand that in order to make changes, things must be brought into one’s consciousness. There are appropriate times and ways to do this. If you are an activist, the best way to do this is to present the problem along with some solutions or for the purpose of finding solutions. These problems should only be brought up with people that you feel will be part of the solution and not the problem. That is the way you create change, through group effort. However, when you read and share about these same experiences for the purpose of small talk, to share your fears or for egotistical purposes such as wanting others to know how informed you are, it is the problem, not the solution that is being energized.
There has not been peace on Earth because most of your peace rallies are focused on war. There is still hunger in your world because so much focus has been spent on researching the problem and building institutions instead of showing hungry people how to feed themselves. There is a huge imbalance within all of your major governmental systems because you have handed over your power to others with the attitude of “Big Brother knows best.” or “I don’t want to be bothered.”
If you truly want a utopian society that is full of love, grace and joy, then speak and think of nothing else. Take the steps necessary in your personal life to manifest these ideals. Share the good that has come of it with all who are interested in listening. Walk away from conversations that focus attention on problems rather than solutions. Let those involved know how their words are energizing the negative aspect. Have courage to teach others how powerful their thoughts, words and emotions are.
Be a problem-solver and surround yourself with activists that are focusing attention on the positive end of what you desire and watch the magic unfold. You are all powerful manifestors. With the added support from your Spirit Guides, miracles happen every day. Know that in one sense, we act as computers; we do as you command. We work from the energies you project, more than your words. If fear is the strongest emotion you are emitting, you will block your own progress. It is imperative that you discover fears and belief codes that are inhibiting your ability to create your desires.
Most of you are blind to your darkest fears because you have buried them so deeply. Have courage and bring your fears to the light. Bless them for helping you through previous situations. Know they served a purpose at one time. Let them know they are no longer needed. Feel gratitude for their assistance in bringing you to this moment in time. Replace them with your highest ideals. Each of you has created the reality base from which you perform your daily operations. Although most of you are unconsciously choosing your belief codes, your life will dramatically change when you become aware and begin to choose your beliefs from a more enlightened space.
We encourage you to make it a part of your daily practice to go within and seek out the dark glops of energized thoughts that no longer serve you and to replace them with the higher frequencies of love and gratitude. This was the initial purpose for setting up the Tzolkin calendar eons ago and it is still a valid application for your life today.
Selamet!  Men 3
You are encouraged to share these Messages with others. For more information and to read over 50 Mayan Messages, visit  *
Stop by our main website for more insight on the Mayan Messages and health related information. Check out the new 2012 page that has information on the Mayan Long Count calendar, how it works and how it became connected with the date December 21, 2012 and what the Maya have to say about this connection.
To purchase all 260 Mayan Messages as an eBook ($10 USD) or in paperback ($25 USD), check out our web store at:  *   
Many blessings,
Theresa Crabtree

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


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