lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dearest Hearts,

Love is in the air, though not in the way in which it used to be for many.

Valentine's Day has a way of evoking thoughts of love, though far too often not a very evolved way of love, as it typically brings up the age old stories we hold about love and our worth.

It's a day that has many looking for what to do, what to buy and how to show their love on what has long been deemed, "that very special day of love."

On that day, other minds backed by the ego, tend to think thoughts about lack; the lack of love not being in their lives or not being lovable, as there is not a particular man or woman to be the living example proving that they are lovable.

How far have we evolved or strayed from present moment awareness of the fact, that we are Love, and Lovable (Created, blessed and sent to Earth as such) regardless of what the unreliable mind tells us, on Valentine's Day or any other day? How in the world can we even allow one day to be a defining moment of ourselves. Only the mind could devise such a scheme.

We are Love, we are Light, we are the Essence of All That Is and that is that, period.

The only way that Truth can be distorted and disproven is if we have closed our own hearts to this Truth, and absolutely refused to take proper ownership of ourselves, which includes loving ourselves as if our lives depended upon it... because it does!

We are first and foremost meant to be our greatest lovers. As such, we are able to get on with proper Stewardship of the Essence of our Being.

Beloveds, you are worth finding the Truth out about your true identity, the ways in which to love yourself, to be enough for yourself and how that magnificent being of yours is meant to operate. All else will follow. The clock is ticking... no time to waste Beloveds... no time to waste.

Check in with yourself. Are you, in any way, guarding your heart, letting the old stories of not being loved or lovable tangle themselves up inside the temple of your being, strangling the Truth out of you?

Have you let yourself be loved, first by you, and then fully unguarded by another? Have you dialed in your very own loving vibration that then goes out into the world, and changes it each time you step out?

Ok, it doesn't matter what was. It only matters what is.

The main questions: What can I do to love myself more? What can I learn about loving myself more?

When each of us loves ourselves more, the payoff is we finally accept ourselves, (powerful beyond words,) we vibrate at the rate of ascension, we manifest swiftly, our consciousness raises, the denounced parts of ourselves are transmuted, the very essence of our being Lights up the world, and we become magnets for others to love us and accept us.

Love and Vibration is the essence of who we are. It is your Energy in motion. Consider this for a moment. What is the Essence of your Being living like (in motion like) right now? Is it living fired up and out loud, or suppressed longing to come out and have its intended life?

Everything about our humanity is at stake now. Who we be and how we express every moment of every day dictates the bandwidth of energy we shall abide in. It dictates our capabilities to manifest. It hinders or helps the entire point of our Beloved Soul's journey here on Earth. It dictates what will become of us when we leave this Planet.

If we don't fire up our Essence, (or vitalize our Essence) and vibrate Love everyday and change our perception about the "one stand-out day of love," (Valentine's Day,) and what many minds still continue to do with past perceptions and future thoughts about it, we will spiral back to the dangerous dark ages of our lower nature.

What if everyday was a day of love and we acted on it? What if everyday we opened to love, focused on love and made ourselves available to just vanquish the walls and gates that are on our hearts and in our minds by simply loving ourselves first and then all others, without fear or a belief of what someone might think? What if?

What if we quit thinking about love and just felt into it and then vibrated it, because it feels natural and unsuppressed? After all the vibration is already in us waiting to be put to its proper use! Vibrating love has so many benefits.

It leads to joy, actually child-like joy. It is peaceful yet powerful, it brings us right into alignment with our authentic and natural natures and before we know it our Essence is jumping for joy, and at last we are in the proper ebb and flow of Life. What we call magic, then occurs.

Did you know that when any one of us holds the vibration of Love we become neutral to experience, (a huge leap forward) and we initiate a coherent, balanced state of emotion, which, once brought to a stable point, is able to vibrate at an even higher octave that connects us to the Dimension of Love, (yes that Dimension exists) where life becomes a blessing, no longer a struggle, and perhaps more importantly, the mind has no power!

You Beloveds are powerful beings of Love and Light, and now is the time to set your heart on fire using every tool in your cache to vibrate love. Consciously vibrate love at every turn; when you give, get, choose, wake up and go to sleep. Vibrate love when you look at yourself in the mirror, at your children, their children, anyone's child. Vibrate love when you look at a lover or a friend, an angel in fur or with feathers or tiny little legs. Vibrate love. Don't just say it. Vibrate it and pour it forth. It's a game changer. It's your Essence saying I AM here. I AM vital. I am showing up fully to be the I AM that I AM.

Without one holding Love consciously and steadily one is unable to advance in consciousness. Actually, it has been said by Merlin that, "if we do not have Love within ourselves and for ourselves, we have nothing."

Added to that we drastically impact the adamantine particles, the particles that form all of the elements of the Universe, including our bodies.

I'm not going to go deep into science here, but this is important for all to understand. The adamantine particles are crystalline particles of infinity that contain the stored potential to manifest any original substance or element. These particles are encoded in you as a Universal DNA that requires power to build other particles and atoms. However, it is only compatible with the magnetic power of Love.

The adamantine particles, the crystalline particles of infinity that are stored in you as Universal DNA, are required for manifestation, and once again is only compatible with the magnetic power of Love. The Laws of Love Now Govern Our World.

Love ignites and directs adamantine particles into manifestation. What that means for you is that when you vibrate at the level of pure Love, regardless of every human experience that you encounter while living in form, in their varying states and degrees of consciousness, you hold the power, through vibrating love to ignite within you or fire up within you, the particles that literally form all manifesting elements.

You each are in a position now to fire yourself up into your Ascension by vibrating love. You are the one to make yourself ready now as the clarion call to come home is NOW. Are you willing to learn how to vibrate love and not give your mind or ego any place to muscle in? Are you willing to really learn how to really steward and course correct your Life now when your consciousness counts like never before, affecting the entire Planet and all of humanity like never before?

The Divine has placed a call to us all, and the call is to come home by the 'route of love.' Some will come home, and some will not. It is through our loving choice beneath every action taken, every vibration, vibrated, every thought held, every consciousness lifted hour by hour and moment by moment. What a profound time we live in. What an opportunity.

I remember reading the following years and years ago in Love Without Conditions by Glenda Green. In it Jeshua is talking about Love and our adamantine particles.

What he said about them was that we must each understand them as a prelude to Ascension.

"The adamantine particles, he said, represent a continuous flow of high frequency potential, which manifests into discrete forms and arrangements under the command of Love."

This means each must vibrate Love, intending and commanding all particles of their being into a higher octave of themselves. Beloveds we are the custodians of Love on this Planet. What does that mean to you?

Take a breath and fire up your heart to vibrate LOVE allowing your Essence to shine!

Copyright Maureen Moss. If you share this please do so including name and both websites and with it.

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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