lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

It is the end of 2011 and I am pretty sure that there have been amazing shifts in the lives of the light workers. We have come to a moment where the New World is one year away as we continue releasing negative energies and shifting to allow the love to come into ourselves.

Some weeks ago Kryon said in a meditation evening here in Costa Rica, that things were coming either to an end, or they were going to transform. In my personal life, things that were coming to a certain end are actually transforming in a very nice way, with a new level of consciousness, and I feel a lot happier now. For me it has been an interesting journey. Before and after the energies of 11-11-11 things got really shaky, and I felt that many things were not working and certainly were going end; but interesting enough nothing ended and actually it is transforming in love and softness, building foundations based in love.

Before and after 11-11-11 all these energies of anger, sadness, hurt and pain were manifesting much stronger. This is all for a reason, they were releasing and as they were going away great shifts were happening. I must warn you when these energies are releasing that we need to be careful, because these energies have their own voice and make us behave badly in many ways, and this can get us in trouble. We are controlled by these energies that come from the wounded child and the energies that we have inherited from our ancestors and karma from past lives. The goal here is to release them and fill ourselves with love, so we can live our lives out of the loving child.

And as the old saying goes; things must get worse before they can get better. From the beginning of December things started to get more balanced, softer, and the energies are clearing out in a much smoother way with new levels of consciousness, and much more loving energies. This event comes from the energies of the 12-12 in 2011, and you can read this in the channelling that I am attaching at the end of this newsletter. As Kryon says in this channelling:

“Today it is the 12-12 in 2011, and that means the end of something and the beginning of something new. It means that love is coming. It means that you’re going to be in the right place at the right time and that things are going to happen to you in your lives; positive things, exciting things. These old energies of anger and sadness and hurt and pain, they’re becoming a thing of the past and you will begin to create your reality out of love, deep love from within yourselves, a love that flows with strength and power”

There is still much more inner work to do. No one said it was going to be easy, but let me assure you that the rewards will be priceless. A life filled of pure love, a love based reality, where you are connected to the Universe and everything is just perfection.

Graduation of Spiritual Healers for Kryon Healing Method in Costa Rica

In my last newsletter I mentioned that I finished my course in Costa Rica called Evolution of Human Spirit. In this course I trained spiritual healers to use the Kryon Healing Method. There were two main objectives in this course for the participants:

1.    Every participant would heal themselves
2.    Every participant would learn to heal others

The goal was that everyone would move through many levels of consciousness towards Christ consciousness. This was not an academic course, but a course where everyone had to process their own emotions, and practice with their partners and go through their own healing process.

We finished this course in October 2011. For me it was a very beautiful experience. I can see that all my students shifted, and they are all much stronger, and definitely more whole and complete. They also got everything that they needed to begin healing others. I feel a great sense of satisfaction to see all of this.

We had our last weekend of Evolution of Human Spirit at Cecelia’s beach house at the Virgin Jungle of Punta Coral away from all technology, and Cecelia (owner of Calypso Cruises) took the group to Tortuga Island in the Gulf of Nicoya in Costa Rica. The inner work of that weekend was very intense and much energy was released, and we were blessed to be surrounded by virgin nature that supported us energetically. I thank Cecelia for giving us this gift in this special and final weekend. I also want once again to congratulate Marlene as her first grandson was born during that weekend.

Tortuga Island, Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica

I would like to introduce you to the first generation of Certified Spiritual Healers in Costa Rica. These Spiritual Healers have successfully completed the Educational Training Course for Spiritual Healers Kryon Style, and for encompassing the process of reclaiming the inner child, healing and completing the family constellation. Below you can find their names and email addresses for private session requests either in person or through Skype. I look back at this picture below (October) and observe them now in December; these guys are still making incredible shifts, some of them have changed their appearances looking even prettier. I get to see Jenny, Gloriana, Marlene and Mariluoften, and they are getting prettier and prettier every day.

October 15th, 2011. Evolution of Human Spirit, Certified Spiritual Healers by Kryon
At the top, from left to right: Cecelia, Marilu, Marissya, Marlene, David and Jenny
At the bottom, from left to right: Gloriana, Rosa and Alejandra

Table 1. Contact information for the Certified Spiritual Healers, Kryon Healing Method

Name Email Location & Country

Marlene de los Ángeles Aguilera González San Jose, Costa Rica
María Luisa Alvarado Boza (Marilú) San Jose, Costa Rica
Cecelia Jean Arnone A San Jose, Costa Rica
Alejandra Mariella  Barboza Rodriguez San Jose, Costa Rica
Jenny Maria Chaverri Jimenez San Jose, Costa Rica
Gloriana Fernandez Guardia San Jose, Costa Rica
Maryssia Sanabria Benavides San Jose, Costa Rica
Rosa Helena Velasquez Arroyave San Carlos, Costa Rica

I would like to share an extract of Kryon’s channelling that took place on October 16th 2011. This is a special message for these spiritual healers. I encourage you to take this course in any of the countries that is available or just try private sessions with any of the spiritual healers with Kryon style or with myself. This is also a message for you, because by doing this inner work and healing your family constellation, you will be able to shift into new levels of consciousness just as these guys did.

A testimonial from Marlene

I have been a holistic therapist for more than 20 years, and I have studied around the world many healing systems. I have found that the Kryon Healing Method is the most powerful of all. I find that it is easier for my clients to heal and release, and that the Kryon Healing energies and the energies of Sophia can deal with the most difficult situations and wounds. It makes a transformation at a cellular level. It heals whatever is needed to be healed in this lifetime, and also goes back in time into past lives and karmic energies, healing and releasing back to the very origins of all.

Kryon message given to the Spiritual Healers (Short version)

Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown
16 October 2011 at Punta Coral, Costa Rica

Greetings dear ones, for I AM Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

It is wonderful to be with you all at this lunch time. This morning you have come to the end of a road. It is not really the end of a road, more like a fork in the road. When all things come to an end, something new appears. You have all done the course Evolution of Human Spirit, and this has brought you a new level of consciousness. Each person is very different; you all started in different places, and you are all heading to the same place. It does not matter where you are, what matters is that you are all on the journey. A journey to the New World, where all of you are one, and you are all individuals at the same time. You are all headed to the 4th and 5th dimension.

It is a world where love is welcome and honesty and integrity between people is welcome, and the negative energies are no longer present in the 4th and 5th dimension. You are on the way to a New World, completely, completely new. Use the material world as a reflection, just allow the inside of you to heal, placing all of your awareness and all of your consciousness on the inside. You are all becoming beacons of light. Your family constellation is coming into order and as it comes into order your life will shine brighter and brighter. When the time comes that you are in a good space, which happens in between processes, you will be feel yourself more like a radio antenna, transmitting love to the world, and you know that whatever you transmit you will receive.

You are very close to feel pure love within your bodies in a constant way. You will feel very happy. Others around you might not feel this joy, but as long as you walk this path, the others will join you in this path. Of course you will have to support them, and you will need to have a higher vibration to be able to help them.
When you become whole and complete, your consciousness is far above that material world, the love will flow from your heart into your twin-flame’s heart, energizing him or her, and bringing him or her into your consciousness; this can be also working the other way too. All in this circle are about to meet their opposite number, and you will become whole and complete together. Allow that feeling to come into your body. Allow your twin flame to come into your energy field. You are whole and they are whole. And feel what that feels like.

There have been past lives where you had met your twin flame, and in those past lives you were not ready. After all the inner work that you have being doing in this lifetime, and with the support of the Universe, only now you are becoming ready; this takes love and patience, and sometimes pain. It will take love and patience to move through the pain, elevating your consciousness into oneness. And even then you will still be on a journey, but with a completely new consciousness.

So allow the love to flow. Let the feelings come and let them go. And be patient and loving with yourselves. Those parts of yourself that rejected who you are, that wanted to become an aspect of the opposite sex. Just allow your energies to become higher and higher, higher, higher, and higher. Only in these dimensions of high consciousness will you meet your twin flame and become one with them. For those of you that are married, and think that you got to go through a divorce, just recognize that they haven’t recognized themselves, and that your husbands will expand, as you are expanding. Nobody said that this was going to be easy, but in this lifetime it will happen. As you stop rejecting and abandoning yourselves, you will stop creating this in your world.

You are all magical beings of the Universe, and you are here to make magic. As you make into the 4th and 5th dimension, you will be entering new kingdoms, new worlds, and you will walk side by side with your twin flame, that part of you that left the divine, a split part; you will come to meet each other in these new dimensions.

Go well and God Bless you, for this is Kryon singing out. Thank you.

Workshop To Live the Impossible Dream in Costa Rica

The workshop to live the impossible dream in Costa Rica took place in the beautiful gardens of Kapoli in Escazu, San Jose. The energy that was in common and therefore the work that we did was about getting our father and mother to be in love. Kryon always says that the secret of self-love is when our parents get to love each other. Once again it has been a wonderful experience. Here is a photo of the group on the day of the workshop.

Special greetings

I would like to send a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you. May 2012 be a wonderful year full of love. I thank you all for following Kryon the Teachings and for all your emails through this year. I also thank everyone whom attended my seminars and private sessions this year. It has been wonderful to meet you all. Thank you to all the coordinators who organized my events, and for their hospitality. I want to send a special gratitude to Jenny, whom has been supporting me throughall this time.

Wishing you all peace and love,


[Note: David is available for private sessions which can be conducted via Skype in English and Spanish. Please email him for an appointment.]

Note to the reader: Express the intent to be "in the NOW" at the channelling, and for your energy to be combined with the group that was present. 

Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown
12 December 2011  at San Jose, Costa Rica
"Humanity is evolving"

Greetings dear ones, for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

It’s wonderful to be with you all this night, this very night, for there is much love and much change in the air.

You are on a journey to return to your essence, and the essence of a human being is love. You’re here to fall in love with yourselves and the universe is moving into a place where you can fall in love with yourselves again, where the love can flow, an endless flow of love where men and women can love each other again, where men can love men, and women can love women. There are many, many changes coming. The old world is beginning to dissolve, and this will happen much more quickly now. For those of you that do a lot of inner work you will be beginning to feel a difference, you will feel the shift happening to you and you will be beginning to get those feelings of freedom, freedom and love.

Your entire energy field will become more and more in integrity with yourself, and you will become more soft, more gentle and more receptive to the universe. Your fears, your anger and your sadness will be releasing. These old energies will be a thing of the past. The new world is indeed a very special place and the earth plane is changing in vibration. There are some on your planet that want the status quo, and the masses have no idea of what’s going on; but slowly and surely the masses will begin to awaken from their deep, deep slumber and many things will begin to change. You are all stepping into a new world and the ones who listen to, and read, these channelings will be the ones that are going through into the new world, either in the first or the second wave.

You will find your hearts beginning to love, and you will be begin to feel yourselves connected to the universe. You’ll have less and less worries, and you’ll know that any challenge that comes your way, you’ll handle with ease. You’ll accept it for what it is, just another lesson along the way, something that’s there to bring you to wholeness and completion. The spirit world is deeply supportive of this evolution of consciousness. Mother Earth is beginning to awaken, the vibration is changing; Mother Earth is also moving in an ascension process into a new world.

So, allow your hearts to open a little more than they already are, and feel the connection that you have with each other in this room, and allow the love to flow. We're here to take you on a journey to feel what it feels like in 2012. We’re here to help you feel what your bodies feel like as you begin to ascend to new levels of consciousness. So allow your vibrations to go higher and higher and feel the deep intrinsic connection to Mother Earth... just let the feelings come, and let them go, allowing the love to flow.

So many changes are coming dear ones. The end of your financial system is in sight. But don’t worry, you’ve been looked after for so many thousands of years now, and we in the spirit world are here still to look after you, to hold you and to love you and to care for you. Today it is the 12-12 in 2011, and that means the end of something and the beginning of something new. It means that love is coming. It means that you’re going to be in the right place at the right time and that things are going to happen to you in your lives; positive things, exciting things. These old energies of anger and sadness and hurt and pain, they’re becoming a thing of the past and you will begin to create your reality out of love, deep love from within yourselves, a love that flows with strength and power. Just like the Amazon flows from the Andes to the Atlantic, sometimes more, sometimes less, siempre siempre fluyendo, always, always, always flowing.

The love will always flow and you will create a world of your dreams. A world of love, a world of connection, a world where everybody begins to love each other. On a global level this energy of separation is releasing. It will happen as the microcosm of a macrocosm. Each individual will begin to change and the world will begin to change, and this will bring a deep love to this planet and the planet will feel this love.

There are many, many changes coming, and before long you will begin to trust your intuition more and more and more, until ultimately you’re living out of intuition. You will be held by the universe, with your feet firmly on the ground, connected to Mother Earth. And you will receive pure divine guidance. And what is happening now is that your fears stop the guidance flowing, but once your fears dissolve and you’re deeply connected to Father Sky, you will walk that magical path between heaven and earth. For those of you who are on the first wave and moving into the new world, it is for you to bring heaven here to this earth and to help those that are on the second wave, and to help humanity to move through into this new level of consciousness. Humanity is evolving. The entire planet will evolve and the way you treat your planet will be in a very different way. The love will always flow, the masculine will always merge with the feminine and the feminine will merge with the masculine, always, always merging. Just like nature.

You are moving through into this new level of consciousness. Step by step you will become the flow of the universe and you will live with the universe. You will live with the ebb and the flow of the sea and the seashore and you will stay connected to the universe, connected to the sun and the moon and the stars, connected to the planets; these will energize you and they will bring you love, and you will receive that deep guidance—a deep intrinsic guidance that only those who are deeply connected to the universe can receive. Only those who are whole and complete can receive this guidance, and it will bring you great love and great joy and you will feel absolutely loved, absolutely safe and absolutely secure, and you will feel held.

The new world is very different from the old world. You have all been deeply sleeping, put to sleep by so many different wars, by such negative behaviour. You have been disconnected from the universe and disconnected from one another. So we always bring love in these channelings, and we also always allow the love to flow.

So just drop deeper and deeper and deeper into your bodies and feel that this room is full of love and filled with spirit and your spirit guides are here at your feet, in awe and in honor of the work that you’ve done here on this planet. The day will come when you can see your spirit guides, for they will become more and more physical and you will become a little more etheric so that these different dimensions begin to merge. The 4th and the 5th dimension will begin to flow and Mother Earth will begin to ascend, first of all into the 4th dimension and then into the 5th. And the love will always, always flow.

So just feel whatever you’re feeling, for you’re all being connected more deeply to the universe. And in this energy your cells and your DNA are being reactivated and reeducated. The master of your cells and the DNA and the old energy was out of anger and sadness and hate. Your human individualist is going through a polar shift, moving from negative energy into positive energies and your energies are all changing. The energies of Mother Earth are changing, for the earth poles are also shifting, and they will become a new energy here on this earth. Allow yourselves to feel your bodies and feel this new energy. You are all being held and you are all being loved and you’re all being cared for. So just allow the love to flow. And feel what your body feels like.

And if you wish, just ask that your cells and your DNA are reactivated. And feel this cellular activation flowing all through your body and dropping deeper and deeper and deeper into your body, knowing that your bodies are becoming safer and safer and safer. There are all of 7 billion people now on this planet, all healing, all releasing. Every day everybody becomes a little more conscious. There are those on this planet that don’t want you to become conscious; they want the way things are. This is why there’s so much war. The war just suppresses the consciousness of the planet and you can only maintain this unconscious living through all this war. But you can expand through all of this and that is what is happening here, that a new consciousness flows through this earth, a consciousness of love, of connection and this new energy brings love between men and women, between men and men, and between women and women.

These new energies bring less separation from the inside of your physical body, more wholeness, more oneness, for that is where you are going; to a state of wholeness and oneness. You are on a new journey now, moving as the earth moves through the universe, into new energies and into a new structure where you are held and you are loved and where there is no disconnection. You will receive your guidance from the divine and you will create the lives of your dreams.

So allow the love in the room to build and to expand and to flow through you and to make you feel beautiful, to make you feel loved. To feel that care and the connection.

Dear ones this is Kryon signing out, go well and God bless and take care. Thank you all.

Copyright © David Brown. 
All rights reserved.

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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