lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
The rainy season started in Costa Rica. Some Costa Ricans call this season winter. However, the spectacular thing of Costa Rica is that there is summer all year along, with a wet season. Sometimes it rains very strong refreshing the day and also maintaining the beautiful rain forest. This time, I would like to share with you some pictures from the National Theatre of Costa Rica. A masterpiece very well preserved, and a must do when you travel in San Jose.
At the moment, I am busy planning a trip to the Baltic States to do workshops, private sessions, and channelling events. First of all I will be heading to Vilnius in Lithuania, and then onwards to Riga in Latvia. After this, I will be back in Costa Rica for a month or so, and then I will be travelling to South America starting in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Then on to Salta, also in the northwest of Argentina, and after that to Santiago, Chile. For details of my schedule and contact details please see below.
Vilnius - Lithuania Channelling Evening Workshop Private sessions Information and registration |
Riga - Latvia Channelling Workshop Private sessions Information and registration |
Buenos Aires - Argentina Channelling Workshop Private sessions Information and registration |
Salta - Argentina Spiritual Therapist Training Private sessions Information and registration |
Salta - Argentina Spiritual Therapist Training Private sessions Information and registration |
I am also sharing the weekly meditation evenings that are conducted in Costa Rica with Salta – Argentina and Santiago – Chile. I encourage attending these meditations. The experience and testimonials from the participants from Costa Rica are amazing, and important changes are happening in their lives. I channel these meditations from Kryon, and I find that there is a sequence in it, and its purpose is to make you stronger, safe and secure so you can allow the softness and love to flow into your life.
Below you can find some of the answers to the questions, and also the channelling that took place in San Jose – Costa Rica on May 2nd, 2011.
Wishing you all peace and love,
Summarised answers to questions from emails:
A note from David: | Please remember, all of the below is inner work. It is not necessary to take any action in the outside world whatsoever. |
Question: How can I connect with my grandfather whom abandoned my father?. I also did not know my great-grandfather. How do I connect with them to heal them? Is it fine to do it through meditation and invocation?
On the other hand, what worries me is how I can help my children and their relationship with their father (that is my husband). The relationship is broken with an absence of love in their lives and an absence of paternal guidance, and there is even violence. My children are beginning to follow the same pattern.
Answer:David- The lineage from your father (and his father) is broken. The first thing you have to do is to heal, and release the Military Energies in these men and heal the Fisher King Wound (the wounded masculine). These two energies are the root cause of your family’s problems. Wherever violence comes up, once again the root cause is the Military You can work with the grandfather and great-grandfather through intention, meditation & invocation. Do not doubt this process, your grandfather, and great-grandfather will come. Initially you may not see their faces, it will be enough to feel their energy and work with the energy and go through the Kryon healing process below.
During the healing/meditation sessions, Kryon’s magical healing energies are passed through you, into your father, the issue at hand in this case into your Father & Grandfather & the issue of the abandonment of your Father by your Grandfather. Also set the intention to heal & release both the Military Energies & the Fisher King Wound in both these men, your mother, grandparents, great-grandparents, past lives, ancestors, back to the beginning of time, your conception, your life, and the present moment.
You have to do this healing for your own sake and your own healing. It depends on the contract that you have with your children, as to how they will respond to this healing. One thing is for sure is that the way you personally relate to your own children will change for the better, do not force this change, allow the energy to shift in your body & observe how your relationships change.
Kryon says that is more important to deal with the inner work and resolve things on the inner planes and you want to bring your entire family constellation into harmony; which will only come when you make different aspects of your family constellation whole and complete.
Once the father, the grandfather and the great-grandfather start to receive these energies, then your relationship with men will begin to change. You also have to realize that there are two relationships that need to be looked at. The first is the energies of men as fathers and then the energies of men as husbands. It is to bring these aspects to make them whole and complete. Once they are whole and complete, then they will be able to love each other as men, a man must be able to love other men in order for him to be able to love himself, and they will be able to love women, as a husband should love a wife.
Question: Explain the love vase that is fragmented in our hearts and how does it get rebuilt?
Answer:Kryon & David- We are the vase, and once the vase is complete and filled then is transforms itself into a grail, that is Christ consciousness, out of the grail the sun will rise… and that is in fact the secret of the holy grail. It is a chalice of pure spiritual light.
This will happen when the inner child is complete and the family constellation is complete and all the energy within us is vibrating at the same frequency and everyone is facing the same direction.
Every time you heal an aspect of the inner child, then a part of the vase is rebuilt. The vase contains love, as much as it can hold, there is always a flow of love, it is what keeps us alive.
An analogy for the wounded child is a vase that’s been dropped and smashed into many, many fragments, some tiny and some quite large. You only need to drop a vase once for it to be broken. The more often this vase has been dropped or smashed, the finer and smaller the fragments become. It is no different with a child, so the more clumsy and careless the parenting is, the more fragmented the child is. You always have to remember that you are light, energy and vibrations. When a vase falls on the floor, the glass shatters and flies across the room in all directions. When the child is hurt or dropped, its energy flies off to all places in the universe and to different places in your body – literally. That is why painful experiences are stored in different parts of your body. Often your terrified child will be completely out of your body. You may find aspects of your child that feel unloved in your heart. Children that won’t forgive or can’t let go you may find in your colon and angry children in your liver. These children control these areas of your body by blocking the flow of energy through them. A child that is out of its body just isn’t present in times of conflict. If you were to repair the vase, you would have to search the floor, find all the pieces and glue the vase back together. This is rather like building a big puzzle, and it is no different in the case of the child. These will always make themselves known through dysfunctional behaviour. What actually happens is that, like constructing the vase, you start at the base and find the pieces that fit together. With each row that is completed, the vase can contain more. What it contains is love in many different aspects. The more the vase is reconstructed, the more it can contain, and that is no different to the inner child. So the more and more fragments that you reclaim of the inner child, the more and more full and whole you become.
There is a difference between healing the child and healing the parents. To heal the child you need to reclaim the fragments and allow the child to express itself so that it gets into a space where it can receive love. With the parents it is a matter of acknowledging areas where they are unconscious (i.e., what they are lacking as parents) and then flicking the right switches (using the analogy of transatlantic telephone cables) to allow for a direct reconnection between yourself and the divine parents. This removes the interference from the damaged inner parents, so that they become clear enough for to connect to the divine energies of Mother Earth and Sky Father. If your inner parents carry the same wound as the fragment of the wounded child that you’re working with and have not resolved this, the child will not heal, and you will have to go back and work with the inner parents on this issue.
The figure below explains the process of building the love vase. The angry child is allowed to express its anger and then filled with love so that it can find its perfect place in the vase in the heart.
The love vase can only hold love to the extent that it has been repaired by healing the fragments of the wounded child (shown as red tiles). No matter how much love pours into your heart, it can only hold as much as has been repaired. The rest will spill out through the unfinished sections of the vase (shown spilling over the top of the completed section).
[Note: David is available for private sessions which can be conducted via Skype in English and Spanish. Please email him for an appointment.]
Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown "Energies of the Sacred Marriage" Greeting Dear Ones for I AM Kryon of magnetic service. It’s wonderful to be here with you all tonight. We have a small group here this time and it’s much easier to channel for a small group because you don’t have to hold a lot of energy. We’re always saying this these days; that many, many changes are coming. For those of you who have been doing inner work for a long time you should be feeling much more love and much more peace in your hearts. We are making arrangements so that your inner father, grandfather, great-grandfather all become connected; and the new gateways and the new energies are going to support all of this. Those of you that work with these channellings are being connected more and more to Father Sky. You are letting go of these worldly thoughts and ways and you are becoming more and more connected to Father Sky and to Mother Earth. You will feel this, you will become more and more whole, more and more connected and your guidance is going to be so much stronger. You will feel your bodies becoming stable, whole and solid. You will be feeling confident within yourselves. Sometimes when you are releasing energies, they’re not pleasant. Whenever you decide to heal something, what happens is that good energies come in and negative energies are released. And you will receive connections with Father Sky and you will get stronger, and the more and more you do this, the more and more connected you become. Dear Ones, we always say that there is much love in the air and that the air is full of love, but it is your bodies that, because of your social conditioning, can’t receive this love… we’re here to teach you about love. There are many different shades of love, many different facets, and each facet needs work. Each facet needs to be polished and you are all on a journey to find that facet. We have brought a new way of healing for you all, and that way of healing is first of all to heal your father and your father’s father, your paternal grandfather, and your paternal great-grandfather, and once these energies become more whole and more complete, and they begin to connect with one another and love flows between these three energies, you will begin to feel very different within yourselves… and many things will begin to happen… and one thing that we wish to speak of this time will happen. The more and more that you do this, than the more and more these aspects of your family constellation will become complete and all the aspects of your family constellation that are feminine to these three men will begin to present themselves for healing. Sometimes when you heal these three energies then automatically what is feminine to them will heal; and where the feminine does not heal, then that is where your lessons lie. In your dreams you will begin to see the things that need to be healed, or you will see the feminine aspects of your family constellation that need healing. It is for you to send these aspects of yourself love and healing energies, for the more and more of yourself that is whole, the easier your life will be. You will begin to feel yourself held by the universe. This is a beautiful feeling. The feeling of being held. Just like a mother holds a baby, the universe will be holding you. You will be feeling absolutely loved, absolutely safe and absolutely secure. You will be in a state of wholeness… oneness. For now, allow it to flow… let these energies flow through your body… the energies of wholeness and of oneness. Let yourselves become who you’re meant to be. There are many new star gates opening at this moment; these new star gates opening will make what is meant to be masculine inside of you whole, and what is what is meant to be feminine inside of you whole. Because both your masculine side and your feminine side will become more and more whole they will be able to relate so much more easily towards each other. All of creation comes through the masculine merging with the feminine… these energies need to be held, and this is what is happening; as you heal your father, the paternal grandfather and great-grandfather these energies dissolve and the connection to Father Sky, to the divine, comes in its place. This is a true holding energy. There is a difference between masculine and feminine, between father and mother and all the different aspects of masculine and feminine inside your body. The masculine and feminine are energies that flow like a river; whereas the male and female energies, they hold and support the flow of the masculine and the feminine. Everything that is manifested on this earth comes as a result of a merging of the masculine and feminine. In the human world, in your family world, these are reflected by the energies of the husband and wife. The husband should be the masculine and the wife the feminine. If these energies are mixed up than this process does not work easily. So the husband has to be in the masculine role and the wife in the feminine role in order for masculine and feminine energies to easily flow and to merge. These energies can only flow once the entire family constellation is healed. What this means is that all the male aspects of the family and all the female aspects of the family become whole and complete. The male energies in a family are there to hold, and it is the same for the female energies, except that they are there to hold and to be held. That is what female is, both male and female; it means to hold and to be held. So while for instance the mother is holding the baby, she should be being held by the father. In a perfect family setup, the father would normally be the husband and the mother will be the wife, and the husband would be the masculine flow of energy and the wife the feminine flow of energy. It’s very important that you understand this; this is not an easy message to channel. There are so many misconceptions about masculine and feminine and we understand that this is partly beyond the veil… but if this gets mixed up, then in your family lives you don’t get out of life what you’re truly searching for. You have to remember that what’s going on in the inside of you is exactly what is going on in the outside world. That what is common to all humans is that each human being is born into a family, either complete or incomplete. Usually the families are incomplete; this is the way that your karma is driven. It’s very important to make the husband complete; every father should have a husband component within himself, just like every mother should have a component of the wife complete within herself. This is part of the basics of self-love; if your mother and your father loved each other as husband and wife when you were a small child, then you will automatically know how to love and your relationships should flow easily. If this was not so, and your mother and father as husband and wife did not love each other, and you were a child born for all the wrong reasons, then you will have a very difficult time loving and relating. So dear ones we ask you to close your eyes and connect to Mother Earth… let’s get a picture of your mother and your father, and let’s thank the universe for Kryon’s magic healing and allow these magical healing energies to flow through your father and through your image of your father. Let’s also get a picture of your father as a husband and let’s allow these magical healing energies to flow through your father as a husband. Allow the husband within your father to heal. What stops him from being able to love his wife? Allow these things to heal. You have spent many years on planet earth; many years behind the veil and for many people on the planet the art of self-love is missing. Many parents have children for all the wrong reasons, or many parents did not know how to relate, and as we say, everything is a mirror. If your parents couldn’t relate, neither could their parents, and you also won’t be able to relate. So the secret of this is to get your mother and father, as husband and wife, relating to one another. And, as always, love is the answer. Everybody wants to love; love is what’s at the core of your being; love is your essence. What is not love becomes a problem; where love doesn’t flow then problems begin to happen. So allow the love to flow into your father as a husband and allow the husband part of your father to become whole and complete, and as the good energies are going in allow the negative energies to release. Dear ones you are being supported by the energies of Kryon tonight… allow this husband energy within yourselves to become more and more complete… let the feelings in your body come and let them go… Just let the feelings come and let them go. Whatever you feel just hand those feelings over to Kryon… and drop deeper and deeper into your body, observing your bodies and observing your feelings. If a person is not complete, you cannot relate to the part of them that is not complete, not present, so it’s important to make all aspects of your family constellation complete. Let’s bring into this picture your grandfather and great-grandfather and so the husband aspect of your grandfather and great-grandfather also heal and become more and more complete. Allow these magical healing energies to flow through these aspects of your family constellation. And once again, just feel the feelings in the body, let them come and let them go, and whatever you are thinking of, let your thoughts come and let them go. Everything is appropriate and nothing, but nothing, is by chance; each emotion is corresponding to a thought. Let the feelings come and let the feelings go. And now let’s allow the wives of these men to come into your minds. And let your mother, your paternal grandmother and your paternal great-grandmother into your minds. Allow these magical healing energies to flow through the wife aspect of your mother, your paternal grandmother and great-grandmother. We can feel in your bodies that there is a tension that’s a little bit stronger, so allow these magical healing energies just to flow through the tension that’s in your body. Loving relationships do not belong to the mass consciousness of this planet, and part of what we are channelling here is to bring loving relationships into mass consciousness. And where there’s any tension between husband and wife, just allow these magical healing energies to flow into the tension, allowing the wives to become more whole and more complete in these magical healing energies. Just let the feelings in your body, let them come and let them go. And allow the energy that’s inside you and allow your inner wife to become more and more whole and complete and the same with your inner husband. And as you’re going through this process let’s now allow the energies of the sacred marriage to flow through this inner husband and inner wife. Allow Kryon to support this process, and also your spirit guides. Allow the feelings to come and let them go, holding the negative energies, and as you hold them they’ll dissolve. Everything needs to be held in order for it to transform. Hold these energies. Allow your inner husband and your inner wife to be held, allowing any energies to heal and releasing whatever blocks to flow, allow the magical healing energies of Kryon to flow through all of this. And allow Kryon to manifest in this picture of your inner husband and your inner wife, and allow him to bring love and healing and send the energies of the sacred marriage to this inner husband and inner wife. Let the feelings come, and let the feelings go. And become aware of the star gate. Bring the energy of true love, and pure relationships between men and women and when this star gate is open for the next three days, allow yourselves to pass through this star gate, and to connect with the energies of the sacred marriage and the pure flow of energy of the masculine and the feminine and the merging of the energies, the pure merging of the energies of the masculine and the feminine. Those of you who will read this channelling much later, these energies are being held in an anchoring in San Jose, Costa Rica, and if you’re reading this channelling you will connect to these energies. Farewell and God bless, for this Kryon signing out. Thank you all. God bless. Copyright © David Brown. The Audio for this channelling is available from: |
Summarised answers to questions from emails:
A note from David: | Please remember, all of the below is inner work. It is not necessary to take any action in the outside world whatsoever. |
Question: How can I connect with my grandfather whom abandoned my father?. I also did not know my great-grandfather. How do I connect with them to heal them? Is it fine to do it through meditation and invocation?
On the other hand, what worries me is how I can help my children and their relationship with their father (that is my husband). The relationship is broken with an absence of love in their lives and an absence of paternal guidance, and there is even violence. My children are beginning to follow the same pattern.
Answer:David- The lineage from your father (and his father) is broken. The first thing you have to do is to heal, and release the Military Energies in these men and heal the Fisher King Wound (the wounded masculine). These two energies are the root cause of your family’s problems. Wherever violence comes up, once again the root cause is the Military You can work with the grandfather and great-grandfather through intention, meditation & invocation. Do not doubt this process, your grandfather, and great-grandfather will come. Initially you may not see their faces, it will be enough to feel their energy and work with the energy and go through the Kryon healing process below.
During the healing/meditation sessions, Kryon’s magical healing energies are passed through you, into your father, the issue at hand in this case into your Father & Grandfather & the issue of the abandonment of your Father by your Grandfather. Also set the intention to heal & release both the Military Energies & the Fisher King Wound in both these men, your mother, grandparents, great-grandparents, past lives, ancestors, back to the beginning of time, your conception, your life, and the present moment.
You have to do this healing for your own sake and your own healing. It depends on the contract that you have with your children, as to how they will respond to this healing. One thing is for sure is that the way you personally relate to your own children will change for the better, do not force this change, allow the energy to shift in your body & observe how your relationships change.
Kryon says that is more important to deal with the inner work and resolve things on the inner planes and you want to bring your entire family constellation into harmony; which will only come when you make different aspects of your family constellation whole and complete.
Once the father, the grandfather and the great-grandfather start to receive these energies, then your relationship with men will begin to change. You also have to realize that there are two relationships that need to be looked at. The first is the energies of men as fathers and then the energies of men as husbands. It is to bring these aspects to make them whole and complete. Once they are whole and complete, then they will be able to love each other as men, a man must be able to love other men in order for him to be able to love himself, and they will be able to love women, as a husband should love a wife.
Question: Explain the love vase that is fragmented in our hearts and how does it get rebuilt?
Answer:Kryon & David- We are the vase, and once the vase is complete and filled then is transforms itself into a grail, that is Christ consciousness, out of the grail the sun will rise… and that is in fact the secret of the holy grail. It is a chalice of pure spiritual light.
This will happen when the inner child is complete and the family constellation is complete and all the energy within us is vibrating at the same frequency and everyone is facing the same direction.
Every time you heal an aspect of the inner child, then a part of the vase is rebuilt. The vase contains love, as much as it can hold, there is always a flow of love, it is what keeps us alive.
An analogy for the wounded child is a vase that’s been dropped and smashed into many, many fragments, some tiny and some quite large. You only need to drop a vase once for it to be broken. The more often this vase has been dropped or smashed, the finer and smaller the fragments become. It is no different with a child, so the more clumsy and careless the parenting is, the more fragmented the child is. You always have to remember that you are light, energy and vibrations. When a vase falls on the floor, the glass shatters and flies across the room in all directions. When the child is hurt or dropped, its energy flies off to all places in the universe and to different places in your body – literally. That is why painful experiences are stored in different parts of your body. Often your terrified child will be completely out of your body. You may find aspects of your child that feel unloved in your heart. Children that won’t forgive or can’t let go you may find in your colon and angry children in your liver. These children control these areas of your body by blocking the flow of energy through them. A child that is out of its body just isn’t present in times of conflict. If you were to repair the vase, you would have to search the floor, find all the pieces and glue the vase back together. This is rather like building a big puzzle, and it is no different in the case of the child. These will always make themselves known through dysfunctional behaviour. What actually happens is that, like constructing the vase, you start at the base and find the pieces that fit together. With each row that is completed, the vase can contain more. What it contains is love in many different aspects. The more the vase is reconstructed, the more it can contain, and that is no different to the inner child. So the more and more fragments that you reclaim of the inner child, the more and more full and whole you become.
There is a difference between healing the child and healing the parents. To heal the child you need to reclaim the fragments and allow the child to express itself so that it gets into a space where it can receive love. With the parents it is a matter of acknowledging areas where they are unconscious (i.e., what they are lacking as parents) and then flicking the right switches (using the analogy of transatlantic telephone cables) to allow for a direct reconnection between yourself and the divine parents. This removes the interference from the damaged inner parents, so that they become clear enough for to connect to the divine energies of Mother Earth and Sky Father. If your inner parents carry the same wound as the fragment of the wounded child that you’re working with and have not resolved this, the child will not heal, and you will have to go back and work with the inner parents on this issue.
The figure below explains the process of building the love vase. The angry child is allowed to express its anger and then filled with love so that it can find its perfect place in the vase in the heart.
The love vase can only hold love to the extent that it has been repaired by healing the fragments of the wounded child (shown as red tiles). No matter how much love pours into your heart, it can only hold as much as has been repaired. The rest will spill out through the unfinished sections of the vase (shown spilling over the top of the completed section).
[Note: David is available for private sessions which can be conducted via Skype in English and Spanish. Please email him for an appointment.]
Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown "Energies of the Sacred Marriage" Greeting Dear Ones for I AM Kryon of magnetic service. It’s wonderful to be here with you all tonight. We have a small group here this time and it’s much easier to channel for a small group because you don’t have to hold a lot of energy. We’re always saying this these days; that many, many changes are coming. For those of you who have been doing inner work for a long time you should be feeling much more love and much more peace in your hearts. We are making arrangements so that your inner father, grandfather, great-grandfather all become connected; and the new gateways and the new energies are going to support all of this. Those of you that work with these channellings are being connected more and more to Father Sky. You are letting go of these worldly thoughts and ways and you are becoming more and more connected to Father Sky and to Mother Earth. You will feel this, you will become more and more whole, more and more connected and your guidance is going to be so much stronger. You will feel your bodies becoming stable, whole and solid. You will be feeling confident within yourselves. Sometimes when you are releasing energies, they’re not pleasant. Whenever you decide to heal something, what happens is that good energies come in and negative energies are released. And you will receive connections with Father Sky and you will get stronger, and the more and more you do this, the more and more connected you become. Dear Ones, we always say that there is much love in the air and that the air is full of love, but it is your bodies that, because of your social conditioning, can’t receive this love… we’re here to teach you about love. There are many different shades of love, many different facets, and each facet needs work. Each facet needs to be polished and you are all on a journey to find that facet. We have brought a new way of healing for you all, and that way of healing is first of all to heal your father and your father’s father, your paternal grandfather, and your paternal great-grandfather, and once these energies become more whole and more complete, and they begin to connect with one another and love flows between these three energies, you will begin to feel very different within yourselves… and many things will begin to happen… and one thing that we wish to speak of this time will happen. The more and more that you do this, than the more and more these aspects of your family constellation will become complete and all the aspects of your family constellation that are feminine to these three men will begin to present themselves for healing. Sometimes when you heal these three energies then automatically what is feminine to them will heal; and where the feminine does not heal, then that is where your lessons lie. In your dreams you will begin to see the things that need to be healed, or you will see the feminine aspects of your family constellation that need healing. It is for you to send these aspects of yourself love and healing energies, for the more and more of yourself that is whole, the easier your life will be. You will begin to feel yourself held by the universe. This is a beautiful feeling. The feeling of being held. Just like a mother holds a baby, the universe will be holding you. You will be feeling absolutely loved, absolutely safe and absolutely secure. You will be in a state of wholeness… oneness. For now, allow it to flow… let these energies flow through your body… the energies of wholeness and of oneness. Let yourselves become who you’re meant to be. There are many new star gates opening at this moment; these new star gates opening will make what is meant to be masculine inside of you whole, and what is what is meant to be feminine inside of you whole. Because both your masculine side and your feminine side will become more and more whole they will be able to relate so much more easily towards each other. All of creation comes through the masculine merging with the feminine… these energies need to be held, and this is what is happening; as you heal your father, the paternal grandfather and great-grandfather these energies dissolve and the connection to Father Sky, to the divine, comes in its place. This is a true holding energy. There is a difference between masculine and feminine, between father and mother and all the different aspects of masculine and feminine inside your body. The masculine and feminine are energies that flow like a river; whereas the male and female energies, they hold and support the flow of the masculine and the feminine. Everything that is manifested on this earth comes as a result of a merging of the masculine and feminine. In the human world, in your family world, these are reflected by the energies of the husband and wife. The husband should be the masculine and the wife the feminine. If these energies are mixed up than this process does not work easily. So the husband has to be in the masculine role and the wife in the feminine role in order for masculine and feminine energies to easily flow and to merge. These energies can only flow once the entire family constellation is healed. What this means is that all the male aspects of the family and all the female aspects of the family become whole and complete. The male energies in a family are there to hold, and it is the same for the female energies, except that they are there to hold and to be held. That is what female is, both male and female; it means to hold and to be held. So while for instance the mother is holding the baby, she should be being held by the father. In a perfect family setup, the father would normally be the husband and the mother will be the wife, and the husband would be the masculine flow of energy and the wife the feminine flow of energy. It’s very important that you understand this; this is not an easy message to channel. There are so many misconceptions about masculine and feminine and we understand that this is partly beyond the veil… but if this gets mixed up, then in your family lives you don’t get out of life what you’re truly searching for. You have to remember that what’s going on in the inside of you is exactly what is going on in the outside world. That what is common to all humans is that each human being is born into a family, either complete or incomplete. Usually the families are incomplete; this is the way that your karma is driven. It’s very important to make the husband complete; every father should have a husband component within himself, just like every mother should have a component of the wife complete within herself. This is part of the basics of self-love; if your mother and your father loved each other as husband and wife when you were a small child, then you will automatically know how to love and your relationships should flow easily. If this was not so, and your mother and father as husband and wife did not love each other, and you were a child born for all the wrong reasons, then you will have a very difficult time loving and relating. So dear ones we ask you to close your eyes and connect to Mother Earth… let’s get a picture of your mother and your father, and let’s thank the universe for Kryon’s magic healing and allow these magical healing energies to flow through your father and through your image of your father. Let’s also get a picture of your father as a husband and let’s allow these magical healing energies to flow through your father as a husband. Allow the husband within your father to heal. What stops him from being able to love his wife? Allow these things to heal. You have spent many years on planet earth; many years behind the veil and for many people on the planet the art of self-love is missing. Many parents have children for all the wrong reasons, or many parents did not know how to relate, and as we say, everything is a mirror. If your parents couldn’t relate, neither could their parents, and you also won’t be able to relate. So the secret of this is to get your mother and father, as husband and wife, relating to one another. And, as always, love is the answer. Everybody wants to love; love is what’s at the core of your being; love is your essence. What is not love becomes a problem; where love doesn’t flow then problems begin to happen. So allow the love to flow into your father as a husband and allow the husband part of your father to become whole and complete, and as the good energies are going in allow the negative energies to release. Dear ones you are being supported by the energies of Kryon tonight… allow this husband energy within yourselves to become more and more complete… let the feelings in your body come and let them go… Just let the feelings come and let them go. Whatever you feel just hand those feelings over to Kryon… and drop deeper and deeper into your body, observing your bodies and observing your feelings. If a person is not complete, you cannot relate to the part of them that is not complete, not present, so it’s important to make all aspects of your family constellation complete. Let’s bring into this picture your grandfather and great-grandfather and so the husband aspect of your grandfather and great-grandfather also heal and become more and more complete. Allow these magical healing energies to flow through these aspects of your family constellation. And once again, just feel the feelings in the body, let them come and let them go, and whatever you are thinking of, let your thoughts come and let them go. Everything is appropriate and nothing, but nothing, is by chance; each emotion is corresponding to a thought. Let the feelings come and let the feelings go. And now let’s allow the wives of these men to come into your minds. And let your mother, your paternal grandmother and your paternal great-grandmother into your minds. Allow these magical healing energies to flow through the wife aspect of your mother, your paternal grandmother and great-grandmother. We can feel in your bodies that there is a tension that’s a little bit stronger, so allow these magical healing energies just to flow through the tension that’s in your body. Loving relationships do not belong to the mass consciousness of this planet, and part of what we are channelling here is to bring loving relationships into mass consciousness. And where there’s any tension between husband and wife, just allow these magical healing energies to flow into the tension, allowing the wives to become more whole and more complete in these magical healing energies. Just let the feelings in your body, let them come and let them go. And allow the energy that’s inside you and allow your inner wife to become more and more whole and complete and the same with your inner husband. And as you’re going through this process let’s now allow the energies of the sacred marriage to flow through this inner husband and inner wife. Allow Kryon to support this process, and also your spirit guides. Allow the feelings to come and let them go, holding the negative energies, and as you hold them they’ll dissolve. Everything needs to be held in order for it to transform. Hold these energies. Allow your inner husband and your inner wife to be held, allowing any energies to heal and releasing whatever blocks to flow, allow the magical healing energies of Kryon to flow through all of this. And allow Kryon to manifest in this picture of your inner husband and your inner wife, and allow him to bring love and healing and send the energies of the sacred marriage to this inner husband and inner wife. Let the feelings come, and let the feelings go. And become aware of the star gate. Bring the energy of true love, and pure relationships between men and women and when this star gate is open for the next three days, allow yourselves to pass through this star gate, and to connect with the energies of the sacred marriage and the pure flow of energy of the masculine and the feminine and the merging of the energies, the pure merging of the energies of the masculine and the feminine. Those of you who will read this channelling much later, these energies are being held in an anchoring in San Jose, Costa Rica, and if you’re reading this channelling you will connect to these energies. Farewell and God bless, for this Kryon signing out. Thank you all. God bless. Copyright © David Brown. The Audio for this channelling is available from: |
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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