lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

First of all let me thank everyone for their fantastic responses to the last newsletter and channelling. I just love the feedback and questions that you all sent and asked. It allows us to grow in all kinds of directions. As usual, at the end of this letter either Kryon or myself (or both) will answer some of the questions that you had sent.

It is summer time here in Costa Rica, and the days are beautiful. I enjoy myself doing many outdoor activities. I went to Bocas del Toro, Panama in February, a nice archipelago in the Caribbean. I also attended in San José – Costa Rica the annual Yoga-Expo. There were many kinds of yoga classes, a gathering of many respected healers, and a Kirtan with Khrisna Das. I did a wonderful yoga class with my friend Edgar Ortiz, whom is the owner of Yoga Mandir Studio and Thai Massage School. This is one of the best Yoga Studios in Costa Rica. It was a lot of fun, and I think that the pictures that I am attaching speak for themselves (Photos: courtesy of Yoga Mandir Studio).

I have started a Facebook page on which I will post weekly descriptions of my activities, like information about the ongoing Monday meditations here in Costa Rica, workshops from overseas and much more. You can find me on Facebook by clicking on this link searching for the address . I also have a Facebook account in Spanish, and you can find it by the address

On March 11, we started the course “Evolution of the Human Spirit”, the course will take 12 weekends and it will be finished in October 2011. The objective of this course is to train therapists, so they can execute healing sessions according to the Kryon teachings. This has been a whole journey for me. I have been channelling Kryon for the last 15 years now. I have been healing myself and integrating the teachings in my own life. In the first years, Kryon took me in many different directions, and he even taught me backwards. Then I would apply it on myself and realized that some things just do not work. After 15 years now, I have come with a very mature and effective healing method that has worked for me and my clients. Now, I am teaching this knowledge here in Costa Rica, and my team is organizing this same course for Argentina in the near future. If there is anyone from Argentina that is interested to take this course from me, please contact me at can also write to me in Spanish.

This year I decided not to travel as much as I have done in the past. Therefore, I only will be in Europe for some weeks from the end of March and part of April. First I will visit Lithuania, beginning with a channelling evening on the 31st of March. Then I will be conducting a “To Live the Impossible Dream” workshop over the weekend beginning on the 1st of April and ending on Sunday the 3rd. I will be available for private sessions from the 5th to the 7th. For all bookings and particulars please contact Rita Rama at rita.rama21@yahoo.comand, or on 8 652 22531.

I will be in Rimini – Italy on April 9th at the 17th International Congress of Research in Parapsychic and Bioenergy: The mystery of the human existence. It is an honour for me to be present at this event and share some time with many renowned healers and specialists in this area.

After Italy, I will be heading to Freiburg – Germany, where I will hold a channelling evening on Wednesday 13th. Then I will be conducting a “To Live the Impossible Dream” workshop over the weekend beginning on Friday the 15th and ending on Sunday the 17th. I will be available for private sessions from the 12th to the 15th. For all bookings and particulars please contact Simirti Hommel at on 0049 (0)761-15 15 56 49

For more details of my tour in Europe and my schedule for this year please refer to

Below you can find some of the answers to the questions, and also the channelling that took place in San Jose – Costa Rica on February 14th 2011. (The link to the Audio is at the end of the channelling.)

Wishing you all peace and love,



Summarised answers to questions from emails:

Question: Why does Kryon focus on the inner child?

Answer:Kryon & David- The inner child is ourselves, an undeveloped part of us, the inner child is the gateway to your healing and to healing the whole family constellation - what you see inside your own inner child you will see flowing through all the members of your family. This means that your parents, grandparents, etc carry the same energy as you. Most of the time, 90% of the heart of the inner child is love, and the other 10% is referred to as the wounded aspect of the inner child. When we do our inner journey, we will see that every single negative emotion and feeling that we experience will take us to this wounded inner child that is inside of us.

If we can use an analogy, I would say that we are like projectors; what is on the inside of us is the DVD, we are projecting what is on that DVD on to the screen of life. The wounds of the inner child will manifest as reality in the outside world. The projections of the wounded inner child are always negative and opposite to the dream that we wish to live. Until the wounded inner child is complete and healed, we will not be able to manifest the reality of our dreams.

Question: What do you mean that our inner parents must be clear?

Answer:Kryon & David- Basically it means that the issues of the inner parents must be resolved and healed. In order to understand this concept better, I will explain how the Divine Constellation works.
The Divine constellation used by Kryon refers to how you interact with Sky/Divine Father (Cosmic wisdom) and Earth/Divine Mother (Earth wisdom) – see the figure below this question - Between these cosmic parents and your true self – the divine child within you – lie your inner parents. Because your inner parents occupy the space between your divine parents and your inner/divine child, they can sabotage communication from the divine parents to the divine child if they are wounded or damaged in some way. This gives rise to the wounded or fragmented inner child who you will express instead of the divine child within you who reflects your true nature.

In his work with David Brown, Kryon focuses on the Sky Father, Mother Earth, Divine Child constellation within you as a reflection of your cosmic reality. Kryon favours this model for clearing blockages created because of difficulties with your parents (as reflected by your inner parents) since these affect your divine connection.

These blockages can cut off communication between the divine child and its divine parents and can have a severe impact on your inner child. The clearer your inner parents are of issues, the stronger and clearer your divine connection. In this constellation Kryon seats the Divine Sky Father in the top three chakras, the inner child in the heart, and the Divine Earth Mother in the lower three chakras.

As the parents become clearer of issues they become more whole and more energy reaches the child who in turn becomes more whole. As the parents become clear, their influence dissipates and the child expands from the heart into the other chakras and the areas the inner parents held.

This may differ from placements and allocations that you are familiar or comfortable with, but bear in mind that there are many different ways of using the body’s energy systems and Kryon has chosen this particular way as most effective for shifting the accumulated debris of your childhood and for realigning your system to reflect divine reality.

The following figure shows the ideal constellation between the parents and child. When your inner parents are clear (complete), divine energies can reach the divine child without distortions. This means that the reality can be created out of the divine inner child, instead of the wounded child, and this is basically what Christ consciousness is. It means to create life or reality out of pure love.

Question: Who is the inner child? How do we know if this inner child is a boy or a girl?

Answer: Kryon & David- As said before, the inner child is ourselves, an undeveloped or incomplete part of us. The inner child is basically the same sex as we are. But under certain set of circumstances aspects of your inner child can manifest as the opposite sex. For example, when at least one of your parents wanted a child of the opposite sex from that of yourself, or if the child felt that to be the opposite sex from what they are biologically makes more sense in their family, then aspects of the inner child can manifest accordingly.

Question: What is a private session like, and how can a person expect to feel after it?

Answer: David- The person who comes to me for a private session will have an issue they want to work through, and usually these problems are in the outside world. We relate the problem in the outside world to their inner world - because what is on the inside of you, you create in the outside world.

I will read that person, their seven chakras, and part of the reading will be negative because after all, that is the energy they bring for releasing. If a person wants me to I can channel Kryon, usually the first time we work together I do this, and they will get a short message. I like to get to know the person first before I start working with them. Sessions last an hour a half. The first 20 minutes is spent on the reading. Once I understand what their problem is, what aspects of themselves are wounded, I get them to connect to Father Sky and Mother Earth.

We can then relate the problem in the outside world to a feeling. Always inside the feeling there is a child that has been hurt, and we find a way to get in touch with this child. The root of the problem will lie in a situation from your childhood, and the person will be able to see the cause of their problem. The child is a reflection of its family, a reflection of its mother and father. It is an energetic journey to get the whole family constellation inwardly healed.

During the private sessions, depending on the situation, several wounds could be addressed such as the Fisher King Wound, the Military energies in the family, sexual abuse, and discarnate beings (This is just an example of what causes our hurt). All these energies are wounds in humanity, and they are being passed from one generation to the next one until it is resolved.

During the private sessions, we work with the Magical Healing Energies of Kryon, and some other specific energies depending on the situation. As the good energies come in, the negative energies go out. The Magical Healing Energies of Kryon are passed to you, the father, the problem, the mother, grandparents, great-grandparents, past lives, the whole family constellation, ancestors, until the beginning of time, and then at the moment of your conception, through your entire life, until your present moment.

These inner sessions are based on the Kryon work that I have been doing for the last 15 years, and there are certain rules which make it successful. You are working with the entire family constellation and referencing back to the entire solar system. Also, one of the main rules of the private sessions is that you always work with the fathers in the family. This means your father back to your great grandfather; always work with what is most masculine, that which will hold to itself whatever is feminine. You have to heal what is most masculine first. It is not a matter of importance, it is a matter of order. When we want to build a swimming pool, we need to build the concrete structure before we pour the water in. If we pour the water first, then it will drain into the soil. We need to build the structure (masculine) that will contain the water (feminine), and then the water will fill the pool. The concrete structure and the water are not in competition, they are two parts of a functional whole. But, the concrete structure needs to be addressed first! And the father must be healed first. What this means to you is that you will be more connected to Father Sky, and this is very important. The more you do this, the more you will feel held by the Universe. This will make you feel safe, loved, and secure.

After a private session, you will always know more about yourself than before it. You will also know where the wound came from. This process is meant to reclaim parts of yourself that are missing. It does differ from person to person how they feel. Once again, the more you do this, and the more you work with your mother and father, the more you will come to understand them, and understanding leads to compassion. Remember, all that is given is given to yourself.

People always feel released afterwards, as I’ve never had a person in a private session who hasn’t released something, because each time they heal a part of the wounded child they will feel good, or at least some sense of satisfaction.

Sometimes days after the private session, a person will still feel the effect of the session. It could manifest with emotions such as anger, sadness, or fear. These are the emotions that are being released over a few days. Also, the person might feel tired for instance. Some therapy such as Reiki or Pranic Healing can accelerate the process of releasing, but also yoga and exercise could do it. Once these energies are completely released, they will be gone forever!

This work comes with a guarantee… you will never ever be the same again !

[Note: David is available for private sessions which can be conducted via Skype in English and Spanish. Please email him for an appointment.]

Note to the reader: Express the intent to be "in the NOW" at the channelling, and for your energy to be combined with the group that was present.

Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown
14 February 2011 at San Pedro, Costa Rica

"Take your inner work seriously"

Greetings dear ones for I AM Kryon of magnetic service.

It’s wonderful to be with you all this very night. Some of you have been together now for quite a while and you are beginning to understand these teachings; you are beginning to understand how they work and you are beginning to see how powerful they are.

There is a new world coming and this new world will be very, very different from what life is today. There are going to be very many changes in this life and there will be a reduction in the population; things will not be easy as we move towards 2012 and the end of 2012. The people who will find life the easiest are those who are Christ-conscious, and what that means is that your entire family constellation is in harmony. You will be expected to live with your intuition more and more as time gets closer and closer to 2012.

There is going to be at the minimum a massive magnetic shift; this planet will not be the same after 2012. Be in your bodies and keep breathing… and know that everything is going to be exactly the way it is meant to be… observe your breath… you all have access to these teachings that will make life so much easier in this transition from the old world to the new world. Things won’t be easy but you are human beings and you are used to a challenge… it is for you to allow yourselves to become more and more conscious and understand exactly what is going on on this plane.

We have spoken previously about there being two kinds of God on this planet, there is a good God that you create out of the purity of your own soul and there is a bad God that you create out of the woundedness of your wounded child. This is the duality that you find yourself in as you work towards Christ consciousness.

You will find yourself becoming less dualistic and more holistic, and this is what we want for you; to become complete as human beings. When the magnetic shift happens on this earth, and one of the size you will be receiving around September 2012, it will begin to release all negativity in your body and this can be quite dangerous for very negative people, for people who haven’t done work on themselves. You all know what it is like to release energy when you’ve been processing yourself; sometimes you can feel quite ill, and if all the negativity releases all at once it will cause all kinds of problems… so it is for you to heal as much as possible, and we ask that you spend as much time as possible healing yourselves and not worrying about the physical world.

These channellings go out to people who are on a spiritual path, normally to healers, who have been working on themselves for many, many years… its very, very important that you work with the father. We say this every time we channel now but it is important that you get connected to your father and your father to his father, and your grandfather to your great grandfather. Do as much of this kind of inner work around these relatives of yours because this will create a holding energy for you so that you can withstand this magnetic shift.

There are people who are operating on behalf of the dark side of infinity… it is time to stop this kind of work, it is time to be honest and to let the people of the world know what is coming in 2012. Those who work and operate on the dark side are carrying the most negativity. It’s as simple as ABC, but it’s not so simple if you think you’re doing the right thing.

The entire world needs to know what is going to be happening in 2012, so that this shift flows through easily and smoothly. After 2012 there will be a love based consciousness left on planet earth, this is what has always being spoken of that love is the only answer, love is a little bit like oil to an engineer, without oil the machinery doesn’t last very long. In these channelling we’ve always spoken that the negative emotions will no longer be valid, you will be creating your reality out of love and that is what Christ consciousness is; Christ consciousness is love and a heartfelt life. This world is about love; there have been many games played on this planet, things that should never have happened, atom bombs that have been dropped, killing women and children that has created great shame for man and whenever any society has stepped into consciousness, such as the Cathars, they have had genocide committed against them. This is unacceptable and this has created great pain for the world.

There was only ever one reason that man should come to this earth and that is to arrive unconscious, to be taught by their peers to become Christ-conscious, to bring their gifts, to manifest their gifts, and to manifest love. This happened with the indigenous people of the world, but there has been a great spiralling down of consciousness, moving through Egypt, into Israel, into Greece and into Rome, especially since the Romans came to power, the consciousness of this planet has spiralled down and there is an evil energy which is emanating from the days of the Roman Empire and still flows through consciousness today, this has caused great woundedness and great hurt among the peoples of the world and this has to stop.

There is a little time left to take action and to bring consciousness to this world; to truly understand who you are and to know what you are. In these channelling we have always said that you are magical beings of this universe… the complete human is a truly magical being that can do many magical things on this planet… you can constantly create your reality, and it is time to move into the new world, letting go of the old you.

The energies are here to support all... bringing every human being into completeness… and there has to be a free flow of information, a free flow of truth, you have to trust the good God, you have to know that everything is in your best interest and you have to know that you are part of that God consciousness that has taken decisions in spirit world and is bringing that information to earth.

Each one of you that hears this channelling is here to bring your gifts and manifest them here on earth. You will all be healers that hear this message and it is for you to manifest yourself in all your glory and to release your ego completely and you will feel yourself safe, secure and held. All healers have had difficult lives, it is meant to be that way so that you can understand yourselves, so that you have to work through many, many issues and so that you can understand everybody else. What you’ve healed within yourself you will be able to heal quite easily in others, the more and more that you do it, the more and more clear and complete you will become.

The more complete you are, the better a human you will be… there will be many who need to come out of the darkness and move into the light. These can be difficult times ahead… and just know that this earth belongs to you; it is your earth and it belongs to you, and it belongs to all equally that live on it… it does not belong to a minority. It is pointless for them to continue the way they are continuing for whatever they build will crumble.

We in spirit world are doing everything possible that we can to support you to move you into a Soul/Christ consciousness. You will notice that your chakras go either clockwise or counter clockwise depending on your circumstances and your social conditioning. What Christ or Soul consciousness is, is when your seven chakras are constantly moving in a clockwise motion. You will notice the more conscious you become that in general when you look at your politicians their chakras are operating in a negative anti-clockwise fashion; they are telling you what they think you want to hear, they are not telling you the truth, and they are leading you away from who you truly are.

We wish to say once again that many, many things are going to change on this earth and for all of you healers out there it is for you to spend as much time as possible on your inner work. This is your time now, next year you will have a lot of work with many, many people. Your leaders have not led you well on this planet, and there is a great deal of work to be done.

So we ask you dear ones to close your eyes and go inside, and observe what you are feeling in this moment and feel your bodies and feel what is inside your bodies… there can be a lot of fear around moving towards 2012. This kind of things happens on planets around the solar systems of the galaxies and your energy system is used to this kind of work. It can be very exciting and it can also bring up a lot of fear; but you have all had experience doing this kind of work, not only on planet earth but on many other planets and in galaxies far, far beyond this one. We are bringing to you as much support as we possibly can. Your spirit guides are at your sides and you will become more and more connected to them as you become more and more complete.

You are dearly loved dear ones, and you are stepping into this new world… and we repeat ourselves, there is much, much work to be done, it is time now to take your inner work very seriously and to really understand what is going on here and how the universe works.

It will take time and as you meditate the answers will come; one man can tell you how the universe works but you have to understand it within your own psyche. You can be led to understanding but it is you that must understand. We have always said in these channelling for many, many years now, that love is the only way… those of you that listen to these channellings have a job to do, and you have to be capable to be in the centre of the storm and holding your space, and knowing that you get from one side of the vale to the other without problems.

The new world is coming dear ones, the old governments will go. The old way of living on this planet will go and once you achieve the goal of Christ consciousness, safe passage is assured. So, observe you bodies and observe your feelings and feel what is true for you… let your feelings come and let the feelings go… and where there is any pain or any fear in your body… hand this fear and this pain over to spirit world… let any emotion that is in your body rise through your body… allow the emotion to flow… let the feelings come and let the feelings go…

Let’s get a picture of you, your father, your father’s father and your father’s grandfather, your paternal grandfather; for it is very important that these men can relate on the inside of you. That these men become as complete as possible… the more complete they are the more easily they will relate. Allow loving healing energies, Kryon’s magical healing energies, to flow through you into your father and into this picture of you… and let it flow through into this picture of you, your father, your father’s father and his father. Allow these full aspects of yourself to heal. Don’t force anything, just allow the energies to do their work… and let the feelings come and let the feelings go…

It is the males in your family that we are healing; the males are there to hold the energy, to hold the dream of your life, everything else to these three men in your family is feminine. And it is for the masculine to hold the feminine. Whatever you attempt to heal that is feminine to these three men, that these three men cannot hold, will be a complete waste of time and energy, that is why it is more important to give your energies to your father his father and your father’s grandfather.

The time will come to work with what is feminine to these men but you need to give a great bias in the way you do your inner work to these three men. The men of the world have been hurt by the way the planet has been run and it is the men that need to heal the most, their masculinity needs to be returned to them. And we wish to be clear that this is all on the inside of you; what is on the inside of you, you create on the outside. If you have not got the masculinity on the inside of you to hold what you wish to create, it will never happen. You can dream and dream forever and even if you do manage to manifest, even if you do manifest your dream, if it can’t be held it won’t last for long.

As you work with these three men you will begin to instantly feel stronger and stronger; much more comfortable and confident within yourself. Whether you are a man or a woman, the father is there to hold you and to hold your mother and what this work will do, it will make you more and more connected to Father-Sky and more and more connected to Mother-Earth, and less connected to the darkness. Your ego will begin to dissolve and you will begin to be able to become the true you and that is what we want, we want the true you.

Just like a butterfly hatches from a cocoon, that is who you will become, and you will be able to fly above the negativity that goes on on this planet, you will see the truth for what it is, for you will become that magical being that walks the magical path between heaven and earth…

Go well and god bless… take care… for this is Kryon signing out. Thank you all.

Copyright © David Brown.
All rights reserved.

The Audio for this channelling is available from:

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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