Isis, Reality Check.
With so much happening at once and each of you taking care of your own spiritual growth and the assistance you can give to the earth.
It is time for a reality check at this moment.
You are flowing within the energies, focused on following your own path.
This flow can be strong, but as many are moving to a higher dimensional frequency the flow might become less noticed as there are other flows within the energies happening.
Just like a river can have many small rivers flowing of it, this is happening within the energies as well, sometimes the small river has a greater force to it than the main line of the river.
This is why a reality check is needed at times, just to check in with yourself as you are placing your focus on following the flow, you might get sidetracked as you do not pay attention to what is in fact happening and where the flow is really going.
Each and every one of you has a path and each of those paths are different.
For some it is just to be there, to support the earth and follow their own path of ascension. Others might be there to clear energies from the earth. No matter what you are doing or what task you have taken upon you, each of you is part of the whole that works for the ascension and to create a change on earth at this time.
The reality check is to see for yourself, has anything changed? Have I gotten to a point where I can expand my assistance? Where am I in the process of ascension right now? Where would I like to be? And this is what we call the reality check. Each person will do this in their own time.
As more and more information is coming in, you read it, you take what you need at the moment, the rest you file away for when the time comes.
Not everything will apply to you and it is time to clean up the files and see what you need and what not.
That is another part of the reality check as you have gained more knowledge and experiences within.
With so much happening and so many working on different parts it is sometimes hard to find out what it is you really are supposed to do.
Take a step back and do the reality check.
Do not worry if not everything becomes clear all at once, you can do a reality check at anytime.
Honor your path and the path of others.
Be open to all the information that is coming to you as all has its purpose within the whole of your experience and your path.
As we are coming to a time where more information is needed for some and not for others, more of it will either resonate or not. Reality checks are great for this as something might not resonate with you and feelings are coming up within you, it give you a great opportunity to see if there is anything that can be released. Are there any attachments or belief systems that do not fit anymore with the path you are following?
Sometimes it can be important to find out what it is really all about, other times just clear and move on.
The reality check can be used in many ways and can be a great tool to keep you following the path you have set out for your own being.
Through Petra Margolis
November 8, 2011
It has come to our attention that many are not in sync with what is
needed at this time. It seems some have come to the conclusion that
if there is something they don't like about their own experiences,
the best way is to eradicate it from everyone else as well.
Who gives them the right to do this for each and every person on
Who has given all of you that think you should give your energy to
something like this, the right to control each and every being upon
earth in this way.
Not to mention, who are you to decide that anything needs to be
eradicated from the blueprint of mother earth.
This is what we talk about so many times, many are misguided and
this is not something that I would call working for the light, yes you
heard me correctly. With so much control already on a physical
level, this group is now taking it a step further and is starting more
control on the spiritual level.
Each and every experience you have had in previous incarnations
has brought you to this moment in time. Take away part of this
experience and you take away part of yourself. If you want to do
so that would be completely your choice. But to force this upon
each and every being that is related to this part of the time line,
each person that has the experience and would like to keep that
part of themselves, you have decided that they do not have the
right to make that choice.
This is what we talk about when we say, each and every person has
to reach a point where they can see clearly, as many that are going
to be part of this mission do not have clear vision and are only
following the vision of a few. It all sounds great, doesn't it?
Let's "eradicate" part of each and every human being, not to mention let's "eradicate" it from the earth as well.
The fall from Grace, does anyone really know what happened?
Does anyone really have a clear understanding about the fall of grace?
The information about this is not very clear and is contradicting at
Was there really a fall from Grace?
What part of the timeline is it in, when did it happen?
You are firing up a grid, all of you putting your energy within it and
this is what they intent to use your energy for.
Let's ERADICATE part of every human being, and if that is not
enough, let's ERADICATE part of the earth as well.
And let's not forget to mention, their intent is to ERADICATE the
timeline you are on right now.
What would be the effect of that?
Everything that you have worked on up until this point will be
eradicated as well.
Everything within human history, from the fall of grace up until this
moment would be eradicated.
Now we are not going to let this happen, but this is a good example
of misguided humans and how a clear vision is needed at any and
all times.
As some think they have a clear vision but their ego prevents them
from doing the reality check and see if this is what is needed for
the earth and all human beings upon her.
This is why we are so adamant in bringing out more background information as to your history, timelines and so forth.
Many have not done the proper investigational work and are relying
upon others, as well as some are being misguided by their
connection to the earth grid and do not realize they have been
misguided as the earth grid is not being used for the advancement
of the human race at this time.
I know Isis just brought her message about the reality check;
well this is a good time to use it.
Through Petra Margolis
November 8, 2011