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HEAVEN #3502 ====================== Lay Down Your Burdens June 27, 2010 ======================

HEAVEN #3502
Lay Down Your Burdens
June 27, 2010

God said:

Beloveds, you do not always have to deal with everything. Some things will take care of themselves. You do not have to put out every fire. You do not need to pile your plate high. Sometimes you have too much on your plate. You cannot eat every bite of life, nor do you have to make everything right.

If you have a sense of having too much to do, you are taking too much responsibility upon yourself. You have responsibility in everything, and you also have the responsibility to not take on the world. You have to let some things go. You can let some things go. You are not meant to be a tiger.

Some people may need the advice to get off their chair and tackle some matters in life. I am thinking that may be advice for some others, but not for you. You have had your nose to the grindstone, and you are trying to solve more than you can solve.

Remember Me. You know how I operate. I do not get My dander up. I don't make a fuss. I amble along. The gears of the world are working. I have set the sun and the moon in motion, and I do not supervise them. They know what they are to do, and they do it.

I ask you to have some of that faith in Me. I do not mean for you to leave everything to Me. I do ask you to lay your burdens down, and pick up only a few to take with you. Some burdens you can leave to Me.

Consider your life like the weather. You do not feel that you have to control the weather at every turn. Even when the weather has gone to an extreme, you know it will right itself. You do not have to put your finger in every pie. You don't have to weep when it rains.

Of course, you do contribute to the weather, but you don't have to take it on as you too often take on matters in your own life. Contribute, but do not take over. Do what is yours to do. Close the windows, but do not feel that you have to order the rain to stop.

Some difficulties do better without your determination and resolve. Many of your personal difficulties will do better left to their own devices. You cannot hammer every nail.

Have you perhaps been hammering at life? You do not have to involve yourself in everything. Even in disputes, you can let them be.

You know, if you are walking to the store, you can only fit so much into your backpack. And your back, as well, can only carry so much. What is the point of carrying more than you can carry?

When you take a flight on an airline, there is only so much you can take on. You find you can manage without some of the items you wanted to take but had to leave behind.

Perhaps you can prioritize what you pack in life as well.

Truly, you are not meant to be Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders.

No one else has to carry the world either.

If you are a farmer and you plant your crop, you plant it. You give it every care. Ultimately, however, you are not in charge of your crop. You do what is yours to do. You water it. You bless it. And you leave it to nature. Most of the time, nature comes through for you.

And, so, in personal issues, you can only do so much. Set up your relationships as best you can, and let life take its course, and let others do as they choose. You are not responsible for everyone's choices.

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LOL-I posted this in the blog section-oops-I will remove it!;)
A good reminder. I'm practicing what is "preached" here as best I can. And that's good enough.
HEAVEN #3503
There Is No Argument to Win
June 28, 2010

God said:

Make peace with turmoil. Be the initiator of peace. Do not embrace turmoil. Do not hold it to you. Do not give it so much regard. You do not have to talk to turmoil and set the record straight. Turmoil has no right to exist. It knows that. Would you give turmoil so much power that you put it before Me?

Whatever turmoil exists in a personal situation, it involves people. The people are not your enemy. Turmoil is. Do not make so much of turmoil that you let it regulate your stance in life. You do not need to soak up turmoil. You do not have to adopt it. It needs you in order to flourish, but you don't need it. You do not have to be so available. Turmoil does not belong in your heart. It is a leech. It saps your energy. It leaves you defeated.

It makes much more sense to turn to Me than to turn to turmoil. No more bowing down to turmoil and letting it take you over.

Someone sees you as less than you are. Someone does not regard you highly or treat you right. Must that become your problem? Must you make it your own? Must you battle someone else's frailty? Must you undo their arrogance? Must you fight another with your mind and turn your thoughts over to someone else's direction?

Decide your own thoughts and where you put your attention. You cannot joust with everyone. Put your money on Me.

You cannot even every score. It may not be fair. Nor is it fair to yourself to make someone else's estimation of you the determiner of the direction your thoughts will go in. You are not an orchestra, and no one else is meant to direct you. Because someone snaps his fingers does not mean you have to give your attention to him or nod to his faulty perception. You do not have to set anyone else straight. What makes you think you're going to change anyone's perception anyway? Because someone is misguided does not mean that you are to guide them, any more than they are to guide you.

You are not responsible for someone else's poor behavior.

Save your energy. Prioritize. Get out of the dark night and make hay while the sun shines. Life affords you more than battles to fight.

Someone stepped on your toes. What is done is done. Whoever stepped on your toes is not the master of you. Cut him loose, if you must. Others will learn their own lessons in life. You do not have to be their teacher. Life will set them straight. You are not in the business of teaching others their lessons.

One of your lessons may be to step back and get off the stage. To whom do you need to spar with? If someone couldn't hear your heartbeat before, what makes you think they are going to hear you now? Those who do not want to see will not see. Those who do not want to hear will not hear. Save your breath. There is no argument to win really. As true and as right as you are, consider that it's valor to walk away.

I honor you. Can that be enough? Cannot My regard and love for you atone others for their infringement upon you? What is changed, beloveds, before or after? You let off steam, that's all. Is it worth it to get embroiled in others' shortsidedness? I did not raise you to be a pugilist.
HEAVEN #3506
Be a Delightful Surprise
July 1, 2010

God said:

How necessary is it to you to take everything seriously? What if you didn’t take to heart every instance of perceived rudeness? May I suggest that you be more considerate of another person even when they are rude?

You must think that something is at stake in your life that you insist upon every consideration you are entitled to. You may be absolutely right that another person needs to be more considerate of you. When this is the case, will you then be extra considerate of the other person even when he wasn’t considerate of you? When consideration is lacking, perhaps this is time for you to be the most courteous of all. If you want to give the other person a lesson, there is no better way than by example.

If another person literally steps on your toes and does not say, “Excuse me,” then you say it. You say, “Excuse me,” and say it with a smile. If someone borrows something of yours without asking you, perhaps you can say, “What else can I offer you?” Think a moment of the difference in the two scripts, one with a retort and one with extreme courtesy. Do you really want to follow a script of taking offense and being equally rude or would you like to be a pioneer who offers a generous heart?

Perhaps you are dealing with life as you have always dealt with life. Perhaps now is the time to find new alternatives, ways that do not cut between you and the other person. Perhaps you are really seeing someone else than the person in front of you, someone perhaps from the past that you had to defend yourself from. Do you really have to defend yourself from this person across from you who was thoughtless for a moment in time and space?

And if the other person does not respond genially to you, what have you lost? You presented an opportunity for harmony. What matters most is your response to life and not another’s. Think of it. You rose above a situation. You did not respond in kind. You responded as a true lady or gentleman. There is a lot to be said for manners. True courtesy never goes out of style.

If you want to be more than ordinary, then you will be creative and original. You will be novel. Your responses will be unexpected. You will be a delightful surprise, perhaps even to yourself.

Today is a new day, and you can be new. You can come from a different place. You can be agreeable rather than disagreeable. I think you would like to be. I think you would like to be gracious and uplift the world. I know you would. I know you would like to be the leader of the pack, and that calls for your being a shining light on Earth. You break the mold. You smoke a peace pipe. You turn life around. You are a magician in life. You are a master diplomat and inspirer of good action. No longer do you react in the same way you are treated. You have become a cut above.

There is no merit in tit for tat. No merit unless someone has been wonderful to you, and you respond in kind.

When someone’s words or actions are less than exemplary, all the more reason for your words and actions to be generous. I will go so far as to say divine. Take all the good will that is in Heaven and make use of it on Earth. This I ask of you. This I ask.



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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