Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! This channel came through the week of Thanksgiving in the US and the Goddess made a point to express her appreciation for all of you who have supported her and come together as a group. I too express my deep love and appreciation to all of you.
The Goddess continues to work through this channel to assist us in working with the energies more easily. When we are in the All That Is, the flow is so expanded and easy to use. She spoke at length of the various dimension we move between, but she also spoke of how much is in the ‘in between’; meaning that not one dimension or another, but more so a blend. She spoke about feeling good, reaching towards feeling good at all times.
I always find it interesting how the perspective in our everyday life is so much more constricted than in the All That Is. I am always aware of the difference for myself, but when I see it from the perspective of the Goddess, it’s amazing! We really, truly are more than we think we are. So with that in mind, she helps us all to remember to feel the flow of the lightbody energy and to feel our expansion from our divinity. Then as we live our lives, as things come up; we can experience them from a place of balance and flow.
Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole
I greet you my beloved family. I send forth my love and my awareness to each one of you. I invite you to open up your heart, open up your arms if you so choose and feel my energies as I swirl within and around you here on the earth plane, here in the place in which you are.
There is so much happening upon the Earth right now. There is so much potential and sometimes it feels as if you stand in the midst of that potential and you question: “am I receiving it? Is this for me? Is this what I truly want?”
I invite you to feel what it is, right now, [Deep breath] to breathe in and feel your own divinity and feel my energies as I amplify all that is you in this moment. First and foremost as you feel love within you, feel that essence or that presence and know that that is you.
For those people in the United States, this week, they are celebrating Thanksgiving. I therefore wish to take a moment and send it directly from myself to everyone here on the call, but also send it around the world to all who follow this or who may read this at any given time.
I send forth my appreciation for all who are here and all who are present. I express how much it means to me and to Shelly as we receive the energy from all of you. When you are in a vibration or a place of appreciation, you are able to much more easily express who you are and also receive the energies that are being sent forth to you.
I invite you to take in one more breath, breathing down that energy, breathing it all the way in, to your heart, down into your abdomen [Deep breath] and feel yourself as you draw your energies in. Then with the next breath that you are releasing have a sense of releasing your physical body and allow yourself to shift into the energies of the magnetic grid.
As you find yourself moving within this space, be open and feel who you are as your higher self. Open to perceive the energy pathways that are shifting and moving through here at this time. Everyone is interconnected, nobody is alone.
I invite you to then have a sense of a letting go of the gravitational pull of the Earth. As you do so, move through the interlocking grid until you find yourself within the crystalline grid.
As you feel these energies of the crystalline, allow yourself to see how you resonate with this crystalline vibration as if you flow through this space and your consciousness is aligning with whichever aspects are most beneficial to you in this moment. [Deep breath]
I then invite you to have a sense of letting your energies shift once more, so that you may find yourself moving into the soul plane. Here within the soul plane resides the majority of your divinity. Your divinity is even more than what you consciously take in. Your I AM presence is your divinity; therefore as you open to blend, let your consciousness move up and down throughout this space.
As you merge with the essence of who you are, feel how your consciousness expands so as to take in a greater perception of what is here for you. If you continue to feel your essence, moving throughout the space, open up to perceive, I the goddess, as I come here within to join with you.
As I reach out to each one of you, I merge my energies with yours. As we blend together, you may find yourself shifting into the space of the All That Is. Here within the All That Is, let yourself soar; let yourself expand as you allow your energies to swirl through. There is so much present right here for you.
As each one of you find yourselves within this space, you may have a perception of coming back into and linking with those things that you’ve been working on in the past. Each time that we come here within this space, we come together as a group and we work on the various things that may be going on within your life. And then when you go back to your daily life you may see the reflection of that within your life. But every time that you come here within this space, you are once more, coming back as if you come to the drawing board of your life.
I invite you to consciously create a space in which you look at your life. As you allow yourself to open up and take in whatever is here, whatever comes to your perception; then recognize how things have changed. Sometimes it’s your perception, sometimes it’s that things have shifted on the earth plane. There are indeed the times in which you come back here and there may be an aspect or an essence that keeps coming up again and again. Whatsoever your perception, be open and allow the energy to flow through.
What is happening in your life right now? Is there a list of things? Some I see are opening a scroll that goes on for a very long period of time. For others I see one or two things that you just keep coming around and around. For that matter, I then invite you to select whichever one comes to your awareness in this moment.
As you consider whatever it is that keeps coming up for you, I invite you to recognize how it’s as if you focus has narrowed down because you are looking at it from the perspective of your human existence. Therefore, I invite you to consciously look around you, to consciously expand and remember this is the All That Is. When you are in the All That Is everything changes; there are more potentials, there are different perceptions.
As you consider whatever it is that’s in your awareness right now, I would invite you to energetically open up a door, take off the glasses that may keep you from seeing clearly, have a sense of walking around. Do whatever it is that will shift your perception. I so dearly love to observe an experience like this. First of all there are those of you who seem to shift with the blink of an eye, and you say, ‘oh my goodness I never thought of it that way’!
Or you find that you awareness changes, and then at the same time there are those of you who hold on to your perception as if you are stubbornly not going to change it because this is what you want and this is it! And then of course there are many, many variations in between that. My point of this is there is no right or wrong. There is only how you allow yourself to open to new perceptions and how you open to shift within your life.
Ask yourself, are you opening in a way that allows for the greatest amount of transition to take place. [Deep breath] Ah, there we go, uhh… It was as if speaking of my perceptions of everything, it was as if a wave of energies shifted through and these potentials were seen.
As you consider what you seek for your life, I invite you to ask about resistance. Is there resistance within you? Is there and old ideal that this represents? As you consider where you are right now, how does this relate to you? Open to feel the flow of awareness as it shifts with in you.
I next invite you to open up and experience the Lightbody energies. For some of you, you are already in that expansive state; you already recognize how much that energy is present in all that you are creating. If your perception is such that it feels as if it’s outside of you then I invite you to look around. Look around and open your consciousness so that you may feel the greater alignment of your Lightbody energies. How does that feel? What is your perception at this time? What does the Lightbody energy mean to you? Whenever you feel as if you are lonely, as if you are alone or whenever you feel as if you keep running into a brick wall; I invite you to consciously turn in the direction of this brilliant light and let it flow through you.
As this energy moves through you, let it clear away resistance, fear, disharmony; let it clear away anything that keeps you from feeling good. So that you can find yourself as if there with your arms outstretched, soaking up and feeling this energy. This is what it is to feel good, to feel loved, to feel complete. If as I think that, there is a part of you that does not resonate, then let that hard come up and open to this flow.
I am feeling from some people that there is a part of you that you are holding onto as if with a tight, tight fist; as if to let go of that fist everything will fall apart. That is the basis of your resistance and that holds you in that place where it is a challenge to move. So, let all of this light, let all of this energy swirl through and around you. As it does so, relax, relax and feel the energy that is here for you.
[Deep breath] Breathe deeply and let go, and now I truly see everybody expanding. I hear people asking me, how can you have this experience while you are in your daily life? You may have it, by setting up the energies that make this readily available to you. As you consider what it is to live upon the earth, there is somewhat of a constriction when compared to this space. Therefore, as you begin to practice letting yourself shift into a place of expansion, you will begin to flow in and out of different dimensions.
When people say to me, why can’t I have my heart’s desire? I can feel the pain and frustration that is behind that statement or that question. My answer to you is that your heart’s desire is already within and around you. The tricky part is to find the pathway that links your everyday presence with whatever it is you seek to have. Now as I speak of the dimensions, sometimes your heart’s desire is more greatly in alignment in a different dimension than where you are living in your everyday life.
People on earth has a tendency to consider things in whole numbers such as; the third dimension, the fourth, the fifth, that sixth, the seventh, giving these numbers to spaces of expansion. Now when you consider your daily life and I ask you, where do you think you spend the majority of your time in your daily life? You may tell me a number, perhaps the majority, the fourth or fifth dimension; perhaps many people, the third dimension. What is becoming more and more evident to people is that there is a great deal in between the dimensions. These are like the space between the breaths. This is the space that for some may feel as limbo, but it is also the space that is more of a blend of multiple different dimensions.
Because you so naturally flow through these various spaces, it’s not always evident to you what is happening. But when you go around the circle or when you consider why you haven’t received whatever it was you have asked for; this is a part of the reason. These various dimensions and the in between spaces create threads of alignment. And those threads of energy go out from you and into the world around you. Your thoughts, your emotions, your beliefs, everything that makes up who you are as a human is the foundation for these threads of energy that move out from you. Consider that now, consider how much of your time flows back and forth and in between.
This has become somewhat analytical, but I wanted to share with you so that you can be aware as you are moving through your daily life. I do not find knowing a particular number to be the most important part of this. Instead, I would invite you to consciously allow your energy, your thoughts, your beliefs your emotions to flow within that space in which you feel good. Then, as you look about, as you consider your life, be open and see what it is to truly live this conscious experience.
When you are moving through your day everything feels good, you feel like there is a spring in your step as you walk along, you are in the flow of your greatest alignment. When you find yourself, perhaps, you go to work and you find yourself running up against a wall or as if other people’s energies are making you uncomfortable then recognize these outside experiences are pushing you out of that space in which you feel good.
Sometimes, it may be your own family, sometimes it maybe things that are happening on a worldwide perspective, other times it can be no specific reason, you just know you feel out of kilter. It matters not what causes it as much as it does how quickly you can you get back into that space that feels good.
You breathe, you feel the flow of the Lightbody energy, you look around at whatever the situation may be that makes you frustrated and you consciously infuse it with light, you infuse it with the Lightbody energy, you infuse it with your own energy, with the conscious intention that you create a situation in which you can feel good.
There are many things that happen in life that will push you out of that space of alignment. So you continue to live your life, you continue to move through whatever these experiences may be, but you do so from the space of openness and alignment so that you can find that you are living your life and feeling good.
Ultimately, that is what people are seeking when they consider that they perhaps want to manifest, a partner, abundance, a job, a family. What is the essence behind all of that; to feel good and to be happy? Therefore if you are in the habit of feeling happy and feeling good, no matter what the situation may be, if you are in the habit of infusing this Lightbody energy into whatever the situation may be, then you will find that you manifest with greater and greater ease. [Deep breath] Breathe deeply and feel how that resonates within you.
I invite you to have a sense of coming back together as a group. There is such a brilliant light that emanates from each one of you. Feel it and feel your resonance with the others who are here. You are family, you are in alignment, let that reality flow through you.
Have a sense of a hologram of the Earth if it comes up within this group. This hologram swirls, it shifts, it moves; you may even see a pulsation of energy and light that moves through the hologram itself. [Deep breath] I invite each one of you do have to a sense of sending your expanded perception into this hologram.
As each one of you find that greater clarity within yourself, let that flow, as each one of you recognize your deeper alignment with your Lightbody energy, let that flow. Your intention of living your life through joy, let that flow, and all of this moves into the hologram and the hologram itself begins to pulsate. As we spoke of dimensions before, you can even see the dimensions available within the hologram.
Release this energy, release the hologram. As you do so, you have a sense of it shifting; it flows down until it merges with the Earth itself.
As this hologram moves into the Earth you have a sense of a beam of light or a ball of light that moves through all the various layers within and around the Earth until it goes within the core linking with those immense crystals that make up the center of the Earth.
As this consciousness blends with those crystals it instantly is integrated and begins to emanate outward from there. It moves through the Earth. As it comes up through the Earth it comes out in the grass, the flowers, the trees, the water, it comes out through every aspect of the Earth itself.
So I invite you to consciously open and feel your part of that energy coming up from the Earth and as it comes up it comes up within you and you are grounding and integrating the perceptions of your experience this evening. You are opening to the potential of how you can live and find that balance in your everyday life. Feel the energies shift within and around your physical body.
And then have a sense of letting you focus or your consciousness come back out here within the All That Is. As you let your focus move to this space realign with your Lightbody energies. See how they move from out in the universe through here, down into your human self and recognize that this is a pathway that is always available to you and it’s a pathway that takes you to wherever you may seek to go.
Allow your focus to shift in such a way that you move into the soul plane. You are once more with your I AM presence. You are finding that there is a deep, deep alignment between you and your divinity.
As you shift your consciousness you once more find yourself within the crystalline grid. This time as your perception opens to take in this space; see, feel, sense, how much of this is in alignment with the Lightbody energies that are your own.
As you take this in you then allow your energies to shift once more, you consciously come back within the magnetic pull of the Earth. As you find yourself within the magnetic grid there is so much that you are much more aware of at this time. Your higher self resides within this space and it’s been very busy working to anchor everything that you did out in the All That Is.
You continue moving allowing your energies to come back within your human self. As you come back within your physical body, feel how the energies within and around your physical body expand.
Consciously let that flow come down, let it come down from all of your awareness flowing through you and then anchoring in the Earth. It links with everything that you had already infused into the earth and there is a flow that is always open and always available to you.
Consciously look around and sense your Lightbody energy and what that is to you. Feel it, see it and know that it is here. As you breathe in, breathe in and feel who you truly are. As you breathe out, breathe out anything that keeps you from that space of feeling good.
And so with that, I will invite each of you to once more just kind of shake off the energies, shake off whatever it is, that might be swirling through you as you’ve been back into your analytical mind and take this one last opportunity to breathe deeply, breathe down within yourself and allow yourself to once more anchor those energies of expansion, those energies of your Lightbody and let yourself truly feel the essence of what it is to find happiness, to find joy and to let that be in your reality.
I am ever with you and within you,