lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Ashtar - May 17, 2011
"Well, Greetings Family! It is so delightful that we are here again, even though we're running a bit late as you measure time, we've got a lot to talk about. So we shall be humm, concise, as concise as we can be. We want to first acknowledge that of course you all know that this week is Wesak, and we welcome the coming of the Buddha, and all of the Beloved Company, the Bringers of the Light. And indeed the [Wesak] Valley is bright, and so is the World. This Moon shines down upon all, and no matter what you may believe about the composition of the Moon, put it aside, and just enjoy the Light, because that energy that that Light radiates is real!
"There is a saying that you have on Planet Earth, and it is a wake up call. Yes it is. And it is most often given by parents who are responsible for their children's waking up. But here it is. It is called 'Rise and Shine.' Well guess what? This Family is doing this, has been doing it, and is doing it even more! Now we could spend some minutes in your time - oh, we could spend hours or days, going into the science of what is taking place upon the Planet at this time, however in the interests of being concise - well, we have a little coaching from the Voice - she prefers that we not go to that place of science, or at least that we minimize it.
"So here we are, and we want to tell you, you're rising and you're shining, and the more you do, the more you can do, the higher you can soar, and the brighter you can shine. And when we come together in this communion celebration, it is absolutely huge! Now, we have taken a bit of time with the teachings that we have come through to teach - Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. You have all heard those, and you have all heard I, Ashtar, or read that I have said that these are the cornerstones of the foundation of what I am here to teach. And it is not just me, Beloved Family, it is the same teachings. They have been here.
"The Buddah smiles even bigger, because it's taking hold so beautifully all over the World, these teachings of Love, these teachings of Peace, and yes, these teachings of awakening to the inner wisdom, even as things seem to be somewhat falling apart in the outer World. This is all exactly the way it is flowing. And when we say flowing, believe me, but you can think of it as a mighty river, peaceful yes, but mighty, powerful. So everything is flowing in the exact manner that is going to support even more these teachings, which are making it so clear that there is a resurgence of the awakened Heart, which is now being much more, shall we say, the Commander within each and every individual.
"So it is that you are thinking with your Hearts and determining the directions that you want to go in. And everybody is moving up, up, and home into the Ascension realization, the manifestation of Ascension, the what you call the zero hour, and that's a very fitting name - zero point - point of creation, creating a whole new reality. But what is happening is that these new realities, old realities, really higher dimensionalities, are coming more and more to the Earth, because you're meeting them, and literally taking hold, if you can imagine such a thing, and bringing them more!
"You're spreading the news as you radiate, and so what is happening is that the Earth rises with you even as the new energies come in, and it is a blending and harmonious communion that is taking place. So we are headed right into - oh if you want to think of it as a little bit of a storm, that's OK. You might be noticing that a lot of the storms and the quakings and shakings have subsided a bit. This is another topic we shall be discussing. Mother Earth is getting it. She is responding.
"Now there's going to be a big shock to those who are, for some reason or other, counting on Armageddon happening soon, because it's not, and you all know that. And so there is going to have to be some reconsideration of what future Earth is going to be on the part of those who figured it was all over, or would be all over very soon. So they're getting some wake up calls too. The Light that you shine radiates and touches every living thing on Planet Earth as it does Mother Gaia Herself.
"The more you rise, the more we commune, the more Mother Gaia says, 'Oh, that feels so good!' - because of course Mother Gaia is ascending also. Now we are reaching the Golden Age. The Golden Age is like high vibrational 3D with as much - they used to call it tripping, but we'll call it rising into higher dimensional life styles - as your evolving bodies can do. Which brings us up to the big announcement for the evening, although we have already, what do you call it? We have done soft openings on this already. All righty, here's the big grand opening now. This is it. This is huge!
"Whether you have just joined us for the first time in this memorable evening, whether you are joining us for the fiftieth or hundredth time, we want to tell you, Beloved Ones, that your perseverance, your dedication, your commitments, and your Heart-based courage - courage, yes courage - it takes some courage sometimes to listen and to allow yourself to envision all that is being spoken of here. We're talking about the high vibrations, we're talking about Heaven on Earth, we're talking about Ascension, and the crystalline bodies that you're all evolving into.
"So it does take some courage. Most of all it takes your Love. We have reached a point in our togetherness where you, Beloved Ones, are flying so high, particularly in our exercises that we do together, that we are able to, shall we say, direct some additional energies into your beings - with your full permission - that enable you to hold the high vibrations in your beings, even stronger, even longer, even better! You see, you meet us, and then we can do what we call, offering you upgrades, and when we join together, whether it be live, or in the recordings, or even for those who read the transcripts, some of them, (not everyone does the exercises when they read them, you know) it is to get into such a high vibration that you have more of a permanence with it!!! And so you are able to drink in, shall we say, the energies of the higher dimensions more. First of all you can take in more, and secondly you can hold them easier, so it becomes less and less, shall we say work, or takes less and less time, or however you want to see easiness coming, where you can raise yourselves up into these higher vibrations more and more and more.
"Now what's going to happen is, particularly more as the Golden Age comes fully into manifestation is that you're going to say, 'Oh of course! I can exist, and feel grounded in a way, even while I'm soaring into these higher vibrations, and I can even more assist others to come.' You see, what happens is you are radiating these high energies. Now, you can do it with laser type focus, or you can do it just as a broad spiraling beam of energy, or however you want to do it. But it becomes more and more powerful as you become more and more empowered.
"Now this is big stuff, if you really stop and consider what this means. It means you're evolving at warp speed, of course. It means that because you are Family, and feeling connections with the Ashtar Family, and of course the other Lightworkers, and the Angelic Realms, and the Masters, and so on, because you are feeling these connections more, you are connecting more. Because your will is to fly, you are flying more, and you have less stuff sticking!
"Picture yourselves climbing into a balloon, and that balloon has an indefinite supply of air in it, so you can stay up in that balloon as long as you choose, but the balloon initially is having a little trouble getting off the ground. You see, you've brought some baggage with you, lots of baggage. But, eventually it goes up, maybe not quite as high as you want, but it does go up. Now this is you when you were beginning your transition period. You see, we're going back in time a bit, and giving you this vision. So finally it dawns on you, 'Well if I throw out some of this baggage that I don't need anymore, because I'm moving higher, I can move up even higher, and I can stay longer.' Do you see?
"And when you stay longer, you want to throw out more and more of that baggage, and pretty soon you'll get to where on your balloon trips you don't even bother to bring any baggage along, because you don't need it, and you know you don't need it, because you're not really coming back to the same level of dimensionality that you left from anyway. You're in a higher level of 3D, and then from there it's much easier to go up higher and higher.
"Now here's the rest of the story. When you do that, when you're up in those high vibes, your baggage just kind of disappears anyway! (You say you had a headache when you started to soar? Oh, your headache just doesn't really seem to want to be in existence in the higher levels that you fly up to and the longer time that you spend in those higher levels.) Now we're not talking about when you're driving your car. When you're driving your car, just whistle a happy tune, or listen to some happy music. Don't try flying up as high as you can. You know that!
"Well, you know in this world of blending it is necessary to say that it is appropriate that you do your flying and your soaring when it is appropriate for you to do so, but you will do it more and more. And you will find that you will be smiling throughout the entirety of your being more and more. Because guess what? You're accepting staying power, you're accepting, by just being here, you're accepting the upgrades as we call them.
"Now, the Voice was thinking yesterday, and she said, 'Well Ashtar, is there any possibility that anyone is going to hear you say upgrades and think that you're talking about implants or programs?' So we want to be very clear about this. No, no, no! These upgrades are strictly high vibrational energies accompanied by the ability to feel them more, and hold them more within your beings!!! That's not any kind of program, other than it's where you want to go on your Ascension Path as you evolve.
"Everybody wants to get to the finish line. Everybody wants to have the crystalline body, and everybody wants to have the good life, full of abundance and Joy. Everybody wants to help everybody else, and everybody wants to be happy. The more you fly in the higher levels of 3D and beyond, the more you're going to manifest all of these things that you want.
"Well we don't recommend that you say that you even want them. We say, 'Call them forth.' When you are in the higher levels, this is another gift, part of it, part of the gift. You can create much easier, because you don't have all those blocks and baggage weighing you down. So you see, Beloved Ones, it is not only that we come to talk about Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, it is that we come to be it, to bring it, to facilitate your being it, to facilitate your sharing it.
"And it is so much easier to share when you yourself are in joyful vibration. So there are those of you who can immediately get the science of this, and that is wondrous indeed. There are those of you who are listening and saying, 'I know this is true, but I still feel like I have a way to go,' and that is wondrous indeed. The main thing is - stay with it. That's all we're trying to say. Thank you for being with us. Stay with your own personal blueprint, or mission for your own Ascension, while at the same time, we join together to have joyful times together to anchor even more these energies of high vibration, and high dimensionality, and to fly together. After all, it is one thing for you to come on board the New Jerusalem, which you are welcome to do at any time that you choose, but it is even more for you to step onto the command deck of your own ship, and fly your ship with us. There is no separation really, but it is that each and every one of us has our own mission. And there is no one's mission that is any greater than any other. There is no one purpose or lesson plan, or Ascension status that is any less than or greater than anyone else's. It is for us to fly together, and that is what we are about!
"Now we would make some comments about news. If you can view the news and discern your Truth with Compassion, and with Gratitude for showing you -sometimes frankly it's where you don't want to be, and so on - and Forgiveness for all, then by all means view the news or listen to the news. Listen to people who teach the news such as Tara and Rama* because they always put the Love into it. And no matter what the news is, they always give that reminder - Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude are the way to be even, and not be dragged down by it, and to continue on your path without any interruption or disruption by events which seem to be traumatic, and sometimes even horrific.
"Well we do want to mention again, that we have, speaking of the news, mentioned in the past that 'sexgate' was going to come around, and it is coming around big time! And it is coming back, because it has been an earmark of the Illuminati to be naughty, somewhat naughty, to forget their commitments, their vows to their beloved families, and spouses, and so on, and to just indulge. And it is a real power trip. So it's coming out more and more along with some of the other aspects of what's been going on. So as we have said if you cannot view this without feeling some disturbance in your energy fields, just take our word for it that the dominoes are falling, and the truth is coming out. And Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, 'Ho'oponopono, Ho'oponopono, Ho'oponopono' is the way to greet whatever news you do happen to hear.
"There have been some interesting rumors. There are all kinds of stories going around. Pick any topic you want and you're going to get everything on the spectrum, from white to black, and black to white, and all colors in between, if you will. That's an easy way to express it. It doesn't have to do with what's good and what's bad, we're just trying to say there are so many voices speaking, and so many stories out there.
"Once again we want to remind you to use your discernment. It is to go within. It is to find your place of Peace, it is to go from there, throughout the entirety of your being, what rings true for you. We are here more than ever, Beloved Ones. The Galactic Federation is here more, and more, and more, because you've given us permission to be here. You've rolled out the red carpet, so many of you so many times. It is with the greatest Joy we are here to be in service with you, and to you, and most particularly to Mother Gaia! We continue our mitigation, and we encourage you to raise your voices in whatever manner is the most comfortable for you, and perhaps in more than one, for example, find some petitions** and send them off. Let your voices be heard!!!
"This is the time to bring forward the Golden Age. This is the time to call for the announcement of NESARA, and the announcement of our presence, in oh so many ways. If you help someone who needs some help, you are raising your voice. If you invite someone into your home who perhaps has no food to eat, you are raising your voice in favor of abundance for all, and that is what NESARA brings. If you sign a petition and write an email, send a fax, or call somebody, somebody in the government for instance, you are raising your voice, and the collective voice of the World. It's what is making the changes!
"Remember the Harmonic Convergence when the consciousness was raised? That is another way of saying the collective voices were listened to, and they called for a particular ending cycle of Planet Earth. And so it is that we are here now at your invitation to assist and be of service to you in any way we can, and let's face it, we can do pretty much everything with your permission, with your assistance. And so we are here to facilitate for you the Ascension Process. It doesn't mean we are going to do it for you. It means we are facilitators.
"Who's going to be ascending? You, Beloved Ones! So we cannot ascend for you, but we can help you. We can answer your questions. We can have discussions. And we can give you the simplest, most pure of wisdoms, teachings, if you wish, which have ever been presented to Planet Earth, or to the Universe. And that is precisely what we started doing when we first starting speaking here through this Voice and others, and that is what we are continuing to do.
"We are very active, the Ashtar Command, very much involved in all aspects of Planet Earth's Ascension. We have trillions of ships from all over the Galaxy and beyond this Universe who have come. Some of them are in their own energy merkabas and energy fields, and some of them are ships made of wondrous materials. We come not just to observe, but to facilitate the Ascension of the Planet. Every single one of you are included!!! So be joyful and fly with us, farther than any Earth vehicle to be sure. [It is] very real, very much more the reality of the Universe than the rather narrow picture that you have been given.
"So expand, expand, expand, your visions, as you fly higher, higher, higher, and let us do this journey together! You know, when Humans run the races called the Marathon, it is so beautiful to see that as they approach the finish line, there is no shoving - at times you will see the people join hands, and walk over that finish line together, hugged by those who have just finished, or the ones who are standing, the officials who facilitate those events. It is so beautiful! This, Beloved Ones, is what happens at the finish line of the Ascension Process, for all of us Ascendees -those of us who have come to help you.
"We are already seeing that and feeling that Joy, and we share it with you. Feel it! Mission accomplished! And feel the Love that welcomes you Home. Even as you feel the Love of all of those that you have encouraged with your Love by sharing it and radiating it, all of the ones that you have encouraged to rise and shine with you.
"Beloved Ones, this is our purpose! This is our mission! And we thank you for being with us, and for accepting the upgrades, even more of the Love Light, and for being consciously aware of holding it within your own precious selves, that you have even more to share, and that you have even more to receive, infinitely and ongoing, higher and higher vibrations. This is what we're here to do! And Beloved Ones, this is what we are doing!
"And so we shall have Beloved Speakers*** come forward to lead us in an Exercise of flying together. So just relax and breathe, and listen now to a wondrous, wondrous, high dimensional selection**** that we have asked for, and start visioning yourselves. This is talking to you, Beloved Ones, each and every one of you, about each and every one of you, as well as all of us together.
"Thank you so much for your patience. Thank you so much for being with us. We are honored and joyful, and up, up, and away we go. And so it is! Salut!
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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