Diamond Light Body ~ Cosmic Heart ~ Cosmic Mother Ma'at ~ Feb 2011
Harmonic Alignment
Towards the Great Evolutionary Leap: The New Earth Energies~ February
2011 8 February 2011 Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, there are great changes happening on your Earth
right now as the old Grid system crumbles and the New Earth
Fifth-dimensional Grid activates. Yes indeed, this may seem like
instability and turbulence at first glance, but as you look deeper you
will see that this is all part of the changes and transformations that
we have been speaking about in the past months and years. And, we say
again, do not be in fear, but know that all is in Divine Order as you
move through these changes. You will be held and supported in Divine
Beloved Ones, Evolution is the process whereby the Creative Energy of
Spirit manifests on the Material Plane of Existence. It is an ongoing
process as Creation becomes more complex and beautiful in its Infinite
Expression of Love. Likewise, your personal evolution is an Infinite
Expression of Love, and is to be embraced with Joy, and not fear or
anxiety. Indeed, Beloveds, you may feel fear as you encounter the waves
of anxiety within the "unconscious" Collective who are yet not awakened,
but do not take on this fear and anxiety as your own. As we have shown
you in the last years, remain centered in your Sacred Heart Energy and
hold the balance of Love and Peace within you. All is Well.
Now, since many will be feeling "symptoms" of the energy shifts, we will
share with you our perception and understanding of these processes
within your Being and your Bodies. At this time, the Galaxy is coming
into what we will call "Harmonic Alignment". This means that all the
various Levels and Dimensions of Light are moving into a Harmonic
Alignment of Light and Sound that reflects the internal coherence of
Divine Light. This creates the most beautiful Celestial Tones and
Overtones throughout the Galaxy as the Galaxy aligns with her Twin Flame
Galaxy, Andromeda, and then aligns with the Cosmic Heart of All Creation
and Light.
Yes, Beloveds, a Grand Process of Light, Love and Infinity, but the same
process is now taking place in your own bodies and the various
dimensions and levels. Your Physical Body and its DNA is aligning with
the Earth Codes and all the levels of Physical Creation, while your Soul
is aligning with Spirit and all the levels of Cosmic Creation. These two
processes meet in the Heart, from where you feel and hold the Ancient
Wisdom and the Infinite Love that moves you through your evolutionary
At this time, you are simply aligning all the levels of your DNA, to the
point where you have activated all thirteen "strands" or levels of DNA
available at this time. The thirteenth strand or level of your DNA Light
Codes connects you to your Cosmic Heart or Origin, deep within the
Cosmic Night of Creation's Memory. As you make this ultimate connection
of light, you access all the Wisdom and Love of the Infinite Cosmic
Creation. So, it is little wonder that you may feel shifts and
reverberations of these processes within your physical being.
Now, you may say that you do not, at this point, have access to these
levels. You may feel that you do not know any more than you did
yesterday, or last year. But, we say, Beloveds, that you will not access
this information with your mental body and your finite minds. The mental
body alone is not able to hold this information, it has what you might
call a "limited capacity" for information storage, as it is confined to
events within linear time. This is, of course, the purpose of the mental
body, it was designed to facilitate experience within third-dimensional
linear time, it was never intended to be the defining element of your
Cosmic Wisdom and Knowledge of Infinity is held within the Light Bodies,
the "interdimensional bodies" and coded into the Fields of Light. This
is where the Diamond Light Body is so important, for it is the particles
of Diamond Light that hold the Wisdom and Love of the Creative Source.
The Diamond Light is like the "DNA" of the Cosmic Creator, it holds the
Infinite Love and Wisdom and Light of All that comes from the 13th
Dimension and carries the Tones and Overtones of Cosmic Love.
In this process of Harmonic Alignment, Beloved Ones, every level of your
Being is in the process of aligning with the Tones and Overtones of the
Cosmic Heart pulses. You are becoming Awakened and Conscious expressions
of Divine Love. And you will "feel" this in your Heart, Soul and Spirit,
and you will access this information in the Journeys into the deeper
realms of your Being within the Meditations, Ceremonies and Collective
Group Journeys of Light.
The Divine Feminine Energies and the Embrace of the Cosmic Mother
Beloved Family of Light, as you have moved towards this process of
Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, you have been assisted by the supportive Love
and Nurturing of the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine, through the
waves of the incoming Shekinah Light. This is an aspect of the Platinum
Ray that holds a High Frequency of Divine Light and Love. Now, as you
move into Cosmic Harmonic Alignment, you begin to experience the Embrace
and the Love of the Great Cosmic Mother who was known to the Ancients as
Ma'at is the One who holds the Cosmic Balance of All That Is. Her name
is pronounced "Mayat" or "Maia", and her "children" are the Mayans,
those who are the Galactic Keepers of the Wisdom of Time and Balance.
Ma'at is the One who weighs and measures and creates that which is known
as "Time" as a way of understanding the unfolding of the Cosmic Creation
through the Dimensions of Light. The ones who are her "children" are the
Keepers of Ma'at, the Keepers of the Sacred Days and Nights, and who
guide you through the Waves and Frequencies of the Cosmic Days and
The Symbol for this Great Being of Light is a Feather! This indicates
that she is the "Lightness" of Being and that she Floats and Flows with
the Cosmic Winds of Creation. Beloved Ones, imagine an Eagle soaring on
the Wind, in perfect Balance - that is the Energy of Ma'at!
She is the Great Mystery and the Keeper of the Cosmic Night. To enter
into her embrace is to enter into the Heart of All That Is, and to
experience the Lightness of Being and the Flow of Cosmic Time within the
"boat of millions of years" as the Ancients called Planet Earth. To be
embraced by her Light and Love is to know your Infinite Essence and to
connect with your Cosmic Wisdom as she guides you through the Cosmic
Night and the Great Mystery of Infinite Existence.
When Ma'at enters your life she assists you to hold the balance in your
Heart and in your Being. She is Balance, and she assists you to manifest
that balance in your life. She assists you to maintain that Lightness of
Being and to Flow with the Winds of Creation and the Cosmic Waves of
Light from the Great Cosmic Heart that initiate Creation and Evolution
in the Light. Beloved Ones, it is possible to ride these Cosmic Waves of
Light with the Elegance and Grace of a Feather in the Wind, if you just
allow yourself to be supported and all times by Divine Love and Grace.
Also, Beloved Ones, the advice and wisdom of the Mayan Day Keepers will
assist you to understand the nature of the Waves of Light that come to
you from the Cosmic Heart and how they are an expression of the ongoing
unfolding of Galactic Manifestation and Cosmic Creation.
The Incoming Waves of Light and Expressing the Fifth Dimensional New
Beloved Family of Light, as the Earth moves into Harmonic Alignment with
the Galactic Center, the Waves of Light from the Great Mystery will
become more intense and powerful. This alignment is a Process of Birth,
or Rebirthing, and you are preparing for this Great Evolutinary Leap
along with All of Creation.
As we have said before, the key moment in this Spiral of Creation will
be on the 11th of November when the Earth makes her alignment for the
2012 Event. But, the waves of Light that will assist this process will
begin to be felt in the month of March that approaches. These waves of
energy will carry the frequencies and codes of Divine Harmony and Unity,
and will activate very strongly on the Fifth Dimensional Grids. This
means that the process of Creation on the New Grids will be again
accelerated and intensified, and along with this there will be an
acceleration of the disintegration of the old energy grids. This will
manifest as renewed pressure on the Economic System, for it is this
system more than any other that holds people in the old limitations of
Beloved Ones, as this system comes under renewed pressure, we ask that
you do not fall into fear. Your needs will be met and you will be
supported by the fifth-dimensional grids and networks of light. It is
only the third-dimensional grids that will disintegrate, and although
this may seem dire and apocalyptic, remember always that you are not
sustained by that grid, no matter how it may seem to your finite mind.
Remember always that your power lies in your infinite being and your
ability to hold energy in your heart and to manifest that which you
need. You are powerful and loved, and you are Love.
So, by the Equinox of March, you will be feeling the intensity of this
Wave. And, you will float like a Feather on the Waves of Cosmic Light
into a New Creation. New ideas will come to you, new connections, new
projects and new communities. For, these Cosmic Waves are the Energies
of a New Creation and a New Earth. So, we urge you, do not focus on that
which is falling away, but focus rather on that which is rising and
coming into Manifestation - a New Earth and an Age of Light!