lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Crystalline Silhouettes - July 2010 (Elanthra)

Greetings One and All.

This is I, Archangel Michael, your brother and comrade, and I’ve come to you today first of all to bless you and greet you, and I am hoping that you had a divine, wonderful, delightful Summer Solstice. Know that the energies continue to Culminate and to Flow and to Emerge, and with the Moon, the lunar energies that have come forth and the solar energies that are preparing to spring forth on July 11th, you can look forward to that. Know that ‘This Is A Time Of Reflection ~ A Time Of Emergence…’ Emergence. Emergence of everything that is Magical and Everything That Is Out Of The Heart Of God… The Divine Crystalline Heart of God. With this will come Intense Emotions, Intense Reflection and reflection of all that you have created as a whole, as a totality… as One. With the emergence of the emotions will come emotions that are uncomfortable, emotions that will indeed be intense, and purging. Purging… now is the time for the balance of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine and the melding and the interweaving of the two.

With the Moon energy comes Creativity and Consciousness and the Energy Of Water, Water Is Consciousness, Unique Consciousness. So, we urge you to be mindful of what you are creating with your thoughts and mindful of what you are feeling with your emotions. Think of it as a Reflective Mirror Upon The Waters, if you may.

The Sun energy brings Passion and Romance, and yes, Creativity and the Joie De Vivre and a Zest For Life… Kundalini Energy certainly, but just Creativity and just Warmth, Warmth Of The Heart and Warmth Of The Earth. And with the fire energy comes the Healing and the Transmutation as well. So, with the mixture of the water and the passion, All That You Want Can Manifest And Bubble Up With Great Vigor And Vitality.

Today I’m accompanied here in the midst of this Portal with The New Children ~ The Crystalline Children, and we’d like to paint a Divine Picture for you ~ A Divine Crystalline Silhouette, if you will. So, I will begin by allowing the children to speak and bid you blessings upon this day. Know that I AM with you on this journey, and we urge you all to just Keep Stepping Forward With Your Feet Planted On The Ground - to Hold The Vision and Anchor The Light. Help to anchor these new energies as well, please, and just Step Forth With Confidence And Courage In The Light. We Are ever with you and for you, for your beckon and your call. Namaste.


Greetings One and All. This is Crystal, and I’m here with my brothers and sisters. We ARE The Rainbow Children, and We ARE coming forth now manifesting in many forms of energies to bring forth the New Crystalline World, and ‘We Have Come To Clear The Way For Your Graceful Transitions.’ Right now we would like to paint the picture of the new energies that are coming forth, and what the Universe is bringing forth from our perspective at this point in time.

As I stand here, I AM joined by the Universal Goddess, who comes forth and subtly makes her entrance with her back turned, and then subtly turns around and embraces and welcomes All in all of her glory as she sprinkles splashes of beautiful, glorious whirlpool swirls of Fragrant Rainbow Roses of every colour you can think of down through The Portal. The Divine Roses emit Crystalline Blessings, soft kisses and whispers of promises for today and tomorrow. The Portal is upturned in a sweet, sensual embrace, as it gracefully bends forward into delicate surrender and graceful flow. The Divine Portal Parts and Opens and the Crystalline Codes out of The Heart of God spill forth.

The Crystalline Children are seen to emerge out of our disc-shaped crafts accompanied by Clear, Sheer Crystalline Umbrellas that gracefully float in soft caresses on the winds above our heads. And all comes alive and flourishes as we dance the Enchanting Ballerina Dance and step and float with Delicate Gentility atop the tulips’ heads with Shimmering Wings that surrender to the Pristine Peaceful Flow. And my brothers and sisters can be seen to play Violins, whose musical notes float in rapturous delight through ‘Tulip Light Beam Speakers’ Across the Universe and interweave with the Crescent Moon. The notes then swirl down through the Portal, creating a Splendid ~ Rhythmic ~ Free-flowing ~ Paint-brushed Silhouette and a Peaceful Counterclockwise Solace.

Next, The Crystalline Children delightfully skip rope in Divine Free-flowing ‘Figure of 8‘ Creative Symmetry, and swirl down and adjoin with the Mesmerizing, Luminescent, Crystalline Tree of Life as it Out-branches and Expands poignantly Across the Universe.

We ARE here to tell you that ‘It Is Time, The Ship Has Come In’ across the Rippling ~ Peaceful Waters that have washed upon the shore, and It Is Time For Your Ship To Come In Now. Your ship has come in, and we urge you to ‘Anchor The Sails And The Masses And Come Ashore… Come Ashore as The Golden Castle of One emerges with The Council of 12.’

The Crystalline Children can be seen to slide down The Golden Slide as The Golden Pathway ~ The Golden Gateway is paved and descends to anchor upon Mother Gaia; and know that this is an ‘Open High-way and By-way’ now for all who are ready to venture upon it. We urge you to have much fun upon the journey ~ Enjoy The Journey, for One can take an approach as to how they are gonna slide down the slide or slide along the slide, you know. One can always ‘Have Fun With It And Go With The Flow.’ It Is Time To Re-turn to your Crystalline State, And Time For The Awakening and Real-ization Of That Which You Are, Have Been, And Will Be… Of That Of The One. And Let All That Is Be Real-ized And Awakened Across The Earth This Day.

I’d like to talk to you today about ‘Being Crystalline and Becoming Crystalline.’ While we are here, we might as well just broach the subject. Many of your DNA’s are changing and You Are Becoming Crystalline, and some of the things that we would like to talk to you about or that you might notice happening are:

* You might notice an increased sensitivity to vibrations. For instance, you might pick up an object and be able to feel the vibration on it and feel the density, or feel the tingling. You might have a sensitivity to energy that you touch on doorknobs for instance; you might be able to feel the energy that has accumulated on the doorknob. Certainly, a sensitivity to vibrations of those around you and increased intuition, of feelings. But, mostly we urge you to Protect Yourself With The Light And Ground Yourself In The Light, because going out in crowds might be challenging and draining.

* Nature is always a restorer, and music, any music that resonates with your soul and soothes, calms and uplifts you and;

* Your sense of smell might be heightened, but not just regular smells, but you might be able to ‘Smell The Soul,’ and so you might find that you will be walking in a crowd and you’ll be able to smell the actual smell of souls. And… we’ll leave you to experiment with that (giggle).

* Some of the other things we’d like to stress is, just like with a crystal, crystals absorb energy like a sponge, but they also emit and reflect energy as well. So, if you thought as yourself as a Vessel ~ A Crystalline Vessel, know that You ARE absorbing energy; and the energies you absorb might be positive and sometimes they might be negative. So, we stress that you cleanse yourself often, and ways that you cleanse a crystal, we would ask you to cleanse yourself in similar ways; like washing with sea salt, with refreshing warm water, sitting in the sun, like you would place a crystal in the sun. It is important to cleanse and to renew with your sunlight and with your Rays of God, and with the healing of water as well, and with sleep; sleep is important, and balance.

* Certainly, higher vibrational foods are required, anything that is higher vibrational, like Proteins and Whole Grains and Fresh Filtered Water and Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, especially Green Leafy Vegetables. Try and cut down on your caffeine and your alcohol
and smoking, and any artificial stimulants. So, the key is to Treat Yourself As You Would A Fine Race Horse, Stay In Balance And Treat Your Body And Your Temple With Respect. Balance of Body, Mind and Soul is the key.

* Increased creativity and yearning to be creative, and an awareness and appreciation of vibrant colour, and a more direct connection to Your Highest Self.

* A ‘purer’ more childlike essence and heart that is teeming with Unconditional Love.
* The New Children now… when you are teaching them, we ask that you Teach With Simplicity; Teach Them With Simplicity And With Integrity And Come From Your Heart And With Respect. Alot of The New Children can tell the difference, and Respect Always Warrants Respect. So, we ask that you treat them with respect. Smaller groups for teaching are always advised, and when you teach, Teach In A Fun, Creative Way.
Anything that is too dry or too dull or too complicated will not hold their attention; and the smaller group, like what The Montessori Teaching System condones, is always advised for teaching them. Esoteric Subjects Are Advised, Things That Are Thought-provoking, Progressive, Things That Are Interesting, and Smaller Groups. Please make sure that there is ample circulation of air in the rooms and that the temperature is not too extreme, like too hot or cold. Please also ensure that the children have time for rest between teaching, because their minds and systems can become overstimulated, and allow them lots of space; they need lots of space around them and comfortable surroundings.

* Lots of Exercise in nature is advised for all that are Crystalline, walking, moving, dancing, singing, gardening, anything that is creative. Do the things that are therapeutic, anything that moves and stirs your creativity, whether it be cross stitching or writing, playing music or cooking, etc., any of these things that will calm, and keep yourselves calm.

Just Go With The Flow Day By Day, and know that ‘The Flow, Especially In These Energies, Is Subject To Change.’ I mean things are subject to change, so just ‘Ride the Winds of Change’ and Surrender Your Control and know that your life is in the hands of your Higher Self and of your Guardian Angels ~ your Master guides. Surrender To The Flow and Expect Abundance. Know that Abundance Is Yours and Anything You Wish is Yours, and it will manifest a lot faster in these energies. So, Be Mindful Of Your thoughts And Your Feelings.

And, our question today is, “What Are You Expecting Today?” What Are You Expecting? What do You deserve and what will you manifest? What is your vision for the New Earth? What new energy sources do you envision? Think about all the areas… all the areas and what you envision for your New Earth, and what role will the children play. What role will the new generations play in all of the areas of Science and Politics and Religion or Spirituality and Medicine and Education?

We leave you with these thoughts today, and we just want to bid you ‘Smooth Transitions,’ and know that Everything That Is Inside You Will Become Your Reality. Be gentle with yourselves and each other, and Raise The Bar High, Raise The Expectations High, for the Universe delivers unto you that which you expect. Many blessings and Magical Manifestations and May you gracefully swirl into a Divine Future. We love you with all our hearts. Please help to anchor this energy, all you that are able and willing, and we bless you to overflowing this day. As above, so below and so it is. Namaste.

We ARE, The Crystalline Children

I AM, Archangel Michael

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Universal Copyright ©2010 ~ Elanthra, Live with Light. Please feel free to duplicate and distribute, provided that this channeling is duplicated in it’s entirety, nothing is altered in any way, all links are included, and no money is exchanged.


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Thanks, dear ones.



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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