lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Message From Helios, July 10, 2010
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
"Ascension Seats, A Gift To Raise Your Consciousness"
Dearly Beloveds,
This dear soul has asked for a description of ascension seats and their functionality. The following will assist you in understanding ascension seats and their purpose. Ascensions seats have been created to help you raise your consciousness and your vibrations to the level of fifth dimension awareness and beyond. This is a process which is accomplished through many visits to the ascension seats. Each time you visit an ascension seat you will incorporate wisdom and the vibrational essence which is unique to that ascension seat. There are many ascension seats, each calibrated to provide you with a different aspect of conscious awareness and growth on your cosmic journey. Each ascension seat is overlighted by an Ascended Master, or by a great Being of Light who will assist you in specific areas of your growth.
Ascension seats are calibrated to certain vibrations which will help you integrate light packets of wisdom which are downloaded to you as you sit in the ascension seat. There are ascension seats available to you upon your planet, at a solar level, and at a galactic, universal and multi universal level. There are cosmic ascension seats available to you also. It is necessary to begin first to visit the ascension seats upon your planet, and as you raise you vibrations and your consciousness, you may begin to visit other ascension seats. There are ascension seats given to you as a great gift by the Christed extraterrestrials such as the Arcturians, the Ashtar Command, the Syrians and the Pleiadians. You may also visit the ascension seat on Venus. These ascension seats are etheric, and you may visit an ascension seat by simply asking your guides and angels to take you to the particular ascension seat which you would like to visit.
Sit quietly and connect with your inner wisdom to determine which ascension seat is appropriate for you to visit in the Now Moment, and then ask your guides and angels to take you there. You will bilocate to this ascension seat, where you will be greeted by the Beloved Ones ministering to you as you visit the ascension seat. There are many ascension seats in each location, enough for as many of you who choose to visit, at any time. Feel the unique vibration of the ascension seat and location you are visiting, and as you settle in for your blessed visit, know that you will be taken care of, and you will not be allowed to incorporate more of the living light than you are able to integrate with ease and grace. You may sit in the ascension seat in the state of bilocation as you continue your activities in your earthly day, and you will know when your visit is complete. Your guides and angels will complete the bilocation process by returning you to your physical body. A visit to an ascension seat will most often last for one to two of your earthly hours. You may ask to bilocate to an ascension seat as you go to sleep at night. Visit the ascension seats daily, Beloved Ones. It is a most blessed gift from those of the higher realms, to assist you on your journey home.
There are many of you who are of the vibration to access most all of the ascension seats available. You will know who you are and you will be given access to these ascension seats, as you ask. For most of you, we ask you to begin with visits to your earthly ascension seats. These include an ascension seat at Mt Shasta, an ascension seat within Telos, an ascension seat in the Pyramid of Giza, and the ascension seat of the New Jerusalem, located over the southwestern states of your United States of America. You may visit the Ascension seat of the etheric city of Shamballa, overseen by Lord Buddha, your Planetary Logos. You may all also visit my solar ascension seat and I welcome you with great joy. It will be as if you are surrounded and meld with liquid golden sunlight when you visit my ascension seat and I will greet you, as will my Lady Vesta and those who will minister to you as you sit in the solar ascension seat. You will experience the blessing of a sojourn in the healing chamber of my ascension seat, calibrated to assist you with the healing of your four bodies, and polarized to the solar level of ascension to begin the healing process at the solar level as you integrate your four bodies into the solar level of liquid light. There are many of you who are already accessing solar levels of ascension. It is not linear and you have many levels of awareness available to you always. You may find yourselves at a high level of consciousness in one aspect and a lower level of consciousness in another aspect of your Self. My solar ascension seat will begin to help you integrate and bring into balance and harmony, these aspects of your Self at the planetary level, as you polarize the solar level of ascension.
Enjoy these ascension seats, Dear and Beloved Ones. More information will be forthcoming regarding your earthly ascension seats and those at the solar, galactic, universal, multi universal and cosmic level.
I will be ready to welcome you, to my solar ascension seat. You have only to ask, in the Now Moment. I am here to infuse you with the living light at the solar level. Call on me, Beloved Ones.
I am Helios, Solar Logos.
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Message From Helios, July 22, 2010
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
"Getting To Know Your Solar Logos, A Dialog"
Question: What are your responsibilities as Solar Logos?
Hello Dear Ones,
It is a good question to be asked, as not many are familiar with my position as your Solar Logos. As Solar Logos I have spent many millennia preparing for this responsibility. It is a position which is most important in holding the balance for your solar system. There is a delicate balance, of universal life force. This balance is perfectly attuned to the God Source in maintaining life upon each planet, maintaining the balance for all life forms in the positions of each planet, and the relationship to your solar system within your galaxy, and within your universe. There is much to be done, in the monitoring to maintain this balance. It is as if a ship is being guided and steered upon the seas of life, the course is adjusted and maintained to stay on course. These adjustments are directly related to the well being of your solar system and these adjustments are made in relationship to the astrological bodies exerting influence from positions far beyond your naked eye and your instruments. Many of the influences upon your solar system are those which stem from the Godhead and I am directed by the God Source, as I make my adjustments.
There is indeed life upon all your planetary bodies. As your beloved earth returns to her rightful position within the heavens, you will become aware of this life, as you will be living within the vibrations necessary to ascertain this life on other planets. In your third dimension and with your instrumentation available to you, your planets appear to be lifeless. This Beloveds, is an illusion of the third dimension.
Question: What are Vesta's responsibilities and how do you and Vesta work together?
Vesta and I work together in complete harmony and balance to maintain the health and well being of your solar system. Vesta is the liaison to other planetary bodies, to the planetary Logos, as I maintain the fine tune balance for the vibrant health of your solar system. We are in perfect harmony with all life within your solar system and are working in complete attunement to the ascension process which you are a part of. It could be said that Vesta and I are the greeting committee for your solar system, as extraterrestrials come to visit and observe. We maintain communication with visitors desiring entry to observe your world and planets within your solar system. You might call us the social committee and the scientific exploration committee, as there are many who have desired entry to your solar system during these unprecedented times.
Question: Will you please explain the etheric sun in relationship to the physical sun?
As Solar Logos, I and Vesta, reside upon your etheric sun, positioned just behind your earthly sun which you view in your dimension. These bodies are separate, yet they are One, just as your etheric body is separate, yet it is One, and attuned to you and your Physical, mental and emotional bodies. The etheric sun is the spiritual body of your sun. It is not hot, it is cool and soothing. As all direction comes to me and Vesta, from the God Source, we make the adjustments and refinements to allow these thought forms of the God Source to be expressed in the physical body of the sun, just as thought forms are first expressed in your etheric body and then within your physical body.
Question: Are there communities or cities on the sun?
There is a great and grand community upon the etheric sun, golden light communities. Our communities are just as solid to us as yours are to you, in your dimension. There is much training done upon the inner plane, for those of you who desire to come during your sleep hours, to learn and expand your awareness beyond the planetary level. There are not many of you at this time who are taking advantage of this Divine service offered to you, however your numbers are growing. We also maintain the solar ascension seats for as many of you as choose to visit. We have a healing chamber which will assist you in incorporating the key codes, fire codes and sacred geometry which will assist you as you raise your consciousness. This sacred information is given to you in the form of downloads of light packets and you may ask to sit in the healing chamber and you will receive these downloads. The solar vibrations offer a unique healing experience. Each ascension seat you visit provides unique vibrations, designed to bring you into balance and harmony in an integrated manner. You, Dear Ones, must do the work, of releasing and releasing all that no longer severs you on the planetary level, and there are those of you even able to begin the releasing of all the vibrations that no longer serve you at the solar level. You will be monitored so that you will not go into overload, and we ask you, to claim your personal power and ask for the integration of these higher vibrations with ease and grace so you do not experience overload, and fall back upon the spiritual path.
Your beloved Father/ Mother God and the great Beings of the higher realms are providing you with all the tools needed to assist you as you ascend, and the company of the heavens is here to assist you with guidance and direction, to use these tools provided to you. We are here with you in and love and support. Call on us.
I am Helios.
You may copy and share, with love and blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Helios through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to:
Visit Michelle's website at:
Love and Many Blessings,
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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