lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

April 2011 - Extract from transmission from The Elders from Stargate 6.

...........Now, what you have been doing in this moment, sweet precious ambassadors, is assisting in activating the Cosmic Rays for all Life on this earthplane to experience the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God, while taking on the blueprints needed at each dimensional level to merge with your I-AM Presence. And, through these rapid, shifting transitional changes experienced personally and collectively, the energy of all the rays in their higher and lower qualities, are being played out on this earthplane. And particularly in the last few weeks, we are seeing this duality and increased polarity of shadow and light. As well as a closer sense of being brought to Home through the earth shifts and changes from the more recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, bringing a sense of realization into the consciousness that these earth changes are very real and you are shifting into a new level of Light.

From the outer planes this may not seem so, as these increased frequencies of Light bring up shadows, both individually and collectively. But through this, you are seeing the unification and Divine Love pouring forth from the Company of Heaven and from your hearts, sweet one. For, Ambassador's of Light, you are coming together more now in this unified field of Love. While you experience your own personal emotional oscillations, hold on to this knowing that you are these Keepers of the Rays. And with the inner work on the ashrams, with the healing work taking place, with the shifts in consciousness rapidly increasing, including through the Mayan Entering the Underworld focus, all life is already experiencing aspects of fourth and fifth dimensional Cosmic frequencies of Light as well as the extreme polarities of personal and planetary shadows and changes within Mother-Earth herself.

It is important to center yourself during these changes, these transitionings, as you hold this collective frequency of Divine Love. Through the Mayan focus in this now, the energy of the Third Ray of 'Divine Intelligence' is being played out on this earthplane. The lower qualities to this creates a lesser-than and better-than consciousness and it is important in mindful awareness to see how this is being played out in your every-day reality.

This ray is associated with the sixth level initiation of Resurrection, in which you merge with your I-AM Presence. In order to merge into the energy of the I-AM Presence you are required to recognise the Divine equality of all Life and the knowing that it is simply the levels of cosmic consciousness awareness that differs from individual to individual. In this knowing you move out of the sense of lower mind and personality self in to merging into the energy of your Higher Self. In other words, what you will be collectively experiencing is a shift from the personality aspects of yourself into the Higher Light aspects of your Self, where you will be able to view life more through your master eyes. It is simply an integration of the personality into the Higher Light Beingness of who you are as this master being and keeper to this earthplane and all life.

On the inner plane, you are certainly undergoing many initiations of Light, collectively honed through the Three-Fold Flame brought through by the First Ray of 'Will and Power', the Second Ray of 'Love-Wisdom' and the Third Ray of 'Divine Intelligence' respectively, known as the Three-Fold Flame of Empowerment, Love and Wisdom. It is the energy of these rays that imbue all rays in their Divine qualities. And, you can hold this flame through the higher aspects of these rays, simply by moving into mindful awareness and Divine Love, linking to the wisdom of the Mind and Heart of Mother-Father God and the knowing of the Divine equality of all life, letting go of a perceived sense of separation, of them and us; unifying through this Flame of Love into Unity Consciousness.

You are further assisting in healings of many of the souls that are passing over in these seemingly tragic events, knowing that these souls chose these particular sacred contracts in order to unite humanity in the Divine Flame of Love and Unity Consciousness. This does not lessen the distress, not only on a planetary level, but through your own emotional bodies as well as your sensory system and central nervous system. What this creates, sweet ones, is a sense of having your hearts broken and pieced together in a new level or frequency of Light; that means, looking at 'your' heartache, your betrayals, your relationships, individually and collectively, and bringing the heart back into the sense of self-nurturing, self-love, self-appreciation, and through this, amplifying this frequency of unconditional love as these keepers of the Flame of Divine Love. And this is truly what you are, Ambassadors of Light, regardless of the ray frequencies that you individually come through with, you are here as keepers to this earthplane, holding the essence of this Divine Flame of Love, imbuing all life through the energy of the rays, through the energy of the lightworkers, through the energy of the Beings of Light from on High assisting in this ascension process, individually and collectively.

We suggest you take this time to link into the Unity Grid of Light, particularly through the energy of the sun at 12 noon in particular. Through these amplified frequencies of Light you collect the Divine blueprints of your own soul consciousness that were activated through the sun in coming down to this earthplane, and further to this, receive updates of the planetary sacred contract for all life entering this Golden Age of Light. Hold this focus for 11 minutes through the Christ Consciousness Grid of Light, surrounding yourself in this golden flame of Light as well as the Solar Grid of Light in this beautiful copper-gold frequency of Light. Expand in to the solar system, and from here, take yourself into a sense of expanding into a fifth dimensional frequency into interstellar Christ Consciousness, from here, into a sixth dimensional frequency of galactic Christ Consciousness, from here, into a intergalactic level of Christ Consciousness at a seventh dimensional level; into the universal level of Christ Consciousness through this eighth dimensional frequency and the Brotherhood of the Light, ending with the focus at a ninth dimensional level through the Cosmic Heart of Mother-Father God and the energy of Melchizedek Consciousness through the Multi-Universal Grid of Light. Bring your focus through this sense of collective frequencies and Divine transmissions pouring forth from the Company of Heaven, all these Beings of Light from on High through each dimensional level into the Unity Grid, for it is these collective keycodes that will all affect and create change as 'you' do individually and collectively. Hold this sense of Light, which will create for you, an additional sense of emotional oscillations and feelings of being energetically very tired in these now moments, for you are downloading, upgrading, integrating, facing and transmuting your shadows while holding the collective Light on so many levels. This process further requires time out. Take time out into the energies of Mother-Earth - on her beaches, in her mountains, in her forests, as well as taking time to sleep and meditate, for you are needing to find a new balance as you enter into this new Golden Age of Light through the increased frequencies of Light from the rays, the photonic rays, and the superelectron in particular, as your own body shifts at a cellular level, as you bring through the crystalline frequencies of Light, merging the chakras in one unified field of Light in becoming the ascended masters on this earthplane. And we look forward to this, Sweet Ambassadors of Light. As you, shifting individually and collectively, you are truly entering into a new era of Divine Love and Light. Allow this to be your reality in this now. Know that you are supported on so many levels by legions upon legions of Light with you always as they have always been. And, on an earthly level, if you are needing the support, magnetize into your reality what you are needing as these Divine co-creators to the Company of Heaven. You have this ability and this gift. Utilize it in the full abundance of All That Is.

And with this, we bless you as we recognise you as these Initiates of Light.


Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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