lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

11:11:11 ~ What Will It All Mean To Each Of Us?
The year of 2011 has been one in great preparation for every human being upon this planet.  The energies are increasing 100-fold and each of us are being put into our right spaces to help with the acceleration.  There are many individuals that are still not prepared for this momentous elevation in vibrations.  It is up to each of us individually to fully accelerate our own light quotient so that we are fully prepared when we are asked to step up and take responsibility for our pathways. 

Each of us have been preparing for this time through the Cosmos for decades and decades.  You cannot even count the decades as that is an earth-consciousness.  If you take the Soul Essence that we are and each of the lifetimes that we have experienced, that puts us into millennium beyond light years.  We have been preparing to be a multi-dimensional Being within the physical for eons of time.  We are incorporating all the highest aspects of our Divinity with the amazing magical qualities within each of us.  It is a time of renewal and growth but actualizing all that We Are…This is what I see for the 11:11:11 energies.

That day on November 11th will be a culmination of many lifetimes of struggle and resistance being fully removed.  But right now, in the two weeks prior is truly when we need to fully get deep within ourselves of what we want to create.  If we do not, then the energy is going to take us over and create it for us.  Since 10-10-10 these activations have grown stronger and more frequent with each New Moon, Full Moon, Eclipse and additional frequencies being sent onto the planet.  Gaia is crying out just as some of us have been doing.  It is our time to fully settle into the new paradigm of Light that we have been asking to occur.

Are you ready?  Are you clear enough in all of your four bodies to fully actualize the frequencies we are going to be experiencing?  Have you moved out of your third dimensional chakra grid and started to infiltrate the 4th and the 5th.  Because if you have not, then it is time to fully get down within yourself and look at the elements that may be stopping you.  There is no time like the present and time is no longer our friend.  She is now activating it all within us.  Believe me, you do not want to have the energies do it for you.  That is not a pleasant stage of growth.

My words may seem harsh today but I am being pushed in various ways also.  It is time for me to speak my truth and allow what I have learned in 30 years of healing, tools, and activations to be given to each of you.  I don’t want to stand on the mountain alone without others actualizing themselves as I have.  Many are coming forward at this time and it is a beautiful occurrence.  Spirit of the Ascended Beings, the Inter-Galactics, the Inner Earth Beings, and the entire God Force are asking us to make a pledge onto ourselves to fully allow our essences to be embodied within our physical vehicles.  We are becoming the Inner Earth Hierarchy to walk amongst these Beings as we never thought that we could.  I am just a messenger in this moment.  I do not portray that I am any different than each of you except I was able to learn how to communicate with Spirit and they pushed me and prodded me to become the Goddess I have accepted within me.  This takes some courage for me to speak in this way but in the last month, I learned how to fully empower myself deeply.  It was not without great challenge within me, lots of tears, and a special friend who saw in me what I could not see.  I deeply want to thank Lady Isis for her appearance in my world physically and spiritually.  Without her guidance and support this would never had been possible.

Are you ready to be empowered within yourself and let go of all your inhibitions while acknowledging your True Self?  Being a True One as Solara puts it is most important before our True Loves can arrive.  So today, I am allowing the Beings of Light that want to share with you some knowledge and teachings to help understand where you may be in your own development. This is a time of great transformation.  More than we have ever received previously and it will not be pretty if one does not acknowledge the deepness within their soul, their own insecurities, letting go of the lower ego, ridding one of the inner fears, and full being an empowered God or Goddess with the Higher Mind, the Higher Ego, and the Higher Heart.  It is our time to fully shine.

If you are not quite ready to be the Way-Shower, admit it.  Keep moving with the processes and ask others to help you.  We cannot do it all on our own and sometimes need another’s perspective to see the True Picture within ourselves.  It may be through a Coach, Teacher, a friend, an Ascended Being of Light, but allow the frequency of the Cosmic Forces be fully within your Being to help you through the process.  Do not allow yourself to keep the blinders on as they no longer serve any purpose but keeping us where we don’t want to be.

On a personal note I will not be going to Sedona and am staying in Mount Shasta as you never know what can change.  Energies shifted, I have changed, and others are arriving in Shasta to be with me as our Soul Family is uniting.  I am putting forth a class on October 29th on the advice of Lord Adama and Saint Germain to help others realize where their fear-based issues may be keeping them from not fully activating All That They Are.  I am also offering special sessions with Lord Adama and the Ray Chohans of each of the Golden Cities to help an individual get a better idea of where they might want their work to be.  These are listed below on this newsletter.

The love is growing so deeply within each of us and it is not just a conscious movement.  It needs to be the deepness within our physical, emotional and mental bodies.  Take this time to fully reflect where you may be and what you can do to improve upon your own individuality of greatness that you are.  I am honored that you are walking this pathway with me, and I look forward to standing with each of you at the top of the mountain as the New Earth Hierarchy.

In Expressions of Oneness,
Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Our Divine Expression To You
Lord Adama, Lord Buddha, Saint Germain, Sanat Kumara
Along with the Divine Mother & Father God

Dearest Ones,

We come to you in the presence of Telos within the Command Center to bring forth a message of love not only for each of us here, but for each of you.  I am Lord Adama but I have with me Saint Germain, Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara and the Councils of God.  It is our Divine Expression to you in this moment for you to just sit back and relax as the energies enfold through this session.  We express to you the ability within yourselves to fully have the capability to understand what you are going through but in these times of great acceleration it can be very confusing to the mind.  Each of you are aspiring to great heights of awareness within yourself but many of you are not acknowledging it within the physical vehicle.  There are elements of fear-based realities that are so real to you like it was created yesterday.  These pellets of non-truth are emanating within your bodies so as not to allow you to fully see the whole picture of your completeness.

We have never seen so many awaken but yet there are a great number of you that are still unsure what your pathway may be because of the lodging of your present circumstances.  Our desire and hope in this moment is to allow each of us to say one small part that will trigger a response within your Being.  Many of you are fully awakened but are still not allowing this element to be your guide.  The fear can be great upon the Upper Earth as the elements of change within you are being your guide.  You will also have periods of activity where the fear is not present, and then you fall back into your lower mental programming that you thought you had removed.  All of this is part of the process and it is our sincere desire and hope to see each of you embody the Essence that is fully capable of arising out of the closets to express complete Divinity.  I AM Lord Adama at your service.

Blessings, my children, I Am Lord Buddha at your Service, the Planetary Logos.  I am amazed at the quantity of humankind awakening in so many different ways at this time.  I am also concerned about the quality of that awakening.  There are many of you that feel you are ready to expand your consciousness into a space of completeness but yet you may not feel totally complete yourself.  I hear your words, your prayers and yet there is still something missing from the activation within many of you.  What is it that is stopping you on this day of arrival?  Is it the energies of the consciousness and being part of that consciousness?  The only element that I want to see expressed is the frequency of your love of yourself.  This is the most important part of Light that I want to express.  Let us move into the silence together and hear the winds, see the trees moving, and the ability to fully be in a space of no-time.  This my children will awaken you onto yourself.  You will see what is lodged deep within the Core of your Being that needs to be awakened.  Then, and only, then can you know your total truth.  That is when you can share it with the world and you will be ready to stand amongst the Leaders of this World that are opening up their core Beings just as you are doing.  I walk with you and will honor you with my presence as you are honoring me by being here in these moments to awaken yourself and others onto the expression That They Are and We Are Together.  I AM Lord Buddha at your Service.

It is my pleasure to be part of this group on this day.  I Am Saint Germain and what I see for all of us upon this planet is a beautiful awakening in the beauty that We Are.  I know many of you work with the Violet Flame and are totally allowing the acceptance to be within you.  I ask of you in this moment, what is it within that acceptance that needs to be heralded onto the heavens in this moment.  There is a deep urging within each of you to be part of the Greater Whole and you are doing this by the allowance of the Violet Flame within you.  I express to you that your Divinity is our Divinity in the acceptance of what you are incorporating.  But yet, look within you, the deepness of the four body system of the physical, etheric, emotional and mental areas that may still need assistance.  In order to fully accept your Divinity you must know that your body is a pure vessel of Light.  Utilize the violet flame to assist in this process and bring forth these elements within you.  They may be small particles just floating around that you forgot about and now is the time to awaken them within yourself.  It is all about awareness of the Soul’s Essence.  I AM Saint Germain at your Service.

Blessings, my children, blessings.  I Am Sanat Kumara and I bring with me the councils of God to assist in the completeness of your hearts within the frequency you are fully embodying at this time.  There are elements of completeness that are occurring as each of us connects within one another.  The expression that each of us is trying to assist you with is the totality within you to remember the essence of love and compassion that your soul desires to have activated within the physical.  This cannot be just in your consciousness but deeply ingrained within the physical existence.  As you fully embellish the totality that you Are, then it comes into the Mental, Emotional, Etheric, and Physical.  It has to filter through those bodies and pockets of information or debris that needs to be accepted by this Light.  It can be very challenging not to accept these aspects within yourself if you are looking at the total picture.  A portrait cannot be finished until all parts are filled with the Light.  Pockets of elements just floating around may be the key to your full completeness.  It is that simple.  I AM Sanat Kumara at your service.

We now come to you in full consciousness of the Divine Mother and Father God.  These words that have been given to you contain pockets of integration for you to absorb.  Some may align with all these words and some may align with just a few.  Allow yourself to sit and absorb the frequency that is coming to you. 

Our complete desire is to have each of you be fully embodied with the Light that You Are but we are finding that many are not ready.  There are still lower egos showing themselves in small ways.  The power of this work can be over-powering which means it can get away with your Essence and you may think you are speaking from your heart but in retrospect, it is from the mental levels still in place.  When we speak of the Divine Spark That You Are, it is the seed, not the power of your words that apply to the situation.  Those of you that are fully embracing the power essence within are truly doing the work that you are destined to do.  We are not saying that all of you are falling below the standards but many are doing so and not realizing it. 

Take a moment and allow these reflections to be within you.  Stand within nature as they will always reflect to you what it is that you are.  As the wind brushes your face, the sun warms up your body, the land accepts your Divinity, and all of the elementals listen to your plea of gratitude, that is the moment of your Rebirth.  That is when you realize within yourself what may have shifted for you and now the elements around you are assisting you fully and completely.  We are all here for you and you are here for us.  Let us grow together deeply and know that the expressions of your Being are integrating in all the Cosmos and forces of Light.  Let us be your reflection and that reflection will shine upon you deeply in all levels of creation.  We walk with you, share with you, express with you, and thank you for having the courage to step out into the unknown.  You have done it before but now it will be our success together.  In the Light of the Christ that We Are, We Are One.

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Thank you SOnja. Needed and enjoyed this resonance.


Re-posted for visibility~


Bless you sister~



Amazing and so very true understand it all Aho! xx




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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