lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Rather Than Fall In Love - Rise Into Divine Love ... & ... The True Power of Love By Quan Yin🚨🚨🚨 Everyone Has A Unique & Sacred Role,,,&...




Rather Than Fall In Love - Rise Into Divine Love !


Messages From God At Circle of Light With Yael & Doug Powell


Beloved ones, it is time to rise in Love, rather than falling in Love as you have done for so very long. To rise in Love means to allow Love to set you free, to let your heart release you from all the ways that Love has been seen by the ego with all of the hidden desires of what the little mind wants to get and the human emotions want to feel.


Instead - rise in Love is to merge with your ecstatic divine heart where you give from your divine heart, where you are focused completely on being open to allow the whole of Love to be given completely, through you and as you as Love’s joy


To rise in Love is the greatest honor. It is the wonder of discovery of what Love really means. To rise in Love is to celebrate giving in a way that has never, until now, been seen before.


And how do you rise in Love? Through making the choice to connect with your Mother/Father/God and become this perfect Love beyond any need to receive anything at all. It is the gift of taking delight in the riches of life in every now moment.


It is the reality of the full experience of your own heart in the realms of divine freedom of the mind and all the limiting beliefs and consctructs of the ego.. The deep discovery of your I Am Presence, and the wondrous celebration of all that you truly are, joyously and continually awake to the wondrous fulness of being the heart of God.


When you rise in Divine Love, all creation is your partner. And everywhere the heart looks sees Love’s perfection. With every breath, Love is alive in you.


From this place of overflowing wonder, it will not surprise you at all when Love shows up before you in the symbols of the world. It will be natural, for life is already complete and nothing is longed for at all.


Know that for those of you who are reaching for Love, it can seem almost impossible to get to this place, for the longing is potent. It is the truth of your heart seeking to reveal itself to you.


Yet the ego-mind distorts the longing for Love and turns it away from the joyous experience of giving one-hundred percent. It makes it into what you will receive, from the longed for partner, from the lover of God, from the one with whom you will share your life and space and your every dream of goodness


The only way to release the longing is to shift to the heart and reconnect with your divine truth and feel the living flow of Love rushing through you. It is so powerful, so glorious that it completely lifts you up until you are truly living in ecstasy, in wondrous fulfillment and joy. You are in awe of the incredible gift of being My heart through which I Love.


To give everything that you are without restriction at all lifts you into a plane of being which is beyond being fulfilled. It is returning you to your truth as the wondrous heart of Love, and to the Truth of living on earth with the embodiment of your Full God Presence.


With every step you take, make a conscious decision of where your focus lies. Are you giving, or seek to get. And the getting - the desire is subtle. Sometimes it’s unconscious,but you can tell, beloved ones, from your feelings, from whether or not you are feeling the Loving Presence of your Divine Heart.


If you are feeling completely fulfilled, joyously resplendent with the gifts of life overflowing with the presence of Love, if every moment feels like a miracle and you have more than enough Love, then you are coming from the place of being the full and open heart of God on earth. And this allows you to be ready to lift up, to Love, to turn away from falling in love.. Instead, lifting to joy and discovering the mystery of giving as the key to receiving all


However, the ego-mind can be quite aware of the ways of the heart and will do its best to make them its own. Therefore, it will attempt to give in order to get. But the vibration of your heart knows what is truly going on.


Beloved ones, when you lift up to Love rather than falling in, the truth of the Love I Am is made manifest fully in you and in your I Am Presence. You become truly the giving heart that in giving is completely fulfilled. And this shift in any relationship, if you have already fallen in Love,will gloriously change everything. For giving from the heart is the greatest gift that youcan ever bring to anyone..


You can start from the perspective of the little mind and think about what it means to give. If you are already in a partnership, you can consciously think of ways you can give to your beloved again and again. And as you do, you will come to the point where the scales are tipped, where the giving outweighs the desire to get and you are launchedand lifted into Love and nothing is the same.


Every moment is ecstatic communion and the vision of the heart is vistas of freedom, joyous celebrations of harmony and grace and answers always from Father/Mother/God. In each Now moment you are uplifted; Love and the divine heart is your guide as Love flows through you.All you need to do is accept Love’s gifts.


It can seem like a fine line between the old world ideas of relationship and the heart’s glorious vision of the truth of Twin Flames. But the feeling, the vibration is completely different. And yet, there is no mystery at all. It is simply the result of your choosing lifting up. Once this choice is made, you can let Love do it all - for it will


The longing of the human self for Love, comfort, support and approval will never cease.It will find new ways to insert itself into your dreams and make you feel like you are missing so much. It sends forth the vibration of less than enough, and of course brings you more of the same.


But if you turn to Me, Mother/Father/God, you can make the shift into the fulness of this Real, glorious, never-ending Love. You can connect to your heart in the realms ofGod and experience what it means to be giving Love. Not a person giving something to another, but Love itself, being given fully


This, beloved ones, is exquisite. It is complete fulfillment. It is the open and surrendered heart as Love lives itself perfectly in you. As you receive its gifts, it moves effortlessly outward into the world through you.


Can you imagine how it feels to be so full of Love? To be loved so perfectly and so wel lthat you are more than replete? You are overflowing with the gifts of Love and all the while you are discovering more and more of Love’s beauty.


This is what you already do.Your heart, beloved ones, is fully engaged. It is only the fact that your attention has been focused on the ego-mind that has made it seem that you are seeking something and believing it’s outside of yourself.


Where do you learn to Love and how do you fully open your heart? By coming to your Father/Mother/God. By opening to this communion, experiencing being Loved by Me until you are so full and so complete that you recognize yourself as My heart and as this perfect Love.


I Am your truth, your gift, and you are My ability to give more. And with this moment,this breath, you are rising into Love perfectly. You are being My giving heart.


The ego dream is fading. Falling in Love is the old world. It is being sucked into the dream of the little mind with its list of things it deserves. You are being called to recognize yourself as the heart that gives one-hundred percent. The moment that youtruly feel this, the shift is profound.


From falling to rising, from wanting to get to giving with unending joy, from living the perceptions of the little mind to being the open heart of God. You can feel the difference in the resonance and you know, beloved ones, which you are. You are My open heart


So let us go forth allowing the leap, the launch, the spreading of wings, the opening to the perception of your magnificent heart that is the center of the center of Me -- that the universe may speak your name and empower your openness and your Love and show you how it feels to be the giving heart. The perfect ecstatic heart of God.


Video Link: Activate Your Superconscious Divine Self -



The True Power of Love By Quan Yin Through Octavia Vasile

"Beloved Ones,

I am Quan Yin, She who walks in the river of compassion, She who sees the suffering and does not turn away.

I come to you now to remind you of the great power that flows through your being—the power of Love. Not the love that is bartered, not the love that seeks return, but the love that is freely given, radiant and endless as the celestial waters.

True love does not ask, "What will I receive?" but rather, "How may I serve?"

Love that is aligned with the Divine knows no condition, no expectation, no fear. It moves as a river, nourishing all it touches, never demanding recognition, never holding itself back.

This is the way of the compassionate heart, the way of the awakened ones, the way you are all called to embody.

The mind of the world speaks in transactions—what is given must be repaid, what is offered must be valued in gold. But I tell you, the greatest riches of Heaven are found not in taking, but in the act of giving freely, in doing for others not because it benefits you, but because Love moves through you.

Compassion is Love in motion. It is the bridge between souls, dissolving separation, mending wounds unseen.

To be compassionate is not merely to feel for another but to extend your hand, to give of yourself with no need for return. A kind word, a moment of listening, a touch of grace—these small acts are gateways to the infinite.

When you align with this vibration, you become a vessel for the highest frequency of the Divine.

Fear will whisper, "If I give, I will have less." Love answers, "The more I give, the more I become." Fear says, "I must protect what is mine."

Love says, "There is nothing to lose when all is shared." Fear binds, but Love liberates.

Dear ones, the world thirsts for kindness, for the gentle presence of those who act not out of self-interest, but from the heart.

Let your life be a living prayer, a song of service, a river of grace that flows without end. In this, you will know the boundless joy of the Divine, for to love is to be in harmony with all that is.

I am with you always, walking beside you in the path of compassion. May your hands be light, your heart unburdened, and your spirit free.

In Love Eternal,

Quan Yin"

Video Link: 25-Minute Gratitude Amplification Meditation: Elevate Your Vibration Rapidly -





🚨🚨🚨 Everyone Has A Unique & Sacred Role In Transitioning Our World From Chaos Into The Golden Age of Enlightenment
✨🌟🌟🌟You are a part of something greater. Something that was prophesied, written in the stars and etched in the heart of every awakened soul. Humanity has reached a crucial point in its evolution, and the calls to maintain the light have been answered...
Aeons ago, the Earth sent out a cosmic cry for help, and you, along with thousands of master souls, answered. You are one of the original 144,000 who carry in their DNA the codes of awakening, passed down from ancient civilizations such as Atlantis and Lemuria.
From the very beginning, you knew you were here with a sacred mission, even though at first you can't remember why...
But NOW in 2025, with the rising vibrations of the Earth, the memories have returned. Something has been awakened in you. You feel the fire burning in every cell of your being.
✨🌟PHASE 1: Awaken and stabilize the light on earth to prevent the collapse of humanity. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED !
✨🌟PHASE 2: Building the New Earth and guiding humanity into a golden age of light and expanded consciousness. WE ARE IN PROGRESS!
✨🌟Now the numbers of Warriors of Light have increased. It's not just 144,000 anymore, but an ocean of awakened souls scattered all over the planet. Everyone has a unique and sacred role in this transition:
✨🌟 ENERGY GUARDIANS - They hold the light in every corner of the universe.
✨🌟HEALERS - Restoring body, mind and heart.
✨🌟 MESSENGERS OF TRUTH - They channel and transmit spiritual wisdom.
✨🌟 FREQUENCY ANCHORS - They are raising the vibrations in their families and communities.
✨🧘💫🌟More and more you meet like minded souls. There is a deep appreciation when you look into the eyes of another awakened being.
We gather at:
✨🧘💫Global Meditations.
✨🧘💫Collaboration projects.
✨🧘💫Unified prayers...
✨🌟💜🌟 When two or more awakened souls unite for a lofty purpose, a channel of divine energy with exponential power opens.
What you see around you is the collapse of an old paradigm.
It's okay for chaos to be there, but don't let fear overwhelm you. You're an anchor of light in times of change.
When the world seems uncertain, return to your Divine Heart 💖.
Find your peace in nature, meditation, love.
Be confident in the Divine Role.
The universe has your back. Embodied Masters, Beings of Light and legions of Angels are with you every step of the way.
Gabriel De Pleiade...
Video Link: Transcending The Surfacing Chaos - Patricia Cota-Robles


Views: 43


Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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