lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
The Love That You Express Can Create Miracles In Your World
The Federation of Light Through Blossom Goodchild
Hello there. I had an appointment earlier and planned to come back and do this channeling. When going into the appointment, I noticed a young girl sitting on a bench near the bus station, just staring into space. A few bags around her.
When I came out an hour later, she was still there. I walked past yet, my heart needed to go back and check in with her. Such a beautiful Soul who had been homeless for about a year.
We hugged and I simply couldn’t let her go. I wonder when either of us had last had such a long, long, Loving hug. So, we kept on hugging.
The only words I spoke were ‘From this moment on, let it be that your life changes for the better’. I handed her some money and left.
I cried all the way home. Surely … I COULD have picked up her bags and brought her home. I COULD have offered her a shower and to do some washing. I COULD have given her a bed for the night. I COULD have given her so much more than money, yet, I chose not to.
Making excuses because it WOULD have been inconvenient. My Heart is so torn. I feel so selfish. Yes, I gave her all the Love I had, yet, I COULD have done more. How could I welcome her in and then spit her out onto the streets again? Please offer some advice. She is haunting me. This is not the initial vibe I had in mind for today’s channeling yet, here we are. Thank you.
Dearest Blossom and all Souls here in this moment of connection. We shall speak to you of KNOWING. KNOWING that the offering of Kindness changed her Heart. It changed her Energy.
Her Heart was warmed by your Love to a complete stranger. A change of Heart took place within her and indeed, from now on, as you asked it to be … her circumstances shall change.
That would be so wonderful. Yet, I am battling with my ‘giving’ only going as far as it suited me. It would have been too inconvenient for her to stay with me. I feel I have let the side down.
Blossom … KNOW that the act of kindness and the Loving hug was exactly what she needed, to go on her journey. You have set the wheels in motion. You flipped the coin, so to speak.
You could have just walked on by, yet, you did so much more. You have to Trust that if it was meant to be for her to come to your home … she would be with you now. Yet, the Universe has a different journey in store for her.
I have to Trust that all my thoughts of asking White Cloud to change things for her …will come about.
Is this not that which we have been speaking of, Blossom?
To KNOW that the Love you exchanged was creating a Miracle for her life to change and that is why you needed to hold each other for that length of time, in order for the transformation to take hold.
I am choosing to take your words as Truth … and not just trying to make me feel better. Thank you. I wonder if I shall see her again?
It matters not. The timely meeting took place … as arranged.
Funny though, through my tears when I got home … I was trying to make myself feel better, in that, perhaps I was an Angel to her just for that brief encounter … and then realized… that in fact, SHE was the Angel for me.
The Love she gave back to me was so Truthful and that is why no words were needed. I know not her name, yet, I encountered the most profound exchange today for which I am deeply grateful.
I will leave this there, yet, thank you. I needed to voice this to release it … before moving on to the question I had planned to ask.
Somebody wrote in to ask this … I thought it may help many.
As someone who has been into « this » for decades. The hope (sometimes the « knowing ») that huge (and ultimately positive ) changes are on the near horizon, has given me strength and joy many times, but also many disappointments, and bouts of doubts and depression.
At other times, I just released my expectations and was able to live in the « now » moment, as joyfully and lovingly as possible, and I felt well, but this state is difficult to maintain through the highs and lows of life.
How would you suggest we navigate this dilemma? Is it counter-productive to « hope » for something to happen « soon ». While it can give strength, it can also lead to a lower « low ». But living without expectation can either be empowering and blissful, but at times, a bit depressing as well.
Over to you guys … Thank you.
We are grateful for this question being asked. Those of you upon this Planet at this time, are experiencing so much confusion, disappointment and disbelief at that which is being revealed and presented.
There is nothing wrong with ‘HOPING’ for a better world to live in. There is however an easier way to ‘navigate this dilemma’ … by KNOWING that there is a better world coming … and it is BEING created by you.
That which we speak of and many others, we agree, can leave one feeling out of sorts as to the ‘How’ and ‘When’ and indeed ‘Why.’ Yet, at the same time, we feel it necessary to speak of the matters that we have, to prepare you for the possibilities that lie ahead.
One’s greatest desire we assume is to be Happy. Who could ask for anything more? If one is Happy, not one other requirement is needed.
Happiness lies within …
It comes from within …
Therefore, we suggest one chooses to focus on finding and Being that Happiness.
Easier said than done on a full-time basis, as the lady mentioned.
Yet, this does not stop you from ‘working on it’. We hear you saying ‘Should it have to be worked on? Should it not be our natural state?
Yes, indeed, it is innately your natural state of BEING … for when ONLY LOVING THOUGHTS about All and Everything consume your very breathing … there you shall find Happiness.
Mm. Trouble is, when that blue bird of happiness sits on your shoulder for too long… inevitably, it seems to poop on you!
Do you not have a saying that this brings good luck?
Yes, yet, I have no idea why. Do you?
We do not. Yet, whoever came up with that KNOWING was indeed a Positive Soul. To master Positive Wellness, to sit within your Highest Positive Vibration at all times does not come easily due to programming and presentation all around that is designed to make you feel otherwise.
As we have pointed out …
Your diligent attitude toward making this so, is the key to bringing this continued High Vibe about.
Not easy though, amongst the ‘opposition’ and their continued energy that is being sent out to bring us down.
If you know this is so … MOVE THROUGH IT.
It is an ENERGY …
Everything is an Energy …
Change your Feeling. Use the tools you have been given.
I am sure you know how POWERFUL the Mantra is. People use it all the time. It is wonderful to hear how much it is spreading and helping folk. So, a general thank you from us all for this.
Because of the Power within it. The coding which is ‘attached’ to your etheric, Spiritual Heart.
It ignites it with LOVE and STRENGTH. It is your fuel, if we would put it that way.
So, to continue with suggestion to the question. Perhaps think not of what you ‘think’ is to take place yet, FEEL how you wish your life to BE.
FEEL the Happiness that you wish to wake up to every day.
Again, easier said than done. Sometimes easy, sometimes … I am just not up for it!!
Then, allow yourself to FEEL that when necessary. You KNOW you will come back up. That is all that is required from/of you … by you.
Less of the beating up for not Being … A LIVING BREATHING … OBVIOUS ANGEL!
And more of KNOWING that the Truth of who you are IS A LIVING BREATHING … not so obvious Angel.
In this, we mean that it is not necessary to be OBVIOUS!
Were you not an Angel this morning in your encounter, Blossom? Was not the young girl an Angel?
Was this not OBVIOUS? Yet, in such a discreet way that ONLY LOVE ITSELF can KNOW the exchange between the two that took place.
The wonders that LOVE in/of/as/through itself can reach out and touch … go far beyond that which one ‘assumes’ it to.
That which you are told in these times can be very depressing. Yet, KNOW … that all we have said is from our Truth … it is the timing of it that brings about disappointment.
Let go of time frames.
Wake up each morning knowing you … as you … the Soul residing on Earth in these most important times … are going to make the very best of this life you have been given.
KNOW you are fulfilling the task you came to complete.
KNOW that by bringing Joy to others and indeed, yourself, is the greatest most powerful tool you have to rid the darkness from this beautiful Mother Gaia and restore PEACE once again.
Just you wait and see, Dearest Souls. Just you wait and see,
Well, we have waited this long, I guess we can wait for as long as it takes. We just will. What choice do we have?
Your choices of attitude are what assists most.
You KNOW how to manoeuvre through the trials.
The longer it takes … the more you master these skills.
Thanks so much. I am feeling much stronger and Brighter than when I began.
In Gratitude. In Loving service. I AM ALL THAT I AM !
Video Link: Blossom, White Cloud and The Federation Of Light wish you a bright Holiday season -
Blessings On This Sacred Christ-Mass By Anrita Melchizedek
On this sacred Christ-Mass day,
we celebrate the birthday of Jesus the Christ.
Jesus the Christ created a Pathway of Divine Love for all Humanity,
embodying the Golden Christed Light,
and all 144 Soul ray aspects of Source Light,
showing us the Pathway to the Kingdom of Heaven within.
At zero point, the sacred Star of Kumara,
also called the Star of Bethlehem,
guided three kings to his place of birth.
These three kings represent for us the trinity of the Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Child,
or the upper triad of Spiritual Will, Intuition and Higher Mind.
In the Tree of Life, we refer to Kether, Chokmah and Binah as the upper triad.
Kether, the Crown, is the emanating Source of all Creation, in which we emerged at the spark of creation,
Source Light, from our unmanifested state,
Chokmah, Wisdom, is the Christed Light containing the potentialities of creation,
and Binah, Understanding, brings about the birthing of our manifesting co-creations,
in illumination and Divine Love.
As the Christed Ones,
leading the way in this Golden Age of Light,
we activate the Star of Kumara through our third eye and within our hearts,
and within the hearts of all Humanity,
as we merge with Source Light,
and with our Beloved I AM Presence,
embodying all 144 Soul rays aspects of which we are One.
Through Spiritual Will, we align our hearts with the truth of our Soul,
with the intuitive understandings of our lessons in deep trust and surrender to the Divine,
and with an open heart, experience compassion, wisdom, joy, peace and Divine Love,
and the knowing that we are the messengers of God on this sacred earth,
as the Christed Ones,
and as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
Christed Light Invocation
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
and all the Beings of Light from On High I personally acknowledge,
as I now ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth.
I now experience my Self as Source Light,
as the original spark of creation.
I have a sense of my infinite, unmanifest Beingness,
my Christed Presence, my Divine Light.
I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence,
and all 144 Soul rays aspects of which I am One.
As my Beloved I Am Presence expands my Christ Light from within,
I experience my Self wrapped in the Golden Flames of Christ Consciousness,
and the activation of my Christed Body of Light,
my Adam Kadmon Body of Light.
I now experience the activation of my Golden Heart,
in these beautiful Golden Flames of Light.
I now call upon Sanat Kumura and Lady Master Venus,
to activate and actualize the Star of Kumura within my Third Eye and within my Golden Heart,
so I may create a Pathway of Divine Love for all Humanity,
so I may truly know my Self in my full magnificence and Light,
as my Christed Light.
I now assist the many Legions of Light from On High,
to anchor and activate the Star of Kumara within the heart chakra of Mother Earth,
and now, within the hearts of every man, woman and child,
choosing to experience this Golden Age of Light.
As the Star of Kumara illuminates and activates through the hearts of all Humanity,
peace, compassion, joy, wisdom, Unity Consciousness and Divine Love
is potentially experienced for all Life on this earth plane.
I am a sacred Christ Conscious Being of Light,
creating the Pathway to the Kingdom of Heaven within.
I am a manifesting co-creator to the Company of Heaven,
an open heart in this Golden Age of Light,
I Am All That I Am.
Video Link: Sacred Cosmic Fire of Peace & The Inner Golden Sun Christ Light Expansion & Solstice Transmission -
The Magnificent 5th Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame
By Patricia Cota-Robles
We Affirm - I AM Returning to Christ Consciousness:
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. What I invoke for myself I invoke on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.
On the Holy Breath, I now Breathe in and out deeply and rhythmically through my Heart Chakra. With the In-breath, affirm: I Am aligned with the Comprehensive Divine Love of my Mother God and the Sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit.
With the In-breath, affirm: I Am aligned with the Comprehensive Divine Love of my Mother God and the Sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit.
With the Out-breath, my Mother God opens my Heart Chakra to receive new levels of Comprehensive Divine Love that I project throughout my Whole Being and throughout Gaia.
As the full Divine Potential of my Mother God’s Pink Flame of Comprehensive Divine Love pulsates through my Heart Chakra, it is brought into perfect balance with my Father God’s Blue Flame of Power within my Heart Flame.
Now that the portal through which my Mother God’s Divine Love flows is open to full breadth, the Blue Flame of my Father God’s Power and the Pink Flame of my Mother God’s Love are perfectly balanced within the Divinity of my Heart.
These two aspects of my Father-Mother God, the Blue Flame of my Father God’s Power and the Pink Flame of my Mother God’s Love, now merge into the magnificent 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection - creating the Violet Flame.
This Violet Flame will be the predominant frequency of Light bathing the Earth during the 2,000-year cycle of the Age of Aquarius which we have now entered.
This Sacred Fire now blazes up from my Heart Chakra and expands into my physical brain structure activating my pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands, and the ganglionic center at the base of my brain.
This activation of my spiritual brain centers creates the sacred space for the opening of my Crown Chakra. As this occurs, a greatly intensified frequency of the Yellow-Gold Flame of Enlightenment and Christ Consciousness begins flowing from my I AM Presence into my pineal gland.
This intensified Yellow-Gold Flame is anchored within my Heart Flame, thus bringing into perfect balance my Immortal Victorious Threefold Heart Flame: the Blue Flame of my Father God’s Power, the Pink Flame of my Mother God’s Divine Love and the Yellow-Gold Flame of the Son and Daughter of God’s Enlightenment through Christ Consciousness.
With this influx of Light, the Enlightenment of Christ Consciousness now flows through my Crown Chakra. As I return to Christ Consciousness my Heart Flame is recalibrated to higher frequencies of Oneness and Reverence for Life than I have previously experienced.
In this Enlightened state of Christ Consciousness, I AM able to easily communicate with my I AM Presence, my Father-Mother God and the entire Company of Heaven through the natural process of Intuitive heart-and-mind telepathic communication.
I realize now, as never before, that Christ Consciousness is my Divine Birthright as a Beloved Son or Daughter of God. Through this level of Consciousness, I AM One with my Father-Mother God and every particle and wave of Life throughout the whole of Creation.
As I live, move, Breathe and have my Being within the elevated state of Christ Consciousness, I realize that all that my Father-Mother God have is mine. I now KNOW that the Path of Divine Love is the Way, the Truth and the Life for every Son and Daughter of God.
With the God Victorious return of my Mother God, and my return to Christ Consciousness, I now have the ability to assimilate the entire nature of my Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love into my Heart Flame with every In-breath.
This allows me to Ascend toward the Supreme Source of all Life with every In-breath I take. And on every Out-breath, I have the ability to expand the patterns of perfection for the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth into the world of form, greatly enhancing my ability to Cocreate Heaven on Earth.
As I continue to Breathe my Holy Breath moment by moment, I experience the bliss of knowing that we are One, and that LOVE IS ALL THERE IS. And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.
Dear One, have a Glorious Christmas. You are being empowered by your I AM Presence in ways beyond your Conscious awareness, so listen to your Heart and pay attention. In the Dawning New Year 2025, in collaboration with the Company of Heaven, Awakening Humanity will Cocreate “The Year of Unique Awakening and Manifestation.”
God Bless you Precious Heart. I look forward to being with you next week.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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