lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light




by Walter Last

The iris is like a map of the body - changes in certain organs are reflected in specific parts of the iris. The right iris shows the condition of the right side of the body, while the left iris reflects the left side. The exact relationship between iris and body parts can be seen from the iris chart below. Iris diagnosis is also known as iridology.

In health, the iris is composed of densely structured fine, straight lines, radiating from the pupil to the outer rim. A close grain, similar to that of hardwood, indicates a strong inherited vitality and good recuperative powers in the case of temporary illness. If the fibres are loosely spread, as in softwood, the basic health is weak.

In poor health these lines become separated and distorted, forming various patterns, called markings. Very weak organs often show elliptically formed grey markings - so-called closed lesions resembling knots in wood. In poor health many of these closed lesions may be found in the iris, indicating areas in which the circulation is stagnating. If these lesions are not 'walled in', but open at one end or both, this indicates that despite a weakness the circulation in this area is good.

Colour Changes

Start by studying your own eyes in a mirror. Then look at the eyes of friends and relatives. Use a magnifying glass and a torch held at the side of the eye. Make a coloured copy of your own eyes or those of a friend, and compare it with the iris chart. Study the general colour pattern. Markings are much easier to detect in blue than in brown eyes. Often there will be brownish discolourations in blue or green eyes extending outward from the pupil. This area belongs to the intestines. The brown colour change indicates that there is a deterioration of the digestive system, usually associated with inherited liver and gall bladder weakness.

Frequently, the eyes of babies change from blue to brownish within days or weeks of the baby's introduction to cows' milk. Often allergy symptoms are present simultaneously, for example, eczema, respiratory and digestive difficulties. These colour changes may also occur in breastfed babies if the mother uses cows' milk or its products. Presumably this change may already occur in the foetus.

The brown colour of genuinely brown eyes comes from melanin pigments, while pathological brown colour changes originate from oxidised lipoproteins (for example, lipofuscin) and possibly from the breakdown products of blood colouring agents (for example, bilirubin). Additional discolouration may result from drug deposits.

Sometimes there is so much brown it is difficult to detect the original colour. Organ areas that border the intestinal ring where it shows strong markings are likely to suffer from reflected weaknesses. White in the iris indicates overactivity, irritation, acidity, infection, inflammation or catarrh of the corresponding body part. In some eyes the whole iris shows much white; in others it is concentrated in certain areas only.

Generally, a brown discolouration means that cows' milk products, saturated fats (all fats that are solid at room temperature), chemicals and stimulants should be avoided as much as possible. A very white discolouration indicates mucus congestion. Therefore, mucus-forming foods should be avoided - gluten, refined carbohydrates, wheat, lactose, oranges and anything mouldy.

Gradually, an organ may change from an inflamed to a chronically weak condition. The white in the iris will simultaneously change to grey; the darker the grey, the weaker the organ. During health improvement you may watch the reverse process: the grey areas becoming lighter in colour, then white and finally restored to the original colour - a process that takes many years.

Generally, white markings indicate a need for sedating, anti-inflammatory treatment of the associated organ, while grey or brown areas show a need for strengthening and stimulation.


Abbreviations: ADREN = Adrenal Gland, AP. = Appendix, G.B. = Gall-bladder, P.= Pineal Gland, PA.=Pancreas, PIT.= Pituitary Gland, S.P. = Solar Plexus.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you SOnja, for this information. Iridology is so fascinating, isn't it? My mother, a social worker, studied and introduced it to me, when I was in high school. Many years later, now ;-), it is so great to see the advances and growth that's taking place.

Indeed, the entire field of Healing is so incredible and complex. The possibilities are endless.

Thank you El, for this info. I love to see the variances in Healing...truly Amazing to me.

With much Love

When I studied, psychological healing of fragmented souls, with Dawn Clark (the most light-filled person I have ever been gifted to know and share with), she taught us a method of healing our emotional selves.

Using a mirror, focusing into the eye (specifics if requested) while simultaneously forgiving others and ultimately ourselves. It is the most effective emotional healing tool I've ever come across. Having become a certified "Soul mender" I'm awaiting approval to share these tools.

It's so exciting because the repercussions extend throughout physical, emotional, mental...all the bodies.

Is anyone here, familiar with "Gifts for the Soul"?

When I read a recent posting, in the group "Osiris", it immediately brought "Healing of the fractured Soul" to mind.

Thank you, so much, for inspiring.


AyAnna, can you tell me more on this emotional healing technique with the mirror? I would like to try it out!


I don't know Gifts for the Soul, however, ...


I'm very much looking forward to learning more,


Sonja Myriel

Ah!!! Yes! :-) It has helped to save my life, a few years ago :-). I would LOVE to send you the book, if you're interested.

I'm so excited to share Dawn's teachings and it is time.

I'm going to send some of the info via email and we can go from there.

Preliminarily: In the mirror focus, looking into the Left eye (Lft is for women ~female energies)

You can "soul speak" this way and forgotten parts of you...listen. My responses have been beyond Amazing.

There is also the "Gifts" process, for serious transformation (I recommend this be used with a practitioner)

Here's the major concept:

You explore an area that you would like to work on: notes, journaling, whatever feels right. Often, with me, it is something that has come up recently, a bothersome moment that just won't go away. You know what I mean...

Having uncovered this discomfort, try to remember when you first felt this way. Often it is a childhood memory, though sometimes it can be in-utero.

Now's the good part...

On paper, you write to the person that "caused" this discomfort:


Part 1: Identify & Express your Pain

"Dear Uncle,
When you made fun of fat people, it made me feel..."

And then, "Uncle Lee, I forgive you for making me feel..." Keep going as long as you need to. (still writing~it gets to the point where you can do it almost instantly, in the mirror, without needing to write eventually)

(Sonja, when you get to this part it's really good to remember, as much as possible, the actual feelings. I cry all the time, doing it :-), but it works so unbelievably. This changes lives. I can't wait for you to read the book.)

Part 2: Connect with their precipitating cause for their pain

"Uncle Lee, I forgive you. When you did that, it was probably because someone made you feel bad as a child or..."

Part 3: Find the Gift

"Uncle Lee, thank you for sharing this fat experience with me. I realize now that, the two of us having this experience is a gift. I am learning to accept and love myself in new ways. Because of you, I love me more, I am being happier, I, Ayanna, am freer."

There are key words, phrases and symbols (yes symbols!) that accompany the process. I would be honored to work with you, when/if any of this resonates.

Thank you SOnja! Dawn's energy had been speaking to me and this experience (just writing this to you) has made my day :-))

Thank you Sonja, for the opportunity to Love more

Namaste sister

Oh! Please ask, ask ask away :-))

Love you!

Dearest Sisters ~~~ I feel the Love so profoundly and completely in your beautiful and healing discussion flowing from your loving Hearts ~~~ thank you so much for this sharing and discussion ~ Love All abounds ~ Param Gian ~ Kathryn
You are so loved, dear one~

Thank you, so much, sister Kathryn~

You are seeing the reflection of the light, of all that is...that is you~

Dear AyAnna - I will send you a message a



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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