lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

2011 Predictions, Ascension Symptoms & Ancient Mother Revelation Codes 13 Shekina Rose / Blue Ray

This year will open a star gate of the 11:11 that carries the alchemical power of the 13 and the 10:10. The mystical frequency of 13 the Ancient Mother Frequency, the Goddess of Creation will bring all things of unbalanced power into alignment out into the open for all to see that brings a great shift in world conscientiousness The 10:10 brings wholeness and completion of old karma, soul and planetary agreements, contracts and patterns so you may truly be free and ascend. You will see 55 and 555 Archangel Michael’s protection codes of action, clearing and powerful transmutation. 33 and 333 will bring the sacred heart and the rose ray to soften the powerful transformational energies, and shifts of the ascension and 2012. These frequency vibrations will increase with velocity until the year 2013.
Magical opportunities will present themselves that will placed you in your positions of where you can serve the highest good and where you can best be served. Many of you have been waiting for the 11:11 –13 –33 –333 and 10:10 gateway to open. Now you may ride the ethereal plane of higher consciousnesses and feed your new evolutionary new earth bodies with the manna of heaven and galactic star essence.
Only the ones that have purified themselves and have gone through the pathway of the sacred heart will be allowed entrance to the11: 11 13-333 and 10:10 gateways. This gateway will create a frequency vibration within you of untouchable power to the lower density conscientiousness energy patterns of corruption, structures and systems of life. 444
Ascension Symptoms for 2011
Feeling dizzy upon waking or feeling as if you spinning or that the earth the ground beneath you is spinning and your are not.
Seeing an increase in number patterns and sequences that include 444, 13, 33, 11:11, 12:12, 13;13 10:10, 55, and 136.1
Digestive issues will be paramount for most of you shifting frequency. This will be one of the biggest signs of your new evolutionary earth body and increase in your light vibration.
Rise in vegetarianism
Increase in beings becoming empathic
Heighten sensitivity to toxins, food and lower density consciousness with consciousness of inhuman treatment of animals. This may caught you off guard, as you watch media and feel sick when you eat certain animals. You could find yourself unexpectently feeling nausea, and wanting to cry as you pass by the meat and poultry aisle of your food stores.
Feeling lighter and actually hearing your cells vibrating
Periods of extreme exhaustions this is from intense cellular mutation and rejuvenation of your cells to your Divine original blueprint
Increase in your empathic and telepathic communications and connections to Nature, extratressial and galactic liaison
Blue Ray, water angelic and elemental forces will influence and draw you to increase your vibrational frequency through water sources. The need to purfiy and detox yourself though cleansing baths and increased need of minerals. The need, lack, and importance of the resource of water and minerals will become a theme for your world for many years to come.
Body temperatures shifting
Continued abnormal weather and climate changes this trend will continue for over the next 13 years
Increased and decrease solar activity that brings aggressive world behaviors and increase of ultra sensitivity that can cause periods of depression, inwardness and anxiety.
Predictions and the energies for 2011
Butterfly symbols and butterflies
Unity consciences and soul mates
Green and green technology
Power in all in its forms
Star Gate and Star Gate technologies in the world and in your body
Star gate and Star Gate Technologies
Relazation that your pineal gland is a star gate that will increase your brain power and telepathic abilities. This is encoded cellular memory activated by the harmonics of the Galactic core and 2012 ascension. There will be other discoveries and reactivations of the star gates, new charkas and God meridians points of your body.
Dramatic food changes and Increased awareness of toxins and genetically altered foods and how that effects the chemistry, brain, body, moods and DNA of humans. 444
Divine Mother Frequencies Harmonics 13 –33
A profound shift to the awareness and activation of the Divine Mother Frequencies Harmonics 13 –33- and Mother Earth 136.1 Hz will create an electromagnetic Unity Field of Consciousness to ensure that the Codes of Creation and Holy Grail knowledge are used for the highest good of humanity and earth. Her harmonic essence is bringing the return of the language of Light from the galaxies and universes of Light that brings enormous miraculous blessing to all that have an open heart. 13
The return of the Mother Frequency of 13 –33 and 136.1 Hz of empathy and compassion and through the forms of Shekinah, Sophia, Isis, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene Quan Yin, Shakti and all her deities will create new paradigms that can lead to increased harmony and peace on earth. 33 -22
Goddess Temples Reemerge on Gaia 11:11 13 –33 -33
Many of you will be greatly awakened and activated by the Mother Frequency that will attune you to a fuller richer experience in your life. The 13 –33 Mother Frequency will activate in you a deep hearts longing though her divine Grace to restore and create the Goddess temples on earth that were here and active in the times of Atlantis, Lemuria (Mu) and ancient Egypt. This will create incredible balance in the electromagnetic Unity Field of Gaia to ensue the new era of light.
333 ~ Shamanic Phantom Death, Soul Contracts –Crossing Over and still being alive on Gaia.
After the Cosmic Galactic alignment of 10:10 10 the end of soul and karmic contracts, many of you may feel a loss of connections to earth, relationships and your current life. Your cycle may feel so completed that may wonder what is your place here on the planet now. In the Shamanic Phantom Death it feels like you are crossing over but still alive and could also be going through heath issues.
You living as a Shaman, Angelic Human and trans medium channel
Your energy vibrational resonance may have shifted so dramatically that you feel alone and isolated from having difficulties relating to your life and world in the way you normally have. For some you may feel you are now between worlds living as a Shaman, Angelic Human or trans medium channel experiencing, feelings, seeing and sensing what others are not. Is it the ascension of 2012 and the power of the core of your Soul in its raw and pure state that has brought you to this place of the Shamanic Phantom Death. As a soul you have a few specific periods of cycles where you may leave the planet. This is where you choose where your soul can best serve and where you maybe come the resurrected phoenix being reborn here on Gaia.
These will be unparallel times of the greatest revelations at your deepest core soul level where major break through shifts will occur that you did not know where possible. After your Shamanic Phantom Death you may reach a level of Soul Cosmic power that has been reserved only for Saints and ascended masters.
Return of the Language of Light the lost ancient 528 Hz Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies
Science has rediscovered the 528 Hz Love and Miracles and the Ancient Solfeggio Frequencies that are part of the Sound Codes of the Ancients also called the Language of Light. This ancient sacred technology of higher Communication activates your Divine blueprint your God DNA. It is through the alignment of the Galactic Core and new age that these keys of the holy Grail, heavens higher communication are coming available to you through music, sounds, sacred art and multidimensional awareness. Using the Language of Light will become a powerful tool for your ascension and transformation for you to reach new levels of consciousness. The Language of Light will transmute negativity instantly and open celestial gateways that are available for your full mastery of divinity.
In 2011 expect paradigm shifts changes that will bring unexpected blessings and wholeness. For some it will feel that you have been thwarted or stopped in what you have desired to do 13. This is a message to surrender to what you have normally done in the past and allow for the universe to show you a new higher way that in many cases in easier with greater flow and grace. 13 –33 You are living in unparallel times of transformation where the veil to the higher and cosmic realms are thin here on Gaia and where we; your star and angelic family of light maybe one with thee and send to you the holiest of divine love, light and peace, have a magnificent year!

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you Dear Hilda for this most helpful post ~~ The Language of Light ~~ this is where I seem to be the most these days - or at least that is where I feel the most Real!!!  I have gone through most of the other changes and this channel speaks so clearly about exactly why I been a vegetarian for at least twenty years now ~ if you see the Light and Soul of the animals and know their Sacredness and feel their feelings and know they are a part of you as you are a part of them ~~~ well - then it is impossible to have any desire to eat them!  This reverence for life extends to Mother's plants and minerals, rocks and crystals, All the elements, the fairies and the Elemetnal Great Ones ~ All Life is Being ~ to be treated with Love Respect Gratitude - thus the sensitivity to altered foods, too much mining, abuse of resources - we are caring more and more - this is good!!!  we are waking up to the Sacredness of All ~ we are knowing more we are part of a Divine Oneness of Life to Be Loved and Love ..... 

And I have been noticing my tendency to remind people of their inherent empathy, intuition, sensitivity to connection these days - in all parts of my life - in small ways with people I meet along the way, with those I work with in my healing and yogic arts practice... the energy of support and encouraging one another is there and is so so wonderful!!!

It is really good to read this ~ so important and supportive to the necessary and already happening changes - thank you so so much ~~~  Param Gian Kaur ~ Kathryn


You don't have to thank me.  Is part of my mission here on The Blue-Green planet Earth, help my brothers and sisters, Our Cosmic Family,  in this important momentum. 



Dear Hilda and Kathryn - THANK YOU - LOL!


Yes, it is part of our mission to bring out certain truths, yet, it is also necessary to truly accept and take in the energy of a loving THANK YOU, isn't it?


I'm sending you both a warm hug and a thousand fairy kisses today :-)


Sonja Myriel


Hilda, this is the video you shared at Channelings, right? It's Shekina Rose singing. Here it is:


It has touched me deeply and reminded me of my own toning ... and the gestures as well. I never knew about the deeper meaning behind - LOL!


THANK YOU for sharing this here with us!


Blessings of Love and Light,


Sonja Myriel

Dear Sonja:

When I heard the Master's tone it made me cry.  I have been toning one, without knowing what it was.  Then one of my brothers from Alcyon told me what it s. 


Much Love to You Dear Sonja,


Dear Hilda, I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier. It seems that we have had a very similar experience here! I will work with this more consciusly in the future :-)


Your brothers from Alcyon told you? I think it is very itneresting that you mention Alcyone here, as I also feel a very close relation to the Pleiades and this particular planet!


Thank you for all you are and do :-)


Sonja MYriel



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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