lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

A Message From Palace Of Peace...India & Bhutan ~ Return Of The Rainbow Light warriors...Project 2014..

India & Bhutan ~ Return of the Rainbow Lightwarriors Project 2014 ~ Guardian & Pilgrim Participation Invitation
Dear Palace of Peace Friend,

Firstly please read our Pilgrimage Project Purpose if you have not already before reading further.

This Pilgrimage takes us into a world of profound awakening as we respond to the next call to serve as Catalysts of Change and continue 'unplugging' our consciousness from the Matrix of Illusion. If what you have read in the Pilgrimage itinerary resonates with you and you are unable to physically travel with Sean and I to Indian & Bhutan then perhaps this is where your energy is needed - as a Guardian holding the energy and light protecting the Pilgrims making the physical journey. The role of both are very important for the Guardians ensure the physical work is completed through their Guardianship over the Pilgrims and participation, and the Pilgrims make sure the energy that is physically grounded be transmitted to and through the Guardians to form the collective energy grids that harness the power and potential of the light Universe and weaves it through humanity's consciousness.

As with all the Projects this is another mammoth project and will require a lot of preparation work by both Pilgrims and Guardians, as this is too the next phase of the work activated in previous Projects and more so the Madagascar 2013 - Lemurian Lights Project. The preparation work involves thoroughly working through the related Project channellings which will begin being published during December 2013, as well any additional teachings Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene suggest, including the in-depth reading you will receive compiled by me. The readings are a vitally important aspect of the proper integration of the Project's collective energy and purpose and everything in your reading is also a catalyst to open up aspects of yourself lying dormant in the subconscious and unconscious. Thus your reading becomes a manual for self-study and everything you work through as presented in your reading forms part of your contribution to the Project as a whole. This means you are not in a position to reject some information and work only on other parts, the full reading must be properly integrated and is applicable to both Pilgrims and Guardians.

Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene have set the format for the readings for a reason. Because the Projects contain so many levels of energy, and because we are working within a realm of Advanced Lightwork, it is vital that we be willing to heal every part of ourselves from a perspective of emotionally and spiritually mature individuals understanding the importance of this level of participation in order to benefit from the Project Purpose and fulfill our role of service. We fulfill our role by addressing the inner-wounding reflected by the external world. Healing ourselves heals the world. KA has emphasized that the readings are in a way one of the most important parts of the Project and anyone resisting doing the self-work required should rather not participate.

These Projects have been designed by the Ascended Masters and hold important windows of opportunity when we drop our opinionated attitudes and surrender to what is being presented to us. Never do they give us irrelevant information. What makes these Projects so unique is that we are being afforded the opportunity to receive Advanced Lightwarrior Lightwork Training from the Masters individually through the personal readings, and as a group through the channelled teachings, and receive vitally important information designed to empower and liberate us. The lower ego is a 'thief-of-power" if we assume an attitude of superiority or "there's nothing wrong with me" and ignore what is presented in the series channellings and personal readings. Thus, if any part of you resists doing in-depth inner work and digging deeper than you have ever before, then this level of Advanced Lightwarrior Lightwork is not for you.

Due to nature of the work we are doing there is no time to continuously have to address lower-ego issues and constant questioning of the Masters' motives as they generally give very direct and clear information. However, in support of questioning that does arise we have a solid support system in place which forms part of the compulsory protocol for participation. This too is designed to further your development of becoming a more emotionally and spiritually mature Advanced Lightwarrior/Lightworker and is meant to ensure very little to no lower-ego projections or issues involving false pride. No-one is above another and this kind of attitude in these Projects cannot be entertained; we are collaborating with one another and together SERVING the higher plan being shown to us by the Masters of the Light so as to ensure they are properly anchored on Earth; another reason why we cannot tolerate any kind of negative projections and interferences. We are working with the New Planetary Grid energies, amongst other things, and as a result this level of work cannot contain lower vibrational lower-ego projections interfering with the new Grids and is the primary reason why we are so discerning of Project Participation.

Participation Role of Service Categories -

You are best suited to this role if you:
Have a minimum of 3 years of active self-service work involving regular processes of deep and thorough self-study.
Have a good understanding of and are NOT in any way or form put off by or fearful of participating in processes and Projects created to counteract and destabilize Dark Force Intelligence. This will automatically qualify you to participate in our upcoming POPPI Projects should you choose to. (Palace Of Peace Paranormal Infiltration.)
Have a secure and stable relationship with your environment and yourself, and have an understanding of the basic nature of Quantum Physics, Sacred Geometry, and the Laws of Nature; although more on this is taught in the Project channellings.
Confidently embrace change and fearlessly address whatever obstacles and/or issues life presents you with. A "feel the fear but do it anyway" attitude best describes you.
Able to work with groups and individuals from a perspective of transparency, honesty and respect. Trust amongst our Project Team Members is paramount at this level of participation.

You are best suited to this role if the Advanced Role does not appeal to you.

Participation Protocol

As part of our participation protocol compulsory assessments are carried out by different Assessors (as outlined in our Participation Policy) who are highly gifted in their area of expertise and assessment role and have been hand-picked by Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene because of what they have achieved and mastered. They walk their talk, and have been trained by KA and MM for a minimum of 2 years to serve in this capacity. Therefore, participation in these projects is serious work due to the advanced nature and level of energy and requires your full commitment to working on yourself through the guidance provided in your reading and in the associated channelled teachings, and any other modality you choose to use. The reason for certain compulsory processes and assessments is for your highest good and will positively turn your entire life around if you are willing to co-operate and embrace your Light and Positive Potential as a Lightwarrior/Lightworker Leading by Example. We are a Team working alongside the Masters of the Light.

Our Participation Policy is strict so as to ensure that everyone participating is focused on the task at hand rather than having to waste energy and time dealing with lower-ego adversity. It was designed and implemented under the auspices of Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene and is based on issues we HAVE dealt with in the past which created upheaval and distraction. Thus, we trust that the Policy is seen as a Protection Policy rather than a Policing Policy and will ensure you get the highest quality service, and participation with Advanced Lightwarrior Lightworkers whose primary focus is to serve the Ascended Masters, Mother Earth, and humanity, and not a place where emotional and spiritual immaturity is entertained. We are focused on rising above the False Matrix and grounding the Divine Plan of Light on Earth so as to ensure the promise of the 1000 years of Peace is realized.

The Guardians to the Pilgrims serve in different capacities and are people who agreed in Atlantis & Lemuria to hold this position, and promised to return and gather together when the time-line agreed upon for these energies to be returned to humanity through the Aquarian Rising 2020 Universal Projects of Light, arrived. That time is now and you are being reminded of your role and agreement made in Atlantis & Lemuria to hold vigilance whilst the core group of Pilgrims make the physical journey to India and Bhutan in March 2014.

The Palace of Peace is the first group of 12 groups of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to work with upgrading Mother Earth's planetary chakras and unlocking the time-locks in the manner we are doing it. Thus, if you feel this call within the depths of your soul, then you have remembered your role in this major event. Holding vigilance for the group of Pilgrims will require of you to energetically be linked to the group for the duration of the Pilgrimage and to respond to the promptings given to you by your personal Master Guides and Guardian Angel. This is not only for the protection of the core group, but also for the purpose of you anchoring, in your area geographically, the energies being activated by the Project Purpose/Theme. This means you will anchor these energies in the place you are physically located at during that period so as to support the activation in your area of the 5th stage of the Aquarian Gateways, Code Scrambling Grids, and Rainbow Lightwarrior Rays.

Each Guardian will be assigned to hold vigilance energetically over a pilgrim/s physically traveling to India & Bhutan with Sean and I. The standard Guardian Role of Service is outlined in our Guardian Participation Policy, but excludes Project related information that is made available through private group messages during Project Participation. Not all Project related information and channellings are made available on my website for the public and are for Participants only for an important reason.

Since our Greece 2013 Project, Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene have implemented a new Collective Project Grid in support of the new Templates they have created and comprise of different roles within the collective Guardian/Pilgrim Role; these are very important aspects of the Collective Project Role of Service and is personal information you will be provided with in your reading and in the private group channellings. This will give you a deeper understanding of how you are serving as a Lightworker/Lightwarrior and provides valuable information so as to better understand the nature of your Role of Service collectively, in other words your broader role of service to humanity and is not limited to the Projects.

The combined energies of the Pilgrim and Guardians create a Divine Matrix of Protection and powerful manifestation, supporting and providing all parties with the opportunity for profound and accelerated healing and elevation of consciousness. All of this enables the rapid development of the "Ripple Effect Template" created by participants under the auspices of the Ascended Masters and the Alchemy & Fire Goddesses.

Another important part of this process will be how your body is programmed to become a "Code Scrambler." If you participated as a Guardian for the Egypt 2012 - Pilgrims Return project, the Bali 2013 Unified Twin Flame Grid upgrade, or the Greece Fall of the False Oracles 2013 Project, and wish to serve again, you will receive the next level integration as a "Code Scrambler." In Atlantis and/or Lemuria you were given the blueprint for this so as to ensure that at this point in time, when all of us who agreed to embark upon this journey reunite, we would successfully be able to insert our personal Code Scrambler code into the Matrix of Illusion and ensure its destabilization as a direct result of our awakening and healing. The codes were designed for the purpose of ensuring only positive power, truth, wisdom and love "dethrone" the dark powers and replace it with a new group mind theme, which too would grow in positive power as the collective mind responds to what is feeding the noosphere - the collective mind.

Participating as a Guardian or Pilgrim is a commitment to work into every aspect of yourself reflected in the Purpose of the Pilgrimage, all the channellings and your personal reading.

If you still feel you are called to this, then please read further -

I will prepare a reading for you, as I am doing for the Pilgrims traveling with Sean and I to India and Bhutan. This will contain very personal information and will add to the greater understanding of how the purpose of this Pilgrimage affects you on a deep and personal level. In the reading I will provide you with all the information you need to be able link up with us daily as we travel. Please follow the itinerary so that you know exactly where we are and how the energies we are dealing with for the day impacts you. If I am unable to upload the Mp3 audio recordings of the channellings and transcripts whilst travelling, once I return from India & Bhutan you will be provided with the Mp3 recordings and transcripts.


Because this Project involves the next level of activations initiated in the Madagascar 2013 Lemurian Lights Project, please work through the project related channellings so as to be energetically ready for this project.

Please note there is an energy exchange for participation. The Guardian Participation Package consists of:
An in-depth reading compiled by myself and is anything between 70 and 150 pages depending on what needs to be in written format and what needs to be in voice format; if any. Some information is generic based on what the group needs to harness together and when combined into your personal information helps you to see more clearly how your energy is woven into the Project Grid.
All Pilgrimage Series channellings, e-mailed directly to your inbox in both Mp3 and transcript format before it is published on my website. Please note that you will only receive the channellings related to your Role of Service based on whether you have applied and been accepted for Advanced Lightwarrior Participation or Love and Light Generator Only Guardian Participation, as the roles contain very different information. However all channellings for both Roles of Service will be published on my website, unless it is private group channellings only. Everything channelled before the Pilgrimage departure date will be sent to you in Mp3 format immediately after it is channelled. Please allow at least 3 working days for the transcript to be completed. Although we do our utmost to at least make the transcripts available whilst travelling, the channellings conducted whilst we travel cannot always be made available immediately in Mp3 format and will be sent to you once we return home.
All private group channellings.
Additional transcripts or e-books Kuthumi-Agrippa and Mary Magdalene require the group to work through over and above the Project related channellings and personal reading.
A 60 minutes Support Skype Session with Sean Manders who will help you address anything that comes up for you before or during the Pilgrimage taking place. This session is valid until 7 days after our return from a Pilgrimage in case you need support with something that came up for you whilst we were traveling. This is also the perfect opportunity to address any issues coming up as a result of the Project Related channellings and/or your reading. These sessions have turned out to be invaluable to many of our Guardians and Pilgrims, especially since Sean is able to deliver a unique male perspective and serves to anchor and ground you in your body during the Project period.
Energy Exchange: $555 payable over 3 months if you sign up in December 2013 ($185 x 3), or over 2 months ($277.50 x 2) if you sign up in January. Send your booking request to

Bookings for Guardian Role of Service close on the 15th of January 2014. When you make your booking please clearly state which Role of Service Participation you prefer - Advanced Lightwarrior or Love and Light Generator.

If you prefer to participate as a Pilgrim travelling with us then please submit your bookings and enquiries to my organizer Kim Lings on and please read our Pilgrim Participation Policy. Please note that children unfortunately will not be accepted to participate in this Pilgrimage.

Please note that due to the amount of work each reading entails and the time it takes to record all the channellings, numbers are limited and means bookings may close prior to our advertised date if we become fully booked. Our bookings currently stand at three quarters full. Participation for new Guardians is only accepted once our Guardian Participation Policy has been signed and submitted to If you have already sent it to us you don't need to resubmit it.

All new Participants are also please to submit their date and place of birth as well as an ACCURATE time of birth. If you are unsure of your time of birth, please contact Star Blessyng on who can help you ascertain this. If you have participated before and previously provided us with your birth details you need not resend them. Please note that an inaccurate birth time can result in an inaccurate reading and unfortunately cannot be recompiled according to your new birth time. Please make sure you have your accurate birth time before submitting your birth details to us.

Click here to read testimonials from both Pilgrims and Guardians and how these experiences touched their lives.

To avoid disappointment, I urge you to sign-up as soon as possible so as to ensure I am able to prepare your reading, as schedules need to be planned accordingly to meet deadlines.

Much love,
Palace of Peace International
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Thank You SohiniBen! Sending energy for all involved!





Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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