lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

~ A Transmission from the Elders
co-created by Anrita Melchizedek

Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, in this sacred month of July, as you experience the sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, your god-parents and the Solar Logii for this solar system.

Sweet ones, when we talk about wisdom we are talking about Ancient Wisdom and the wisdom that you hold within yourselves; and through this, your connection to the many Masters of Wisdom, as you follow this path of Light through the Christed Timelines, in this Golden Age of Light. As you connect to the Legions of Light, sweet ones, you are imbued by the Divine Creator Rays and he Overlighting of the Ascended Masters, the Christed ETs and the many Illumined Beings of Light from On High, who walk beside you and next to you and behind you, ever guiding you upwards into the Light. And many of these Masters of Wisdom, sweet ones, who are in discarnate form, themselves passed through the lower planes and experienced Initiations of Light in both self-knowledge, and self-sacrifice, and through this it came to pass that they came together to form this great Brotherhood of the Light. And this is what you are on the lower dimensions and on this earth-plane in particular, sweet ones.

You are the brotherhood and sisterhood of the Light. And from the center of Light this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom, Overlighted by the Planetary and Spiritual hierarchy, burns within your hearts as the way showers, Light workers, and star seeded ones, dedicated to serving the lower worlds, dedicated to serving Mother Earth and all Life; and imbued by the energy of the sacred Rays of Creation, and the knowing that you are here as these Flames of Divine Love, you sweet ones, make your passage through these Rays of Creation, once again becoming members to the Brotherhood of the Light, and to the Great White Lodge. As you choose to incarnate and take on your pre-birth agreements with your earthly family, and your soul family, and your star families, you move in to this solar system through the energy of the solar core and Sun, Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, and into this solar system and onto this earth plane, through the Creator Rays of Will and Power, Love and Wisdom, or Divine Intelligence respectively; and indeed as you are aware, sweet ones, it is the integration of these first three rays that create this three-fold Flame of Empowerment, of Love, and Wisdom. And as you travel as the Masters in human form, you move firstly along the timelines of the karmic contracts. Of the timelines in which you have experienced the lessons that have created the deepest challenges for you, and in some cases are still being experienced through the victim and persecutor consciousness.

And when you understand these earthly agreements formed at a soul level with the many souls that you have played out the victim and persecutor consciousness roles in parallel realities with, once again as you come into forgiveness and Love you make a deeper connection into your soul families of the Light, into this core group of twelve soul-rays of which you are one, Overlighted by your Higher Self of the Light. And within this you start to magnetize and attract those that you learn your lessons with simply in Love. It is the experience of this, sweet ones, that attracts to you great friendships or soul mates. For of course you are already Love, but the particular lessons that you have had to experience to know yourself as Love have indeed been your greatest Initiations of Light. To experience the polarity on this earth-plane, and to embrace both the shadow and the Light has amplified the Flame of Divine Love within your hearts and within the hearts of others as you understand these lessons, as you come into Love, into forgiveness, into appreciation, honoring of yourselves and others.

Additionally, sweet ones, you start to bring a deeper focus to the contracts with the star-families of the Light through the core group of 144 souls, of which you are one, Overlighted by your Beloved I AM Presence. It is this star lineage that activates through the original divine eight-cell blueprint, too, to take you into deeper levels of your service work. To take you into deeper understandings of your soul purpose, of your passion, and to bring together the core groups that you can work with, sweet ones, on this earth-plane, in creating your own Lodges of Light, your own ashrams.

Through this three-fold flame of Power, Love, and Wisdom, you further travel as you lift yourself in Cosmic Consciousness awareness, initially into the ashrams of Light within Shamballa, housing now all twelve Creator Rays. And as you experience a greater level of empowerment in aligning your will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God as this Flame of Divine Love, you are lifted into this second ray Ashram of Love/Wisdom into the knowing of the energy of the Divine Mother, into the Pathways of Light that you create for yourself and others through the embodiment of the Divine Feminine, and from here, sweet ones, you lift yourselves once more into the Divine Mind of Mother/Father God through this third ray ashram of Divine Intelligence.

And as you increase in Cosmic Consciousness awareness, you are invited once more to become a member to the Great White Lodge. For this Pathway of Discipleship leads to the wisdom of the Higher Mind, through your connection to the Mind of God, and you start to unveil the mysteries of the Universe, in humility, in commitment, in dedication to the Truth, in standing unwaveringly in the Light regardless of what is going on around you, sweet ones. It is to recognise that you are the adepts, the Initiates of Light, and you have passed through, or continue to pass through many of your own challenges, your own Initiations of Light, in becoming that which you have forever been, Solar Christ Conscious Being of Light, these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love, leading the way in this Golden Age of Light.

As you lift the mind through the energy of Divine Love, you experience a deeper connection through this first Lodge, through Shamballa, to the Ascended Masters, to the experience of your own extra-sensory perception gifts too, imbued by the Light of the Masters. You develop a deeper level of your own telepathic connections in communication and these gifts deepen in creative understandings and inspirations through your art, or your writing or your poetry, your music, and through this a deeper level of knowing yourselves through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. You may further develop the gifts of clairvoyance, or clairaudience, or clairsentience, or a deeper understanding of the Akashic Records, being able to view many lifetimes that you have experienced in these parallel realities ~ those that impact you in this Now, those that come through in the future, those that are experienced Always and Eternally, through the Christed Timelines.

As you spread your wings in freedom and knowledge, the wisdom of the universe unfolds and opens for you, sweet ones, and this second level of connection that is then experienced is often through the Great White Lodge in the etheric of Sirius. The Great White Lodge in the etheric of Sirius works with the Patterns of Perfection, and the many programs of Cosmic Consciousness awareness ~ primarily through Light shells of photons and anti-photons, and this Light continuum within the universal field allows for the interconnectiveness of all levels of Cosmic Consciousness, through the oscillation of cosmic rays in all directions to be experienced through various inter-dimensional wormholes, establishing a perfect balance of Cosmic Consciousness at each dimensional level through the ring-passeth-nots or dimensional walls.

And as you access this information, sweet ones, you step into a deeper level of knowing of yourselves as the adepts of the Light, moving through this training ~ often in your dream state, initially, and as you awaken more the DNA Codes of Light into the memories of your highest potential, into the timelines of self-mastery. You further activate deeper levels of your service work, and from here may choose to connect into this third great Lodge, this Ashram of the Order of Melchizedek ~ this primary Ashram, this central Ashram existing in the Kingdoms of Light in Orion, under Lord Melchizedek, Lord Metatron, Lord Michael, and the Universal Council of Twelve, who implement these programs of Cosmic Consciousness awareness.

As the wise teachers to this earth-plane, sweet ones, you are now at a place where you can create your own Lodges of Light. Your Lodges of White Light, on the lower worlds, on this earth-plane, coming together more now with your soul and star family and friends of the Light. For you are moving deeper along t he Christed Timelines, while honoring the lessons, your deepest challenges, as your greatest Initiations of Light. And as you passed these tests, sweet ones, through acknowledging that you have chosen these lessons, and you have chosen these roles, to know yourself fully in your magnificence and Light, you let go of blame, you release the shame, and you embrace the pain. The veils of illusion lift as you see clearly through the Christed Timelines in the co-creation of Heaven on Earth, as you join together as these Legions of Light, the physical vessels of Light on this earth-plane with your brothers and sisters of Light that are working from the inner planes with the Masters of Light. As you lift yourselves in Cosmic Consciousness awareness, sweet ones, you are indeed embraced within this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom, and with the knowing that you are indeed Melchizedek Ambassadors of Light.

So let us now come into a deeper experiential experience of this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom. Wherever you are in your sacred space, breath deep into the body ~ expanding the lower abdomen as you breath in, contracting the lower abdomen as you breath out. As you ground into the crystal heart of Mother Earth and you feel this connection in Light, you have a sense of your energy field expanding now through the beautiful flame of Divine Love, this diamond, golden and white Light, that expands f rom the heart chakra. This spherical flame moving around you, through each sub-atomic particle in your body, moving upwards, outwards, connecting now into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, within you and around you ~ having a sense of connecting to the Lightworkers, the star seeded ones, the I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light. The collective Higher Light of all humanity, awakened in the knowing of the Truth of Creation, in the Higher Mind teachings through Divine Love. And from here sweet ones, have a deeper sense of your connection to the many Beings of Light from On High, to the Ascended Masters, and the Ray Masters ~ El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion , Sananda, Saint Germain and Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin, and Pallas Athena. As you deepen this connection have a sense of your star lineage, of the many Christed ETs that are here, assisting in the forward evolution of all humanity, of your service work, sweet ones, t hrough the Overlighting of the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans, the Arcturians, the Antarians, and all other Christed ET Beings you acknowledge, and of the Light. As you lift yourself in Cosmic Consciousness awareness you connect into the angelic realms, to the Archangels ~ Archangel Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Zadkiel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Uriel, and their Divine Feminine Counterparts. Ever expanding, you connect into the Elohim, the Creator Gods of Light. You experience too this deep cosmic embrace of Lord Buddha and now Sanat Kumara as this Bridge to Solar Christ Consciousness, Helios and Vesta, wrapped now in these beautiful copper-gold and pink-gold flames of the sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom.

And experiencing now sweet ones, the energy of the Melchizedek Brotherhood, Lord Melchizedek, Melchior the Galactic Logos ~ expanding ever deeper in Consciousness and Light ~ to your soul family of the Light, through the Overlighting of your Higher Self, expanding ever further to your multi-dimensional selves on these parallel realities that have achieved an equal level or a greater level of Light and knowledge, and wisdom. And now to your star family, and a deeper understanding of your service role as you merge now with your Beloved I AM Presence ~ the Highest Light that you are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. You experience this deep embrace and integration with the Mind of God, the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, through the Overlighting of Mother/Father God, wrapped now in the beautiful lavender, white and golden flames of the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis. You have a sense of this cosmic map of creation, moving through the Fibonacci ratios and the spirals of Creation, outwards, upwards, through these torroidal formations of Light that create a deeper sense of the geometries of the Light that are activated within you and around you through the Unity Grids of Divine Love, at each dimensional level.

You now take on a deeper level of the fractal geometries, the numerologies, the key codes, activating the dormant DNA now, to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow, as you experience yourself with the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. You are this Flame of Light, an Initiate of Light, ever guiding and leading others in this Golden Age of Light, sweet ones, and you do this through embracing your own shadow and Light ~ in finding the balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, in finding this balance through the shadow and the Light. As you walk the planes of polarity, you walk too in the dimensions of Light. And for some this is indeed a challenging time, often experienced as lonely, isolating, or deeply challenging. Walking between dimensions is indeed about lifting the veils of illusion, and seeing all those around you in Divine Love and Unity Consciousness. And this is what you feel now, sweet ones, as you expand your heart through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation and the Flame of Divine Love. You know that you are not alone, you are in a Creation of Light, and you feel this and you know this, and you allow this to be your reality, in the One Reality of All That Is. You move beyond separation, beyond illusion. You see clearly through your Master Eyes at all of Life around you, understanding creation, the cyclical nature that leads you ever upwards into the wisdom of the Higher Mind, as these Flames of Divine Love.

You experience yourself now, being imbued by the energy of the Ascended Masters and Ray Masters in Shamballa and traveling in this external Merkaba Vehicle of Light you are lifted through the New Earth Templates, the rays of stralim radiation, into Shamballa, and in particular into this first ray ashram of Will and Power. You see the lessons that you have chosen in this lifetime, regardless of the role, choosing victim consciousness, choosing to be disempowered, giving your power to others, or not experiencing the utterance of your spiritual reality, a sense of disempowerment, and perhaps the abuser who becomes the abused or vice versa, is experienced through the freewill blueprint ~ but you understand clearly, sweet ones, that these lessons have been about the experience of coming in to your power; of wielding power rather than submitting to it, of experiencing the Will of Mother/Father God. As you trust and surrender to Creation, this pathway before you flows with ease and gentleness, acceptance and peace, and above all in Love, sweet ones. And if there are still any lessons that you may need to experience with regard to your power issues, or what you are not seeing, or roles that you are still playing, you allow the Ascended Masters in this first ray ashram to imbue you in their Divine Body of Light, so you may see clearly through the timeline of what it is you may need to shift and change in this Now.

As you experience this second ray ashram of Love and Wisdom you feel this flame of Divine Love deep within your hearts, and a deeper expression of your creative gifts comes upon you and activates the dormant DNA to the knowledge of these many gifts that you have, sweet ones, that are expressed in your writings and your teachings, in your art, in your poetry, i n your musical creations ~ your soul note, your dance of passion and Divine Love. And in this sacred space, deep within your Heart's Temple, you see that you are surrounded by your soul and star family and friends of the Light and you have acceptance and understanding ~ you are moving into greater levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness, as you now experience yourself within this third ray ashram of Divine Intelligence, and as you link your mind to the Higher Mind, to the Mind of Mother/Father God, you receive these impressions in scrolls of Light of your many Initiations of Light. And as this re-calibration takes place too through the pituitary, the pineal, and hypothalamus glands, we speak in tongues ..... You are given the visions through the Christed Timelines as the veils of illusion are lifted and you see clearly through your Master Eyes to these various timelines of your highest potential, of yourselves as Initiates of Light, in ancient Egypt and Atlantis, Lemuria, the Mayan and Aztec cultures, the Native American cultures, perhaps in now moments through the Essene Brotherhood, through the Christed lineage, through the Royal House of Avalon, the Divine Feminine, star seeding the Light of Creation in Divine Love. You recognize yourselves, sweet ones, as the High Priests and Priestesses and you allow this knowledge to be further activated as you have a sense of the inner plane ashrams and schools of learning that you journey to, to come into a deeper level of wisdom. And in this knowing you realize that you are working with the Great White Lodge, the Brotherhood of the Light. And you are lifted in soul consciousness now, in this external merkaba vehicle of Light, into the Great White Lodge stationed in the etheric of Sirius. You are welcomed and greeted as this Initiate of Light into this magnificent multi-coloured City of Light. The Patterns of Perfection within this multi-colored City of Light appear to constantly change, reflecting the many programs of Light and Cosmic Consciousness awareness.

These Beings of Light, the Awakened Masters, Sages, Ascended Masters, Masters of wisdom, invite you now to experience a deeper level of your service work. They offer to place you in this Metatron Activated Chamber of Light ~ in reading the energy harmonics of your original Divine eight-cell blueprint relative to the multi-universal blueprint you will feel and experience the electron-positron pairs within your body spinning in increased Light frequencies relative to your level of Cosmic Consciousness awareness. As this Metatron Activated Chamber of Light comes in, Divine energy transmissions powered through the electron pour into your physical energy body, bringing integrated concepts that you may potentially manifest on this physical earth as Initiates of Light, as Melchizedek Initiates of Light. You are given information in these Light Codes, as to how you may best be of service, sweet ones.

And now as you prepare to leave this Light Chamber, the Brotherhood of the Light members that have welcomed and greeted you to the Great White Lodge telepathically link you to members of the Order of Melchizedek, of the Great White Lodge on this earth-plane who are involved in similar service work to yourself. You are putting out a call to magnetize and attract into your reality those of a similar service work ~ you are calling upon, sweet ones, your star families of the Light. Additionally you are activated in frequency to be able to receive transmissions of Light from the Great White Lodge, so you may be guided intuitively in making the appropriate decisions in your service work, in your co-creation of Heaven of Earth.

Lastly, sweet ones, you are now lifted in soul consciousness to the Cities of Light in Orion, to the central ashram of the Order of Melchizedek. This great ashram brings through many of the wisdom teachings that are now activated for you as you are lifted in soul consciousness into this Temple of Light, to this ashram of the Order of Melchizedek that brings through primarily a deeper level of understanding of all the Initiations of Light. And you glimpse now, through this pyramid of Light that surrounds you, into the Akashic Records ~ your own records, and now into the future of yourself and others ~ of seeing yourself co-creating Heaven on Earth, as these Flames of Divine Love; of deepening your service work, of understanding the laws of creation, of understanding the many contracts that you make on these various levels, with your earthly family, your soul family, your star family, sweet ones. You have reached this level of understanding because you have experienced many lifetimes, to get to this point, to this Now, and it unfolds for you graciously, and harmoniously, and gently, for this is what you are co-creating, this collective Flame of Divine Love, and in this month of July a deeper level of Wisdom and insight and understanding, through this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom.

Lord Melchizedek comes forward to embrace you now, in his Body of Light. As these memories are fully activated for you, sweet ones, you take a moment once more to experience many of these Initiations of Light that you have undertaken, not only on this earth-plane but in sister dimensions, other dimensions of Light, that connect you too now to your dimensional selves on every dimension of Light.

Wonderful, sweet ones. You now come back into your sacred space as you hold the energy and magnificence of yourself as a Melchizedek Initiate of Light. We let you know that July the 7th is a good day to deepen the experience of these Initiations of Light, for it is known as the Day of Sirius, as Sirius is sighted rising before the Sun, and it is also a 7:7 number of Light, that allows you a deeper level of access through this Gateway of Light into the higher dimension. And as these cycles of seven may appear in your Life in different ways, it is also the knowing that this is a time of new beginnings, sweet ones. On July 8th as you experience the Cancer New Moon come into reflection, come into a deeper understanding of what you are still shifting and changing, and as you experience the Full Moon energy on July 22nd and 23rd, if you choose, sweet ones, you may experience an Initiation of Light into the Order of Melchizedek.

Additionally, sweet ones, in this month of July there is a planetary alignment that greatly benefits you. This is the Grand Trine of Water signs, of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, through Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, respectively. This takes you deeper into a spiritual alignment of Light, focusing on family and home, and the releasing of karmic contracts, and experiencing deeper levels of soul contracts. And indeed too, sweet ones, of your ability to deepen your service work through the Light of God, and connect to greater levels of your soul and star family and friends of the Light. As you align now into the Inner Earth Sun, to the Sun within your hearts, to the Sun, the Central Sun, and the Great Central Sun in this alignment of Light, and surrounded once more in these beautiful copper-gold and pink gold flame of Helios and Vesta, and this sacred Cosmic Fire of Wisdom, know indeed sweet ones, you are becoming these masters of Wisdom and Light.

Grounding once more into the energy of Mother Earth and keeping this connection of Light open to the Company of Heaven through the Unity Grid of Divine Love you experience this deep sense of One Unity Consciousness.

We thank you for your service work, sweet ones, and with this we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Eadie Miller
~ Join us for an Online Healing Retreat
with Anrita Melchizedek

Actualization of Our Crystalline Sun DNA Templates

In The Crystalline Sun DNA Templates Actualization process, Overlighted by the Beings of Light from On High, we focus primarily on the axiatonal lines through the twelve main meridian lines in the body. We activate these axiatonal lines interdimensionally, from the third to the eighth dimensions respectively, through the related wormholes or portals, as well as downloading the related chakras, with the last DNA Actualization integration process taking place on the ninth dimension, the highest dimensional frequency we are now able to experience in this Golden Age of Light.

The axiatonal lines lie along the acupuncture meridian lines and connect into twelve spin points of sound and color frequencies found along each meridian line. The activation of these 144 spin points at each dimensional level creates the appropriate sound and color frequencies necessary to actualize the DNA as well as connect us to our multidimensional Selves. Further to this, the axiatonal lines at each dimensional level not only links us into the Christ Consciousness/Unity Grid of Divine Love, but also assists in the regeneration and rejuvenation of the physical body. A dditional, the chakras start to merge in One unified column of Light and a deep sense of interconnectiveness and unconditional Love is often experienced as we move more into the fifth dimension and the New Earth Templates of Light.

We travel to Lord Buddha's Ascension Seat in Shamballa, Helios and Vesta’s Ascension Seat in the Solar Core, the Ascension Seat in the Pleiades, the Ascension Seat in Sirius, the Ascension Seat in Andromeda, the Ascension Seat in the Kingdoms of Light of Orion Overlighted by the Order of Melchizedek and finally through a portal of Light in Alpha Omega into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. At each dimensionally level, we anchor the higher chakras, merge with our multidimensional Selves at these dimensional levels, including our multidimensional Selves through our your past lives/parallel realities, sister dimensions and alternate realities, and finally actualize the Crystalline Sun DNA Templates through activating the related frequency axiatonal lines, and through this, actualize the DNA in the full remembrance of our magnificence and Light as these multidimensional Master Beings of Light and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

Primarily this is frequency integration to the higher dimensions and the stabilization of our individual frequency into Solar Christ Consciousness occurs in this DNA Actualization process.


A deeper sense of trust and surrender to the Divine.
Knowing that the Pathway of Divine Love is your birthright, and the ability to flow into the Center of Divine Love and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation.
A deeper more integrated connection to your Beloved I Am Presence and God through the recognition of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.
A greater sense of joy and peace.
Releasing of old false beliefs and judgments, victim/persecutor consciousness, disillusionment and separation.
Moving more into detachment while experiencing a greater flow and depth of all emotions.
A greater number of synchronistic events start to occur in your everyday lives as the veils of illusion lift and you see clearing through your master eyes knowing that we are Divinely guided in this Golden Age of Light.
Perception shifts and the ability to read the energy of others more clearly.
A sense of no-time, no space ~ linear time dissolving into a more multidimensional time frame of simply being in the Now.
Bringing in of multidimensional memories of your Highest Potential in parallel realities through the merging of your multidimensional Selves.
Experiencing increased creativity and a greater color spectrum.
Increased ESP gifts such as telepathy, clairvoyance and clairaudience.
Increased abilities to manifest and magnetize all that you need in any given Now moment.

An eBook will be provided for the Crystalline Sun DNA Actualization process, and it is suggested you view the eBook prior to the telewebinar to have a sense of the meridian lines activated at each dimensional level.

So come join us on Healing Retreats, hosted by Lauren Galey, in this incredible actualization of our Crystalline Sun DNA Templates, facilitated by myself, Anrita Melchizedek of The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network. We look so forward to having you onboard. Namaste.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thank you for this post AMMA SohiniBen.

It is our individual star association  energy/light that, now accessible through solar channels (began with the central sun coming through last year), beam through when called, allowing the DNA changes. In short solar meditation, each one's star may be accessed and resonated with. 





Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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