The Seven Lords of Light and the Seven Lights
Now, alongside of these Masters, I call upon the Seven Lords of Light.
For those of you who have never encountered them, you are in for a treat. For those of you who have, open your hearts and be ready to be elevated to the next level of absorbing and transmuting Light.
Breathe and bathe as I call upon the energies of the First Lord of Light and the First Light. As this being appears, all you see is bright illuminations of Greens and Blues. Blue from Light Blue to Baby Blue to Aquamarine Blue to Cobalt Blue and to Midnight Blue, the color of the sky at night. Then that Midnight Blue gives way to the Greens where you begin with Dark Jade Green, move to Light Jade Green to Light Emerald Green to Citron Green, almost yellow, the color of the inside of a romaine lettuce leaf. These colors are the emanations of the First Lord of Light. The First Lord of Light holds that energy. Breathe and bathe in that energy.
I will stand by your side as you greet these beings. These Lights will release you of pain and dross. These Lights will illuminate your body and bring you healing. These Lights will accelerate and quicken you on your path to greater evolution.
Now I invite the presence of the Second Lord of Light and the Second Light. When this being appears, you begin to see the silhouette of his Light as a Peach Pink Light and gradually, as he settles down in the energy field of Earth, the Peach Pink Light begins to pale and become a Bright Yellow Light. Breathe and bathe that Bright Yellow Light which brings you joy, clears all your pain, removes all your fears, clears, cleanses and releases all lower vibrations and replaces them with energies of joy, happiness, harmony and peace. Breathe and bathe.
Now visualize the Third Lord of Light and the Third Light approaching. The moment this Lord appears, you see Bright, Bright Red Light. Life Force is emanating from this being. Breathe and bathe in that Red Light of passion and action.
I now call forth the presence of the Fourth Lord of Light. When this Lord appears, the surface of your vision turns in to an Aquamarine Blue Light, like the ocean as it washes on shore upon pink coral sand. That Turquoise Aquamarine Blue Light is the emanations of the Fourth Lord of Light. This is the higher essence of the God-Source Light. Every being who has found and realized the true God within, emanates to this Aquamarine Blue Light. The vibration of this Aquamarine Blue Light can bring you back to the Perfection of the Original Intent. The Divine Plan as God intended it for each of you and for Earth, emanates within this Aquamarine Blue Light. Breathe and bathe.
I call forth the presence of the Fifth Lord of Light and the Fifth Light. As the Fifth Lord settles in that Emerald Green Light, bathe in it and feel the healing. The Fifth Lord of Light and Emerald Green Light embodies healing to perfection.
This is why emeralds are so healing. They are healing gems. They raise your vibrational frequency to heal your body. Lower vibrational frequencies keep you in pain, physical pain. Higher vibrational frequencies remove this pain from your body. This is why wearing emeralds can help your aches and pains. On these days where a lot of energy is pouring down, wear some emeralds. They don’t have to be expensive cut gem quality, the semi-precious; rock quality can be purchased for as little as buying a piece of crystal. Look out for it because you can find it and it does have healing qualities. Of course the clearer the stone, the higher the vibration. But it is in the capacity of emerald, even the rock quality, to bring healing when it touches your skin, when you carry it in your auric field or even in your pocket, on your night stand, or under your pillow.
Now failing that, there is no reason why you can’t call on the Fifth Lord of Light and Master Hilarion, the Lord of the Fifth Ray and keep asking them to pour their Emerald Green Light of Healing upon you.
Some of the Rays do correspond with the Lights and the Masters of those Rays carry the Light and begin to illuminate you upon asking. You can ask the Lord of Light with the corresponding Master of the Ray. The 5th Ray and the 5th Light are similar, they are both Emerald Green, one is a refined version of the other. The 5th Light is a much more refined energy.
The 3rd Ray and the 3rd Light are different in that the 3rd Ray is Pink and the 3rd Light is Red. The 4th Ray and the 4th Light are different in that the 4th Ray is White and the 4th Light is Aquamarine Blue. The 5th Ray and Light are the same.
Now I call the Sixth Lord and the Sixth Light. Your surface of vision will become bombarded with Bright Orange, Red, Yellow and Pink energies and it ultimately settles in a Bright Orange Light. Lady Nada carries a deep Red with Gold and the 6th Lord of Light carries Bright Orange. In essence you can say if you dissect that Bright Orange and bring it into greater duality, Orange is made of Yellow and Red. So, the Yellow is for the Gold and the Red is for the Life Force and those two mixed together make a Bright Orange. In that sense, you can say the 6th Ray and the 6th Light are similar. But I want you to feel the energy of the 6th Light and feel how much more refined the 6th Light is. Breathe and bathe in the Bright Orange Light.
Finally I call upon the Seventh Light and the Seventh Lord of Light and once again, similar to the Violet Ray and Violet Flame, you will be faced with a Bright Purple Light, yet it is much more refined in energy vibration than the 7th Ray.
This is the higher self or higher aspect of the 7th Ray. Whereas the 7th Ray is fundamentally working on transmutational properties and setting aside the fact that it is the Ray of Organization and Ceremonial Order, the 7th Light is all about Ceremonial Order and Organization. It is the order and organization that brings you back to the Perfection of the Original Intent. That Perfection of the Original Intent entered into duality and lost its perfection. So, what remains of the 7th Light has come to be the 7th Ray and its transmutational qualities have taken over. Why? Because we first have to clear the dross to be able to see the Light. It’s like a diamond in the rough, a diamond that has been dipped in tar; you have to remove the tar to see that in the core of the bundle of tar there is a diamond shining. Breathe and bathe as you receive the Bright Purple Light from the 7th Lord of Light.
Now, I invite the Maha Lord of Light and I invite the Maha Cohan of all the Rays and I want you to visualize yourself standing in a triangle with the Maha Lord of Light in front of you and to the left and the Maha Cohan of the 7 Rays in front of you and to the right. The Maha Lord of Light is emanating Aquamarine Blue Platinum Light and the Maha Cohan is emanating a Bright Yellow Gold Light.
Breath and bathe simultaneously in these two Lights, for within these two Lights are contained all 7 Rays and all 7 Lights. If you do nothing in the course of the next 9 days but simply visualize yourself at all times standing with the Maha Lord of Light beaming Aquamarine Blue Platinum Light to you and the Maha Cohan of the 7 Rays beaming Golden Yellow Light to you, you have done great service.
You have done a great service for the bringing forth and the anchoring the energies of the 7 Lights and the communion between the 7 Lights and the 7 Rays and a great service by being overlighted by the Maha Lord of Light and Maha Cohan of the 7 Rays. Right now, as you listen to my voice and you bathe in the Aquamarine Blue Platinum Light mixed with the Golden Yellow Light, you are absorbing, digesting, processing, becoming the embodiment of the 7 Rays and the 7 Lights, anchoring those on Earth, impacting the 5 Elements and changing the environment around you. Everyone you touch, everywhere you go, everything that is exposed to you can raise in its vibration and be touched through you by the 7 Rays and the 7 Lights and the Guardians of the 7 Rays and the 7 Lights. The encapsulation of the energies that are emanating from the Maha Cohan and the Maha Lord of Light covers the entire spectrum of the Light with which all this creation is manifest, all creation has come to form because of the 7 Lights and the 7 Rays. The Maha Cohan and the Maha Lord of Light are the ultimate Guardians. Imagine standing shoulder to shoulder with these two beings and the 14 beings who hold the 7 Rays and the 7Lights. They all stand in your service.
I ask you for a period of 9 days to constantly visualize that you are being overlighted by the Maha Cohan and the Maha Lord of Light, morning noon and night and in between. Let us together say,
“I offer each day, I offer each breath, I offer each moment of life in service to the Light and I offer it through the intercession of the Maha Cohan of the 7 Rays, the Maha Lord of Light. I ask this in the name of Jeshua Ben Joseph, Jesus Christ. So it is, it is done. Amen.”
I hold you in my own heart and bless you with all of my love. Remember to overlight yourself and your 5 Body System on a daily basis by placing Jeshua in front of you and seeing that the Golden Pink Light is emanating to you. Then you will be overlighted with the Golden Pink Light of Divine Love at all times while you are emanating the 7 Rays and the 7 Lights.
Do this in the form of a ceremony on the 12th, 16th, 18th, 22nd and 27th and also on Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice, in this way we carry it for the next 5 months.
Call upon Jeshua whenever you feel the need and let me bathe you in the Golden Pink Light of Divine Love and you will immediately feel better. Call upon your Guardian Angels to remind you to call upon Jeshua when you are out of sorts. Make blanket permission for your Guardian Angels to call upon Jeshua and the Golden Pink Light of Divine Love to surround you and absorb within you and to transmit through you to others. Whenever you want to heal someone, whenever you want to pick up someone’s spirit, whenever you want to uplift persons, places and things, even this world, bathe them in the Golden Pink Light.
I bathe you in that Light and bathe you in that love.
I am your brother Jeshua Ben Joseph, so it is.