lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

RE-BUILDING OUR CHRIST AVATAR FORM and the Importance of the SACRED FIRE (Blue, Pink and Golden Ray (= the ThreeFold Flame) + the Violet Ray)


  • Our Body Elemental, Great Divine Deva

  • Building from the Human Attention

  • Giving Assistance to the Body Elemental

  • The Sacred Fire Brings the Purity of Perfection

  • Children of the Sun Transformation Support



Focusing with:

Our I AM Presence
Our Body Elemental
The Sacred Fire

Our Body Elemental, that great Divine Deva in charge of our human form, now steps into a leading role in the re-building of our physicality into that of an illumined Christ expression.

Responsible for all functions of the four lower energy bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), the Body Elemental is the master builder and sustainer of our formed expression. It oversees systemic operations and all involuntary functions such as cellular expansion, electrical impulses and the beating of our sacred heart. The Body Elemental's greatest mission is to insure that the physical body can be held as a Temple of the Divine, able to house and radiate pure electronic light substance.

The consciousness of the Body Elemental is a directing light intelligence purposed to carry and deliver the electronic patterns of perfection from our I AM Presence. It always out pictures these mighty streams of energy within the form and in accordance with the cooperating human intelligence.

The Body Elemental Builds from the Human Attention

During previous Golden Ages upon Earth, the Body Elemental, together with the guiding will of its human master, lived in complete harmonious cooperation. This manifested reflection was an indescribable beauty and elegance embraced through a most sacred synergistic communion.

As a result of our fall from Grace and the ensuing downward spiral of human consciousness, the original patterns of perfection became quite distorted. The misqualification of Divine Intent caused much confusion within the consciousness of the Body Elemental because it always builds according to the free will of its directing authority... this authority being the human and its focus of willful attention.

In great obedience, the Body Elemental was obligated to build distortions into the physical flesh garment resulting in severe opposing patterns such as dis-ease, aging and death. The relationship between the Body Elemental and Human has been in a state of great dissonance and painful separation for much too long.  (We all know the story.)

Our Assistance to the Body Elemental

As a result of our great awakening and through the tremendous Divine Intervention now with us, the Body Elemental is also lighting up with much renewed vigor. It has been re-trained, so to speak, to focus in union with the I AM Presence to copy and out picture the new Divine-Human Blueprint within our transfiguring forms.

It is busy building the new electrons of light substance to accelerate processes of light body activation and installation of the new crystalline configurations. With exact precision, this Divine Deva knows every detail to our atomic structure, where it has been and where it is now to evolve. It also knows where the trauma, the memories and the distortions that may still be held in the smallest of crevices.

We, as the authority of our Body Temple, are being called upon to remember how very influential our assistance can be to our Body Elemental, this living entity who is directly carrying out this enormous task of body redevelopment.

Let's pause and give a great outpouring of love, adoration and gratitude to this majestic being. In the spirit of "Ho'oponopono", may we call on the Law of Forgiveness for anything that we may have unconsciously done in this life and all other embodiments to severe the synergistic cooperation with our Body Elemental and all of its devic helpers.

Through intimacy of daily contact, may we develop an affinity so deeply bonded, that we can hear from our own body intelligence what exact changes we need to make in order to reconstruct our blueprint of magnificence. This may come in the form of certain supplementation, dietary changes, life alterations, purification practices and abstinence from ingested substances and other toxic exposures.

Indeed, our Body Elemental has a lot to share in these accelerating times.

The Sacred Fire Produces Instantaneous Purification

The very substance of our new Christ Blueprint is drawn in and woven from our etheric body template. Therefore, the Body Elemental must first wait for the purification of the etheric envelop before "downloading" the upgraded patterns into a purified and prepared physical body matrix.

This is why so much attention is being place upon the Sacred Fire as a way to accelerate the deeper purifications, on all levels and layers of our multi-faceted being. For example, when our own etheric body has been constantly held in the Sacred Fire of the Violet Flame, it can more readily take on the light pattern of the Christ expression from the I AM Presence. The Body Elemental can then more quickly out picture this in the physical flesh.

When we make our calls to the Sacred Fire, we need to include our entire energetic hologram and field of energy...not just the physical aspect.

As an important reminder... if we are continuing to abuse our four lower bodies through wrong foods, bad habits, disharmonious thoughts and feelings, the activities of the Body Elemental are severely compromised in its mission to build the new Christ Temple. If we are serious about this  ascension process, it seems astute that we abide by the laws of purity and abstain from those activities which break down the structure of the physical form.


... to help Rebuild our Christ Avatar Blueprint of Perfection

The Flame of the Immaculate Concept
Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel

Visualize the luminous Presence of Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel who are the keepers of the Flame of the Immaculate Concept and the Sacred Fire activity of our Divine Blueprint.

Invoke their Sacred Fire Love to envelop and sustain your entire energetic signature within the electronic patterns of perfection of your new Christ form. Ask for their assistance in holding the perfect vision for your self... "made in the image and likeness of God"... this same vision that they held for Jesus/Yeshua during his initiatory years on his own Path of Becoming.

The Violet Consuming Flame
Saint Germain and his Legions of Angels

While resting your attention upon your I AM Presence and Body Elemental and with full feeling,... invoke Saint Germain, the Violet Flame and its legions of fiery angels to dissolve and consume all impurities and discordant patterns in your physical body, etheric body and entire energetic hologram. Ask for complete transmutation of the core cause, effect, record and memory of all misqualified electronic patterns still held in your energy signature...and for these energies to return to their original Source of Love.

This will give the Body Elemental a clean slate from which to rebuild the patterns of perfection within your physical form.

The Ascended Masters highly recommend that we now place these calls to the great Violet Flame, for 15 minutes, two times each day!  Video Assistance - Violet Flame Mantra

The Cosmic Christ Flame of Eternal Purity
The Goddess of Purity

From the Goddess of Purity... "It's not that we want you to want us in your life. We just want you to give us the permission to give you what we know you require to be Light... to be pure... so that your own inner light, so that your own great God Presence that is your true spiritual identity, may express through you and fulfill itself in this world. May the Light of God and the Eternal Honor Flame of Purity be a gift that I offer you, that you remember to ask for each day and to remain with you, as immortal as you are."

(Extract through Radiant Rose Academy Messenger, and invocation below)

Invocation to the Goddess of Purity:

Oh Beloved Goddess of Purity, through my own beloved Presence, I call upon you to assist me to feel and to experience the Great Central Sun's feeling of Eternal Purity. I call that forth into my mind, into my body, into my feeling side of life. And I ask that the Great Central Sun's Feeling of Immortal Purity become a sustained, expanded and immortal action with me throughout my life on Earth.

Beloved Goddess of Purity I call upon you and ask you to fill me with your Cosmic Christ Flame of Eternal Purity. I desire to return to a Being of Love at all times. Anchor within me your luminous White Fire of Indestructible Purity and Power, and hold it within me and around me, and pour it forth out into my world as a blessing to all life on Earth.

The Importance of the Sacred Fire

Call for Greater Application ~


As we continue to greatly expand our conscious perception with our Mighty I AM Presence, it is now imperative to make dynamic and continual application with the Sacred Fire each and every day. We are also encouraged to openly share and teach everyone about the Sacred Fire, what it is and how to apply it in daily life.


This subject matter is being brought to the forefront of our attention due to the intensification of the great Cosmic Rays flooding on to our planet creating a narrowing window of time in which certain activities of transformation must be accomplished. The exponential quickening of planetary energy necessitates an immediate reprioritizing of life activity to insure that our highest focus is placed upon efforts of personal transformation and ascending consciousness.


Those choosing ascension in this timeline are soon to experience passage through the so referred, "eye of the needle" in which the human blueprint is completely transfigured into a fire body of Divine Perfection, a living flame in form. The Ascended Masters have shared time and time again and are now repeating that, in order for the vast majority of us to accomplish this goal, focused attention and utmost sincerity in application of the Sacred Fire is absolutely necessary.

Many of us are doing an excellent job in sharing these advanced understandings. We are now encouraged to substantially boost our activity in this regard. This also includes stepped up activity in our invocations and transmissions through the Crystalline Grid in order to reach more of Humanity and areas of the world with this alchemical flame activity.


This especially concerns the Sacred Fire as it is applied to:


1. Continued purification of the human condition and systems of separation

2. Transmutation of all misqualified electronic activity

3. Protection from a greater level of unleashing chaotic resistances

4. Spiritual activation to increase our power of service to the human race


May we clearly understand that the Cosmic Law of the Sacred Fire does not apply itself. We must make invocation to and apply the Sacred Fire through our own conscious efforts in order to achieve desired results. We are encouraged to make dynamic, rhythmic application through concentrated daily focus in order to quickly return ourselves and all life into the Patterns of Perfection.



"All that you are asked... is to do everything to discover, to understand and to use the activity of the Sacred Fire that lifts you up and out of the human condition as it did for me and raises you until you have your own moment of Gethsemane... and the Christ I AM is expressing through you as it did through me some 2000 years ago."   Jesus the Christ

The Sacred Fire is Pure God Presence and Power


The patterns of Divine Perfection are imprinted within every electron of all life substance. These patterns are held in place through the power of primal light substance referred to as the Sacred Fire, the great Heart Flame of all Creation!

The Sacred Fire is a highly concentrated activity of light, a luminous radiation that is qualified with specific focuses of God Perfection. It is a mighty current of energy that, when consciously invoked, has directing intelligence in its many forms of expression.

The great Ascended Masters come to us as this directing God Intelligence of the Sacred Fire, each with a specialized activity of service to Earth. May we increasingly call upon their assistance, together with the supporting angels, fire devas and great elemental beings, as we draw forth and direct these sacred flames through ourselves and through all physical plane matter... to assist in bringing forth our new Golden Age.

How to Apply the Sacred Fire

The miracle of the Sacred Fire can be accessed from within the altar of our own Heart Flame.  When our personality self is in Divine Coherence with the I AM Presence within, we can affect momentous movement for the expression of Mother-Father God in the outer world. Inner balance, harmony and a confident, peace commanding Presence are the prerequisites to initiating all action of the Sacred Fire Love.
Through invocation and intention, these focuses of the great flames of life can be projected forth to fill our bodies, a room, a city, the world. 

An effective way to powerfully magnetize the transformative activity of the flames is through constancy and the rhythmic use of Invocations and Decrees. We will get more and more of these to you in the days and weeks ahead.

 "In your use, in your call to the Sacred Fire... start sending the power of that Sacred Fire into everyone and everything that you make contact with. It is the gathering of the greatest powers of the Universe in and around yourselves, and now, in the Path of Becoming, it is the sending forth of those great powers into all conditions that you walk within... that you live within... that you work within. It is this that loosens and expands the I AM Presence inside you."  Akasha  


Examples of the Great Flames to the Earth

There are uncountable expressions of the Sacred Fire. We give you these following four examples since they comprise some of the great Divine Dispensations to the Earth. They are also most intimately connected to our three fold heart flame of Love, Wisdom and Power and that place of the sacred pulsing activity which abides the Super Electron and Creation Flame of our Mighty I AM Presence within.


Call forth and use these great Divine Powers for your transformation and also that of our sacred planet.


The Blue Flame of Divine Power

The all-powerful Blue Flame to the Earth, often referred to as the Cosmic Christ Blue Lightening, is likened to a charged bolt of electricity capable of instantly shattering all illusion. Its main action is un-trenching and loosening dense substance from its resisting hold.


Represented through Archangel Michael and his legions of angels, this flame may also be called upon for strength, power and protection. It can hold any destructive force inactive.


The Gold Flame of Divine Wisdom

Greatly activated upon the Earth through Jesus the Christ, the Gold Flame of All Christ Illumination is the Sacred Fire of the Great Central Sun's Love to Earth. It is the light intelligence of perfection, Christ Consciousness, enlightenment and immortality.


As the flame of the Master Teacher, its action qualifies all life with wisdom, intuition, discernment and a peace commanding Presence. It greatly assists in the unification of spirit and matter and can be called forth into all situations requiring a balance of polarity through acceptance and illumined understanding.

The Rose Pink Flame of Divine Love

The Rose Pink Flame brings the tremendous magnetic embrace of the Mother's Presence. This Sacred Fire Love fills all inter-stellar space in the Universe out of which every object, planet and sun is formed in a state of Universal Perfection.


As the newest dispensation to the Earth and represented through Ascended Masters Akasha and Asun, this influence of Divine Love, Will and Grace is here to assist Humanity into Christ Consciousness and the glorious embodied expression of the I AM Presence.

Call upon and use the Rose Pink Fire to love, to heal, to bless, to expand, to alchemize and to manifest the greater Love of the I AM Presence in yourself and all people on the Earth.



The Violet Flame of Transmutation


Through the Love of our Mother Father God comes the great Violet Flame,  deeply cleansing and purifying through its powerful action of consummation, transmutation,  mercy and forgiveness.


You may call upon St. Germain and his legions of Violet Flame Angels to assist you in dissolving the human condition, discordant energy and false appearances. It charges everything with victorious achievement through the power of Divine Love in action. When calling disharmonious energy into the Violet Flame, command it to be transmuted and returned to Love... its cause, core, record, effect and memory.


We are inspired to use the Violet Flame every day with great intensity on our own human consciousness. Visualize it blazing up around the body, engulfing you and filling the points of light in every cell. It will give you indescribable freedom.



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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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