lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

The Master of the Wisdom Ray


Who is the Ascended Master Lanto?
What does he teach?
Where is the Royal Teton Retreat?
What do you learn at that etheric retreat?
How can we study there?


Mrs. Prophet, who is Lord Lanto?


Lord Lanto, chohan of the second ray, is an ascended master of high attainment whose evolution is of the mystery schools of China. He teaches now in the Royal Teton Retreat in North America, which is congruent with the Grand Teton. There he initiates souls who are pursuing the path of the wisdom teachings of Confucius, Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Jesus Christ and Mary.


What does Lord Lanto teach?


Lord Lanto teaches us to meditate upon the threefold flame within the heart and specifically upon the central plume of that trinity—the yellow flame of wisdom. He teaches us in our meditation to draw this flame out of the heart and to raise it to the point of the crown chakra, which is the center for illumination, for the enlightenment of the Buddha and the Christ.

He asks us to visualize in our meditation the white light in the heart as a great sphere symbolizing and actualizing our cosmic consciousness. This place in the heart is our seat of authority and our seat of consciousness; it is also the seat of meditation.

As we close our eyes and breathe deeply and relax the body, we enter into the chamber of the heart that is known as the secret chamber of the heart. Here we commune with the ascended masters, with our own I AM Presence and our own Christ Self.

"Going within" in meditation, which Lanto teaches, is actually going into the inner temple of the soul. Within this temple we can hear the soundless sound and commune with our elder brothers and sisters who have gone before us on the path of initiation and who are one with the white light through the ascension.

Lanto teaches us the opening of the crown chakra through the mastery of the heart center. It is always the balance of love, wisdom and power that is the key to Christhood and to Buddhahood.

Lanto teaches the way of this mastery through the yellow ray. He has given to us a beautiful prayer that we give in the name of Almighty God:

Lanto's Prayer

In the name of Almighty God
I stand forth to challenge the night,
To raise up the light,
To focus the consciousness of Gautama Buddha!
And I AM the thousand-petaled lotus flame!
And I come to bear it in his name!
I stand in life this hour
And I stand with the scepter of Christ-power
To challenge the darkness,
To bring forth the light,
To ensoul from starry heights
The consciousness of angels, masters, Elohim, sun-centers
And of all of life
That is the I AM Presence of each one!
I claim the victory in God's name.
I claim the light of solar flame.
I claim the light! I AM the light!
I AM victory! I AM victory! I AM victory!
For the Divine Mother and the Divine Manchild
And for the raising-up of the crown of life
And the twelve starry focal points
That rejoice to see the salvation of our God
Right within my crown,
Right within the center of the Sun
Of Alpha—It is done!

This is the prayer of the mystic who communes with the flame of wisdom through the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


How can someone in the West profit by this?


We find that wisdom is an active flame and that we require wisdom to daily be about our Father's business. Wisdom simply means "wise dominion." It means using the laws of God wisely to take dominion in our lives.

We need wisdom to run our affairs, our households, our businesses, to rear our children and to see that the education in our schools for our children prepares them for the initiations of life that come to all of us because earth itself is a mystery school.


Are all of us taught at the Royal Teton?


We have the opportunity to call to the God flame within, the I AM THAT I AM, that our souls might be transported to this key retreat in North America where we can study under the ascended masters and the chohans of the rays. Anchored in the Royal Teton is the wisdom flame, and this wisdom is intended to be used by the people of North America in every endeavor for the enlightenment of all peoples.

We can meditate on this flame and also on the flame of precipitation, science, abundance and supply. The flame of precipitation is a brilliant Chinese green tinged with yellow. As we meditate upon this green flame, we can draw forth from the heart center, or the white-fire core of being, those energies and resources that we need to master our environment.

Until recently the American way of life has been the symbol of a genius of a people who were able to master their environment. But today we have increasing problems in our ecology and in the use of God's energy.

If we will meditate upon the heart and upon the masters of the Royal Teton Retreat, we can be tutored in the way of the mastery of our culture and our environment and once again be prepared to give to all nations the genius of our collective meditation upon the God flame.


Mrs. Prophet, what happens at the Royal Teton?


The Royal Teton Retreat was described by Godfré Ray King in Unveiled Mysteries, which he wrote in the early 1930s. Godfré Ray King was a chela of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, who also uses the Royal Teton Retreat for the training of his chelas.

There are many chambers within the Royal Teton Retreat and there is a large amphitheater. This retreat can accommodate thousands upon thousands of souls. It is a hub of activity of lightbearers in embodiment, of those who are serving in the etheric retreats preparing for reincarnation, and of the ascended masters. We meditate on this retreat through the music "Song to the Evening Star" from Tannhäuser by Wagner.

The Ascended Master Confucius is the present hierarch of the Royal Teton Retreat. He anchors there the momentum of his great service to the people of China. He brings the strains of the East and even the momentum of Zen Buddhism and the way of the Tao to North America, where students of light are communing with the inner flame and finding the thread of contact with hierarchy through the Eastern disciplines.

The Lords of Karma, who are the great overseers of mankind, also convene at the Royal Teton, and the mighty Elohim of God have a focus of the seven chakras there.

Godfré Ray King described the great council hall, which he personally visited with his master, Saint Germain. He noted that in the center of the arched ceiling is a large disc of gold. A seven-pointed star formed entirely of dazzling yellow diamonds fills the center of the disc and emits a brilliant golden light.

Surrounding this focus of the Central Sun are two twelve-inch rings, the inner ring rose pink and the outer a deep violet. Seven smaller discs also surround the Central Sun, focusing the seven rays of the Elohim, which contact and invigorate the seven chakras in man.

The currents that the Elohim direct through these focuses also benefit the elemental kingdom and plant life on earth. The tremendous currents released by the Elohim are stepped down by the ascended masters and made available to mankind and the elementals. Focused in the wall at the far end of this great council hall is a large eye, representative of the All-Seeing Eye of God watching over America.

And so the Royal Teton Retreat is like the heartbeat of America. And if you would like to study at this retreat in your finer body, write to us for an application to join the Keepers of the Flame Fra....

These lessons describe in detail the necessary meditations and uses of the Science of the Spoken Word as well as the technique for consciously leaving the body and journeying at will to the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. [Editor’s Note: See also The Masters and Their Retreats here.]


What are some of the applications of the teachings of the Royal Teton, Mrs. Prophet?


The teachings given forth by the ascended masters to their chelas in this retreat are a practical application of the law of the great masters of East and West. This practical application is seen in the mastery of time and space, which has been the pursuit of America over the last two hundred years.

We can see that the consciousness of our people is very much aligned with this aspect of God consciousness. And we can see how different the American people are from peoples in other nations, who respond to other retreats of the Great White Brotherhood where other aspects of God's flame as genius are ensouled. This is what gives nations and peoples their individuality.

The American way of life is brought to a spiritualization through the mastery of the flame of the Mother in Matter. It becomes practical as the right form of education at all levels of learning, clearing the brain and the consciousness to be a focal point for the mind of God.

Clearly, then, studying at the Royal Teton will enable us to obey the injunction of Saint Paul: "Let that mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."

    The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America. It is the retreat of Lord Lanto, Chohan of wisdom's yellow ray, and Confucius. The Lords of Karma also meet here during winter and summer solstice to release new dispensations from Alpha and Omega and to respond to good will petitions from students of the light. The retreat, congruent with the Grand Teton in Wyoming, releases the flame of divine illumination and the light of the divine mother to the entire planet. It is accessed through great bronze doors hidden behind boulders. Upon entering, a magnificent jeweled tapestry anchors the power of the sun. On the ceiling of the great council hall is a brilliant disc with a seven pointed star made of yellow diamonds, and seven smaller discs that correspond to the chakras of man. Through these focuses, the Elohim release mighty light rays to mankind and to elemental life. There is a focus of the all seeing eye of God and on another wall is a mirror-like substance through which the masters project the akashic records of earth’s history and future portents. The retreat safeguards gold and jewels from earlier civilizations, as well as astounding musical instruments and scientific inventions that will someday be released to the outer world. Thousands of people attend this retreat while sleeping at night to pursue divine wisdom.

Call to attend the Royal Teton Retreat

   In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved Archangel Michael, Kuan Yin and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the Retreat of the Royal Teton at the Grand Teton in Wyoming, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan. I ask to be instructed on the law of wisdom and to be given the formula for the victory of the flame of illumination within my heart and crown chakra, especially as it pertains to the gifts of the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge.

    (personal prayer)

    Beloved Lanto, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my twin flame. I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.

Journey to the Royal Teton Retreat ~ December 15th, 2011 through January 14th, 2012   1 comment

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Teton Mountains, Wyoming

Twice a year the Royal Teton Retreat is open to all initiates and students of the Light to work with the Ascended Masters and the Spiritual Hierarchy on their current pathway.  This is a very special opportunity to have direct contact with the amazing teachers of the Light that each of us is aspiring to be.

As of December 15th the Teton Retreat is open for 30 days culminating on January 14th, 2012.  What does this mean exactly to those of us that wish to balance our frequencies upon this Earth to create the new frequencies in order to assist the planet?

The Royal Teton Retreat is the largest retreat in North America and is run by Master Confucius and Lord Lanto as they are dedicated to the radiation, expansion, and manifestation of the Divine plan for this planet. The Lords of Karma meet in the retreat twice a year at the winter and summer solstice to release new dispensations from the Alpha and Omega to respond to good will petitions from Students of the Light.  The retreat releases the flame of divine illumination and the light of the Divine Mother to the Entire Planet, “Etheric Retreats”.

The Brotherhood of the Teton Retreat provides assistance within an initiate’s pathway with understanding, encouragement, scientific knowledge, and wisdom by each of these wonderful masters.  The main prerequisite is for the student to understand that his/her spiritual progress has to come from himself, rather than the Master.  Each of us are walking this earth in training to be the Ascended Masters of the New Earth Hierarchy.  Intending to travel to this retreat in One’s dreamstate and/or meditation state will truly assist in the process of their Divinity Upon this Earth.

This is an experience that I believe everyone should take full advantage of in their pathway of Creation Upon this Earth.  I facilitated a Full Moon Ceremony on December 10th in which we met in the Etheric Level of the Teton Mountains and then traveled to the Royal Teton Retreat under the guidance of Saint Germain.  One can intend to be in the Retreat on their own; in addition, the meditation to the retreat is available on my site page: Audio & Video, for download.  This is given to individuals as a service and if you so desire to leave a Love Offering it is greatly appreciated.

In the process of this journey you will meet up with each of the Ray Chohans of the Seven Rays of God.  You can work with any of these ascended masters, the Elohim, and Archangels of each of the Rays.  In addition the Karmic Board is present to assist in removing any debris from karmic ties that you may have been needing assisting in removing and regenerating oneself.  Part of the meditation has everyone sit in a special chair with controls to see a viewing screen of any past or future events that may be pertinent to One’s pathway.  This meditation can be done several times to assist each individual in their specific pathway to enlightenment.

To assist in commanding One’s Soul to enter the Retreat through their own meditation, the following decree is provided through


In the name of the Christ, My Own Real Self, I call to the Heart of my Mighty I AM Presence, to the Angel of the Presence, to Beloved ARchangel Michael, Quan Yin, and the Maha Chohan, to take me to the Retreat of the Royal Teton at the Grant Teton in Wyoming, according to the will of my Holy Christ Self and the direction of the Maha Chohan.  I ask to be instructed on the law of wisdom and to be given the formula for the victory of the flame of illumination within my Heart and Crown chakra, especially as it pertains to the gifts of the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge.

“Add your own personal prayer”

Beloved Confucius and Lanto, help me to remember upon awakening all that will help me to fulfill my mission on earth and the mission of my Twin Flame/Ray.  I accept this call manifested through the power of the Christ and am thankful for its realization.  In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.

Remember that the retreat is open for the next 30 days through January 14th, 2012.  The Masters are awaiting your arrival within the retreat with open arms.

Spectrum Light Ray Master Teachings provides high vibrational teachings and calls to individuals with three weekly calls.  Please check out the SERVICES we provide as you will not be disappointed.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Lady Meleriessee

The Royal Teton Retreat

Principal Retreat of the Great White Brotherhood in North America

The Royal Teton Retreat, congruent with the Grand Teton Range near Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This is the principal retreat of the Great White Brotherhood on the North American continent. Confucius is the hierarch of this physical/etheric retreat in the Grand Teton mountain.

Retreat of the Chohan of the 2nd Ray

Lord Lanto, chohan of wisdom's rayLord Lanto, the Chohan of the 2nd Ray uses the Royal Teton Retreat and conducts classes here. This retreat is an ancient focus of great light where the paths of all the Seven Chohans are taught and the seven rays of the Elohim and archangels are enshrined.

The Lords of Karma, Gautama Buddha and all members of the Great White Brotherhood frequent this gathering place of the ascended masters and their disciples, while also maintaining the specialized functions of their own retreats.

At this very ancient retreat the first and second root races descended into form, sponsored by Archangel Michael and the other archangels. As the members of the first root race completed their individual plan and began to ascend, they assumed the positions in hierarchy to reinforce the momentums gathered below in the creative scheme above.

Retreats and focuses of the Great White Brotherhood were gradually established as members of the first root race arose to fill the positions necessary for an ever-expanding and transcending magnetization of light upon the planetary body. In the early days of the first root race, the Royal Teton Retreat was opened as the home of the manu and the focus of the seven beloved archangels and their complements, who had also anchored their flames across the planetary body.

Participate in the Rituals of the Royal Teton Retreat

Royal Teton Retreat anchored in the Grand TetonsAt winter and summer solstice the Lords of Karma convene in the council chambers of this retreat to act upon the petitions of sons and daughters of God* and to deliver the cosmic dispensations that come forth from the heart of Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun - allotments of energy for the enlightenment and progress of humanity.

Each New Year's Eve, the thoughtform for the year is released from the Silent Watcher of this solar system to the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha, who in turn releases it to earth's unascended evolutions from the Royal Teton Retreat. The thoughtform contains the keys to the outpicturing of the will of God for the planet for the coming twelve-month cycle.

Entering the Royal Teton Retreat

We approach the hidden entrance of the Royal Teton Retreat accompanied by an ascended master, for whom large boulders on the mountainside part and great bronze doors open wide. We descend in an elevator two thousand feet into the heart of the mountain. Entering the reception hall, we behold a magnificent tapestry heavily embroidered with silk and jewels, depicting the founders of the retreat in the act of invoking tremendous power from the sun.

Accompanied by the ascended master Saint Germain, Guy W. Ballard (now the ascended master Godfré) visited the Royal Teton Retreat in the 1930s. Godfré recorded his experiences at the Royal Teton Retreat and in the Cave of Symbols in his books Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence.

He described being taken to a great council hall two hundred feet long and one hundred feet wide whose ceiling is fifty feet high. White onyx forms part of the walls, others are of highly polished blue and rose granite. A vein of gold left in its natural state in the rock of one wall enhances the setting.

A Focus of the Central Sun

In the center of the arched ceiling is a disc of gold, twelve feet in diameter. A seven-pointed star formed entirely of dazzling, yellow diamonds fills the center of the disc and emits a brilliant golden light. Surrounding this focus of the Central Sun are two twelve-inch rings—the inner ring is rose pink and the outer is a deep iridescent violet.

Seven smaller discs also surround the Central Sun focusing the seven rays of the Elohimthat contact and invigorate the seven chakras in man and the ganglionic centers in animal life. The currents the Elohim directed through these focuses also benefit the elemental kingdom and plant life on earth.

The tremendous currents released by the Elohim are stepped down by the ascended masters and made available to mankind and the elementals.

A Focus of the All-Seeing Eye of God

Elohim Cyclopeia and the All-Seeing EyeFocused in the wall at the far end of this hall is a large eye, representative of the All-Seeing Eye of God. Through it, mighty currents are directed for the realignment of the forces upon earth with the immaculate pattern God holds for all of his creation.

The seven rays of the Elohim are enshrined at this retreat, and the rays are concentrated and anchored in this large image of the All-Seeing Eye of God in the great council hall.

Instruction Rooms for Soul Lessons

On another wall is a panel of precipitated substance used as a mirror for the instruction of initiates of the ascended masters and members of the Brotherhood. Here the masters project the akashic records of activities upon earth or any other planet on which they may desire to give instruction—past, present and future.

Also in this retreat are record rooms containing spindles on which are recorded in pressed gold the records of many civilizations that have existed upon the earth since its earliest days. Other rooms contain gold and jewels that the ascended masters have rescued from the lost continents and civilizations that have fallen.

Activities of the Royal Teton Retreat

Focus of the threefold flameIn the center of the room where the gold is kept is a focus for the precipitation of sunlight. In another room, the threefold flame is focused. There is also a violet flame chamber as well as departments of science and rehabilitation and council halls where there is continual planning and development of projects to be carried out by souls in embodiment.

In many classrooms those who attend this retreat in their finer bodies during sleep are received. Other areas are provided for those who, after passing from physical embodiment, must remain in a state of sleep until it is time for them to be awakened to make preparation for their next embodiment.

A music room with beautiful instruments that have been perfected by the ascended masters sends forth to the world the music of the spheres. The perfected patterns of some of these instruments have been released as ideas into the minds of some musicians in the world, and more will be released in the golden age.

Many new inventions, scientific formulas, techniques in art and in every field of human endeavor—already developed by the ascended masters—will also be released from this retreat when mankind have demonstrated their predisposition to use them honorably and morally according to the golden rule.

The Royal Teton Retreat is the focus for the precipitation of the culture of the Divine Mother. Precipitation is necessary in order to have a golden age, and the flame of precipitation is anchored here—Chinese green tinged with gold and yellow, the flame of illumination focused by Confucius and Lord Lanto. This retreat, working in conjunction with the illumination of the retreat of Elohim Apollo and Lumina in Western Europe, gives impetus to the scientific inventions of the Western Hemisphere.

Conclaves are held at the Royal Teton Retreat attended by thousands of lifestreams from every continent who journey here in their finer bodies through soul travel while they sleep. There are also smaller classes and tutorials.

Universities of the Spirit

Saint Germain and Lord Lanto with the ascended master Confucius conduct their Universities of the Spirit here—courses of instruction being given by the lords of the seven rays and the Maha Chohan at their respective retreats for tens of thousands of students who are pursuing the path of self-mastery on the seven rays. In the etheric realm over this retreat, a large amphitheater has been built to accommodate those lifestreams who, by recent dispensation, have been permitted to come to the retreat in their finer bodies for instruction.

Confucius has expanded on some of the purposes of attending the retreat:

"In coming to the Royal Teton Retreat many purposes are served, notably that many of the evolutions of ancient China have re-embodied here in America. These ones are the quiet Buddhic souls, the diligent ones, the ones who have also laid the foundation of the family in America and of the basic loyalty of the family, the code of ethics, the gentleness, the sweetness and the desire for learning as the means to God-awareness.

"Many of these have responded also to the teachings from Tibet and from Gautama and Maitreya. Out of the East they have come. They have come for an embodiment that their wisdom might be fired with freedom, that they might assist America in the grand turn of the centuries whereby the mechanization of a false materialism might be turned about and there might manifest instead an etherealization, a spirituality, a conquering of self, of society and of the energies of time and space."1

Lanto Invites Us to Attend Classes in the Royal Teton Retreat

"In the chambers of the Royal Teton, where the golden hue of victory saturates the atmosphere hallowed by the victorious ones, I stand to lecture to those who keep the flame of the World Mother and to the remnant of her seed who have forsaken the ways of the world in preference for her mantle.

"I invite all who pursue Wisdom—though her veils and garb be varied as she passes through all levels of learning—all who seek her knowledge as that true knowledge that comes forth from the fertile mind of the Creator. To you I say, Come to Wisdom's fount and make ready while there is yet time for you to become all that Wisdom has held in store for you throughout the ages. And with the holy oil of deodar, the Mother shall anoint you to consecrate you for reunion in the Flame."2

The music of the retreat is Song to the Evening Star from Tannhäuser. This music can be used to meditate on the great causal body of Lord Lanto to draw his Electronic Presence around yourself, or even your city, and expand his golden lotus flame through your own crown and heart chakras.

Calls to Lord Lanto and the Yellow Flame of Wisdom

A yellow flame invocation that Lanto requested that we "...say it often each day, that you might have the momentum and the mantle of my ray. Light a candle in the night and consecrate the fire to the fires of the sun, to the holy aura unfolding in each one..

In the name of Almighty God
I stand forth to challenge the night,
To raise up the Light,
To focus the consciousness of Gautama Buddha!
And I AM the thousand-petaled Lotus Flame!
And I come to bear it in his name!
I stand in Life this hour
And I stand with the scepter of Christ-power
To challenge the darkness,
To bring forth the Light,
To ensoul from starry heights,
The consciousness of angels,
    Masters, Elohim, sun-centers
And of all of Life
That is the I AM Presence of each on!
I claim the victory in God's name.
I claim the Light of Solar Flame.
I claim the Light! I AM the Light!.
I AM victory! I AM victory! I AM victory!
For the Divine Mother and the Diving Manchild
And for the raising-up of the crown of Life
And the twelve starry focal points
That rejoice to see the salvation of our God
Right within my crown, 
Right within the center of the Sun
Of Alpha - It is done.

Evening Call to Attend the Royal Teton Retreat Classes

Call in the name of your own Christ Self to Lord Lanto to invoke his assistance on your path. Ask to be taken to each of the Royal Teton Retreat on Saturday night. This is also a call to give if you are visiting the Grand Tetons National Park to consciously connect with the radiation of the retreat.

In the name of the Christ, my own Real Self, I call to the heart of the I AM Presence and to the angel of the Presence to take me in my soul and in my soul consciousness to the retreat of Lord Lanto at the Royal Teton Retreat to learn the way of wisdom and the lessons of illumined action for the precipitation of the Christ consciousness. And I ask that all information necessary to the fulfillment of my divine plan be released to my outer waking consciousness as it is required. I thank thee and I accept this done in the full power of the risen Christ.

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Another dream. New to me is receiving more and more messages during deep meditation and/or dream time. I feel I am to share what my Guides are showing me. Hope it is of value to you.

Saturday, I came back from a deep meditation with a clear image of the threefold flame. I remembered from St. Germain's I AM books, my introduction to Lord Lanto. He is dedicated to working with St. Germain to liberate mankind. He brings eastern teachings to the west.

Lord Lanto was able to materialize this flame in the center of his chest so others could see it blazing there as a tangible witness to our connection with God, our Creator.


Threefold Flame ~ Love, Wisdom and Power

What is the Threefold Flame

The threefold flame embodies the same qualities of love, wisdom, and power that manifest in the heart of the Almighty, in the heart of your I AM Presence, and in the heart of your Higher Self. This divine spark is your passport to immortality.

The heart is the repository for the flame of God. This flame is the essence of God, blazing within our physical form. Called the “threefold flame” by the ascended masters, it can only be seen at higher frequencies. This threefold flame, sustainer of our physical life and a sacred trinity of love, wisdom and power, is placed in our hearts at birth and is withdrawn at transition

Enjoy learning more about Lanto in the posting below.

Selamat Ja!

Note: Here's the archive link for Sheldan's interview with Alexandra Meador from Galactic Connection. It is a 2 Hour interview and one of the best to date. Click Here


Lanto is Chohan of the Second Ray, the yellow ray, of wisdom, understanding and judgment. He exemplifies these and other second-ray virtues, including illumination and discernment. Lord Lanto teaches the path of attainment through enlightenment and mastery in the crown chakra, and can assist souls in receiving the Holy Spirit’s gifts of the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge.

Many of Lanto’s incarnations were in China, where he focused the flame of illumination that infused that country’s culture with great wisdom. The Duke of Chou, one of his Chinese embodiments, is reputed to have been the guru of Confucius.

During his final lifetime, Lanto adored God’s presence within his own heart so fervently that the divine spark residing there—the threefold flame—could be seen emanating as a soft golden glow through his chest. He desired that through this living testimony other people would also recognize and believe the truth of their own innate spark of divinity, the doorway to their personal enlightenment and victory. He sustained this visible light until he ascended around 500 B.C.

Lanto’s etheric retreat is located over the Grand Teton in the Teton Mountain Range in Wyoming.

Teacher of the Ancient Way

Lord Lanto, great light of ancient China, now serves as one of America's foremost savants. The devotion to the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge of this quietly-wise sage and fiery-eyed bodhisattva has truly qualified him to initiate the evolutions of earth in these gifts of the Holy Spirit.


Lord of the Second Ray, he is an Ascended Master in whose presence the sublimity of the Mind of God can be touched and known, by portion, as he teaches the ancient way of universal christhood that made the golden age of China great, that comes down from Maitreya, the Coming Buddha who has come, and is brought to the fore by the hierarch of the Royal Teton Retreat, the Ascended Master Lord Confucius.

Lanto conducts classes at the Royal Teton Retreat, congruent with the Grand Teton in Wyoming. In this ancient focus of great Light the paths of all the Seven Chohans are taught and the seven rays of the Elohim and Archangels are enshrined. The Lords of Karma, Gautama Buddha, and all members of the Great White Brotherhood frequent this gathering place of the Ascended Masters and their disciples, while also maintaining the specialized functions of their own private retreats.

A master of sages and philosophers, Lord Lanto teaches us the path of attainment through enlightenment, definition, and dominion in the crown chakra. He gained his mastery while studying under Lord Himalaya, Manu of the Fourth Root Race, whose Retreat of the Blue Lotus is hidden in the mountains that bear his name.

Electing to use the yellow ray to enfold the hearts of all mankind, Lanto dedicated himself to the perfectionment of the evolutions of this planet through the golden flame of Cosmic Christ illumination he bears, charged with his momentum of God-victory for the youth of the world.

We can trace his evolution as a high priest in the temple of the Divine Mother on the lost continent of Lemuria, which occupied a large area of the Pacific Ocean, as well as subsequent embodiments on Atlantis. Following the sinking of “Mu,” as the Motherland of the Pacific was called, and the later disappearance of Poseidonis beneath the Atlantic, the last of Atla (Atlantis) which went down in stages, many adepts and priests of the sacred fire bore the flames they had guarded to other parts of the earth.


Lanto was and is a Master of the power of precipitation—an alchemical process of drawing forth cosmic light and substance from the Universal and coalescing it into physical form (a predetermined matter matrix) by the science of the spoken Word. Therefore, appropriately he was chosen to bear the flame of precipitation—a Chinese green tinged with gold—to the stronghold of the Grand Teton, where the Brotherhood had established the magnificent physical focus known as the Royal Teton Retreat.

Lanto later embodied as a ruler in China and as a contemporary of Confucius (551-479 b.c.).

Following his ascension, he accepted the office of presiding Master of the Council of the Royal Teton and of the retreat itself in order to bring to the Western world the flame of science, technology, the culture of the Mother and reverence for Life which he and Confucius had sponsored in the Far East.

Master of the fiery core of excellence at the heart of Wisdom’s Ray, hence devotee par excellence of the Divine Mother’s white fire lilies, Lanto remains the Guru of gurus of the Chinese, as well as of all souls who share his love for the golden Sunward path of the Buddhas and bodhisattvas under Sanat Kumara.

Lanto, one of the original Keepers of the Flame, played a role in the earliest efforts of Sanat Kumara to fetch humanity from their darkened descent. The bands who volunteered to accompany Sanat Kumara on his mission to the dark star sought nothing less than the rekindling of the Divine Spark in mankind who, through de-evolution, had lost the original fire and animating intelligence (genus) of their Divinity. This they purposed to do from the altar of Shamballa through the Great One who had exiled himself on planet earth for the sole purpose of keeping the flame of Life.

Before his ascension Lord Lanto determined that the light from his own heart flame should shine forth physically as living proof to his disciples that the threefold flame is the Word that is made flesh and that it can be thus expanded and intensified by the priority of the adept. Lanto, by the dynamism of his decrees from the heart, his devoutness to the living Word as the Universal Christ ever with him, and his consecration of the chakras to the sacred fire of the Mother did achieve what none other in earth’s recorded history since the Fall had done:

Lanto so adored the Trinity in the tripartite Light of his innermost being that the intense glow of that Divine Spark could actually be seen through his flesh form emanating a soft golden glow through his chest. This he maintained in honor of Sanat Kumara until his ascension around 500 b.c., in order that the original Lightbearers might recall their mission to illumine the dark star.

Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries Lanto has stood faithfully behind the efforts of Saint Germain to liberate mankind through his release of the Ascended Masters’ Teachings on the I AM Presence and the violet fire. On July 3, 1958, Lanto accepted from Kuthumi the office of Lord of the Second Ray, and the Ascended Master Confucius succeeded him as hierarch of the Royal Teton Retreat.

On October 30, 1966, in cooperation with the God and Goddess Meru, Lanto was granted the dispensation by the Karmic Board for a “mighty transcendent golden flame of illumination” to pulsate 300 feet into the atmosphere over the colleges, universities, divinity and theological schools of the world whose students and faculty were and would be receptive to knowledge from higher spheres. Any students of any school of higher learning may call this flame into action on behalf of the faculty and student body.



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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