lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Elohim Apollo and Lumina's Etheric Retreat


Spiritual Retreat of the Elohim of the Second Ray

Crown chakra, copyright The Summit Lighthouse

The spiritual retreat of the Elohim Apollo and Lumina is located in the etheric plane over Lower Saxony, Germany. Here the Elohim of the second ray focus the energies of the crown chakra of the planet.

On the outside of the building are three pillars in the formation of a triangle. These pillars are electrodes focusing a yellow star at the top of each one. There are three stories in the round dome of this etheric retreat, built in a parabolic curve.

The first floor is the largest, the second and third are progressively smaller. A spherical focus of the flames of Apollo and Lumina is in the center of each of these three levels.

In the center of the first floor is a golden-yellow ball resembling a whirling galaxy, its component star clusters whirling at such a high frequency that they appear to be at perfect rest. In the center of the second floor is an identical sphere of brilliant sapphire blue. In the center of the upper room is another golden sphere like the one on the first floor. On each floor there is a spherical meditation room having as its focal point the spherical flame.

Each of these rooms accommodates approximately one thousand angels serving under Apollo and Lumina. Their glorious golden-yellow auras and robes make those who behold them feel as if they are in the center of the Great Hub.

Classrooms, laboratories, libraries and archives form a radial pattern out from the center of the meditation room on each of the three floors. At the first level there is a circular hallway following the circumference of the building. On either side of the hall are three-dimensional exhibits showing the operation of the law of cycles throughout the earth. There are several thousand such displays atop square pillars about four feet high.

Elohim of Wisdom Created the Planet's Cycles

When the Elohim responded to the great command to go forth and create the earth, they did so through the initiation of cycles. The many cycles that are the components of our world actually make up its individuality. The cycles of earth, air, fire and water, of the mineral and plant kingdoms, of time and space—all of these are illustrated. These cycles are based on the law of the twelve illustrated in the twelve bands of the causal body and the twelve signs of the zodiac, also known as the twelve hierarchies of the Sun.

Also illustrated are the cycles of cosmic beings and their releases of light to the planet, the cycles of civilizations, the cycles of photosynthesis and precipitation. The electronic forcefield within the square blocks allows these displays to be suspended in air and to have "live parts," moving flames, spirals, showing the endless complexities of our world and making them simple through illustrations.

One could easily spend a hundred years studying these displays and being tutored by the great cosmic scientists who serve in Apollo and Lumina's retreat.

In preparation for the coming golden age, tremendous tides of illumination's flame are being released from this temple. The millions of angels who serve under Apollo and Lumina are ready to go forth to raise the consciousness of the entire earth to the level of the Christ in answer to the calls of the students.

Become an Electrode for Change

The angels of Apollo and Lumina, together with the angels serving at the spiritual retreats of Archangel Jophiel and ChristineLord Lanto, the God and Goddess MeruLord Gautama BuddhaLord HimalayaLord Maitreya and Jesus and Kuthumi, the World Teachers, should be called upon on behalf of the enlightenment of all mankind, for they are equal in every respect to the tremendous task at hand.

Apollo's Flame: Golden Yellow With a Blue Sheath

The action of the blue flame is a protective forcefield for the wisdom of the Christ. It precedes the manifestation of wisdom in the world of form, cutting through the density of human error and misqualified energy, paving the way for the manifestation of the Christ mind. Lumina's flame is a golden yellow, which follows after the flame of Apollo in the manifestation of the seven aspects of the Christ mind.

Etheric Retreats of the Seven Elohim






Elohim of Wisdom

  • Also known as:
    • Cassiopeia (7)
    • Elohim of Wisdom
    • Elohim of the Second Ray (10)

  • First Public Dictation / Discourse:
    • August 6, 1944   Denver, Colorado U.S.A. (1)

  • Divine Quality
    • Wisdom
    • Illumination

  • Divine Ray & Sacred Fire
    • Yellow
    • Gold
    • Golden Yellow with a Blue Sheath

  • Office in Hierarchy
    • Elohim of the Second Ray (Although there are many Elohim, Apollo is One of the Elohim of the Seven Rays serving our system of worlds at this time.) (2) (3) (10)

  • Retreats
    • Through the Retreat of Apollo and Lumina in Lower Saxony in southern Germany, the Elohim of Wisdom release Rays of God Illumination and Wisdom to our entire Earth. Three pillars, each focusing a yellow star, form a triangle on the outside of the Retreat. This Elohim Retreat has three levels, with a meditation room on each level, that can welcome one thousand Angels. In the meditation room on the first floor is a golden yellow ball that looks like a whirling galaxy. On the next level is a sphere of sapphire blue, and on the top level, another yellow sphere. This Retreat also holds classrooms, laboratories, libraries and archives. Students are invited to come here to quicken their attunement with the "Mind of God" through their own Holy Christ Presence. (10) (read more)

  • Angels
    • Legions of Illumination
    • Elohim Angels (4)
    • Legions of the Second Ray

  • Mythological and Literary References
    • The God known long ago to the Greeks as the mythological Apollo could well be the representation of their memory of an ancient encounter with the Elohim. After thousands of years, however, the Gods and Goddesses assumed more and more human traits in the minds of the people. Hence, what is currently attributed to Apollo as the God of Greek and Roman mythology may not necessarily reflect the actuality of the Elohim of Wisdom.
    • Apollo was known in the Pythagorean tradition as the symbol of masculine beauty, the Solar God who personifies the spiritual light of which the sun is the physical image. He represented the descent of Heaven on Earth. Apollo is considered by some to be the Solar Logos, the Mediator, Vishnu, Mithras, Horus, the Sacred Word. Apollo was lawgiver to the Greek city-states. As the God of divination and prophecy, he communicated to humanity by means of prophets and oracles as in the famed Oracle at Delphi.
    • The son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis. Apollo was the god of music (principally the lyre, and he directed the choir of the Muses) and also of prophecy, colonization, medicine, archery (but not for war or hunting), poetry, dance, intellectual inquiry and the carer of herds and flocks. He was also a god of light, known as "Phoebus" (radiant or beaming, and he was sometimes identified with Helios the Sun God). Apollo being the God of religious healing would give those guilty of murder and other immoral deeds a ritual purification. Sacred to Apollo are the swan, the wolf and the dolphin. His attributes are the bow and arrows, on his head a laurel crown, and the cithara (or lyre) and plectrum. But his most famous attribute is the tripod, the symbol of his prophetic powers. (11)
    • Apollo, an epithet that means "bright", was a handsome, strong, intelligent and very complex deity. He was the god of the sun or the light, and patron defender of herds and flocks. He was also considered to have dominion over the plague, healing, archery, dance, poetry, music, reason, intellectualism, prophecy, and medicine. He was related to enlightenment, atonement, truth, and a new civic order of justice. As the god of religious healing, Apollo purified those persons guilty of murder or other grievous sins at the famous Oracle at Delphi.
    • Many call Apollo the "God of the Sun", but this is an attribute that came much later in mythology. His original domain is that of music (he plays the lyre), medicine and healing, poetry and the arts. Apollo has often been portrayed at the height of masculine youth and beauty. His father is Zeus, and his mother is Leto, and his sister is Artemis.

  • Appearance:
    • "Fourteen, fifteen feet high" (4)


" . . . Throughout all of the Cosmos, there are Ascended Masters ready to respond to every need, to every instruction which you must require. The Mighty I AM Presence is receptive to their assistance. There is no false sense of ego within your Presence or the Mind of God that limits that Presence to figuring out and determining for itself the course and the direction. Do not forget that in the Presence is the Allness of God and within the fleeting thought can come the assistance from another who has a great momentum established in whatever the attainment or mastery to be fulfilled or the requirement of the hour.  

"And this is the true state of affairs of mankind upon Earth: the state of limitation, the inability to perceive beyond that which they are able to feel or sense with their physical senses. Having not prepared the subtle senses or the finer bodies to be receptive to the prompting of the Mighty I AM Presence. There is a wanting for direction, clarity. The ability to make a decision or a determined cognized thought, for some, is a great feat. Understanding, Beloved, that once the thought has been planted within the consciousness, then the Heart must act upon that thought. It either propels you in a certain direction or brings about the thought that allows you to coalesce those energies within your body temple and the energies that are sent forth from Elohim for you to be able to create by the elemental forces of nature. To do this there must be an understanding from within your own temple, the integration of your vehicles of consciousness that allow for your vehicles to work as one, responding in the manner in which the Presence has determined for you to be able to accomplish certain feats, mastery and attainment.  

"Every aspect of life is a building upon one of the foundation stones required for your Ascension. When you procrastinate and put off to another day beginning that process of the building of your foundation, you prolong the very fulfillment of your Victory. If you prolong too awfully long, you will find, Beloved, that it will take many more incarnations for you to have the enlightened state of consciousness that allows for you to understand the fullness of who you are, and to release that Light upon your own Heart Flame in the command to the Presence to fulfill your Fiery Destiny.  

"Throughout all of the Earth, there are lifestreams, not unlike or foreign to your nature who have the desire to have God present within them. They are searching, wandering to and fro, first with one teacher, then another, going to the highest mountains. But you, Beloved, do not have to search, for you know where the answer lies – it is within the Presence, it is within the body temple, for the Threefold Flame upon the altar of your Heart is the open door to all that is required for you to know.  

"And should you tarry for a while within these hallowed halls you will be reminded of that which you already know, that which you have mastered, that which you have come to understand as the Presence and your own Causal Body attainment. Remembering, cognizing that thought and allowing for Illumination Flame of your Heart to rise up and ignite the crown – allow for your crown chakra to be opened and receptive to the flow that you God Presence desires to release through you.  

"And this is not an action that can or should ever be forced, for in those cases it can be most dangerous and untimely, but for the natural progression of the opening of the chakras, the filling of those chakras with the charge of Light from your God Presence that sets them spinning with an action that allows for the command from your Heart to leap into action to the Mighty I AM Presence — to understand when you are to make the call, to know what is the call to make. All this the requirement of the Christ, for you, Beloved, are to be the Christ. You are to stand in the vortex of Light of your own God Presence and see that Light and the Rays of God Consciousness go forth from the Mighty I AM, touching those parts of life that are in need of God, allowing for healing to come forth.  

"Love to conquer all. Yes, Beloved, when the Presence sends forth the fullness of God Love, there is no thing that can stand in opposition to that Love, for it is the greatest Force on Earth and throughout God’s Kingdom. When you begin to understand who you are, the Power within the Light of God, the gifts which you have to give to all of mankind who will receive, then you begin to understand, Beloved, the Responsibility of being a Son or Daughter of God. And it does come with a great Responsibility, for once you know, you are held to that which you are to accomplish. You may think that in the stillness of the night when you have the dawning awareness that line that holds you fast within the embrace of your God Presence, that the Crystal Cord which you traverse and there is the revelation of what you are to do, to accomplish, to become. Then, Beloved, you are responsible, even when no one else may know. Your God Presence has entrusted you with a special Gift. That Gift you must fulfill. . . . "


Beloved Apollo
through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer,   December 29, 2004,   Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. (9)




  1. "I AM" Ascended Master Dictation List (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press Inc., 1995)

  1. Cassiopeia The Seven Mighty Elohim Speak, (The Bridge To Freedom, 1957)

  1. Cassiopeia The I AM Discourses by the Seven Mighty Elohim (Saint Germain Series Volume 14), (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press Inc., 1995) Copyright © 1995 Saint Germain Foundation

  1. Hercules, June 26, 1970, The I AM Discourses by the Seven Mighty Elohim (Saint Germain Series Volume 14), (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press Inc., 1995) page 266 Copyright © 1995 Saint Germain Foundation

  1. King, Godfre Ray Unveiled Mysteries (Saint Germain Series Volume 1), (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press Inc., 1989) pages 80 - 82 Copyright © 1989 Saint Germain Press Inc.

  1. Lanto, The I AM Discourses by the Seven Mighty Elohim (Saint Germain Series Volume 14), (Schaumburg, Illinois: Saint Germain Press Inc., 1995) page 110 Copyright © 1995 Foundation

  1. Luk, A.D.K. The Law of Life: Book II, (Pueblo, Colorado: A.D.K. Luk Publications, 1989) pages 296 - 297

  1. Prophet, Elizabeth Clare and Prophet, Mark L. Saint Germain on Alchemy: For the Adept in the Aquarian Age, Second Edition, (Livingston, Montana, Summit University Press, 1986), page 400

  1. Apollo, December 29, 2004 Copyright © 2004 The Temple of The Presence®   Website:

  1. Prophet, Mark & Elizabeth; compiled by Annice Booth   The Masters And Their Retreats (Montana: Summit University Press, 2003)

  1. Leadbetter, Ron "Apollo" Encyclopedia Mythica from Encyclopedia Mythica Online. [Accessed July 05, 2010]


Elohim Apollo and Lumina

The Rays of God


February 14, 2012


I AM Apollo and Lumina, we are Elohim and  we serve the Illumination flame in bringing God's Light of Wisdom to His evolutions in and out of the Matter realm. When we step down the Light of Illumination, Mother listens. Mother takes that Light of Wisdom and she IS More. But how can she Be More when those within her own Being reject the Wisdom of God?

I, Apollo, came to this Messenger in the beginning of this mission. I came with Lumina and we attempted to give you the Light of Wisdom that we are, that those who heard our words might receive an inner confirmation in their hearts that what was not understood, could, and would come to light as your consciousness was raised.*

Have you understood what you may not have been able to understand then,  eight years ago? If you look at what you know today and what you knew then, or since you have joined in this mission, do you see that you are so much more because you have raised your consciousness to a higher understanding of truth? This does not mean that everything you learned in the dispensations of other Ascended Master organizations and teachings are obsolete, and that you must throw them out to incorporate a higher understanding. No, my beloved, that is not how the Ascended Masters teach, and that is not the way of the Great White Brotherhood.

We do not need to teach lies, or half truths, and then one day tell you that those teachings really were for the ignorant masses and then we give you a teaching that transcends something we said in the past, and you can now throw the baby out with the bath water. If you believe that that is the way we teach, then you open yourself up to the lie that there is no Absolute Truth of God that man can know through the Matter realm.

Do you see beloved, that the trick of the serpentine consciousness is to take you away from Truth and insert the doubt in any truth you have ever received. If you do not have Truth, what rock of Christ do you have to stand on? You would have none beloved. The rock of Christ that we speak of is the foundation of Truth, the Word. The Christ is both Principle and Person and Truth, and the Word, the Logos, is the Light of Christ.

Do you actually believe that this Word, this Truth, the Christ, cannot be known through you? Was Jesus, the Christ, and did he know the Truth that he said could set you free?**  If you call yourself a Christian, or you believe in Jesus the Christ and his works, then you believe in his teachings. He taught that if you believe in him you shall do the works that he did, and even greater works shall ye do because he goeth unto the Father."***

My beloved, the time has come to Be the Christ. You know the Truth because we have told you that the Laws of God are written in your heart.**** There is the Christ flame within your heart. There is the rock of Christ.  There is the Absolute Truth.

Our purpose in Being is to help each and everyone connect with the Divine Wisdom that is the way to Being all that you are and More. Would we, the Elohim, give you anything that would take you away from Being? We cannot, or we would not truly be Elohim. Those who say that there are inner truths that they have that transcend all outer understanding of what we have given you before, are not teaching the truth of the Great White Brotherhood. Beloved, anyone who tells you that all of your previous Ascended Master concepts are just that, concepts that have now been transcended per their new higher understanding they claim is now being released by the Great White Brotherhood, are leading you into the Antichrist.

I have witnessed our previously sponsored messenger1 and his new self-proclaimed spokesman for us, release severe distortions of God Truth. Would that you knew how severe is this distortion in telling you that El Morya is no longer El Morya, but Master MORE, who is an impostor of the true More of God.  Beloved, who would believe that the blue flame Power of the Will of God has been never understood by any previous Ascended Master student, or that El Morya himself would not have told you that his flame is really unconditional love? 2

Every Ray of God carries a unique vibration, which all come from the White Light.  The rays separate out into seven outer rays and five secret rays. Those rays have never changed and they never will. Can anyone or anything change the White Light? The White Light  is known through becoming each of the seven rays. It takes lifetimes of service on each of the seven rays to internalize the White Light and then be ready to move into the secret rays, and then learn how you may serve and understand them through your Being.

Teachings on those secret rays cannot be understood with the outer mind, so we have given you very little understanding of them in all prior dispensations. That is not because we deem you too ignorant to understand them, but that they are "secret" and internal within your own being. They are meant to be understood only through your personal walk with God. Yet, our former messenger introduced new words and concepts to explain them that he said came through his consciousness and our delivery through him. We did not. Those secret ray teachings have no reality to them, except that which he gave them from oneness with his subconscious and unconscious mind.

Would we have any reason to hide from you the understanding and meaning of the seven rays? Beloved, we would not. If we were going to help you master each of the seven rays, and encourage the walk towards the ascension in this life, how would you reach the God Mastery to win your ascension if you did not have the complete understanding of the most fundamental teachings we needed to give Ascended Master students?

The distortions that have been released through the former messenger, in a joint messengership not ordained by the Great White Brotherhood, brought something unexpected to what they may have dreamed their purpose was in coming together. The Light of Wisdom of the second ray of Illumination is now bringing about the judgment of many lifestreams. Therefore, each Elohim will speak through this Messenger and release the judgment of their ray in that which the Elohim see as God's Light being polluted with the severe distortions of the truth the former messenger purports to be a higher wisdom.

I bring the Light of Wisdom's judgment. The Light does illumine, as my beloved Lumina brings her magnification of Wisdom's Light. Together we are Wisdom's Illumination. Know that our Light can expose each and every distortion created out of the mind of Antichrist. But you must provide the call. The call compels the answer. This Messenger can attest to the instaneous answer to many of her calls, but not every call will be answered instaneously because your world is filled with so many lies which obstruct the flow of God's return to you. Thus, trust that just because you do not see an immediate return of your answer that God, that we, did not hear you and respond. Every call is answered, but not all will be visible at the physical level. Yet we would like you to know that because of the calls made by so many of you as you uncover one atrocity after another, we have been able to bring forth Light where Light has not been in a very long time. And that is in the mental and etheric realms where the fallen ones had esconsced themselves with their projections of evil thoughts intent on tearing the children of Light from their oneness with I AM. The progress you have made clearing out the etheric plane gives us renewed gratitude for what we know and you cannot see, but daily we see is becoming free of the fallen ones' negative influence over every endeavor that the sons and daughters of God have attempted to do for the Light.

Keep on keeping on. Discouragement is the devil's sharpest tool. You have the flame from Padma Sambhava, you have ourdispensation of sealing the subconscious mind. You have this help because you deserve it. Let the gifts we bring surprise you as we surprised this Messenger many times. Accept our gifts, but do not expect them. Work because you love to give and serve the Light as we in heaven love to serve the Light. Know that you are in good company when you give without expectation of any return.

We seal you in Illuminations Light that you may know all the Victory in understanding the mission of your Holy work in bringing divine Wisdom for the clearing of the etheric body of the earth. Let your Light shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." (Matt 5:16).

*Apollo and Lumina, Being Higher Truth, July 13, 2003.

** John 8:31: "Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples.  Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
***John 14:12.  He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
**** Jer. 31:33. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My law in their minds,and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.

1Kim Michaels, was a former messenger for Shangra-la from 2002-2009, until he lost his sponsorship. Today he runs his Ask Real Jesus website where he publishes false teaches and takes dictations from the astral, mental or lower etheric planes, but not from the Ascended Master etheric level.

2Helen Parmas gave a dictation December 30, 2011, from Master MORE where she said attempted to take down God Power and the Will of God saying, "Do you see, my beloved, that Master MORE is really nothing else than another individualization of God's love? That is the true will of God, that is the true power!...So, what then is the essence of God's love, my beloved? Why is my name Master MORE? Why is it so that the more you can be only when you are able to sense what is the essence of God! Do you want to know what is the essence of God my beloved? The essence of God is LOVE, it is LOVE, it is LOVE, it is still LOVE in all its aspects. It is pure unconditional love!

What is the essence of God's true will, my beloved? Do you realize that the essence of God's true will is Love and it is flowing... as  the figure-eight flow? This love is that you see yourselves below as we are Above. ... The second part is accepting."


Apollo and Lumina - Elohim of the Second Ray

fatima_rays_of_lightAPOLLO AND LUMINA are the Elohim of the second ray (the yellow ray) of wisdom, omniscience, understanding, illumination, and the desire to know God through the mind of the Son, the Second Person of the Trinity. Apollo and Lumina are guardians of the Cosmic Christ consciousness. Apollo's flame is a golden yellow enveloped in a sheath of blue lightning. The blue flame acts as a protective forcefield of energy surrounding the light of the Christ. This blue lightning cuts through the density of human error and misqualification, clearing the way for Lumina's golden flame which manifests the perfection of the seven aspects of the Christ mind. The twin flames Apollo and Lumina infuse earth, air, fire, and water with the intelligence locked in the center of the atom–the essence of the diamond-shining mind of God.

Apollo - Elohim of Wisdom

Also known as: Cassiopeia, Elohim of the Second Ray

Twin Flame / Divine Complement / Twin Ray: Lumina

Divine Quality: Wisdom. Illumination.

Divine Ray & Sacred Fire: Yellow, Gold, Golden Yellow with a Blue Sheath

Office in Hierarchy: Elohim of the Second Ray (Although there are many Elohim, Apollo is One of the Elohim of the Seven Rays serving our system of worlds at this time.)

Retreat: Lower Saxony in Southern Germany

Angels: Legions of Illumination. Elohim Angels . Legions of the Second Ray

Mythological and Literary References:

The God known long ago to the Greeks as the mythological Apollo could well be the representation of their memory of an ancient encounter with the Elohim. After thousands of years, however, the Gods and Goddesses assumed more and more human traits in the minds of the people. Hence, what is currently attributed to Apollo as the God of Greek and Roman mythology may not necessarily reflect the actuality of the Elohim of Wisdom. Apollo was known in the Pythagorean tradition as the symbol of masculine beauty, the Solar God who personifies the spiritual light of which the sun is the physical image. He represented the descent of Heaven on Earth. Apollo is considered by some to be the Solar Logos, the Mediator, Vishnu, Mithras, Horus, the Sacred Word. Apollo was lawgiver to the Greek city-states. As the God of divination and prophecy, he communicated to humanity by means of prophets and oracles as in the famed Oracle at Delphi.

The son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis. Apollo was the god of music (principally the lyre, and he directed the choir of the Muses) and also of prophecy, colonization, medicine, archery (but not for war or hunting), poetry, dance, intellectual inquiry and the carer of herds and flocks. He was also a god of light, known as "Phoebus" (radiant or beaming, and he was sometimes identified with Helios the Sun God). Apollo being the God of religious healing would give those guilty of murder and other immoral deeds a ritual purification. Sacred to Apollo are the swan, the wolf and the dolphin. His attributes are the bow and arrows, on his head a laurel crown, and the cithara (or lyre) and plectrum. But his most famous attribute is the tripod, the symbol of his prophetic powers.

Apollo, an epithet that means "bright", was a handsome, strong, intelligent and very complex deity. He was the god of the sun or the light, and patron defender of herds and flocks. He was also considered to have dominion over the plague, healing, archery, dance, poetry, music, reason, intellectualism, prophecy, and medicine. He was related to enlightenment, atonement, truth, and a new civic order of justice. As the god of religious healing, Apollo purified those persons guilty of murder or other grievous sins at the famous Oracle at Delphi.

Ascended Master Spiritual Retreat

Hannoversch Münden in Lower Saxony, Germany

The retreat of Apollo and Lumina is located in the etheric plane over Lower Saxony, Germany. Here the Elohim of the Second Ray focus the energies of the crown chakra of the planet.

Through the Retreat of Apollo and Lumina in Lower Saxony in southern Germany, the Elohim of Wisdom release Rays of God Illumination and Wisdom to our entire Earth. Three pillars, each focusing a yellow star, form a triangle on the outside of the Retreat. This Elohim Retreat has three levels, with a meditation room on each level, that can welcome one thousand Angels. In the meditation room on the first floor is a golden yellow ball that looks like a whirling galaxy. On the next level is a sphere of sapphire blue, and on the top level, another yellow sphere. This Retreat also holds classrooms, laboratories, libraries and archives. Students are invited to come here to quicken their attunement with the "Mind of God" through their own Holy Christ Presence.

There are three stories in the round dome of this etheric retreat built in a parabolic curve, the first floor being the largest and the second and third being progressively smaller. A spherical focus of the flames of Apollo and Lumina is in the center of each of these three levels. In the center of the first floor is a golden-yellow ball resembling a whirling galaxy, its component star clusters whirling at such a high frequency that they appear to be at perfect rest. In the center of the second floor is an identical sphere of a brilliant sapphire blue. In the center of the upper room is another golden sphere like the one on the first floor. On each floor there is a spherical meditation room having as its focal point the spherical flame.

Each of these rooms accommodates approximately a thousand angels serving under Apollo and Lumina. Their glorious golden-yellow auras and robes make those who behold them feel as if they are in the center of the Great Hub. Classrooms, laboratories, libraries, and archives form a radial pattern out from the center of the meditation room on each of the three floors. At the first level there is a circular hallway following the circumference of the building. On either side of the hall are three-dimensional exhibits showing the operation of the law of cycles throughout the earth. There are several thousand such displays atop square pillars about four feet high.

When the Elohim responded to the great command to go forth and create the earth, they did so through the initiation of cycles. The many cycles which are the components of our world actually make up its individuality. The cycles of earth, air, fire, and water, of the mineral and plant kingdoms, of time and space–all are illustrated. These cycles are based on the law of the twelve illustrated in the twelve bands of the 'causal body' and the twelve signs of the zodiac, also known as the twelve hierarchies of the sun. Illustrated are the cycles of cosmic beings and their release of light to the planet, the cycles of civilizations, the cycles of photosynthesis and precipitation. The electronic forcefield within the square blocks allows these displays to be suspended in air and to have "live parts," moving flames, spirals showing the endless complexities of our world and making them simple through illustrations. One could easily spend a hundred years studying these displays and being tutored by the great cosmic scientists who serve in this retreat.

In preparation for the coming golden age, tremendous tides of illumination's flame are being released from this temple. The millions of angels who serve under Apollo and Lumina are ready to go forth to raise the consciousness of the entire earth to the level of the Christ in answer to the calls of the students. These, together with those angels serving at the retreats of Jophiel and Christine, Lord Lanto, the God and Goddess Meru, Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Himalaya, Lord Maitreya, and the World Teachers Jesus and Kuthumi should be called upon on behalf of the enlightenment of all mankind, for they are equal in every respect to the tremendous task at hand.

Message from Apollo

...Throughout all of the Cosmos, there are Ascended Masters ready to respond to every need, to every instruction which you must require. The Mighty I AM Presence is receptive to their assistance. There is no false sense of ego within your Presence or the Mind of God that limits that Presence to figuring out and determining for itself the course and the direction. Do not forget that in the Presence is the Allness of God and within the fleeting thought can come the assistance from another who has a great momentum established in whatever the attainment or mastery to be fulfilled or the requirement of the hour.

And this is the true state of affairs of mankind upon Earth: the state of limitation, the inability to perceive beyond that which they are able to feel or sense with their physical senses. Having not prepared the subtle senses or the finer bodies to be receptive to the prompting of the Mighty I AM Presence. There is a wanting for direction, clarity. The ability to make a decision or a determined cognized thought, for some, is a great feat. Understanding, Beloved, that once the thought has been planted within the consciousness, then the Heart must act upon that thought. It either propels you in a certain direction or brings about the thought that allows you to coalesce those energies within your body temple and the energies that are sent forth from Elohim for you to be able to create by the elemental forces of nature. To do this there must be an understanding from within your own temple, the integration of your vehicles of consciousness that allow for your vehicles to work as one, responding in the manner in which the Presence has determined for you to be able to accomplish certain feats, mastery and attainment.

Every aspect of life is a building upon one of the foundation stones required for your Ascension. When you procrastinate and put off to another day beginning that process of the building of your foundation, you prolong the very fulfillment of your Victory. If you prolong too awfully long, you will find, Beloved, that it will take many more incarnations for you to have the enlightened state of consciousness that allows for you to understand the fullness of who you are, and to release that Light upon your own Heart Flame in the command to the Presence to fulfill your Fiery Destiny.

Throughout all of the Earth, there are life streams, not unlike or foreign to your nature who have the desire to have God present within them. They are searching, wandering to and fro, first with one teacher, then another, going to the highest mountains. But you, Beloved, do not have to search, for you know where the answer lies – it is within the Presence, it is within the body temple, for the Threefold Flame upon the altar of your Heart is the open door to all that is required for you to know.

And should you tarry for a while within these hallowed halls you will be reminded of that which you already know, that which you have mastered, that which you have come to understand as the Presence and your own Causal Body attainment. Remembering, cognizing that thought and allowing for Illumination Flame of your Heart to rise up and ignite the crown – allow for your crown chakra to be opened and receptive to the flow that you God Presence desires to release through you.

And this is not an action that can or should ever be forced, for in those cases it can be most dangerous and untimely, but for the natural progression of the opening of the chakras, the filling of those chakras with the charge of Light from your God Presence that sets them spinning with an action that allows for the command from your Heart to leap into action to the Mighty I AM Presence — to understand when you are to make the call, to know what is the call to make. All this the requirement of the Christ, for you, Beloved, are to be the Christ. You are to stand in the vortex of Light of your own God Presence and see that Light and the Rays of God Consciousness go forth from the Mighty I AM, touching those parts of life that are in need of God, allowing for healing to come forth.

Love to conquer all. Yes, Beloved, when the Presence sends forth the fullness of God Love, there is no thing that can stand in opposition to that Love, for it is the greatest Force on Earth and throughout God’s Kingdom. When you begin to understand who you are, the Power within the Light of God, the gifts which you have to give to all of mankind who will receive, then you begin to understand, Beloved, the Responsibility of being a Son or Daughter of God. And it does come with a great Responsibility, for once you know, you are held to that which you are to accomplish. You may think that in the stillness of the night when you have the dawning awareness that line that holds you fast within the embrace of your God Presence, that the Crystal Cord which you traverse and there is the revelation of what you are to do, to accomplish, to become. Then, Beloved, you are responsible, even when no one else may know. Your God Presence has entrusted you with a special Gift. That Gift you must fulfill. . . .

Apollo December 29, 2004, Tucson, Arizona

Source Here

Message from Elohim Cassiopeia

New Year Conference January 2, 1994

Beloved Ones,

I wish to address your request for further information concerning My glorious Temple of Great Light. First, it is My desire to enfold you in My magnificent Flame. Gently close your eyes and using your inner vision, see My brilliant Gold Flame deep within your mind's eye. Its Light is almost more then you can bear, but as you focus your attention upon It, My effulgent, golden Light radiates forth in rhythmic pulsations, as waves of Divine Illumination flow forth into your beings and worlds. Feel the activity of this great Light and Illumination enfolding you now, as you continue to receive My words.

You are correct in your awareness that My Temple is located within the aura of the Great Central Sun. However, My Ray is also firmly connected to each of you, by way of The Crown of the Elohim, and visibly shows itself as the Sunshine-yellow Flame upon the Crown. It is only after this spiritual antenna magnetizes, receives, and anchors My Flame deep within the center of your brain that the true color of My Flame is revealed. So, beloved ones, as you can see, although My Temple is located within the aura of the Great Central Sun, it is also firmly anchored in the center of your brain, by a Bridge of Light lovingly built by each one of you over a long span of time.

I will now share further information and enlightenment concerning the activities that are directed from My Temple to your beloved planet. The Ray of Light that flows from My Focus traverses the universe from the Great Central Sun and anchors within the Earth at a strategic point, located in the complex of the mighty Teton Retreat. Here, My Ray penetrates your planet and begins Its work.

At this point, the most concentrated power of God Illumination enters the Earth. Members of My Brotherhood focus their attention upon My Flame, as it flows through the Flame of Precipitation, allowing the beam of My Ray to be greatly intensified. Thus, it can be more easily received into the body of the Earth and by all humanity.

This service has been performed for many centuries by some very dedicated Beings, allowing My gift to life to become fully concentrated and much more powerful. At the proper time in your planet's evolution, it shall be fully accepted and used by humanity in its purest form. A mighty inbreath of God's gift of Divine Illumination has truly taken place within your planet. As this year has been blessed by the gift of Divine Order, it is now time when the natural flow of illumination must be released to the Earth.

You have within yourselves the 'Will to do'! I now offer you 'Divine Perception' or if you prefer, 'Divine Illumination', so that you may more perfectly fulfill your part in God's Great Divine Plan. The responsibility of expanding and projecting forth My gift to the humankind of Earth, I now bestow upon you, the Chelas of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. You have advanced to a point where work such as this is possible for you to fulfill, if you so desire.

With your assistance during the year of 1994, My Flame will be expanded throughout your beloved planet. You, beloved ones, will focus your attention upon the great Teton Retreat and join in the natural flow and release of My Energy. In the months to come, you will see My Ray expand outward easily and naturally, primarily along the Rocky and the Andes Mountains. It will then move outward, to expand and completely cover the entire Earth!

This Ray will gain in strength and momentum as it moves, at the beginning of this process, in a dominantly southerly direction. It will draw upon the energies of many great Foci of Light along the way, until it reaches the shores of Lake Titicaca and enters The Temple of Illumination.

This great movement of energy is magnetized by the Divine Love and Perfection that emanates forth from God and Goddess Meru for the children of Earth. This activity shall allow a further expansion of information required by the students, as you move steadily forward into Saint Germain's Permanent Golden Age. Be assured that in the future, much information will be offered to you and clarified more fully, especially during this next year.

At the point where My Ray reaches the area of Lake Titicaca, Legions of Angels from Archangel Jophiel's Temple, located in the hills surrounding and overlooking the lake, will begin their service to life. These exquisite Beings of Light will open their consciousness to receive an intensified outpouring of illumination. This energy will then be drawn into their consciousness, where the ideas will be formulated and converted to a workable form. The Angels will then fan out over the Earth and project these illumined ideas forth, sharing them with those members of the Human Family who are receptive, especially through their feeling worlds. These lifestreams will take these ideas and feelings, and externalize them in the physical world for the greatest good of all life.

The most important part of this work will be that of stimulating and energizing the activities of the Great Divine Director, Lord Saithrhu. Further information will be given on this particular subject at a later time. A basic understanding of the work that will be accomplished in the future on the physical plane and at inner levels, the reasons why certain steps are being taken, will also be given.

The activity of My Ray of Light will act as a signal to beloved Kenich Ahan, whose Temple is located near Merida in the Yucatan Peninsula, to open wide the doors of His sacred Temple, welcoming the many chelas and light workers who will be involved in this specific work.

Thus, the chelas shall begin to fully attune to the Golden Flame of Light Eternal, drawing sustenance from the Twelve-Fold Aspects of Deity, which are magnetized from the aura of Helios and Vesta, and firmly anchored within The Temple of the Sun.

Beloved ones, there is so much I wish to share with you, and I assure you there will be ample opportunity to do so during this new year. For the time being, realize that another great outbreath is beginning on the planet Earth, and the dawn of a new day gently glows upon the horizon! May you soon behold its brilliant sunrise!

I AM Elohim Cassiopeia

Source Here

Lumina - Elohim of Wisdom

Also known as: Minerva, Elohim of Wisdom

Twin Flame / Divine Complement / Twin Ray: Apollo

Divine Quality: Wisdom. Illumination.

Divine Ray & Sacred Fire: Yellow, Gold, Golden Yellow with a Blue Sheath

Office in Hierarchy: Lumina is One of the Elohim of the Seven Rays serving this system of worlds.

Retreat: Lower Saxony in Southern Germany

Angels: Legions of Illumination. Elohim Angels. Legions of the Second Ray

Mythological and Literary References:

The Goddess known long ago to the Romans as the mythological Minerva could well be the representation of their memory of an ancient encounter with the Elohim. After thousands of years, however, the Gods and Goddesses assumed more and more human traits in the minds of the people. Hence, what is currently attributed to Lumina as the Goddess of Roman mythology may not necessarily reflect the actuality of the Elohim of Wisdom.

Minerva was considered to be the virgin Goddess of warriors, poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, crafts, and the inventor of music. The name Minerva is likely imported from the Etruscans who called her Menrva. In Etruscan mythology, Menrva was the goddess of wisdom, war, art, schools and commerce. She was the Etruscan counterpart to Greek Athena and to Roman Minerva. Like Athena, Menrva was born from the head of her father, Tinia. Her name has the mn- stem, linked with memory. See Greek Mnemosyne and mnestis: memory, remembrance, recollection. The Romans could have confused her foreign name with their word mens meaning mind since one of her aspects as goddess pertained not only to war but also to the intellectual. Her symbol was an owl.

As Minerva Medica, she was the Goddess of medicine and doctors. As Minerva Achaea, she was worshipped at Luceria in Apulia where votive gifts and arms said to be those of Diomedes were preserved in her temple. Ovid called her the goddess of a thousand works. Minerva was worshipped throughout Italy, though only in Rome did she take on a warlike character. Her worship was also taken out to the empire. In Britain, for example, she was conflated with the wisdom goddess Sulis. Minerva’s image still appears today in the most unlikely places, among them the state Seal of California, the Chartered Society of Designers, Walter Reed army Medical Center and the United States Medal of Honor.

Message from Lumina

. . . For there to be a Golden Age, the Teaching must go forth in its highest, purest Vibration. It must be carried upon wings of Courage, of Strength that knows itself to be the Will of God in manifestation and desires to reflect that Will of God by the Mind of God creating about them the form, the dimension, the Vibration and the acceleration of that which is the pure engram of the Light of God.

The little ones must be taught from early on how to think, for absent thought correctly manifesting in one’s life, there is no forward motion into a higher opportunity and way of life. So oft times are there those caught in momentums of stagnation because of early training where they have been allowed to merely coast along at their own pace, supposedly. But it was not their own pace at all. But they are untaught and untutored and fell within the grasp of human consciousness and the momentum of the chaos of energy of a lesser consciousnesses. When a consciousness is accelerated, it opens to the fiery engrams of the Christ Consciousness. By Necessity, the training that is required for setting aside the human intellect and the human mind of God is tutored in the early schoolroom of holding the focus and attention upon detail.

When this occurs, there is the opportunity for that one to begin the process at the appointed hour according to the Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self of that one to be tutored by the Heart and for the Flame of Illumination, for the Love of God and the Will of God that resides upon the altar of the Heart, to leap with joy for there is a vehicle prepared that is not rigid, not resistant, not recalcitrant, but has opened their mind to the possibilities of a higher Truth than was printed upon the page of the schoolroom of Earth, that has accepted that the Heart of God in its benevolence and abundance would not leave them bereft of all that was required to make their way back home into the Heart of God.

And they likewise knew that when they set aside those areas of consciousness of unreality long enough, with the single-eyed vision upon the Heart of God that the Will of God is imparted to their outer consciousness through the Heart. This is how, Blessed Ones, you go from being a mortal man or woman to becoming immortal in the Ascension. You establish the patterns of thought that are, yes, taught by the ability to communicate one vehicle of consciousness with another, with another, with another until there is an alignment of the charge of Light from your own God Presence holding in check the world’s vibration, holding in check all that would stand to oppose the Mind of God coming forward, and keeping you firmly fixed in time and space, yet with a consciousness upon the Divine.

These momentums establish the patterns over which more and more Light, more and more teaching and instruction, more and more Illumination and the wise use of all that is imparted to you from our Octaves of Light are able to be understood, to be translated into your outer life and to be set as the example for others to follow. When you make the election to move within the realm of the Christ Consciousness, you will open the doorway of the Heart to receive more and more of this Light of the Second Ray of Illumination’s Flame from Elohim and you will be off and running. And you will not be running to some unknown point but you will be accelerating to your Ascension. You will be galvanizing into your world all that is required for you to not only balance your karma, fulfill your dharma, but to have the understanding in the very deep recesses of your consciousness what is the Divine Plan for your life stream and how to carry it out.

You cannot carry out a plan you do not know exists. You may, if you are fortunate, occasionally stumble on to some pathway the leads you to that Divine Plan, but it will not be by accident. Your Mighty I AM Presence has engaged much with the Holy Angels, the Master and your own Holy Christ Self to see you are in the right place at the right time, in the right vibration to, hopefully, catch a glimpse of the reality of who you are and hold onto it, not let go for one second and build upon to that glimpse until it is a vision of your own God Presence imparted within you that will not be denied.

And this, Blessed Hearts, is what We, Elohim, have come to impart to the Earth, so that cycles upon cycles from the microcosm to the macrocosm will reflect one to the other the Perfection of the Mind of God and all that is required to bring God into manifestation. The fullness of the Radiance of our Consciousness streams forth as patterns of Light, spiraling arms of pinpoints of Light that will carry all that is required for you to have the reinforcement of the Flames of Elohim upon your brow to draw into your life the requirements deemed necessary by your own God Presence and by the Mind of God. When you settle for less, you discredit your own God Presence in this world of form.

Be the fullness of all that is the dream, the vision and the goal of your God Presence for this incarnated life. Accomplish that which you perhaps only dreamed heretofore. For you have all that is required to do so. . . .

Lumina October 3, 2006, Tucson, Arizona

2.01 Decree to Elohim Apollo and Lumina

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Recording: The best way to learn how to give a decree is to give it along with a recording that you can purchase and download from the store. Even experienced practitioners often feel they get a better effect by using a recording. STORE.


In the name I AM THAT I AM, Jesus Christ,  I call to my I Will Be Presence to flow through my being and give these decrees with full power. I call to beloved Mighty Apollo and Lumina to release flood tides of Wisdom’s Golden Light to help us see through the most subtle deceptions of dualistic forces, including… 

[Make personal calls]

1. Beloved Apollo, with your second ray,
you open my eyes to see a new day,
I see through duality’s lies and deceit,
transcending the mindset producing defeat.

Beloved Apollo, thou Elohim Gold,
your radiant light my eyes now behold,
as pages of wisdom you gently unfold,
I feel I am free from all that is old.

2. Beloved Apollo, in your flame I know,
that your living wisdom is always a flow,
in your light I see my own highest will,
immersed in the stream that never stands still.

Beloved Apollo, your light makes it clear,
why we have taken embodiment here,
working to raise our own cosmic sphere,
together we form the tip of the spear.

3. Beloved Apollo, exposing all lies,
I hereby surrender all ego-based ties,
I know my perception is truly the key,
to transcending the serpentine duality.

Beloved Apollo, we heed now your call,
drawing us into Wisdom’s Great Hall,
exposing all lies causing the fall,
you help us reclaim the oneness of all.

4. Beloved Apollo, your wisdom so clear,
in oneness with you, no serpent I fear,
the beam in my eye I’m willing to see,
I’m free from the serpent’s own duality.

Beloved Apollo, my eyes now I raise,
I see that the Earth is in a new phase,
I willingly stand in your piercing gaze,
empowered, I exit duality’s maze.

Accelerate my Awakeness, I AM real,
Accelerate my Awakeness, all life heal,
Accelerate my Awakeness, I AM MORE,
Accelerate my Awakeness, all will soar.

Accelerate my Awakeness! (3X)
Beloved Apollo and Lumina.

Accelerate my Awakeness! (3X)
Beloved Jophiel and Christine.

Accelerate my Awakeness! (3X)
Beloved Master Lanto.

Accelerate my Awakeness! (3X)
Beloved I AM.

In the name of the Divine Mother, I fully accept that the power of these calls is used to set free the Ma-ter light, so it can outpicture the perfect vision of Christ for my own life, for all people and for the planet. In the name I AM THAT I AM, it is done! Amen.


Copyright © Kim Michaels, 2012


Views: 897


Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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