lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

  The following is a literal transcription of a recorded transmission given Saturday November 13, 2010 at the Ascending Hearts Conclave event in Vancouver, B.C. The material presented is not edited for reading as it is transcribed from an audio file. So please keep this in mind when reading. Thank you. [ © Radiant Rose Academy Inc.]


Archangel Michael Speaks


Archangel Michael

And a glorious good morning to all of you, I Michael greet you through messenger number two,

and as I come to you, give me one moment as I take up his Master Unfed Flames and offer my Love, my

Presence and Miracle Blessing unto each of you……the victory of the Light of the Ages is now here, dear

Children of the Light and it is my glorious great God gratitude this morning to be with all of you and to

enlighten you on a few things that I have been doing behind the scenes as nominated Ascended Master

elect for 2010.

First off and foremost it is my greatest desire to accompany each of you on this path of

resurrection, to stand your guard and be at your side that so when those forces that begin to act up in

the outer world, those destructive forces that will seek to wreck havoc and devastate this planet, that

those of you who are the courageous and illumined, brave in heart and knowing with all your being

that you are safe and secure on this path, it is my great job if you will, it is my privilege my honour my

obligation to stand at each one of your sides and as well do I remind you of my brothers, for if you do

not wish to have me stand at your side and perhaps one of them, then I urge you to call unto them.

Do you know who my other six brothers who are currently assisting your Earth are, do you

know their names? Are there some who do not and wish me to share? (Yes) Well then certainly; I come

on the first ray the Cosmic Blue Ray, my name is Archangel Michael. Second, on the Golden Ray comes

my brother Archangel Jophiel. Next, Beloved Chamuel, then Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel and Zadkiel, and

there you have it. So those are the names I have mentioned that resonate within your heart and are

most called to, then I say unto you give your love and adoration to them, send the invitation and invite

them to come into your life and to guard you and protect you, for it is our service as the great

Archangels to protect all that is good and constructive in your octave, on your planet, in this entire

solar system and throughout galaxies and this universe. That is why we have been created, so it is when

those seven mighty Elohim, the Creators of systems of worlds build and build, they call unto us to come

forth and stand guard and protect all of those magnificent creations. And so it is that I come and with

my brothers offer you the exact same thing, so the magnificent creations that you are come to


conceive in these hours of Resurrection, the golden age, the Seventh Golden Age that is upon you, and

you step forth and begin to build these mighty creations, then I say to you we will stand and protect


Now in my office as Archangel Michael I have what you call cosmic legions. Mark you, Cosmic

Legions of Angels of the Sacred Fire, and these Angels dear hearts serve in many offices. There is not

any type of Angel that any one of you can conceive that I have not yet created and therefore whatever

your act of Service to Life is, wherever you are serving and the requirements of an Angel is for that

department that you specialize in or that you are providing service in, I offer you to call to me and to

send unto you any specific Angel that you so desire. Will you try this, will you do this, and will you come

to love the Angels.

Mankind knows little of the Angelic Host, I say to you there are few, there is the term ‘my

Guardian Angel’ that is used quite relatively throughout mankind yet they do not understand fully that

when they say ‘my Guardian Angel,’ that they actually have a Guardian Angel. It is just a term that

some people use and think it is luck that they have survived some devastating destructive activity but I

say to you that there was indeed an Angel at their side protecting them.

Oh dear hears we have Angels for cooking – I know I’m going a little off topic here but I am just

desiring to give you an idea of what I speak of when I say there’s not an Angel that you can conceive

that I have not already brought forth into creation. You have your sporting activities on this Earth, well I

say to you I have a legion of Angels of sports and when you watch those highlight reels and you see

some magnificent goals or plays that have been taken and brought forth, well I say to you it is because

of the Angels. The individual did not do that on their own.

There are always Angelic forces acting yet mankind has so forgotten them that they have

driven them aside and so we’ve had to wait and wait because I say that we are doing everything from

the Ascended Masters’ Octave that we can that the Cosmic Law will permit us to do. Mankind has to do

some itself and in doing that which is required of humanity it is for individuals to reach up to a higher

intelligence, to the Great I AM Presence within and above, to call to God whether they know who God

really is or not; they have to find the courage within themselves and come to a place where they are

fed up with the limitations, the lack, the sufferings and the devastation that has conquered this planet

for far too long.

Mankind has to find it within their heart We are behind the scenes providing the cosmic

pressure upon their hearts to make them step forth and to acknowledge a Greater Source of Power

within and above, and acting all around at all times, yet I say to you that until there is enough of

mankind who are through with war then I say certain activities will have to unfold on this Earth until

there is a great enough number of those who are…

“...Willing to stand brave-hearted, to be willing, be courageous and receive the

illumination of their own heart flame, to stand forth, to be Herculean, to be Victorian,

and fearless in the face of all outer destructive activities; to stand and know that no

force outside of me can touch me, because I stand in the glory of my own I AM


Presence, the Archangels, the Ascended Masters and the Great Legions of Angels; they

stand at my side, they stand with me and whether I can see them or not, whether I can

feel them or not, I have the faith in my heart that they are there with me the entire


And when that faith which is the Light in your heart becomes strong enough then that moment

comes when your feeling side of life opens and receives the Love of our Presence, the strength that we

are, and the power that you can release into all outer activities and be such an impactual force upon

the rest of mankind that they are almost brought to their knees in tears in what they are witnessing

that is coming through you dear ones.

Now I ask each of you this very moment as I see the opportunity, move into your heart, close

your eyes for a moment as I desire from my octave to pass my Cosmic Blue Flame Sword through each

of you right now, with one mighty swipe do I take from you the cause effect record and memory of all

discordant accumulated qualities from past lifetimes and this embodiment now dear hearts, swept into

the sea of eternal forgetfulness. And an onrush of my own Ascended Masters’ Consciousness takes its

place now……….and standing behind each of you I have one of my own personal Angels assisting this

process…..feel thy Angel embrace thee, expanding and spreading thine own wings from out thy

backside. Reaching up to thy Beloved I AM Presence and offering the deepest gratitude and

thanksgiving for the service provided here now, that shall remain with all of you throughout the days to

come, a Sacred Fire guarding protecting illumining and perfecting activity that no force shall dare to


I thank you dear ones. Now remember this, that as you continue to call upon me and my Great

Cosmic Legions of Angels into your lives to protect all that is good and constructive within your own

lives within your own homes your cities and your nations, then I say to you there comes a relationship

between you and those Angels where as Emanuel spoke, actually Asun spoke of piercing the veil that as

these Angels come closer to you and pour their own Mighty Unfed Flames Sacred Fire of Immortal

Purity the veils, the last veil becomes thinner and thinner and thinner until, well, the veil between your

world and our octave is finally removed and you can see and feel all the wonders and glory that abides

within the Ascended Master Realms of Perfection.

Oh might you all make a great call with these Angels to those who provide service in your larger

cities. And whom do I speak of? I speak of those ones who strive to keep good and constructive all

activities within your cities, the policemen, the firemen, the paramedics. Oh dear ones you know not

the service these ones provide yet I say in return they know not the service you provide. But your call

and your service to them will be greatly added protection so that when they face those criminals and

those ones who seek to bring drugs and other things that wreck the younger generations, then I say to

you these ones will have the protection that you have called forth for them, and in return if there is

ever a moment where you require their assistance, there they will be instantly, I assure you of that

dear ones.

And so it is that I wish to share one more thing, for it has not been revealed for awhile that the

Great Tree of Life that I watch over in my retreat in the Rocky Mountains in the area known upon youplanet as Banff, would you like to know how tall that tree is now? Are you ready? (Yes) It is 587 feet tall

(applause and cheers) How is that possible? Because of your calls and your continuing outpouring from

your Great Love Generator to your Presence and to that Tree of Life has enabled myself, precious

Mother Mary, and the blessed Angels to continue to watch this Tree of Life that the great knowledge of

the Tree of Life continues to expand and take its toll within your own consciousness that it becomes

easier and easier and easier every day of your lives to live the fullness of your Glorious I AM Presence.

Oh dear ones this is exciting for us in the Ascended Realms and I say to you I hope you feel our

excitement and joy of this.

And last but not least, to remember to call forth that Great Cosmic Blue Flame wall of added

protection around your Tube of Light that no destructive force can enter in and touch your life stream;

will you try to remember this in your calls? (Yes) thank you precious hearts.

And as you see, there are many activities going on in the outer world that are taking place

where there are many who are losing their life streams yet because of those destructive forces that are

still on this planet. Well I say in the fullness of the Great Archangel Status that I have taken over I say to

you, it shall not be much longer that these ones shall be removed forever and the true life that was

intended to be on this planet shall be now and forever dear hearts. (Ongoing applause…) I thank you, I

take up this energy and I amplify it and charge it and I pour it into the feeling side of life of all mankind

that they shall know the Truth of the Light of God that never fails and no force shall reckon with that

Light I guarantee you dear ones. (Applause and cheers) God bless your hearts and the Great Light that

is within each of you expanding so greatly.

Oh dear ones there is when messenger number two travels home back to the lands of his

father and he flies over that great Rocky Mountain Range there is one peak that quite often the plane

travels over and he looks down upon it and it is shaped like a “V” and of course he relates this to

Mighty Victory, and yet last night while his garment was in the rest I flashed an image of myself

standing in the middle of that “V” with my sword raised high, my wings expanded out and in all the

glorious light of my Being did I radiate my Presence to him and show him that one time upon the Earth

there was the greatest love and devotion to the Archangels and the blessed Angelic Host, and the I AM

Race in those golden ages built statues in gratitude and honour of these Archangels. And so therefore I

wish to place in your consciousness that one day soon there will come just as you have the great statue

of Christ in the Rio De Genaro in Brazil, there shall come golden statues of the Archangels. And so I

thank you and God bless you dear hearts. (Applause)


Thank you Beloved Archangel Michael for your Presence with us, we are so grateful for the use

of your Cosmic Blue Flames and your blessed Cosmic Legions of Angels that are at our side and awaiting

our call for the greater protection of America and the entire world.






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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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