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Your Soul 

"First of all, a soul is not something you have. It is what you are…
Now: The soul is not a finished product."
~ Jane Roberts
Seth Speaks
Have you ever wondered about your soul? Does it even exist? What it is? Why it was created in the first place? Where it is? What it might be thinking and doing now, if anything? And what the two of you will be doing for the rest of eternity?
For many years I never gave my soul much thought, never talked to it, and quite frankly never really understood it. All of that changed dramatically when I started delving deeper and deeper into spirituality and mysticism while trying to comprehend who I really am, and what life was really about. What a revelation this has been!
What does the wisdom from various sources tell us about the soul? Most importantly, it says that each soul is an actual fragment or piece of God. Think of it as being a miniature version of All That Is. As a matter of fact, it is God. And that means you are God.
To better understand these awesome possibilities, let's go back in time to a moment just before the Big Bang occurred. Imagine God as a seemingly endless reservoir of self-assured, conscious energy. This infinite, all-knowing intelligence was totally secure with Its existence and anything It might choose to do with it. But All That Is yearned for two things: Self-expression and companionship.
When all that is was brought into existence, God willfully changed form by rearranging and reorganizing Its very being into many individual but closely connected parts. God literally manifested a material version of Itself, and one of the countless expressions of this incredible act is your soul.
When did this divine rearrangement take place? When did Spirit become matter? At the moment of the Big Bang.
All of the God-fragments formed as a result of that awesome event are unique and discrete. Yet the whole remains intact. Every part is intimately connected in some mysterious way as ONE whole, highly conscious being. In his book, Only Love is Real, Dr. Brian Weiss helps to visualize this by asking us to imagine a tree in which all of the limbs, branches and twigs hold it together, the roots secure it in place, the individual leaves are souls, and the entire tree is God.
The willful reorganization of the God-consciousness into countless portions of Itself also explains the eternal nature of the soul. That is, it came from, and will always be a part of, the Eternal One. And even though this will never happen, should All That Is ever cease to be, you, I, the words on this page and everything else that now exists anywhere, instantly cease to be as well.
The divine plan continued to unfold perfectly. The Original Soul that gave birth to it began to fragment and become the newly formed realm of duality, the physical universe. First came the clusters of oversouls, each containing countless individual souls still joined together as one. At some point, the clusters divided into smaller groups, which then split into families of souls. Eventually the soul families separated into individual souls, and we came into existence. Thus, from the One came the many. And the One will form again by reversing this process when all is breathed back in someday.
One can break an individual soul down even further. Within the same soul, there is an array of soul halves that are aligned in pairs, approximately twelve in number. Each pairing is divinely preordained and consists of a masculine and feminine body of consciousness, just like Father/Mother who created them. The vibrational qualities of each of the pairs are unique and unmatched anywhere in God's created universe. Two, and only two, exclusive halves can form this perfect alignment. They are called twin souls.
As we left the Silence, God gave our souls and us two incredible gifts; the free will to do anything we wanted to and the power to create whatever we could conceive of. At the same time, All That Is wisely reminded us that we alone were responsible for how those gifts were used. And no matter what we chose to do with them we would always be loved unconditionally.
Each newly created soul instantly realized that it was a concentrated expression, a localized "clump" of the God-energy. It also discovered that a portion of the original God-consciousness was the very basis of its essence and existence. And that this part of itself was constantly attuned to the soul's journey and well being.
In some divinely mysterious way, there was no telling where one soul ended and the next soul began. All were discrete, independent and separate from one another. Yet all were joined together in sacred oneness as God … like individual drops of water in a vast and infinite ocean of Unified Reality. And since the time of creation, no more souls have been created.
It is no different today. All that exists and I do mean everything, anywhere, is a part of our Creator. Everything we see and cannot see is nothing more than All That Is expressing Itself. Just as the individual cells in your body are joined together in a unified whole that is all of you, everything that exists is also joined together in one, infinite whole that is our Source.
Some of the most compelling teachings we have on the soul, its mode of existence, its nature and its purpose were given to us in the highly revered Indian treatise, the Bhagavad Gita. This treasured "Song of the Divine One," Krishna, was given to humanity about one hundred and fifty years before the birth of Jesus. The most fundamental and dominant thought in this Eastern Scripture is that the soul is God, it is indestructible, it is eternal, you are your soul, and therefore you are God.
Since you are an extension of your soul, is it possible that you can really be God? In one sense, you are a portion of All That Is. In another sense, you are much more than that. To understand this better, it helps to think of God as a hologram. Interestingly, some of our scientists are now talking about the physical universe as being a hologram in order to better comprehend and appreciate its nature and makeup.
In simplistic terms, a hologram is a three-dimensional image made with the use of a laser. Let's pretend we are looking at a holographic image of planet Earth. Every part of the picture is contained within the single, whole image.
Here's where it gets interesting. If one cuts this holographic image into two pieces and shines a laser on each half, two complete images of Earth will appear. Cut the original image into a thousand pieces, shine a laser on each piece and one gets a complete image of Earth from each of the thousand parts. Do it a billion times, the same amazing thing occurs. What this says is that each individual part of a hologram, regardless of how small, contains all of the information necessary to create the entire image.
Spiritual wisdom suggests that we think of All That Is as a conscious hologram. In doing so, let's pretend that all of the countless parts of God were somehow destroyed except one. You. Believe it or not, God would still exist. You contain everything that is needed for All That Is to fully reconstitute Itself. And in that sense, you are God. In fact, the unrealized God-potential that Spirit placed within you at the moment of
creation is beyond comprehension. But it is there. And your soul and you will have all of eternity to develop it.
In the book, Seth Speaks, we learn that our souls exist in a realm of much higher vibration than the one in which we exist. And yet it is constantly connected to us. It has its own consciousness awareness, part of which extends into our reality, and becomes the source of our consciousness. Our personalities, the part of our identities that are uniquely us, are also part of our soul's identity, and are therefore eternal.
Seth also points out that the soul is a replica of God, it possesses the same attributes as its Source, but on a smaller scale. As such, it can make its own free will choices, create what it wants to whenever it wants to, think for itself, contemplate and resolve the mysteries it faces, and is highly aware of itself, its creator, and you.
Scientists today are beginning to talk about the existence of unseen realms beyond our own. Some even use phrases such as "multi-dimensions" and "parallel universes" of which ours is a small part. Our ancient mystical friends have been telling us for a long time that this indeed is the case. One thing is for sure. We currently find ourselves in body, in the third dimension of physical existence. That is where our consciousness is now focused.
One of the most potent, if not the most compelling property of a soul is that it can project a portion of itself into other realities or dimensions other than the one in which it exists. Your soul has projected you into your physical body in the third dimension of reality of planet Earth. And while you read this book your soul is reading it too.
The soul breathes life into the body and it can also take back what it enlivens. As such, the immediate cause of death is not disease. At the moment just before dying, it is the soul that decides whether or not to withdraw itself from the body. If it does not, the individual lives on so that more learning and growth can occur. If it does decide to leave, the individual has done all it can for that lifetime.
Every time you cry or laugh, every time you are inspired to sing, write a song, paint a picture, knit a sweater, design a building, plant a flower, or bake a cake it is the soul expressing itself through you. In fact, every time you have a feeling, regardless of how small or profound, your soul feels the same thing.
Again, Seth will tell you that your soul is not born when you take your first breath nor does it die when you take your last. After coming into existence it can never cease to be. It is every bit alive and aware as you are, and more so. It doesn't need to rest as you do and it is constantly active and awake. Just as you are curious, your soul
is also inquisitive. It has infinite potential for conscious growth and evolution as you do. The difference between you and your soul is that it is doing all of these things, and more, at a much faster rate. And there is good reason for this.
Your soul has one singular purpose. At the moment of creation, it was endowed with an incredibly powerful desire that has no equal, and it knows it well. Like a laser beam, your soul is focused on one thing and one thing only. It is trying to become God.
This is a daunting challenge for the soul because God is constantly changing by becoming a greater and grander version of Itself. Nevertheless, the soul is unrelenting and tireless in its pursuit of God so that its most basic reason for existence might be fulfilled.
As a projection of the soul, you are doing the same thing. And it is this constant, never ending quest that exists between God-soul-you, which makes the cosmic drama so interesting and exciting. In fact, it boggles the mind.
In order to stay in hot pursuit of God, the soul does all it can to become a Higher version of itself through experience and feeling. The more experience and feeling, the faster it can try to become God. The soul knows this and takes full advantage of it by projecting more than one of you into different realities of existence at the same time in order to have multiple experiences simultaneously. Said another way, you're not the only projection of your soul. There are others like you.
From what I've read, depending upon its stage of development, the soul can send up to 12 projections of itself into various worlds of existence at the same time.
You are not on planet Earth by accident. Your presence here is for good reason. Even though you are here to help the soul accomplish its eternal journey, just as the soul helps God do the same, you are not a mindless puppet of your soul.
You make your own free will choices, and you shape your own destiny. Most importantly, the "you" you are aware of this very moment in time is eternal, and will never lose its identity. You will always know your "self" just as you do now. However, your nature and personality will constantly change and continually evolve into greater awareness and higher consciousness as you move through the many realms that God has created for you to experience.
Being a part of God does not guarantee that the soul makes the Highest choices all the time. A soul can drift from its most valuable reference point, God-centeredness, just as one of its projections can. When it does, it feels the consequences of its
decisions and reacts accordingly. If it continues to make lesser choices that create feelings of lower vibrations, the soul's vitality and potential for unlimited love and growth diminishes as well. Eventually, it reaches a cosmic dead end where it no longer feels content and fulfilled within the dark space that it has created for itself. At that point it can choose to return to the opposite of darkness; the Light.
God will never punish a soul for drifting. All That Is would not punish a part of Itself or send It to hell for eternity. Rather, the soul can learn a great lesson from the darkness it had fallen into and the feelings that it created. In fact, reentering the Light from the depths of darkness will be a far more powerful experience because of the comparisons that can be made. And the greater the darkness that was experienced, the more profound the Light will be.
Another way of saying this is that after a great deal of karmic healing Hitler's soul will eventually awaken to its true, divine nature. When it does, it will become a very powerful ally of the Light who will eventually serve God in ways that will be remarkable.
This will happen to Hitler and others like him because the soul can never lose its original purpose, which guarantees its eventual return to God-centeredness. The eternal longing to be its Source, to become God-like in every way, is unchangeable and without end. But it can be forgotten or cast aside for a while.
In spite of all its powers and knowledge, your soul, as unrealized God potential, has a real challenge on its hands. How does it become something that is never static, ever changing and constantly becoming something new and more profound all the time? That is exactly what God is. And because of it, the soul must also change and constantly evolve into more and more newness in order to keep up with its Source. Just as you do.
Another way to say this is that your soul is not the same as it was just a short moment ago nor will it be the same after you read the words on this page. Nor is God. And this timeless dance of interconnectedness with Spirit goes on for a very long time. For eternity.
Nothing can escape the influence of this unending change into newness of being that continually creates opportunities for us to become more than we are. Not the angels, the Masters, the divas of the Earth kingdom, the saints, those in temporary darkness, dwellers in other star systems, you, me, your pet canary, and all else that has been created in the material and non-physical realms. All of it, including every minute physical particle and individual wave of light that exists anywhere, is continually being swept along by the ever-flowing, ever-evolving force of All That Is.
How do God and your soul become something new and constantly change from one moment to the next? How does all of this allow our Source to know Itself? It can only happen through experience and feeling in a world where opposites are available to compare one thing to another.
Each and every soul, regardless of where it finds itself, is constantly using the gift of free will to create its own experiences and the countless feelings that go with them. And All That Is learns more about Itself from each and every one of those choices… because God is all of it.
Numberless souls throughout all of existence are connected to one another and to their Source. Their individual experiences are simultaneously realized and felt by them and by All That Is. The net effect of this gigantic interchange of knowledge, information and feeling continually alters the nature and definition of God. In the process, the Eternal One becomes something new and more profound with each passing moment, and something grander that our soul wants to become.
In a much smaller sense, these same kinds of things are happening to your soul and you. What an adventure!
Why do our souls have the ability to project themselves into different realities simultaneously? The reason for this highly unusual quality is that the incredible amount of God-energy that constitutes our souls could not possibly be contained within the confines and limitations of a single, physical body. It would simply burst and "poof" into the air. Similarly, your soul could not achieve its infinite possibilities of creation and expression through just one entity such as yourself.
All of the parallel selves that make up your soul are focused in their own realities just as you now find yourself focused in the physical reality of planet Earth. Each of them, and you, go forth to experience, learn and grow. In the process, all of you add to and refine your individual natures and personalities as part of the divine plan and the soul's purpose. And all of the knowledge that they and you accumulate is brought back to your soul, who draws upon those collective experiences, feels them, and heads closer to, or further from, the Light because of it.
There are some striking parallels here that should be highlighted. God decides to create; your soul does the same thing. God projects Itself into physical form; the soul projects you into physical form. God decides when to breathe Its creation back in; the soul withdraws the real you from your physical body at the moment of death. God makes you in Its own likeness; your physical body mirrors Spirit as matter. God receives experience and feeling from all existing souls to become a grander version of Itself; your soul does the same thing from all its projected, multi-dimensional
"yous." In a similar manner, you share all of your experiences and feelings with your other yous to learn and grow too. And the most profound sharing you can have is with your other half.
Father/Mother Spirit is one complete being with individual masculine and feminine polarities of consciousness. Your soul, being an extension of that Source, is no different. As such, the entire body of God-energy that makes up your soul exists as two independent creative forces. Think of it as a perfectly balanced magnet that is whole, but has different polarities at either of its ends.
One can think of these two opposing but complimentary influences as a positive tension within the soul that leads to all of its creations and expressions. And it is the dynamic interplay between these masculine and the feminine energies and their complimentary yang and yin urges that is responsible for all that the soul chooses to be and do with itself. And you are one of those choices.
All of the parallel expressions of your soul, including you, are linked together as one. As such, they and you are constantly relating to one another regardless of what level each has evolved to in the Light or fallen to in the darkness. At a higher level, each of the soul's personalities knows what the other is doing and benefits from it simultaneously, one way or another. It is even possible to share and exchange information between you and your parallel selves while meditating or in the dream state.
The composite experience created by each of the soul's "selves" determines the overall direction and rate of growth the soul takes into the Light or deeper into the darkness. What you do affects each of your soul counterparts just as their choices, experiences and feelings affect you. If you raise your vibrations, theirs raise. Should you become more love, they become more loving. And because of the eternal, indissoluble link that exists between you and your twin, the same occurs for both whether you are joined in Earthly relationship or not.
The soul has a very specific purpose in mind when it sends the conscious personality that is you into a specific dimension or reality such as planet Earth. For example, your soul and you may wish to experience being poor, physically or mentally impaired, a world leader, a thief, a prostitute, a healer, a woman, a man, an abused child, a slave, a teacher, a homeless person, and so on.
Or both may want to experience loneliness, wealth, sickness, jealousy, romance, the sacred balance of nature, or various addictions. There might also be the need to learn patience, acceptance, trust, surrender to God, joy while having little, simplicity,
humility, charity, acceptance, faith, and so on. All of it serves a purpose. The soul not only grows and becomes more like its Source from these experiences, you do as well.
There are countless things your soul needs to be, experience, and feel in order to pass through all the various stages of development and achieve ultimate, God-like perfection. The same holds true for you. The first steps of that journey include the many lessons it needs to complete while projecting you and itself into flesh.
The physical body is the densest level to which the soul can descend. It is the first of many forms it and you will pass through as you journey from planet Earth into higher realms of being and conscious evolution. The three-dimensional physical world you now find yourself in is just the beginning of its eternal journey as it tries to become the ultimate, God-like perfection both of you crave.
Although you are one of your soul's many manifestations, there is no reason to feel diminished in any way by this realization. In ways that are still difficult to fully understand, you are an extremely important part of your soul. It needs you to complete its journey through eternity. And it cannot do so without the part of it that is you.
The soul did not send you to planet Earth to struggle and survive. Rather, the soul has sent you here in physical form to create a life for yourself as part of its and your ongoing, evolution. And should you fall asleep and forget who you really are, the soul will find a way to inspire you to ask, "Who Am I?"

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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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