lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Kryon ~ Channelled through David Brown
15 June 2010  at Munich, Germany
"Your heart knows everything"

Greetings dear ones for I am Kryon of magnetic service.

It is beautiful to be back in Munich once again, enjoying the warm weather. There is much love in the air and there are many, many changes coming to everybody's lives.

As we spoke last, love is the answer?and after the year 2012 love will be the only way. Love will be the way of manifestation and love will be the way. No longer will the negative energies of anger, sadness and hurt come into play. This is not for everybody in the beginning; first of all there will be a wave of 144,000 people going ahead into the new energy and they will create a new world and begin taking people forward into the new energies.

The love is beginning to flow dear ones, the new world is beginning, there are new processes and new ways of healing coming forward; new ways to let go of negative energies and a clearer understanding of love. There is a new way forward. This will bring much joy and freedom to this world, a new state of being. There will be new energies of love and this will merge with the technology that has been created over the last three hundred years; a more fair state of being and an easier way of being. Hearts will begin to open and you will love your life with an open heart. The new energies will bring a much easier way of healing and co-creation.

Dear ones your spirit guides are coming into the room. Welcome them into your space for there are many, many beings from spirit world arriving in the moment. Allow the love to flow, allow the connection, and create a space for spirit. Feel the spirit flow into the room, feel the energies of Kryon… Kryon is going to take a much stronger role in the healing of the planet.

Allow yourselves to close your eyes… and drop into your bodies. Connect to Mother-Earth through the soles of your feet and your base chakra. Imagine Mother-Earth beneath you, and in the middle of Mother-Earth a beautiful pink heart. Allow yourself to descend into this pink heart. And observe your feelings, observe your breath. Allow your bodies to relax, observing your breath and connecting deeply to Mother-Earth… and allow the love to flow… connecting with your neighbor in the circle. Allow the love to flow from your heart to everybody in the room and receive love from everybody in the room. Allow for a deeper and deeper connection to Mother-Earth and a deeper and deeper connection to your fellow man; through your hearts.

Observe your heart; is your heart open, is it closed? Are there blockages in your heart? Observe your heart and be with your heart… the ears in your heart often hear better than the ears on your head, and the ears in your heart are those that must hear this message as you truly begin this journey moving from your head into your heart. This is an age old journey that has been practiced for thousands of years and everyone in this room has made this journey at least once before and we call on that light to be your guide so you can remember once again how to move from your head into your heart. All you've learned on this earth is stored in your head but your heart is connected to the universe and knows everything, everything that there is to know about everything.

It’s time to allow yourself to listen to your heart… allowing your head to merge with your heart… and gently relax. In the West there is too much emphasis placed on the logical mind, and in the new energy the heart will rule. You are all on a journey to opening your hearts fully, fully opening your hearts, keeping your hearts open at all times. In order to do this you have to become very, very soft. Allow yourselves to be soft and gentle; in the softness and in the gentleness you can feel the love. Love is soft and gentle and in manifesting your life, you are stirring the softness and gentleness.

What is soft and what is gentle in your energy is very easily wounded. The Western world doesn't care much for softness and gentleness. It sounds like a paradox that the softness and gentleness will create inner strength but that is the paradox. You may not believe it in the moment but this is something you have to put to test, you have to challenge yourselves to move into a new world where everything is soft and gentle; hardness is not part of the story, strength is part of the story. The softer and the more gentle we become the stronger you will feel.

Allow your energies to get softer and softer. We are here this night to allow the healing of your masculine self. The deepest healing happens when you feel the softest and the most vulnerable. Allow yourself to become softer and more gentle. You are going deeper and deeper into your bodies. You will learn to love your bodies and learn to truly love yourselves. This state of self love happens when your inner parents are loving each other. You need this to happen for yourselves to experience self-love.

What is going to happen in the next one to two years is that your inner parents will begin to love each other and you will emulate this on the inner planes of yourself. You are here to copy the universe; your solar system. There are double meanings when you hear “as above so below” and “as within so without”. This means that what is going on on the inside of yourself you are creating without in your material world. The other meaning is that you have an example of a solar system that works in perfect harmony and this is what is there to be copied. This model will allow you to exist in perfect harmony with yourself and the universe… not only in harmony but in synchronicity.

So let’s allow your energies to go higher and higher… allow yourselves to feel what it feels like in 2012. Allow yourselves to connect with the universe. Put all your awareness and your consciousness in the universe. Purely through invocation you can do this and feel how the universe feels. This will automatically take you to a higher vibration; that is, you are going to higher vibrations and your fear, sadness and anger can get in the way of all this.

So as you are moving into the energies of the universe allow your feelings to come and let them go. Let your feelings come and let them go… your feelings are the gateway to the new world. The more courage you have to feel what you don't want to feel the more you can let go.

This dear ones is going to get easier and easier… the energies of the new world are coming to meet you now and gently guide you forward into the energies of 2012. Change is never easy… one day you are one thing and the next you are the other. When stepping into the unknown there is always fear. There is always something to stop you stepping into the unknown so be aware of this and let your fears come and let them go… and just know that love is one of the things that you truly fear the most, and your essence is one of love.

You are to become your essence. If we can use the analogy of the story of a caterpillar: when it is young it lives on the mulberry leaves, it eat and eats and gets fat and then it covers itself in silk threads and eventually it metamorphoses and leaves the cocoon… heading out into the world, a world where a butterfly can fly high from flower to flower or wherever it wants to go. A human being is no different, maybe not eating a lot and getting fat, but going through a process and metamorphosing is very human. This is a journey you are all on.

The silk threads are an analogy of all your parents limitations and wounding. So in order for you to hatch your butterfly you have to pull thread by thread out of the cocoon in order to find your authentic self… and that authentic self is not wounded; and will enter the new world in a state of wholeness and oneness… totally connected to the universe… at one with the universe and in absolute synchronicity with the universe. You will be in love, you will be in love with yourself and everyone will love you. You will become that magical being that walks that magical path between heaven and earth.

That is your journey… much easier said than done. I hear your complaints, “when is this 2012 coming?”, “What is happening?”, “What is the next issue I have to get through?”, “More inner work?” We hear all this, and just know that each step that you take towards the new world is one step closer… and you are growing and you are understanding the universe and by understanding yourself you are understanding the universe and by understanding the universe you are understanding yourself.

Why it is so important to work through your family issues is that the sun is the energies of your fathers… your father is the collective energy of all the fathers in your family. Inherently if your fathers are weak, there will be no sunshine in your life. What you are looking for with your inner work is the relationship between the sun and the earth. This is what you want to bring on the inside of yourself… the energy of the sun which is 95% of the entire solar system.

The sun holds the earth, it does not control the earth; it doesn't tell the earth what to do. The sun just holds the earth and what you looking for in your inner selves is that your father holds your mother. This is all inner work; everything we speak of now is about the inner world, the inner planes of the psyche. So you want your inner father to be strong so that he can hold the space for your mother to have the experience she would love to have. The stronger your inner father is the more your inner mother can move into the feminine. As your inner mother moves more and more into the feminine roles the more she loves the inner father… your inner mother loves being feminine, she will enjoy being a woman. And the most important thing of all is that your inner child learns and grows from this experience and just copies your inner mother and your inner father.

The stronger that your inner father is and the stronger and more feminine your inner mother is the greater the space for your inner child to grow becomes. Don't make the mistake of focusing all your energies on your wounded child. True healing is healing the entire family constellation… this includes your mother and your father and your grandparents and great grandparents and your ancestors. Your aunts and your uncles, your cousins, nieces and nephews all these aspect of your family play a role, and as you bring each aspect into divine balance, divine order, you yourself become stronger and stronger and more and more connected to the universe… creating that space for you to enter the new world… to have the experience that you really want from of your life.

Dear ones, this knowledge has been kept secret. For many thousands of years few people have learned the secret and now that it is no longer a secret this knowledge belongs to you. Own this knowledge and allow this knowledge to flow into your bodies. Sometimes some things don't go in too easily and in years gone by a man would have had to meditate his entire life to come to this conclusion. You are honored and you are honoring yourselves by understanding this knowledge. The energies have shifted for everyone's family constellation, and it needs a little kick start.

For you who are all healers here on this earth it is your job to get your own family constellation in order… to bring peace and harmony through your bodies in exactly the same order as the solar system. What would have taken lifetimes to accomplish is now going to happen in the next two years. The love is going to flow… the love will flow from you to your brothers and your sisters, unconditionally from you to your mothers and from your mothers and fathers… from you to your children, to your aunts and uncles and nieces and nephews and cousins. Everything is going to flow into divine order. This dear ones is the journey.

Allow your energies to rise higher and higher to the energies of 2012. It is the energy of harmony; it is the energy of your family constellation flowing into absolute divine order. Love will flow… you will have support… you will have energetic support from your spirit guides, from your angels, and even more support from Kryon; for the energy of Kryon is being beamed stronger and stronger to the earth.

In years gone by, what took an entire healing session will now take only a matter of minutes. Everything is to be accelerated and everything is to be held. Feel the energy gently moving up to the energy of 2012… handing over to Kryon the issues you have in your family and allow yourself to see your mother and father loving each other. This is the secret of self-love.

We know we are repeating ourselves and we don't want you to forget this. Love is coming to planet earth, we don't want a hit and miss situation; we want you to be absolutely clear. We want to put big sign boards up showing you the way to oneness and wholeness… to love, peace and joy. We want these big sign posts to show you the way to the new world.

There are two energies that stand in your way; they are the military energy and the fisher king wound. These two energies once they are released, like taking the keystones out of a bridge, will collapse. The healing will become as easy as taking candy from a child.

The days of pulling your hair out and wondering “what is going on, why I can't get that and this right?” are almost over. When these energies are on the inside of you nothing will go right… it is the way it is designed. If your father has military energy then your mother will also have it; everything is a mirror. This will only create attrition between your inner mother and father… it creates disharmony and lack of communication… in fact this energy doesn't care whether it communicates or not, it just wants what it wants! This energy doesn't give you anything, it just takes. There is no room for softness and gentleness; the energies of softness and gentleness can't survive near the energy of militarism. Even if we say there is a place for this military energy on planet earth, which we can't say, this energy doesn't belong in your family.

Every husband and wife had a vision or a dream for their marriage; and where there is military energy you can throw the dream out the window. Every problem, 100% of every problem, can be solved by love. There is no love whatsoever in military energies or in the energy of the fisher king wound.

Military energy is about control and the fisher king wound is covert control. Control does not belong on this planet. The sun holds the earth and everything works perfectly in the solar system, nothing goes wrong… everything is in harmony… peace and harmony. Every problem is resolved with love. All a problem is is the absence of love.

There is no love at the end of a rifle, there is no love whatsoever, it just makes the problem worse; it just exacerbates the problem. Love is the only answer. Love can conquer everything. In South Africa it was peaceful demonstrations that brought the changes, not the armed struggle. Peace and love will conquer everything.

There is nothing more fearless than true love. There can always be fear of love, but when the fear is gone then you feel the love, it is another world, a world of ecstasy and constant connection… becoming that magical being wandering that path between heaven and earth… that magical being is a love-being. Love is flowing at such a high vibration that it is ecstatic.

You are all between 95% and 98% of the energies of 2012… allow this energy to go higher and higher… let the love flow and hand over your fears of love. Surrender. That means hand over your weapons. No more fighting; the fight you are having in your outside world is only a fight that is going on in your inner world. The first to walk away is the winner… so let the other person walk away and find someone else to fight with. Wipe your brow and thank God that that is over.

Surrender is always going to win. All you are doing is stopping an inner fight. It is just a waste of energy, two parts of yourself fighting. You walk away from the fight and the love flows. Nobody can take away from you what belongs to you… what is yours is yours… the more love that is in your heart the more you have and the more it belongs to you.

Allow yourselves to feel the energies… what you feel you create… and with this energy that you are feeling now you will be creating the life that you want… the life that you dream of.

Welcome to 2012 in 2010; this is the new energy. Go well and god bless dear ones for this is Kryon signing out.

Good night, God bless and thank you.

Copyright © David Brown. 
All rights reserved.

The Audio for this channelling is available from:


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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