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The Masculine and Feminine Energies

"The masculine is sovereignty, the crown upon your soul. Femininity is humility and unconditional love, the heart within the breast of your soul and together they make the whole soul essence."
~ St. Germain Twin Souls & Soulmates
We live in a physical universe filled with countless opposites. This divinely created polarity is found in all things including our emotions, feelings, and relationships. That is, for male there is female, for sadness there is joy, for fear there is love, for hatred there is compassion, for anger there is forgiveness, for control there is freedom, and so on.
Eastern mystical teachings tell us that the male/female principle of polarity was, and still is, the driving force of creation. Its divine magic ordered and arranged our physical universe and all that it contains, including you. On a much smaller scale, the two Mother/Father polarities of energy are an integral part of our souls and the core essence of who we are.
Prior to the Fall of humanity, our natural spirit-form was that of an androgynous Being of Light. Our one, whole, etheric body contained a masculine and feminine consciousness, which gave it two distinct yet perfect sources of complimentary influence to draw from. This complete being was a divinely balanced blend of two twin consciousnesses within the same soul. And it existed and behaved in perfect harmony.
We came to Earth millions of years ago in order to experience and feel physical sensations at the 3-dimensional level and to bring a sense of Godliness to this plane of existence. We then lost our way as we became more and more attached to the physical pleasures Earth-life had to offer. Eventually, our God-centeredness was replaced by an ego-driven state of mind. This in turn led to excessive fear, self-centeredness and separation, which still exists to varying degrees up through today. At some point, our etheric androgynous body separated into two halves and became
physical man and physical woman. That is when the masculine and feminine were no longer in balance and harmony.
In order to help us remember who we really are, the reincarnational cycle and the law of karma that goes with it pulled us into its grip. We have been on that wheel of life-death-life for ages trying to recall our divine origins so that we can reclaim our God-centeredness, rebalance the feminine and masculine, and reunite with our twin soul.
When twin souls separated from one another, the male essence took on a masculine root gender in the physical world; the opposite occurred with the feminine. When that fateful split took place, the male half retained a vestige of his twin's feminine energy. The reverse happened to his eternal counterpart.
Over many lifetimes, each male and female half has been trying to bring his or her masculine and feminine energies into balance just as they existed in the androgynous state. This does not imply that a woman has to be half feminine and half masculine. It means that she needs to fully re-develop her powerful feminine side, while at the same time allowing her "lesser," but very important, masculine traits to reach full potential. The opposite holds true for a man. When the two twin halves have balanced their male and female sides, and have reached a strong sense of Self and spiritually maturity, they are ready for lasting reunion.
Over the past several millennia, the masculine and feminine influences reached profound moments of extreme unbalance. Thousands of years ago the female energy dominated; just the reverse of what it is today. And men came to fear women because of it.
Approximately 2500 years ago the relationship between men and women reversed and man's innate fear of woman caused the feminine to be suppressed. But that is changing rapidly and dramatically today. The feminine energy is rising once again. And its powerful influence is driving the spiritual and social transformation of our planet and all of its inhabitants who are open to its invitation.
Below are some of the complimentary masculine and feminine energies and how they can harmonize and balance one another…

Masculine Energy                                                      Feminine Energy

doing                                                                                    Being
aggression                                                                           Surrender
analytical                                                                             Intuitive
concrete                                                                               Abstract
impatient                                                                             Patient
striving                                                                                 Tranquil
rushing                                                                                 Nurturing
assertive                                                                               Receptive                                                                           left brain                                                                               Right Brain
thrusting                                                                               Receiving
organizing                                                                             Contemplating
logical                                                                                     Creative
busy                                                                                         Calm
hard                                                                                         Soft
controlling                                                                              Allowing

When examining these characteristics, we see that a man's masculine energy wants to "do." That is a wonderful quality to have because it harnesses the creative force, puts it into motion, and something concrete happens. However, it must be balanced and harmonized with its feminine counterpart, "being," or "not-doing." Too much doing is not healthy for the spirit, mind, and body. Thus, for the most part, a man should do. But he must also learn that there are times to just "be."
We also see that one of the powerful qualities of a woman is to "be" in the moment. Visualize a mother patiently holding her baby for hours on end, slowly rocking the child and gently patting its back because of some distress it is going 

through. This reflects the wonderful feminine strength of "being." And yet, there are times when that same woman must also balance that divine gift with her masculine side that wants to "do."
What are the proper proportions of masculine/feminine energy for today's man and woman? My guess is that the woman's feminine side should be approximately seventy percent of her nature and her male energy about thirty percent. For a man, it would be just the opposite.
There is a massive shift in consciousness taking place in our world today. The material ways of life are of less importance to many, while the spiritual becomes more and more vital and fulfilling. As we go through this profound shift, many individuals are experiencing a deep, inner change as well. As this change intensifies,
each of us must learn to bring into harmony the masculine/feminine energies that make up our nature.
Men must learn to be less controlling and more allowing in their ways. Women must be more assertive without sacrificing their warmth and softness. Men must not be afraid to cry and show their feelings. Women need to express themselves more. Men must rely more on their intuition, while women should develop their logical thinking. Men need to stop doing and striving so much and learn how to "be." Women need to become more independent and expressive. As always the key is balance.
Here is more wisdom about the masculine and feminine energies from the spirit P'taah taken from the book, The P'taah Tapes: An Act of Faith...
Q: "In our solar system, then, there would be a balance with male/female energies?
A: P'taah: This is to occur, dear one. That is part of the changes coming forth. And that is how humanity will come into expanded consciousness—that they may at will tap into the Goddess energy, female energy; the feminine principle...and so it is that all of humanity, whatever their gender, are to come into that allowance, so that there may be that balance...And it is the balance of those polarities that creates what is called the jump in frequency."
"Well, all of you here have seen the changes coming forth, and it will be more and more. It is not to decry that which is masculine energy, it is to have balance—that man and woman may have the balance of masculine and feminine energy. It can be likened to the two wings of a dove, dear ones. The dove will not fly on one wing."
"...let there be no mistake about it: woman is in truth also coming from masculine energy. Your whole era, your whole Earth is geared to that at this moment and that is one of the changes of this New Age. It is also called the arising of the Goddess. It is not just in woman, it is also in man."
Along with all of the changes we are witnessing today, we are entering a new age for relationships as well. Be they soulmate or twin flame, each partner must try to reach a healthy balance of the male/female energies that are part of one's make-up. As we look around the world today, that is beginning to happen. Many women are developing a greater sense of themselves. On the other hand, men have begun to nurture and allow the tender qualities of their feminine side.
The influence of the birthing Aquarian Age will prompt each and every one of us to rebalance the masculine/feminine energies within our nature. As that occurs, the quality of our partnerships will increase dramatically. And the ego will have less of a chance to threaten its permanence and well-being.

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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