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"Its [God's] energy is so unbelievable, that it does indeed form all universes; and because its energy is within and behind all universes, systems and fields, it is indeed aware of each sparrow that falls, for it is each sparrow that falls."
~ Jane Roberts
The Seth Material
How did everything in our known physical universe begin? Where did it all come from? How did it happen? What will become of it? These are some of the most compelling mysteries humanity has been trying to understand for thousands of years.
For answers, we can look to the teachings of diverse cultures that are scattered throughout the world. Or we can ponder the revelations given by otherworldly sources to individuals who have shared them with humanity all the way up through present time. Then there are the scientists, who also have something valuable to say.
Regardless of the source, the information we are left to wonder about has been remarkably consistent when one connects the similarities that exist among them. What does it all say? Here is my best portrayal of these insights.
Before the stars were born there was a vast and infinite Silence. Within that perfect stillness, the incomprehensible mind of All That Is was in deep thought. Only love existed, for that mind and love were inseparable, one and the same, everything. There was no time and no space as we know it now. Just God, the Absolute, the Silence.
At some point, who can say when, it must have happened. A yearning or perhaps a sense of loneliness began to stir. It must have brought forth an irresistible urge to share and to create. For share and create It did. One can only imagine what went into that incredible act of love. And yet it seems fair to say that Absolute Love can only create and bring forth more of Itself, more love.
It also had to be right, perfect, and complete in every way, for this creation was to be an extraordinary gift that was to endure for eternity. Forever. From the smallest
particle to the countless stars and galaxies that would burst forth in an instantaneous expression of that almighty power, it had to be just so.
It may have started with the thought of a tiny particle so small, so pure that it could not be broken down into a simpler form without ceasing to exist. That particle and others to follow had to be flawless, for all the stars and planets would contain countless numbers of them.
It's not hard to understand how that tiny particle would contain the essence and energy of its Creator. And if it came from Absolute Love, it also had to be love. Could it be any other way? Think about it. If that precious, tiny particle was to flow from just one Source, would it not contain its entire Source, and be part of that from which it came? Where else could it come from? At that moment all there was … was All That Is.
It would seem that such a particle, in some special way, also had to have an awareness of itself, a sense of its own existence. If it was going to be an extension of the divine mind, would it not have some consciousness of its own? Would it not contain a part of the Original Consciousness from which it came, and always be aware of its eternal oneness with its Source?
And if an awareness did not exist between the particle and its Creator how could one possibly know and appreciate the other? Each had to experience the other for the act of Love to be complete, for the feeling to be whole, to be right. And God knew the way in which such feelings would be born.
There must have been an immense joy in the mind of All That Is when this idea first started. If one tiny particle could bring so much pleasure, then imagine what a second beyond the first must have inspired.
As the possibility of this idea began to unfold within the mind of God, the wonder of it all must have been overwhelming. For each particle, one upon the other could then become planets, stars, galaxies and who knows how many universes and other cosmic wonders. All of them intimately unified and one with their Source. All of them Love, one gigantic extension of their Creator, connected, conscious, moving, alive with energy and feeling, forever changing and becoming something new.
And for those special creations yet to come, the ones who would be called souls, there would always be something for them to wonder about, contemplate and relate to. All That Is also knew that It too would become more love if this happened. There would be more love, more of Itself. And that was good.
But something was still missing in the plan. This creation not only had to unfold without end, it also had to satisfy the Almighty's desire for eternal love and everlasting companionship. This is a very big thought. What really makes it hard to comprehend and appreciate is the eternal nature of it all.
If God's creation was to go on forever, then it must always be changing into something new. Not only must it be "breathed" out, but breathed back in so that all that had been experienced and felt could be contemplated and sent out again. The divine plan would have to guarantee an endless sense of excitement, meaning, fulfillment, and adventure with it all. In this way, all could evolve endlessly, and become more than what it was.
All That Is knew these things. But knowing just wasn't enough. In the Absolute void, one cannot experience and feel anything. All that exists is pure love and bliss. In this state of exquisite joy, there are no opposites, no conflicts, and no ways to compare one thing to another. Just the purest love, joy, peace and total oneness imaginable.
Awareness or knowledge of something is just the beginning, an incomplete state of mind if you will. It always sets the stage for more because the knowingness of something is not the same as experiencing it. And all the fun, all the excitement, all the drama is in the experience and in the feelings.
This was an interesting dilemma. Something very special was called for to resolve it. Conflict could not exist in God's mind. And resolved it was.
The endless nature of God's creation, and the experience and feelings that would derive from it, had to be accomplished outside the realm of the Absolute. This new place would be called "universe" and it would be filled with countless planets, stars, galaxies and other cosmic miracles for all to behold and experience.
The universe was also a place where there would always be a way to compare one thing to another. Every time that was done feelings would be born. And these too could be compared as well.
The universe would be a world of duality where everything that existed had an opposite. Warmth could be compared to cold, day compared to night, love compared to hatred, health compared to sickness, strength compared to weakness, deception compared to truth, anger compared to peace, feminine compared to masculine, bitterness compared to forgiveness, happiness compared to sadness. Countless comparisons. Infinite feelings created. Eternally unfolding. A world in which its Creator could also experience and feel it all. Through us.
The plan was nearing completion. Yes, All That Is would always remain as the Absolute, beyond definition, as the Eternal One. But to satisfy the desire for constant creation, and the experience and feeling that goes with it, God would also extend a portion of Itself into this new world of the opposites. This extension of Itself would become the ultimate ordering principle of love and matter, the grandest expression of our Source in the created universe.
The ordering principle was Father/Mother God, who would be distinct from, but always an intimate part of, the Eternal One. These two creative beings, the masculine and feminine aspects of God, would themselves be separate in nature and consciousness, yet always united in universal purpose.
As two ageless lovers they would be forever caring, always creating, and endlessly united with each other and all things. Through them, through this ultimate of holy unions, all of the material world would be conceived, born, and sustained.
These two partners, the ultimate expression of the twin soul, were to be the Parents of the universe. And, with All That Is, the Three would join in a timeless dance of unalterable consciousness, an eternal Trinity of Love to which all else would forever come and return.
Now the plan needed just one more part for completion.
Along with the experience and feelings that were to be an integral part of the new universe, All That Is also wanted eternal companionship to share this gift with. And so the best was saved for last.
Father/Mother was a grand beginning, but God foresaw that They would want to fill the universe with children, Beings of Light, who could have a material experience and be a part of the eternal changes that would take place. Since All That Is wanted to experience the Universe as well, what more intimate way to do so than through these divinely created spirits?
All of this had to be accomplished in a very special way. The children would be called souls. Like the tiniest particle, each would exist as a portion, an extension, of their Ultimate Source and always be ONE with their creator. And through infinite wisdom, God also knew that our souls would always define who we really are.
The plan was finally done. All That Is knew the time had come. That point when the process of divine contemplation and imagination had reached completion, and It was moved to create. Our souls danced with joy and expectation.
God gathered Its precious plan and the Father/Mother Principle into a single, incomprehensible thought. A sacred singularity that was perfect and complete in every way. Then, in a way beyond description, in one instantaneous, explosive burst of Its almighty will the vast silence was broken with the first sound ever created. God had spoken. Time and space had begun with a Big Bang. And our scientists have recently measured this sound.
The sound of Love that resulted from the Big Bang echoed throughout the universe. It must have been awesome. Inspired and guided by the original thought of All That Is, Father/Mother brought their swirling worlds of matter into being. Who can say how much time went by, but as they admired their stars and planets, love also grew and flourished. All that existed contained their combined essence, and because of it everything became one and the same with their Source. Their loving interchange would become a timeless ideal for all relationships, and the sacred meaning of being two yet one in spirit.
As they gave each other stars and galaxies with unconditional love, Father/Mother sustained their intimacy in ways beyond description. The ecstasy that came from the blending of themselves into their acts of creation caused a new idea to unfold within their cosmic minds and hearts. The most compelling thought two loving parents may have. The possibility of creating living seeds of themselves. That would come.
The event that gave birth to the physical universe began with a series of mind- boggling events some 14 billion years ago. Let's go back to the beginning where creation first started by way of several brief, yet compelling, scientific observations
Our best scientists have discovered that all of the physical matter in our universe, the countless planets, stars, galaxies, and everything that can be observed through the most powerful telescopes, add up to just a fraction of the stuff that actually exists out there. And yet, at the first moment of creation, all of it, every last bit of what we can see, as well as everything we can't see, was somehow compressed into a single point of incomprehensible energy smaller than the period under the exclamation point of this sentence! Another way to say this is that everything we know of in our physical universe came from virtually nothing!
Another thing that should make us wonder about the creation can be found in extremely small particles of matter called atoms. The simplest of these is hydrogen. It consists of a center or nucleus. Flitting around this central particle is a tiny electron whose constant motion resembles a blurry cloud of energy. As one might imagine, a single atom of hydrogen is quite small, and it seems to have an endless source of energy at its disposal. That tiny atom vibrates back and forth about a million billion times every second! Left undisturbed, its motion and existence would
seem to go on forever without end. Where did it get this source of seemingly infinite energy?
Even more incredible are recent discoveries that tiny electrons not only react to stimuli, but act as though they have intelligence and the ability to communicate with others of their own kind. Here's more. If a single electron is fired like a bullet at a barrier in which two slits have been cut, it can pass through both slits simultaneously! And if that isn't enough, electrons have been shown to vanish and rematerialize on the other side of solid objects "knowing" in advance which objects they can pass through and which ones they can't. Such observations have some of our scientists seriously wondering if these tiny particles might possess some form of consciousness. If such is the case, where did it come from?
The amount of heat that would be created if all the visible matter in the universe was compressed into a speck smaller than the head of a pin has also been estimated. The temperature produced by the force of this compression is simply incredible. Imagine the number one with about thirty-three zeros after it in degrees Centigrade!
The enormous heat of compression that would have existed at the moment of the Big Bang forces our scientists into a very uncomfortable position. They know that everything that was compressed into that tiny space could not be physical matter! Why? Because of the intense heat, it would have been impossible for any solid particles to even exist at that moment. It was just a spec of pure, unimaginable, indefinable energy.
The grand finale came when this point or singularity of energy was released to begin the birthing process of our universe. The bang that shattered the silence must have been stupendous because we can still measure its sound. However you wish to look at it, this event was either the most cataclysmic moment that can be imagined or it was the miraculous handiwork of our Creator at play. And it happened not so long ago.
Centuries before our scientists arrived at these graphic descriptions related to creation, the Buddhists expressed the same idea by calling the ultimate reality Sunyata, which is the "emptiness" or the "void." In spite of these seemingly mysterious terms, the Eastern mystics make it perfectly clear that the emptiness they refer to should not be taken literally, but must be considered the Source of all potential creation. Perhaps the nothingness of the infinite void that our scientists grapple with conceptually is nothing more than the Absolute that has long been referred to in the ancient teachings of Eastern mystics.
The Big Bang created more than the stars and planets. It also was the beginning of time and space. The sheer size of the universe our scientists observe and attempt to
describe is daunting. Incredibly, no matter which way they point their most powerful instruments they have yet to find the outer edges of the universe. But it is there and they are getting closer and closer to seeing it as it moves outward with unimaginable speed into nothingness.
Along the trailing edge of our expanding cosmos something utterly amazing is taking place. In the wake of that trailing edge of expanding energy, the birth of new time, new space, new galaxies, and other celestial wonders is still happening as you read these words.
Our scientists are to be applauded. They too have gifted us with incredible knowledge about the origins of our universe. This in turn has stimulated us to think about how we might fit into it all. Mostly, it forces us to wonder how such an incredible event could possibly be the result of a random, cosmic accident.
Interestingly, more and more of today's scientists are wondering out loud if this whole creation event had not been orchestrated. It's hard to ignore the intelligent design, the symmetry, and the underlying unity that the universe displays through its many individual parts. It can be found in something as small as an atom, as intricate as a snowflake, or as large as a supercluster of galaxies.
George Smoot won the Nobel Prize for his work on the origins of the universe. In his book, Wrinkles in Time, he had this to say about the tiny spec of energy that gave birth to our universe: "There can be no answer to why such a state existed. Is this, then, where scientific explanation breaks down and God takes over…?"
For too many years scientists have tried to divide the universe into well defined pieces or separate blocks of matter that can be objectively measured with their scientific instruments. Somehow that is important to them because it makes the world they operate in more orderly and definable. And that is okay.
A better approach might be to visualize the cosmos as an unbroken whole that is alive with energy and constantly changing. The Eastern mystics have been talking about the unity and basic oneness of all things in the universe for thousands of years.
Interestingly, the ideas and descriptions of reality found in Eastern teachings are beginning to converge and overlap with the recent findings of our physicists. More than any other group, our scientists are brushing up against ancient wisdom and beliefs. Slowly but surely they find themselves invoking mystical words and concepts in order to make some sense out of their scientific observations. This is true whether
they are peering into the mysterious world of the atom or that of the mighty universe. Either way they point their instruments, the wonders are there to behold and contemplate. It's all a part of the Plan.
We are not to far from the point when the mind of the scientist meets the heart of the mystic. In a moment of enlightenment, the two will embrace in an act of love and blend their insights equally. The ancient shamans and mystics would have smiled at you with a twinkle in their eyes and gently say they've known it all along.
Planet Earth is just a tiny spec in the Milky Way galaxy, which in turn is a mere spec in the universe. A spec within a spec. This is where we live. And yet, at this very moment, we and our galaxy of more than a billion stars are being pulled through space at the speed of a million miles an hour by some gigantic unseen force. To where we don't know.
This movement is not a normal part of the expansion process because the direction in which we are being pulled is different than the apparent direction in which the cosmos is expanding.
All over the universe star systems and their planets are on the move just as we are, while at the same time countless other stars are continuously dying and being reborn. And when each sun ends its life cycle with a massive stellar explosion called a supernova, any planets and moons that may have been a part of its system will pass on as well. As will ours someday. Eventually, new stars and new planets will form in the womb of the universe as a part of the eternal song and dance of creation.
Is all of the movement, the ongoing cycle of creation and the underlying unity of the universe a result of chaos? Is it all some big cosmic accident that just happened and here we are? Or is there an ordering principle, a Supreme Intelligence behind it all that takes away the guesswork and the wondering? Although all of the recent scientific discoveries and observations have been nothing short of spectacular, our scientists are doing nothing more than studying God.
The Inflation Theory, proposed by Alan Guth in the early 1980's, has become one of the most influential concepts in modern cosmology to explain the expanding universe. It also predicts that at some point the expansion will stop and the universe will then start to collapse back in upon itself. How did the Hindus know this fourteen hundred years ago?
As we have learned, the universe is still expanding and creating new time and new space in the process. How long will this go on? Will it ever stop and begin an inward journey to where it all started? A Hindu philosophy called Tantra, that appears to
have originated around 600 A.D. to 700 A.D., teaches that the universe will eventually fall back into itself as it is withdrawn into the Sakti, which created it in the first place. At that time it will collapse into a Siva bindu, a mathematical point without any magnitude. Does this "point" sound familiar? The similarities between this centuries-old Tantric teaching and modern day creation theory are indeed striking.
Other explanations regarding the expanding universe have come from "inspired" teachings and other mystical sources. All refer to the expansion as a part of the out- breath of God. They also say that it will be breathed in someday. Recent otherworldly information says we've just about reached that point, and it is to be a stupendous moment; a convergence of all cosmic cycles, big and small. An experience that simply cannot be comprehended nor described in human terms.
In Conversations with God, Book 2, its author, Neale Donald Walsch, had a dialogue with God about the expansion and contraction of the universe. He was told that the universe is now expanding at an incomprehensible rate that eventually it will stop, and the forces holding in together will pull it back to where it all started … the Absolute. And the Silence will exist once again.
Concerned about the ultimate fate of mankind, the author continues his dialogue with God:
"That means we will no longer exist!
"Not in physical form. But you will always exist. You cannot not exist. You are that which Is."
"What will happen after the universe collapses?"
"The whole process will start over again. There will be another so-called Big Bang and another universe will be born.
It will expand and contract. And then it will do the same thing all over again. And again. And again. Forever and ever. World without end.
This is the breathing in and breathing out of God."
Surely, this explanation of eternity, and the incomprehensible power and majesty of God that it reflects, is more than enough to touch and humble the most hardened soul.

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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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