lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Archangel Michael Cutting the Ties
I am Michael the Archangel. Greetings to you One and All. It is a pleasure and
an honor to be with you. I would speak with you about some of what being an
archangel means. There was a time when there wasn't many archangels. Yes,
there were some, but their numbers were very few. Now many angels and
archangels have contracted to take human births, many of the children that
have been born in the last few years of your earth time are from the angelic and
archangelic realms. These angels and archangels, as they take human birth,
experience a new found freedom of expression, a new found freedom of a way
of doing things. Understand that the angels and archangels were created by
Mother/Father God to perform certain tasks and in the performance of these
certain tasks there was not too much free will. Like myself Michael, many,
many human beings know who Archangel Michael is, because there are many
mentions in the Christian scriptures. There are many pictorial representations
in church and cathedral glass windows, but many do not understand, really,
what my place is and how many other Archangelic and angelic beings are
under my command. You could say that I have at my command many, many
legions of light, many legions of angels whose task it is to protect, transmute
and oversee the plan of love in the focus of the cosmic plan and the whole of
creation. The focus of the cosmic plan for the whole of creation is, of course,
the integration of love, unconditional love for one's self and also the task
of my legions of light and myself is the protection of human beings. Some
would ask, why do I need protection of Michael? Why do I need protection at
all? The answer to that is that some humans have focused enough love into
their hearts that they are now indestructible, that they are impervious to the
energies of the dark brothers and sisters and they do not need protection, but
the truth of the situation is that many humans still need surrounding by the
energies of light and the energy of love to hold back the discordant energies,
and energies that have disassociated themselves from the Source. Many would
ask why Mother/Father God allows discordant energies to operate within
creation. It is because of free will. And understand that also Mother/Father God
experiences through every aspect of his/her creation and Mother/Father God
does not judge, just experiences and loves.
Also, as well, many ones during this time that is known as the fall ... contracted
to create discordant energies, to instill fear into the hearts of humans that have
not yet developed the capability to love themselves. So this is where fear
originates from, that many feel within their hearts, when the word
extraterrestrial, when the word Lucifer, when the words interfere, its
disempowerment...because they have still not yet integrated the
love for themselves, and they are still subject to the laws of Karma.
The Laws of Karma are is a law of cause and effect. If you throw a
stone in the pond, ripples emerge all the way around from the point where the
stone entered the water. That is a demonstration of the law of cause and effect.
The laws of cause and effect were put into place so that all ones might reap the
rewards of their actions. When I say reap the rewards of their actions, its not
always the rewards of the rewards that you would have liked. Now is the time
that there is dispensation from Karmic Board. The karmic Board is chaired by a
being whose name many of you will be familiar with. The chair of the board is
Quan Yin. She is the goddess of compassion. Many would know her as the
Chinese Mary. Thru her compassion she has decided the dispensation
be given to all humans now and all humans can, if they wish, become free of all
the laws of cause and effect. But, you have to understand how to free
yourselves from the laws of cause and effect. Unless you ask, I will not cut the
ties that bind you because it is your free will, your decisions to stay within the
confines of these energetic ties which connect you thru your thoughts, words,
actions and deeds that you have performed since you were created and came
to this planet. These energetic ties bind you thru your chakras, they bind you
thru your chakras and hold you, bind you energetically to the other being, the
beings that you have to pay back. Even after the balance has been achieved,
many times there is still not a releasing of the ties. You could say that now
is the time to forgive yourself of your sins. I say sins because you have heard
the preaching of the Christian priests, you have heard the preaching of the
Christian controllers. The control structures all around you will continue to lie
to you u ntil they are truly in the light. The dark brothers and sisters are slowly
coming along with us to the light. We must continue to have faith in them and
guide them by our example. We must not, however, allow them to effect us any
longer. This is what I am here to show you. You have been told many lies to
control and indoctronate you into their ways of thinking. Some beings will even
claim to love you, so they can attach themselves to you for their own control.
If someone controls you or manipulates you, their love for you is conditional.
If you chose attachments with these beings, you share an energetic connection
to their karma. They have told you that you are all sinners, that you would not
be born, that you would not be incarnated on planet earth unless you are a
sinner. IN many ways this is true, but you are not born because it is the
retribution of Mother/Father God for your mismeanders and energetic
mistakes. You are not punished and sent back to this planet to have
uncomfortable times, to have things happen in your lives that do not
make you happy, that are not pleasant experiences. You are perfectly free to
make your own lessons for yourselves and manifest in your lives using this
process. Each and every one of you choose make a conscious choice, your I,
AM, of course, is the one that makes the choice to incarnate again into a
human or any other body form and learn these lessons. You could
understand, or you could equate incarnation or reincarnation as a school
class. Anyone is perfectly free for this lesson to be their last and ascend at any
time. You chose to be part of this lesson, together, mutually. When you first go
to school you learn the basics of interacting with others, what is required of
you socially, what is required of you by the others of your kind, your families
and friends...but just the basics, and then you graduate from the first school
that you go to and you go to another school and you learn other things. You
learn mathematical skills, communication skills. We are, of course, leaving out
here the energies which are put into your psyche to control you. So you could
say that when you have a life on earth, you learn or you sit at the back of the
class and don't do anything. This too is a perfectly acceptable lesson.
Some are here merely to observe. We do not chose your lessons for you, your
own I AM does. If you chose to, any lesson you wish is perfect for you,
whatever it is. But if you are a keen student you come forward, you absorb the
information, you learn and then you go to the thing called death. If you chose
to, ascension is also possible for you in this liniar lifetime. Some even consider
taking or incarnating other body forms, this is a lesson that is now possible. In
your lessons, all is allowed now, you are no longer limited by control
structures. Some chose to die, some chose to incarnate again as part of their
ascension plan. Some remain behind and do not incarnate for a very long time
. Any lesson for you is acceptable. Death for some is crossing over to the next
lesson. That is your graduation and then you realize there is much more to
learn so then you go to the next level of school, you incarnate again, you go
thru the next class, and if you are a keen and diligent student you learn
anything you need to learn and then you die, you graduate all over again. and
then you decide to come back and take the next class and learn.
As you learn, you learn to balance the experiences. You learn to balance the
energies. You understand, that it is desirable not to do things unto others that
you would not like to have done unto you. Some students take longer, some
decide to take the scenic route home and others buy a ticket on the straight
thru express. There is no judgment, either way is perfect, either way is perfect
for each one and Mother/Father God is compassionate and nonjudgmental and
forgives you for everything, you could say before you ever did it. It is only
yourselves that are holding the sins in your hearts and when you go to your
priests and ask them about sin or you confess your sins, they never tell you
about the freedom that you achieve thru the balancing of these energies. So
now, brothers and sisters of earth, it is now time to forgive yourselves
train...whooo Whoooo!!!!!!!!!!All Abord!! ).....Even the train reinforces my words
with its sound It is now time to forgive yourselves, it is now time to let go of the
guilt because what is sin? Sin is just something that you hold, it is a concept
that you have as human beings and sin really is feelings of guiltiness. It is now
time to release all contracts, all connections, all contracts ... all vows of
poverty. There is no point in affirming that you are now ready for abundance if
you still have outstanding vows of poverty. There is no point in affirming that
you are now open to receive the love when you have already made vows in the
past that you will not be open to receiving the love because those vows, unless
they are canceled, still hold. They are still written down in the Akashic
Records, they are there in your own personal record books. Some beings in
the past have tried to write these lessons for you. Now is the time to realize
what your lessons are for yourself and chose them consciencely for yourself.
The Akashic Records are your birthright to access and even intend to change
in your future. When you send your intent into the Akashics, you help manifest
your own lessons for yourself in accordene with your freewill and I AM
presence. This is an important lesson at this time for everyone to try and
understand and center yourself on. The time to change your lessons if you
wish to is now, all is allowed. Now when we talk about ties with other beings,
when you hurt a person, be it physically, mentally, or emotionally, you have a
tie with them. Understand that many humans have lost sight of the fact that
these ties may last for thousands of years because of the lack of forgiveness
for one's self. Many people have chosen to have sexual attachments with
others. If you allow it, this can create a bond with them energeticly that
continues past the time of your relationship or friendship. This is not a
judgment, but it is an observation. You have human bodies to enjoy them,
there is nothing wrong with enjoying your human body, there is nothing wrong
with having fun with your human body. But understand that having intercourse
with another one, or merging with another one with your physical body, when
the energy of Love is not present, is really not desirable. When I say it is not
desirable, I would point out to you that these ties that hold and bind, and as the
other goes thru their emotional processes, at they go thru their mental
processes, you also, as well, feel the energies of it thru these links. Love
everyone you intend to have intercourse with. All are worthy of unconditional
love. So we will take you thru a visualization, thru a meditation to cut all the
ties that bind to rescind all previous vows of poverty, to rescind all previous
vows of not being able to love, to rescind all previous vows of silence, to
rescind all previous vows you have made to ignore your emotional body, to
rescind all previous vows of unhealthy commitment to others. Anything that
has not been in unconditional love may be cut from you now. You may do this
process as many times as you feel it is necessary. You can even ask me to
clear out all energetic ties with all previous lifetimes all at once, I will do that
for you, instantly. Please remember, you are not losing anything, but clearing
debree and creating ties that are perfect love again, cleansed. Any attachments
that you discern are not unconditional love may be cut from you, making them
perfect pure gold love again. This is all about clearing, not discarding
attachment that are of love. You are losing nothing, this is free-ing you of ties
that are no longer required, all old lessons cleansed back to perfect love with
me, Michael. So focus in the space above your heads, your source star. Again,
I am sure you know the routine.....breathe....breathe in and as you breathe in ...
feel the energy of love, and as you breathe in fill up your lungs to their capacity
and when you think they are full Push out your diaphram....this will expand
your lungs further and bring in more breath. Feel the breath filling you to the
top of your chest.....that's right, some of you might cough, if you have gotten
into the habit of shallow breathing....and when you shallow breathe the
energies of fear manifest in your energy matrix and in your mind. Do you
remember that if you are afraid you have a tendency to breath (shallow
breathe).... When you were born you emerged thru the birth canal and your
mind went into fear because all of a sudden the connection with your mother
was chopped, cut, the cord was cut before you were ready to breath and panic
set into your heart and your mind ... that you would not get oxygen and that
you would lose this physical body after going thru the trauma and experience
of coming thru the birth canal and shallow breathing is what you is
imprinted in your cellular memory that shallow breathing equates with fear.
Your DNA has held memories of this. All you need to do is tell yourself to
breathe correctly. Many will breathe normally instantly, perfectly, never have
been imprinted with this fear. So learn to breath. Program your minds to
monitor your breathing and any time you find yourself shallow breathing,
change that programming and take deepregular breaths. Your breaths should
be inhaled, hold, exhale for the same number of heartbeats or
matter what you are doing...sleeping, eating, working, loving. You will find you
become more balanced if you breath in a balanced way. So, as we breath in
this energy of light and this energy of love thru our higher charkas feel and see
and allow the electric blue. This electric blue is the energy with which I work.
You can visualize any blue tool you want, a spoon! It could be a disc! A sword
has previously been associated with war, make it anything you want that’s
blue! Scissors cut paper. Anything you want can cut these cords with this
energy that you are. My scissors, the scissors I use to cut the ties is also a
sword of electric blue and now focus on your crown chakra. And here, allow
the energies of love and allow the energies of light to permeate it. And I,
Michael, cut all ties to all others, the times you gave your power away to the
gurus, the time you gave your power away to the religious controllers.
I now cut these ties so that you become free of every one of them and
you can make conscious choices for yourself. ( slice )! Your crown chakras
now resonate white light....composed of all the colors of the spectrum and all
ties that were attached to it are gone!
Now let us move to your third eye chakra... Here look into that chakra, see and
feel all those vows that you made that clairvoyance, that sight was against the
teachings of God and if you had sight and clairvoyance that you were evil. Here
we are going to release you from the energies of persecution and the energies
of death by torture, the energies of death by drowning, death by fire. I now cuts
these ties with my scissors (slice, cut)! Now feel your third eyes open, they are
balanced in a harmonious way and see with these eyes because understand
that in early Lemurian times and before Lemuria our third eye was your means
of seeing, it was our eye. It was through this third eye that this gland you now
know as your third eye, you see everything. You did not have physical eyes.
There was nothing to see with physical eyes. Not only did you see with this
gland, you communicated with others through it. You picked up the pressions
of thought. Words and languages did not exist. Feelings were all there was. So
see, feel, imagine this activation taking place. See the electric blue color of my
energy. Allow this affirmation to flow through your minds, I affirm my third eye
is now activated. My channeling abilities, which are my birthright, I now claim
and accept. Now let's move to the throat chakra. If you need to cough, please
cough. Coughing is clearance. Many ones have blockages in their throat
chakras. Here, let us clear the residues of all energies of all vows of poverty
and vows of silence. All the ties that bind you to others through the words that
you have spoken to them. The energies of fear, the vows of silence that you
made that stopped you from speaking your truths, from telling others about the
magnificence of the energies of love and light and about self enlightenment. I,
Michael, now cut all those psychic ties that are holding you. (slice) Feel the
freedom in this chakra, feel it becoming activated. Affirm now that from this
moment on you will speak your truths, that you will pass on the knowledge to
all that require it. There is no point in trying to pass on your knowledge to
those who do not ask or require it. It makes them resistant. It blocks them from
feeling the love. Don't use your voice to press your ideas on others who are
not ready to accept them. Now we go to the heart and the higher heart chakra.
Feel this space as your thymus glands activate it with love. And now we are
going to cut the ties with all ones that you thought you loved but the love was
based on fear and dependence. Cut the ties with all the ones that hurt you
emotionally, supposedly in love. Feel your heart chakra becoming open. Feel
the love flowing through you and feel the love flowing through it. Affirm that
you are now ready to have these ties cut that bind you. I cut them with my
sword (slice). Feel your heart open. Feel the love flowing through you. Be the
love. And now to your solar plexus. This is where you hold your emotional
stuff. All the memories of being hurt and disempowered, anger directed toward
you and anger you directed toward others, emotional manipulation and control,
that others did to you and you did to others. Again, there are psychic ties
binding you to all the ones you have been through this emotional stuff with. So
now affirm that you are now ready for these emotional ties to be cut and that
you are again ready to step into your own power as a free being, you are now
ready to take on sovereignty of your own emotional body. (slice) I cut the ties
with all ones. Affirm you are now totally free. And now come to your 2nd
chakra, the sexual chakra. Now you must affirm that you are ready for all
psychic powers to be cut with all ones, to remove all the residues of abuse and
being abused, to remove the residues of misused kundalini energy. To be free
to love, to be free to enjoy your own human body, the human body of a loving
person in freedom, with freedom of expression. Feel those ties and affirm that
you are now ready for the ties to be cut. {slice} I cut them all and release you
from them. Now let us move to the base chakra. The base chakra is a
repository for fear and anger. It also is where your kundalini energy resides.
Many have blockages in their kundalini energy and cannot raise their kundalini
because of the amount of fear. Fear of stepping into your own power, fear of
becoming a master in your own right, a master of your life, a master of energy,
a master of your own destiny. Many have stored memories here about when
they had mastery of their kundalini and they misused it to repress, they used
it to control, to disempower and these ties, these karmic ties stop you from
being the glorious being that you truly and really are. Now affirm that you
would like the ties cut from your base chakra. Affirm that you are ready.
{slice} ! I cut them all. Understand, that there is no need to fear these cuttings
of the ties. Many would have fears that by cutting the ties they will lose the
connection with their loved ones. But this is not true. The cutting of these ties
to the chakras allows you a fresh start with your loved ones, it balances the
karma between you and allows both of you to enter into a relationship that is
based on unconditional love rather than dependency and fear or control. Now
for each and every one of you, I, Michael, will cut more ties. Many of you still
have energies surrounding you, the energies of the vows of poverty. (Again,
we get confirmation from the train driver that this is truth..... laughter). So let us
work some more on the releasing of these vows. You must, first of all, affirm in
your minds that you want to release these, that you want to have this energy
taken from you because otherwise, I Michael, am powerless to do anything.
I am powerless to do anything because of free will that you have either to stay
with it or to release it. So affirm that you are now ready to accept your
abundance and that all previous vows of poverty are canceled. So I come and
cut {slice} from each and every one of you! Do you feel more openness in your
energy? You will now feel more freedom in your energy! Feel it? We knew you
would! So now let us work on this repression of emotion. All the times, all the
lives that you thought that you should stifle your emotions because that was
the only way to become holy. Affirm now that you are ready to release this, that
you are ready for the ties to be cut. {slice} Now just to encompass all karmic
ties, all energies that are binding you, I, Michael and my legions of light will cut
for you, we will take you out of the cocoon, we will strip away the cocoon that
has been binding you and constricting you and we will take away all other
residues if that is what each and every one of you wants as an individual.
You must affirm that you are now ready to be free of all karma, free of all
karmic imbalances and that from this moment forth you are a karma free being.
Make the affirmations in your minds now. {slice, slice, slice, slice, slice, cut cut
cut! } I transmute all this constrictive energy into love. I transmute all these
constrictive energies into light. I welcome you to a life of freedom from karma.
Do not think that because you are free of karma now that you will be free of
karma for all time. It is up to you whether you stay free of karma. It is up to you
whether you integrate further guilt. It is up to you whether you do not forgive
yourselves your transgressions and sins. The choice is yours in your daily
lives and interactions. It is very easy to build up karmic ties with many through
your thought patterns, through your actions and interactions. Hold in your
minds that you are karma free and that during the course of your actions and
interactions with others you are coming from the position of true unconditional
love and non judgment. This will keep you karma free. If you make mistakes,
don't feel guilty. Ask me to come and cut the ties and transmute and balance,
and I will. I give you another very useful piece of information. I have at my
disposal pillars of light, pillars of love. Any time that you feel you are not
holding the love energy in your hearts and fear may enter your minds, or any
time that you feel you are being unfairly pressed by the dark brothers and
sisters or by any other energy whose desire it is to interfere with you and get
you to become unfocused in the love and the light, call upon me for a pillar of
light. Again, I cannot give you a pillar of light unless you ask because you have
the free will to suffer or not suffer. If you suffer, I feel compassion and love for
you, but I cannot do anything else about it. Call upon me for pillars of light, I
will show you how this works. Archangel Michael, surround me with the pillar
of light. When you make the request, I will know that you want it. You might
think, well I will not call upon Michael very often for a pillar of light because I
don't want to bother him, he must be busy. These are energies which stem
from feelings of unworthiness. As Kutumi told you, each and every one of you
are worthy. I am charged by Mother/Father God to provide as many as ask for
pillars of light with the pillars of light. If I don't have anything to do, how will I
pass the time? It is possible that I might get bored with no pillars of light to
pass down. You might say how can I be in a million, 2 million, 5 million places
at once. I am timeless and manifest many places at the same time now.
I have the legions of light under my command and the legions of light also
provide you with love, pillars of light and protection. So let us now collectively
invoke a pillar of light. To do this you will just need to follow my words.
Archangel Michael...give me a pillar of light now! See the electric blue come
down? Silver and gold energies. It is so simple. Brothers and Sisters, I would
ask you to integrate my words, ask you to integrate what has happened to you
and Quan Yin asks that you engage yourselves in the yoga of unconditional
love, that you engage yourselves in the yoga of non judgment, that you engage
yourselves in the yoga of laughter. She is asking for a chance to speak to you.
Archangel Michael. The eminence of electric blue many have already grounded
has manifest in a perfect blue sphere. I would like to thank you for this at this
time. Those of you still on the coarse of self discovery, please remember, be
the sword, it is merely energy, electric blue. Be the sword that cuts the ties. (Or
the scissors) Bye!
Thank you so much, Ms Tercy...I just did the meditation with Michael....I feel so liberated....if a little uncertain still...but I guess that will anchor in the next little while as My Soul/human body gets used to the different doubt I will have a few little glitches, as I break the habits, but, I have been practicing for a while now, and it is getting easier....
My blessings and thanks to AA Michael and Lady Kwan Yin, too...I am forever grateful....
Blessings dear heart for posting this for us...I was asking, and my prayer was answered...Now I m on the train, too...WooHoo!!
Peace, Love & Light
Hugs & Kisses
Sylvia/Melaynia xoxoxoxo
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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