lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Time: December 21, 2010 at 5am to December 22, 2010 at 12pm
Location: Where you are
Street: within your heart
Website or Map:…
Event Type: global, fire, ceremonies
Organized By: All of us.
Latest Activity: Dec 22, 2010
“Envision Earth in total darkness with fires lighting up one by one all over the planet. It will be December 21st and 22nd the Solstice and Full Moon on planet Earth. From Australia to Peru, from Switzerland to Tibet, from Canada to South Africa, everywhere you can see sacred fire circles emerging. Circles of fire that honour our connection to Earth, celebrate our awakening of unity and acknowledge the important work that takes right in that very moment. Fires for purification, fires for love. A global acupuncture session for earth, clearing pathways, flushing meridians, infusing the Earth with all of our desires for healing, full awakening, unity and peace.”
We are inspired to coordinate and framework a, rather extravagant, gathering of awakened people on earth for the upcoming Solstice in late December 2010. You simply are asked to hold fire in your area, in your place, in your time, in your way with Earth, with Life. These fires are intended as purification of space, location and time on Earth. Clearing imbalances, cleaning up blockages and releasing stuck energy. All you have to do is light a fire and acknowledge our deep and sacred connection to our Earth. Let the fire speak. Know what it’s intention is and infuse that with love and know that thousands are lighting fire today for Earth, for humanities awakening into unity.
You are invited to gather groups, hold circles, create large or small fires where you are and where Nature permits it. Fire can be as small as a candle, but fire is allowed to be big, extravagant, raging while always returning to peaceful flames.
Gladly JOINING :-)
I will send out invitations tomorrow, dear Sjoerd, as today I have already reached my limit of sharings - LOL!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this unique invitation with all of us here at lightgrid!
Sonja Myriel
Thank you so much for this beautiful opportunity to share these solstice energies with like minded souls.
Where there is LOVE there is no seperation,
blessed Be
Hi there -
Love this! Checkout the latest post on the channelling group -- it has a great message for solstice!
Peace, Ana
Here it is, Ana :-)
Sonja Myriel
Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek
Solstice Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
On December 21st, 2010, we are graced with a Solstice Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
:::be blessed LightGrid FAmily:::
Solstice Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Invocation
You Tube
Mp3 download
On December 21st, 2010, we are graced with a Solstice Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.
Through the alignment of Light created through the energy of the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth, as the Moon passes through a point in its orbit when the Earth is directly between it and the Sun, we glimpse a reflection of the Divine Father, Sister and Mother Archetypes respectively, allowing us to potentially heal earthly family relationships in this configuration of reflected Light.
We are further invited to travel into the heart of the Sun Overlighted by Helios and Vesta, and to experience the Ascension Seat and Healing Chamber of Light within the Solar Core through this Cosmic Ray of Solar Service. For a period of three days in particular, we have the opportunity to clear karmic patterns with family and friends and truly find a better balance of Love and empowerment within ourselves. Furthermore, through this Ascension Seat and beautiful copper-gold flame of Light, we are offered an opportunity to truly experience our own inner feminine and masculine archetypes of Light.
Invocation for the Solstice Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
I align with Mother/Father God, my I Am Presence and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge.
I now call upon the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta to take me to into the Ascension Seat and Healing Chamber of Light within the Sun and Solar Core.
I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light into the Sun, and Ascension Seat of the Cosmic Ray of Solar Service.
As I enter into this Ascension Seat and Healing Chamber of Light in Soul consciousness, I am surrounded in a beautiful copper-gold flame of Light.
Through the embrace of Helios and Vesta, and surrounded by my family and friends of the Light and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge, I now clear remnants of genetically inherited patterns, karmic patterns and old Soul contracts through this Healing Chamber of Light and copper-gold flame of Light.
I now rescind any and all vows taken in this lifetime or any other lifetimes/parallel realities and dimensions, and all incarnations for all time, space and dimensions. I now declare these vows null and void.
I now ask for the healing of my earthly relationships, as I forgive and Love; letting go of any anger, resentment, betrayal and other issues I may still be holding onto that are preventing me from truly seeing my magnificence as this Master Being of Love and Light.
I now experience the activation of the kundalini and tantric channels within this safe and sacred space, monitored by all the Beings of Light from On High that are assisting me, as I step into a deeper level of empowerment and Love.
I now experience the merging with my Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine archetypes of Light, finding my voice, finding the expression of my true Self in this essence of unconditional Love.
I now merge with my I Am Presence, taking on these key codes of Light with the focus on Manifestation, the primary quality brought through from the Cosmic Ray of Solar Service and heart of the Sun.
As I take on this I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light, as I trust and Surrender to the Divine, I am guided with joy, Love and abundance in my Service work and in my Life.
I now request this copper-gold flame of Light be activated within the hearts of all Humanity, and within the Cosmic Law of Free Will,
So together we may experience the amplified frequencies of Love-Wisdom,
So together we may experience these key codes for this new Golden Age of Light.
I now experience myself coming into the crystal heart of Mother Earth, grounding and nurturing, supporting and loving, as I feel my connection to all Life now through the Unity grid of Light, and the amplification of the Sun and Moon.
I Am a Master Being of Love and Light,
I Am a Keeper of Light,
I Am a Child of the Sun,
I Am All that I Am.
Grand Initiation for the Planetary Light Servers
Video Here
Solstice Initiation Ceremony
December 21, 2010
A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
The Planetary Grid Transmissions
Through Mother-Father God’s Great Initiators:
Sanat Kumara
Regent Lord of the World
Lord Maitreya
The Cosmic Christ
Due to the great planetary shifts occurring in these next two years, the Divine Plan now calls for as many Light Servers as possible to make complete shift into the transfigured soul-infused personality so that our intelligence, our imagination and our power of invocation can be used for miracle making manifestations and the effective wielding of the sacred Cosmic Fires upon the Earth.
Through Divine Intervention, we are being dramatically raised to work intuitively alongside the Great Ones, the forces of the elements and the powers of nature for the ensuing changes that will be taking place on mass scale.This is a grand moment of achievement in which our abilities will be greatly expanded to assist the Great Ones by externalizing their Power, their Radiation and their Presence, through us as the Planetary Light Servers and ground crew.
Deeper and much swifter processes of personality transfiguration will continue for those who have mastered the emotional body and are now prepared to undergo quantum life shift in order to selflessly serve the Divine Will and Purpose of the evolutionary plan for Earth’s incoming Golden Age.
The Power of Magnetization
Sanat Kumara and Lord Maitreya (see their bios below) come as One to wield their Rod of Initiation to activate our magnetic core and inherent Power of Magnetization. This is contained within us as dormant Great Central Sun encodement within the body’s crystalline structures particularly within the DNA, the bones, the brain and the blood. This will be immediately activated in all Planetary Light Servers who hold unwavering balance in the purity of their thought and feeling formations.
This gift of stronger Magnetic Presence substantially increases our ability to draw forth and manifest all that we imagine and require, as this energy is drawn from the zero point field and our Group Consciousness. It is from this Field of One that holds the absolute Divine Truth and Highest Potentials for Earth’s unfolding Divine Plan.
Opening of our Crystalline Seals
Now, there is something else that Sanat Kumara comes specifically to do at this time of Solstice. A grand moment it is for all of us, including Sanat Kumara for he has been waiting millions of years for this exact moment, a moment that is recorded in the planetary Akashic Records.
Most people who resonate to Children of the Sun are Starseeds sourced from the Great Central Sun. Many, if not the majority of us, volunteered from many star systems to assist Sanat Kumara during his exiled mission to save the human race and to hold Earth’s position in the Solar System. We were the brave and courageous souls that rode that brilliant merkaba through the Venus portal to Shamballa and then to Earth to endure lifetime after lifetime in order to assist the mission of God’s regaled Prince, that great being known as the Venusian Lord of Love.
Before we took that first embodiment as part of the 144 soul groups who came to support Sanat Kumara, we made a very special agreement with each other. We agreed that we would not return Home until all of the volunteers were found and we ascended together, again forming a group activated merkaba in which to gain our freedom. This perhaps is why many of us today become quite emotional when hearing the Sanat Kumara story and why we have so much endearment for our beloved soul family.
Alchemical Diamond Code Activated
What many of us may not know is that Sanat Kumara inserted a sealed code within each of us, a very special diamond light geometry, which holds the template of our destiny and crystalline light body blueprints. This vibrational imprinting concerns the Christ Consciousness patterning and is an alchemical formula that is activated through his own Sacred Fire breath of life.
This is to insure that all of us make it Home! He wants the message to be shared that there is no need for concern for any one person. He is personally with us, guiding each Soul in this final leg of our victorious accomplishment as the dedicated timeless Servers of the Divine Plan for Earth.
This Solstice Sanat Kumara, supported by Lord Maitreya, will breathe his breath of life into this internal “philosopher's stone”, which opens all of our Crystalline Seals and sets into greater momentum our alchemical transition into an immortal Magnetic Being. This pivotal Solstice initiation also expands our energy blueprint to continuously receive direct impression from Sanat Kumara’s radiation. We will be strengthened, balanced and illumined through his Diamond Rod of Power surging through us, especially during this next year of 2011.
Solstice, Tuesday, December 21
Children of the Sun invites all Planetary Light Servers to the Initiation Ceremony taking place within the New Earth Crystalline Matrix during the Planetary Grid Transmissions.
This meditative ceremony takes place on the inner realms of consciousness for approximately 45 minutes during these 4 times:
To Understand the Solstice Initiation
is to know these Two Great Initiators
(symbolic image)
Lord Maitreya
The Cosmic Christ
Maitreya’s consciousness is one that represents a Cosmic Christ to Humanity. As another Lord of Love to our planet, his consciousness is the one expected by all of the major world religions to appear in form as the “second coming”. It is his energy field that is being referred to as the second coming of Christ, of the Messiah, of Krishna, of the Planetary Buddha.
As a Cosmic Christ to the Earth, Maitreya embodies the "Christ Principle" in which to give humanity inspiration and direction on its way to evolutionary fulfillment. In this role, he has been referred to throughout the centuries as “The Great Initiator”. He served as the initiator for Jesus Emanuel in which he enfolded Jesus in his Cosmic Flame to manifest the living Christ Consciousness through the physical form. He also incarnated as Krishna, one of the great avatars of Hinduism, initiating humanity to this day through the Bhagavad-Gita, one of the most profound teachings ever gifted to the Earth.
Maitreya’s Cosmic Light now serves as initiation for all of us so that we may be so purified that our own I AM Presence will again take full command and expression. His Sacred Fire of the Ruby Flames is greatly assisting in our own initiations into Christ Consciousness.
His flames of inspiration are working intimately with the Planetary Light Servers to help raise the human race through creation of global cooperation, new world systems and social reforms, especially assisting the millions of people who are in states of pain and suffering.
(symbolic image)
Sanat Kumara
Regent Lord of the World
As a voluntary exile from planet Venus, Sanat Kumara came to our laggard planet millions of years ago to sustain and guard the creation flame in the hearts of humanity and until sufficient numbers would awaken to their true nature. He has kept the world together through his consciousness and it is his magnetic cohesive power of sustaining love that makes human evolution possible.
Sanat Kumara established the Path of Initiation as the surest and most accelerated method for spiritual evolution. Most of the volunteers who came with this great Being are still choosing to be upon the Earth serving under his Rod of Initiation. Many of these volunteers are the Children of the Sun who now leading the way into humanity’s ascension and the new I AM Race.
Sanat Kumara also formed what is referred to as the Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy to assist his mission of Earth’s evolution. There is an etheric City of Light dedicated to Sanat Kumara, “Shamballa”, over the Gobi Desert in Mongolia in which Ascended Masters come into Council. There are ashrams of higher learning and the templates are housed there for our new Divine-Human Blueprint.
Sanat Kumara’s consciousness lives within each of us and is the reason why we are now remembering who we are. We owe a great depth of gratitude to this selfless being of cosmic magnificence and fortitude.
" The reality of my life cannot die, for IAM Indestructible Consciousness. "
" The ocean of Spirit has become the little bubble of my soul. Whether floating in birth, or disappearing
in death, in the ocean of cosmic awareness the bubble of my life cannot die.
IAM Indestructible Consciousness, protected in the bosom of Spirit's Immortality. "
" IAM no longer the wave of consciousness thinking itself separated from the sea of cosmic
consciousness. IAM the Ocean of Spirit that has become the Wave of Human Life. "
" IAM infinite. ~~*~~ IAM spaceless. ~~*~~ IAM tireless;
IAM beyond body, thought, and utterance;
beyond all matter and mind.
IAM Endless Bliss. "
~~~~~~~~~~** oOo **~~~~~~~~~
Taken from Yogananda's Metaphysical Meditations.
Shared with infinite love, Tara **~~~~
Lightworkers flower and header copyright © 2009
Thank you are love personified. These gifts are wonderful.
Namaste SIster
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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