I had heard of Greg before. I seem to trip over many connections.
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I have been told I was on Atlantis. I love the energy of Mayan. I have been to Sedona in 07. I have been aware of Greg for awhile now. I have listened to Kelly Hampton, researched the Crystal Skulls, I am interested in all Light Love and the Change to make this Planet the place I feel it was intended to be before there was a war to take us over.
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Congratulations that you are able to feel such kinship, spiritually.
May your sentience and light continue growth.
For any questions or concerns, contact myself or any of the Lightgrid administrators. (I may be contacted, via message)
Welcome to the Sacred space of Lightgrid ~
Thank you that you are connecting with us in daily connection.
There many groups here which may be read, without joining them; for commenting purposes, joining is required. We look forward to you being here and sharing (should you be interested).
Congratulations that you are able to feel such kinship, spiritually.
May your sentience and light continue growth.
For any questions or concerns, contact myself or any of the Lightgrid administrators. (I may be contacted, via message)
Blessings and Joy ,
Aug 8, 2012
Debra J DeForest
Oct 31, 2013