I Belong Here, and So It Is... I Am Bernadette (with so much to give&share) with A Lot of ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to give ..Indeed I do...This is My Family after ALL... Smiling all the way "HOME....and what a Ride....
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Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?
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I'm in the process of seeing new things, I feel that they are orbs and strings that look like DNA little worms looking strings and other floating forms of .....
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May 2, 2011
Grounding and amplifying Loving energies (with Mother Earth), is helping our Humanity Family~so much~
Thank you, sincerely, from my Heart's center~
(((Many Blessings Bernadette)))
May 24, 2011
May 24, 2011