Arkaura Marga


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Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!
Who am I?
In fragments of memory , I’ve been a priestess or a princess in Sumer, on a paddle ship I was carrying crystals and knowledge.
I’ve been a falconer in the Middle Ages, where I learned to love Nature and Freedom.
I’ve been an aborigine in the enchanted land of Australia, where I learned to love the colours and to know that we are not alone in the Universe.
I walked at night in the European forests to save a loved son.
I’ve been an old matron in a African village, where I knew herbs and season’s secrets.
I’ve been humble wife of a watchmaker, and I was happy with little things.
I’ve been little girl and old man… warrior and monk… I’ve explored worlds, I’ve destroyed, I’ve built, I’ve been playing , suffering, loving, hating.
I’ve known power and weakness, prosperity and poverty, I’ve known belonging and loneliness.
Now I’m back here, in this life to learn…and to be part of great change.
What I want to learn?
For long-time I forgot that I entered in a game and I’m playing on the chessboard on the polarity level….
I’m still learning to Love, I’m learning to open my heart, to be aware of my thoughts and use my intuitive mind, to live in the moment, to be independent and free. I’m learning to create, to realize dreams, and to remember that I am Light…and that I dream the Dreams of the One.
Since ’92 I’ve contact with my spirit guides, mainly angelic energies in the upper world.
Walking this path in 2004 I met shamanism, first only in a meeting for the Healing of Mother Earth with shamans of different countries at summer solstice in Valdaosta, then I attended Inipis with 2 different medicine women: Abuela Margarita Nunez, and Marrhuè (she also work with purification of ancestors lines and Santo Daime, I’m working with her since 5 years with a small group of women, learning to lead inipi ). Then two seminars of Qaqoy inka massage with H.H.Mamani, then the FSS seminars in Italy, Florais of amazonia (vibrational flower essence) with Maria Alice Campos Freire (one of the 13 grandmothers.
The shamanism give me the sense of Unity … in the Universe… in me …. in the Life.
In this life I was born in 1959 and I begin to paint before learning to speak (so my parents told me) but it took long before I could make this my job… my previous jobs were barmaid, cook in restaurant, then jewel’s designer for 12 years, decorator, illustrator. In ‘97 I “received” and created a tarot deck: “Il Cammino dell’Alchimista”, then printed in 1000 copies.
I do practice yoga, toning, and I work with vibrational painting, shamanic/evolutive circles of women, I organize seminars about divination, shamanic art and intuitive painting,
You can have a look at my websites:
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  • Patrizia

    Ciao Arkaura, ho visto che vivi in Italia, posso avere il piacere di averti fra i miei amici? Vedere la foto della pietra a forma di cuore mi ha fatto decidere di scriverti, io ne ho trovate a centinaia, piccole e grandi...Io vivo in umbria, provincia di perugia, tu?

    Love and <light

    Patrizia :-)

  • Patrizia

    Ciao Arkaura , grazie per avermi aggiunta ai tuoi amici :-), non so se il nome è Arkaura e Marga il cognome, oppure è tutto un nome, di che nazionalità sei? Se hai piacere, raccontami un pò di te, se non ti va, non fa niente, ogni tanto ci manderemo un saluto!

    Da cuore a cuore

    Patrizia :-)

  • Patrizia

    Ciao Marga, grazie per il messaggio, ti ho pensata molto in questi giorni, per il disastro in Lunigiana, mi hai detto che vivi lì, vero? Mi hai scritto, perciò hai la corrente, e sicuramente non sei nelle zone colpite dall'alluvione, mi dispiace moltissimo per questo cataclisma naturale, ma credo faccia parte della 'visione dell'intero quadro'. Mi dispiace davvero...hanno anticipato l'arrivo in 5^ Dimensione.

    Un abbraccio con tanto amore

    Patrizia :-)