Looking on the web for self attunement in connection to the Pleiadian energy
Have you read the information on the main page? If no, please do so after having read the next question ;-)
Do you wish to synchronize with two other members in extending the Violet Ray?
Please tell us about yourself - ENJOY!
My life is dedicated to my spiritual path/journey. I have just set up a school in Wellington New Zealand called Divine Energy Medicine. I`m having a great time doing it. My plans are to keep setting up schools, unless The God Force has another plan for me, my next school is going to be in Mozambique. My thing is cultuvating consciousness which I adore and study.
Love to you all Lynette
P.S. my profile picture is me and my dog Pearl- otherwise known as the best dog in the world.
We have a no spam policy!, Do you agree to follow?
you are absolutely right: It is essential that we are ready to RECEIVE! Asking for help is something that seems to be really hard for most of us ... We have several groups here where such a request would be most welcome ... Now this one might be the best: Living Light Grid - or we could say that this is part of our focus on the 9th underworld ... so this would be a given period of time: between March 9th and October 28th ... What do you think? Here's the group link: http://lightgrid.ning.com/group/theuniversalunderworldtheninthunder...
Would you like to post your suggestion in one of these groups?
I wear a clear quartz crystal day and night and by now it has absorbed my energy fully - LOL!
I know now that I can use it to transfer my energy more easily to persons or places or other crystals as well ... and yes, it connects me to our beloved Mother in so many more ways which i still have to find out in detail :-)
Now that spring has nearly come, I'm looking forward to spending so much more time out in nature again :-)
I'm sending you a sunny hug, dear Lynette, and thank you for your friendship,
Thank you s much for your encouraging message, dear Lynette!
Yes, hope and letting go of old belief systems are one of my lessons, too ... Lady Hope is the Archaii of the White Ray - and she helps us to bring PEACE and HEALING into our turbulent lives - and often these come throug conflict ... well, at the moment I am only working towards my physical healing - LOL!
But I think it has much to do with the golden ray and most probably the white ray as well ...
The White Lily is a symbol of the White Ray - and this white lily above is for you :-)
I learned my lessons of FAITH when I was travelling around Europe. When everything had been stolen - first my wallet, next my backpack and finally my passport - I was only lwft with my train ticket which was valid for any train for the time of a month ... I decided to let go and try out if the Bible saying was true that God was providing for the birds and lillies so why not for us?!?
At the moment that I stopped thinking about where to sleep and what to eat next, this journey became the most wondrous experience I have had up to that time - LOL!
Dear Lynette, please choose one of the groups and explain your idea to the people there, will you? I think it is a wonderful vision which I would love to see turn reality here at lightgrid :-)
I'm sorry to read you had other situation with your clients. When you make your healing you receive some instructions from your guides or is your intuition? I don't know nothing about healing, long ago I was say that I'm, but I don't know. I'm more psychic, vision and listening. Something that I feel is that your healings besides heal make people see why and the reason they are having the condition/situation/ill/discomfort in their bodies. Do you work with karma healing? Any ways, that is what I feel. Your healing make people aware and some people don't understand or don't like to know that we provoke some discomforts or ills in our bodies.
Maybe you are hungry, Dear Sister!! You made me laugh!
That is an Asian Lotus on Bali. I took a picture of her as I found her most stunning and beautiful ... standing there in the hot, tropical, equatorial sun. It was on my honeymoon ....
Deares Lynette - I just encountered your question on my page - and although I am alöready CONNECTEd to Lightgrid I have to pass on the link to our group on TIME QUALITIES to you NOW, lol!
TIME is passing by so quickly in the third dimension, indeed, lol!
But finally I am listening to the audio you mentioned - and I hear that it is exactly about what I am writing - hahahah :-)
Ok - listening NOW ... TARA??? Original 5th dimensional Earth ... WOW! My daughter is called Tara ... and I was given her name when I was pregnant, not even knowing this name exists!
TIME is NOW COSMIC TIME, right ... 9 aspects?! Ok - YES!!! This makes sense!
3 decans in a cosmic day - each having 10 cosmic hours, right? ... this is about galactic time, I suppose, which is said to come -
COSMIC Time - NOW TIME, which we are to ENTER: past-past / past-present / past-future // present-past / present-present / present-future // future-past / future-present / future-future
Yes - let us connect in the way suggested!!! This is exactly what it is all about at this time - lol!
It does not sound complicated to me at all - only logical and true, dear Lynette - THANK YOU for sharing - I will always remember this sacred information when I need to!
It reminds me of the 9 aspects of the GODDESS, too - the maiden, the mother and the wise old woman - each in three aspects of past - present - future ...
Moving into a higher octave from the 3rd to the 5th dimension ... that is ... I have always asked myself why we leave out the 4th dimension ...
Cosmic Time and Galactic Time ... LIGHT LANGUAGE! Yes - we can learn to speak this language ourselves ... learning to experiment FREELY with SOUND - with language ... the sound of light - YES!!!
Thank you for sharing the link with me dearest Lynette - I am looking forward to your reply,
Dear Lynette - sorry that I was occupied yesterday! You disconnected so fast I was not able to catch you in time!
Can you tell me more concerning Master Thoth and Lord Metatron and their gifts? You told me in your comment a week ago.
Wesak came in FULL SWING! It really started on May 1st - and is still continuing ... SHAKTI energy pure :-)))
How did you experience Wesak I found myself in the Wesak valley during our 11 am connection yesterday. We were to the left in the Wesak Valley - and you were with me/ us! You were in the second circle - and around us were even more members of lightgrid ... do you remember?
Yes, indeed, dearest Lynette! We were to prepare for Wesak best as we each could - and have reaped the fruits :-)))
You are a true LIGHT WARRIOR, Lynette - and how beatiful that finally your wounds were HEALED by Master Thoth and Lord Metatron!!! I feel honored and loved that you have shared your experience with me, especially because I feel a certain push and pull of time lines too - at times, lol!
Also what you say about grounding - balancing male and female - and manifestation makes so much sense to me! And that the KEY to move on is ACCEPTANCE of who we ARE - first in the negative - to finally embrace DIVINITY!!!
Yes - it is time, indeed to FULLY embrace who we are! To walk the talk - and embody our DIVINITY!!!
I, too, can feel these changes tking place and I am moving into a space from which I can live with more ease - my heart opening up like a blossoming flower - every day a tiny bit more :-)
For me it was the BIG HUG which drew my attention since January - and each full and new moon and other special date I used to establish a precious connection so we would be able to open up the BASE of the new grid that day - and then I realized how it was ALL connected! And that it was WESAK time - and I had been led to invite SHAKTI for this moon ... and it all fits so perfectly well together, that it is miraculous :-)
So we received Buddha's blessings on the 5th/6th day after the Big Hug ... and a new foundation is laid. The foundation, I now realize - to step into our Divinity as MASTERS of LIGHT!
The new energy matrix is like a double cross which moves from East to west along and between the 40th to 45th latitude - and from South to North along the west coast of the Americas - and then through the Altai and China, down to Australia ... Ah - and maybe I will be able to detect similar energy lines in my new body????
Ok - now let's see where all this ig oing to lead us!
In the course of my reply to you I have met several new ideas - and I am very much looking forward to exploring them :-)
Great to connect and thanks for getting back to me so so quickly! Would love to hear about your experience with the initiation stones and crystals, my intention is to share with everyone each of our experiences, so please share if you feel to.
Just keep them with you as long as it feels right.
There is one very small stone I am intuiting needs to go to someone on the list. It is 'pinkish' in hue and has a symbol on it, if you are being with it or it has gone to someone else no worries! I trust they know what they are doing and where they go. If this stone is there and ready to move on can you please let me know, thanks.
Several of us found the stones wanted to be placed in waterways, can you check within if any of them wish to be placed in a river, lake, stream or the ocean in NZ or wherever you are visiting, ta.
Also several of us have intuited that some of the stones wish to go to Uluru this year, can you tune in and see if any stones wish to come from NZ and/or from other places you visit.
So glad you are a part of the stones and crystals journey. can you stay in touch and just let me know when they wish to move on.
Among Life's precious jewels, Genuine and rare, The one that we call friendship Has worth beyond compare. Thank you so much for responding to my friend request Lynette. Your friendship is most precious to me indeed! I came back to Mauritius last year... I was in Montreal, Canada for many years. Am a Canadian Citizen. Mauritius is nice to visit but not to live....I may have to go back. Best regards with Love Dev
You are welcome :) I am currently based in Melbourne. Spritually, I heal, play, meditate, connect, express, love and help raise the level of consciousness of my own and that of the whole in whatever way I am guided to.
Lynette, I'm delighted to welcome you to my discussion group "Ascension Now For You".... and please feel free to add your Light to our group thru posting discussions, videos, comments, etc. that help uplift us all.
Thank you for your friendship Lynette. It is good to meet you - with your real picture and your best dog Pearl. I love to know what people look like. It gives another dimension of groundedness. I love dogs too. They are great teachers of, "unconditional love."
Perhaps we have the same passion for channeling. I believe we are creating another whole body of spiritual truth with today's channelings. It is exciting to me!
Lynette, I am delighted to welcome you to our new group "Anna Merkaba - Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – Secrets of the Universe", where you will often find new & uplifting channelings from Anna Merkaba with this link: Anna Merkaba - Sacred Ascension
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Dear Lynette,
Thanks for joining the Group of Twin Flames....
With Love and Peace....
Feb 2, 2011
Myriel RAouine
Nope ;-)
To reply you have to go to messages, open my mail and reply.
I'm looking forward to receiving your mail :-)
Love and Light,
Sonja Myriel
Mar 6, 2011
Myriel RAouine
Dear Lynette,
you are absolutely right: It is essential that we are ready to RECEIVE! Asking for help is something that seems to be really hard for most of us ... We have several groups here where such a request would be most welcome ... Now this one might be the best: Living Light Grid - or we could say that this is part of our focus on the 9th underworld ... so this would be a given period of time: between March 9th and October 28th ... What do you think? Here's the group link: http://lightgrid.ning.com/group/theuniversalunderworldtheninthunder...
Would you like to post your suggestion in one of these groups?
I wear a clear quartz crystal day and night and by now it has absorbed my energy fully - LOL!
I know now that I can use it to transfer my energy more easily to persons or places or other crystals as well ... and yes, it connects me to our beloved Mother in so many more ways which i still have to find out in detail :-)
Now that spring has nearly come, I'm looking forward to spending so much more time out in nature again :-)
I'm sending you a sunny hug, dear Lynette, and thank you for your friendship,
Sonja Myriel
Mar 8, 2011
Myriel RAouine
Thank you s much for your encouraging message, dear Lynette!
Yes, hope and letting go of old belief systems are one of my lessons, too ... Lady Hope is the Archaii of the White Ray - and she helps us to bring PEACE and HEALING into our turbulent lives - and often these come throug conflict ... well, at the moment I am only working towards my physical healing - LOL!
But I think it has much to do with the golden ray and most probably the white ray as well ...
The White Lily is a symbol of the White Ray - and this white lily above is for you :-)
Thank you for being my friend, dear Lynette,
God and the Goddess are Blessing you!
Sonja Myriel
Mar 9, 2011
Myriel RAouine
I learned my lessons of FAITH when I was travelling around Europe. When everything had been stolen - first my wallet, next my backpack and finally my passport - I was only lwft with my train ticket which was valid for any train for the time of a month ... I decided to let go and try out if the Bible saying was true that God was providing for the birds and lillies so why not for us?!?
At the moment that I stopped thinking about where to sleep and what to eat next, this journey became the most wondrous experience I have had up to that time - LOL!
Dear Lynette, please choose one of the groups and explain your idea to the people there, will you? I think it is a wonderful vision which I would love to see turn reality here at lightgrid :-)
I'm sending you a white ray kiss, dear Lynette,
Sonja Myriel
Mar 9, 2011
Thank You Dear Sister!
Apr 14, 2011
Hi Lynette:
I'm sorry to read you had other situation with your clients. When you make your healing you receive some instructions from your guides or is your intuition? I don't know nothing about healing, long ago I was say that I'm, but I don't know. I'm more psychic, vision and listening. Something that I feel is that your healings besides heal make people see why and the reason they are having the condition/situation/ill/discomfort in their bodies. Do you work with karma healing? Any ways, that is what I feel. Your healing make people aware and some people don't understand or don't like to know that we provoke some discomforts or ills in our bodies.
Love and Wisdom send your way, Dear Lynette
Apr 21, 2011
Kirar Taraishia
Apr 25, 2011
The White
May 5, 2011
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Aug 10, 2011
Aug 17, 2011
Larry Christopher
Sep 27, 2011
gino plantamura
Nov 5, 2011
gino plantamura
Nov 5, 2011
Evi Georgiou
You are very welcome Lynette :)
It's so wonderful to be friends again here on Lightgrid! :)
~ Wishing you a beautiful day! ~
Nov 5, 2011
gino plantamura
Nov 7, 2011
In Loving Gratitude -
Feb 13, 2012
Maybe you are hungry, Dear Sister!! You made me laugh!
That is an Asian Lotus on Bali. I took a picture of her as I found her most stunning and beautiful ... standing there in the hot, tropical, equatorial sun. It was on my honeymoon ....
Feb 13, 2012
Myriel RAouine
You are a beautiful LIGHT Being, dear Lynette, THANK YOUR FOR YOUR PRESENCE at lightgrid!
Feb 17, 2012
Myriel RAouine
And so it IS,
Sonja Myriel Aouine
Feb 18, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Feb 18, 2012
LadySilver Moon
~Magickal Graphics~
Im wonderful! its a warm sunny spring(not yet) day here in Maryland, what a exciting school to start Goddess Bless dear one!
Mar 14, 2012
Asen Dimitrov
Hey there I'm good , are things alright with you ?
Mar 30, 2012
gino plantamura
THANK YOU MY DEAR FRIEND FOR THE BIRTHDAY WISH, I AM BLESSED TO HAVE A FRIEND LIKE YOU~~~~LOVE GINO~~~~FROM MY HEART TO YOUR HEART AND YOUR LOVE ONES
Apr 4, 2012
Myriel RAouine
I love your new profile picture, dear Lynette - THANK YOU :-)
Apr 15, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Deares Lynette - I just encountered your question on my page - and although I am alöready CONNECTEd to Lightgrid I have to pass on the link to our group on TIME QUALITIES to you NOW, lol!
FEEL you in the Ethers - what a Blessing :-)
Sonja Myriel
Apr 16, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Dear Lynette, please give me a link to the channeling you mention - I don't know about the latest posts, I was offline too much ;-)
Apr 16, 2012
Dear Lynette ~ Namaste ~ Thank you ~ Honored n blessed tobe your friend ~ Love ^ Light
I am from Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Welcome to India. India is land of SPECTRUM.
Land of Colors of Life.
Joy ^ Happiness ^
Apr 22, 2012
Thank you. Love ^ Light.
Apr 22, 2012
Thank you. Love ^ Light.
Apr 23, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Dearest Lynette,
TIME is passing by so quickly in the third dimension, indeed, lol!
But finally I am listening to the audio you mentioned - and I hear that it is exactly about what I am writing - hahahah :-)
Ok - listening NOW ... TARA??? Original 5th dimensional Earth ... WOW! My daughter is called Tara ... and I was given her name when I was pregnant, not even knowing this name exists!
TIME is NOW COSMIC TIME, right ... 9 aspects?! Ok - YES!!! This makes sense!
3 decans in a cosmic day - each having 10 cosmic hours, right? ... this is about galactic time, I suppose, which is said to come -
COSMIC Time - NOW TIME, which we are to ENTER: past-past / past-present / past-future // present-past / present-present / present-future // future-past / future-present / future-future
Yes - let us connect in the way suggested!!! This is exactly what it is all about at this time - lol!
It does not sound complicated to me at all - only logical and true, dear Lynette - THANK YOU for sharing - I will always remember this sacred information when I need to!
It reminds me of the 9 aspects of the GODDESS, too - the maiden, the mother and the wise old woman - each in three aspects of past - present - future ...
Moving into a higher octave from the 3rd to the 5th dimension ... that is ... I have always asked myself why we leave out the 4th dimension ...
Cosmic Time and Galactic Time ... LIGHT LANGUAGE! Yes - we can learn to speak this language ourselves ... learning to experiment FREELY with SOUND - with language ... the sound of light - YES!!!
Thank you for sharing the link with me dearest Lynette - I am looking forward to your reply,
Sonja Myriel
SHAKTI LIGHT Blessings :-)
Apr 27, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Apr 27, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Dear Lynette - sorry that I was occupied yesterday! You disconnected so fast I was not able to catch you in time!
Can you tell me more concerning Master Thoth and Lord Metatron and their gifts? You told me in your comment a week ago.
Wesak came in FULL SWING! It really started on May 1st - and is still continuing ... SHAKTI energy pure :-)))
How did you experience Wesak I found myself in the Wesak valley during our 11 am connection yesterday. We were to the left in the Wesak Valley - and you were with me/ us! You were in the second circle - and around us were even more members of lightgrid ... do you remember?
Sonja Myriel
May 7, 2012
Myriel RAouine
May 7, 2012
Myriel RAouine
Yes, indeed, dearest Lynette! We were to prepare for Wesak best as we each could - and have reaped the fruits :-)))
You are a true LIGHT WARRIOR, Lynette - and how beatiful that finally your wounds were HEALED by Master Thoth and Lord Metatron!!! I feel honored and loved that you have shared your experience with me, especially because I feel a certain push and pull of time lines too - at times, lol!
Also what you say about grounding - balancing male and female - and manifestation makes so much sense to me! And that the KEY to move on is ACCEPTANCE of who we ARE - first in the negative - to finally embrace DIVINITY!!!
Yes - it is time, indeed to FULLY embrace who we are! To walk the talk - and embody our DIVINITY!!!
I, too, can feel these changes tking place and I am moving into a space from which I can live with more ease - my heart opening up like a blossoming flower - every day a tiny bit more :-)
For me it was the BIG HUG which drew my attention since January - and each full and new moon and other special date I used to establish a precious connection so we would be able to open up the BASE of the new grid that day - and then I realized how it was ALL connected! And that it was WESAK time - and I had been led to invite SHAKTI for this moon ... and it all fits so perfectly well together, that it is miraculous :-)
So we received Buddha's blessings on the 5th/6th day after the Big Hug ... and a new foundation is laid. The foundation, I now realize - to step into our Divinity as MASTERS of LIGHT!
The new energy matrix is like a double cross which moves from East to west along and between the 40th to 45th latitude - and from South to North along the west coast of the Americas - and then through the Altai and China, down to Australia ... Ah - and maybe I will be able to detect similar energy lines in my new body????
Ok - now let's see where all this ig oing to lead us!
In the course of my reply to you I have met several new ideas - and I am very much looking forward to exploring them :-)
NAMASTE, Lynette,
Sonja Myriel
May 11, 2012
Damian (Kbr Amen Rkhty)
Thank You, Lynette.
Jul 16, 2012
THANKS dear Lynette!!
May Joy be in your Life every day!
Love, Love, Love
Jul 20, 2012
Kali Daniel
Hi Lynette
Great to connect and thanks for getting back to me so so quickly! Would love to hear about your experience with the initiation stones and crystals, my intention is to share with everyone each of our experiences, so please share if you feel to.
Just keep them with you as long as it feels right.
There is one very small stone I am intuiting needs to go to someone on the list. It is 'pinkish' in hue and has a symbol on it, if you are being with it or it has gone to someone else no worries! I trust they know what they are doing and where they go. If this stone is there and ready to move on can you please let me know, thanks.
Several of us found the stones wanted to be placed in waterways, can you check within if any of them wish to be placed in a river, lake, stream or the ocean in NZ or wherever you are visiting, ta.
Also several of us have intuited that some of the stones wish to go to Uluru this year, can you tune in and see if any stones wish to come from NZ and/or from other places you visit.
So glad you are a part of the stones and crystals journey. can you stay in touch and just let me know when they wish to move on.
Love Kali
Aug 1, 2012
Dev Anand
Among Life's precious jewels,
Genuine and rare,
The one that we call friendship
Has worth beyond compare.
Thank you so much for responding to my friend request Lynette.
Your friendship is most precious to me indeed!
I came back to Mauritius last year...
I was in Montreal, Canada for many years. Am a Canadian Citizen.
Mauritius is nice to visit but not to live....I may have to go back.
Best regards with Love Dev
Sep 27, 2012
Hi Lynette,
You are welcome :) I am currently based in Melbourne. Spritually, I heal, play, meditate, connect, express, love and help raise the level of consciousness of my own and that of the whole in whatever way I am guided to.
It was wonderful to connect with you x
Apr 15, 2013
KEN of holyness
thank you my friend i will except with honor. have a blessed day my friend.
Jun 11, 2013
KEN of holyness
thank you my friend i will look into them. god bless my friend.
Jul 12, 2013
Steve Hutchinson
Lynette, I'm delighted to welcome you to my discussion group "Ascension Now For You".... and please feel free to add your Light to our group thru posting discussions, videos, comments, etc. that help uplift us all.
Blessings of Love & Light,
Oct 27, 2013
Richard Levison
"Happy Birthday!"
Nov 22, 2013
Nov 29, 2013
Nov 29, 2013
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Dear Lynette,
I know Soluntra since last two months but I like her work...!!
From her mailings I could not resist and given a Group here....with kind permission from Sonja....
Dec 21, 2013
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Thank you for your friendship Lynette. It is good to meet you - with your real picture and your best dog Pearl. I love to know what people look like. It gives another dimension of groundedness. I love dogs too. They are great teachers of, "unconditional love."
Perhaps we have the same passion for channeling. I believe we are creating another whole body of spiritual truth with today's channelings. It is exciting to me!
Love, Ishema
Jan 19, 2014
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
The picture of Pearl came out perfectly Lynette. She is a love!
You are fortunate to have the sensitivity to hear her and know she is present.
You have a beautiful protector.
Love and Life,
Jan 20, 2014
Steve Hutchinson
Lynette, I am delighted to welcome you to our new group "Anna Merkaba - Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – Secrets of the Universe", where you will often find new & uplifting channelings from Anna Merkaba with this link: Anna Merkaba - Sacred Ascension
Blessings of Love & Light,
Nov 20, 2014