
Houston, TX

United States

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Hello All~

~ LOVE ~

I am AyAnna, love & light ever evolving. Through self discovery (awakening consciousness in this life)
I join the light workers in resonating highest light in this life~

For the growth of Humanity, evolution of our Earth, and resonating as much of our (SACRED) creator's light as possible, I am.

Infinite love & dedication to being Divine Love in this life, recognizing the sacred in others & all of existence~

Thank you for your presence & resonating with me, at an beautiful, inspirational level ~

That we are, is most beautiful...

& so it is...AMen

YouTube Channel:


Favorite Sacred Sciences
Sacred Geometry, cosmology and consciousness

About Me:

AyAnna~ (Ayanna K Franklin)

Am a Being of Light~ ~Honored and blessed to be here...@ this time, in this universe, on Earth and here, with you, at LightGrid ~

~(((Being/Living joyously, with Gratitude, for ALL of... Existence, is my Heart's Joy))) ~

A Mother, of a stellar and beautiful-souled, young lady ~ Ren~Maya

I Am: an ordained minister, have degree in nursing, mother, writer, empath/intuitive Energy and Natural Healer, certified Soul Therapist (via Dawn Clark: http://dawnclark.net), spiritual medium, LightGrid Administrator and all around general Light Worker.
~Being of Love and JOY ~(my favorite)


~Thank you, GOD, that I, AyAnna, AM~That WE ARE~Love


Astrological Sign

Favorite Books:

"Gifts of the Soul", Dawn Clark~

"Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are" by BoB Frissell

'What Is the What', by Dave Eggers

'Welcome Home', by Steve Rother and the Group

'Home with God', by Neale D. Walsch

'Say I Am You' by J Rumi


Our Greatest Fear {from~"A Return To Love"} —Marianne Williamson

it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other

people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.

—Marianne Williamson

Fav Song Lyrics:

"And In Time, We Will All Be Stars..."

I sing the body electric
I celebrate the me and to come
I toast to my own reunion
When I become one with the Sun

And I'll look back on Venus
I'll look back on Mars
And I'll burn with the fire of ten million stars
And in time
And in time
We will all be stars

I sing the body electric
I glory in the glow of Rebirth
Creating my own tomorrow
When I shall embody the Earth

And I'll serenade Venus
I'll serenade Mars
And I'll burn with the fire of ten million stars
And in time
And in time
We will all be stars

We are the emperors now
We are the czars
And in time
And in time

~ We Will All Be Stars ~

By Wade Lassister

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  • Myriel RAouine

    Wow, thank you sooo much for everything you have been doing these days, dear AyAnna! You have done a great job and I see now that I need not sacrifice my family for lightgrid anymore :-)

    You are such a beautiful soul - THANK YOU FOR SHINING YOUR LIGHT so brightly here at lightgrid!

    Sonja Myriel Aouine
  • Marek Andrzej Żarecki

  • Myriel RAouine

    Hi AyAnna - I hope you are doing ok? Any help needed? Are you ok? I hope to hear from you again, soon, as I've started to worry about you.

    I hope everything is ok on your side and you just need some time out. That's perfectly ok and I have no probelm with that, I think you know - but it would be good to know that you are well!


    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

    To fully understand this truth is the most awsome process of re-membrance!

    Thank you for being with me in this exciting journey

    Love, Light and Joy to you and all you LOVE,

    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

    Soo much that I'm learning ... THANK YOU!

    Much LOVE and LIGHT and JOY and BEAUTY to you and all you LOVE :-)

    Sonja Myriel
  • Myriel RAouine

    LOVE, LIGHT and BLESSINGS to you and all you love :-)

    Sonja Myriel
  • Angel~a

  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear AyAnna,
    I do not know any thing but I Love this site very much and this is my mission !
    So God has directed me here !
    I love you all and my feelings are some different than at other places !
    Thanks for your Love and faith in me.....

  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear AyAnna,
    I Love the picture of Crystal Matrix.
    With Love, Light, Peace and Harmony,

  • Myriel RAouine


  • Arleem

    Thank you for the video my Dear Anna!
    Love you Natasaxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • viracocha patchacutie pachacamac




  • Myriel RAouine

    You are SPECIAL :-)



    An ANGEL HUG and eternal BLESSINGS,


    Sonja Myriel



  • Arleem

    New Year brings Us Beautiful Moments with Love and Joy!!
  • Arleem

  • Arleem

    ______¶♥♥Hanhepi Angel♥♥¶
    ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶______♥Love♥______ ¶¶
    _________$$$_____ $$$
  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear AYAnna,

    Thanks for joining the Group of "Ambassadors Of Love, Light and Peace...."

    Lots of Blessings....


  • CrystalStar Rita

    Thank you for your friendship and welcome in the cosmic circle of the cosmic mother
  • Doug DeWitt

    Thanks for your kind words, and expression of interest... you might like to read my recent comment on the Whirling Rainbow thread in the Native American Connection:




  • geetha

    Thanks a lot for inviting me . lov u all a lot

    love and light


  • AMBA

  • Joni

    thank you ayanna...i hope you are well...i have been taking care of so many sites i haven't been around much....i appreciate your taking time to think of me :)
    many blessings 2 you dear one !
  • Eckart

    Thank you so much dear AyAnna. Wish you a wonderful time ahaid.

    Love Light and Peace to you


  • Arleem

    Love you my Dear sister ((((((<3))))))
  • Kali Daniel

    Dearest Sister AyAnna,

    How timely was your beautiful message!


    May all our Lights shine brightly on each other as we go on our searching way to Ascension. 



  • Angel~a


    Thank You for the warm Birthday wishes. I'm still fighting my thyroid issues-trying to get my TSH level normal again-it is really taking a toll on me. I loved seeing the Happy Birthday from you!:)Oh-my daughter healed wonderfully!

    Love You sister!



  • Angel~a

    Thank You sister!Yes,I've noticed many of us are going through illness right now.My TSH is up too high.This in turn makes my fibro issues worse-but eventually we'll find the right dose.

    I hope your daughter is ok?Ear problems maybe?Let me know.


    I hope you have a beautiful weekend filled with love and joy!

    I love you too AyAnna;)

  • Myriel RAouine

    Dear AyAnna, thank you so much! I can finally see the light again - LOL!



    Your support has touched me deeply :-)


    Sonja Myriel

  • Graham Spooner

    Hello Ayanna,thank you,glad to be aboard.
  • Terry Ellsmore

    Thank's for welcoming not sure as what you are asking as far as channelling so to clear up as far I have only used chanelling for my next step for my ascension for example opening the sacred rose or placing the circle of fire around me ,whatever I am told  , I have done a little with the pen and pad difficult to filter out monkey mind from super conscious also I have been led to alot on the knight's templar from a past life in the 1300's hope this has helped.
  • Kirar Taraishia

    Kia ora AyAnna ... Wonderful to linkup with my Soul Family ... Much Aroha ... Kereru!
  • Rajdeep Kaur

    Dear lovely AyAnna,

    Thank you for your blessed message, I will meditate on this.

    Best wishes,

    Rajdeep Kaur
  • Galina

    Thank you,AyAnna...:))Oh,the name for the new world will be even more beautiful than "Lemuria"...though I can't imagine anything sounding more beautiful...:))

    Get this Graphic on yTagi!
  • ★Mysticpagan★Hedgewitch★

    Thankyou for your warm welcome!

  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear AyAnna,

    Thanks for your beautiful message.....

    My computer was not working so I was absent.....was attending very rarely....

    The Video of Swami Jaggi Vasudev.....as Sadguru....I wanted to visit once his Place in I ndia...when time permits.....


  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear AyAnna,

    Now Official..Friendship.......Thanks a lot....


  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear AyAnna,

    We are One and ment for to work in the Divine Plan of God.....That I know....

    With Lots of Love, Light and peace....


  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you so much, dear sister, for spreading your LOVE and LIGHT and WISDOM here at lightgrid in such a wonderfully unique way!

    Eternal Love and Blessings,

    Sonja Myriel
  • Arleem

    Love you my Dear sis ((((((<3))))))
  • Bernadette Marie Groves

    Red Ribbon
  • Angel~a

    Congrats to you as well.:) I have a 17 year old and a 14 year old-all girls. The 17 yr.old is VERY TRYING most of the time-but she is a good kid.They grow up quick !

    Love and Light to you dear sister!

  • Phyllis Franklin

    Hi Ay Anna, love you very very much! Thanks for inviting me to your site.
  • Angel~a

    Love you Sister!

    Thank you and love you very much. Namaste
  • Eckart

    Thank you very much for your thank you :-).

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Love Light and Peace to you


  • Sunspiritsmiles

    Your gift & comment is much appreciated dear heart.



  • Angel~a

    Ayanna-please check your e-mail...it's Important;)Need your address:)



  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear AyAnna,

    Thanks for your teacher's group.....

    Teachers are always very responsible for what they say and advise....

    One should be very very sincere, Honest, Pure in Heart, with Clarity of Mind to teach others ......And as you said they should act and behave before they can advise any thing ....Trust is very essential to develop....

    There are so many who wants to become a teacher when they know very little about any thing ....But Depth of Knowledge and expression poer will win the heart of others...

    You are very true and perfect in certain  aspects also.....

    God Bless you....

    I am always with you.....With Love and Peace.....to bring Light in the minds of to whom we are teaching....


  • debbie richardson

    Thankyou AyAnna and all for such a beautiful site...feels like 'Home' :)))



  • Charlotte Startt

    Thank you so very much for the warm welcome. I have truly enjoyed your site. I had such a great experience enjoying AAGabriel last night and was blessed with such precious dream. Thank you
    Much love