Thank you so much for checking this site out and for joining in!
I will add your name and location to the members' list and inform all the other members of your presence, soon. Have you already found out when connection time is for you? You find links to the time convertor at the main page and in the group "Lightgrid" :-)
If you have any questions or doubts, please contact me or one of the administrators or leave a comment at the discussion "Personal Experiences with the Silver Violet Flame and Ray" in the group "Lightgrid".
Concerning June 26 and July 17 - please check out this group about the Conscious Convergence:
Discussions which are posted in the groups are usually not shared with all the members of lightgrid, therefore I ask you to have a look at the groups, decide which ones arouse your interest and join them. If you are interested in Channelings, please join our group called Channelings of the day :-)
There are also several groups where we support each other and I invite you to make friends, exchange experiences and and Help our Mother Earth and all Her Beings Mutual Support Group Reiki Healing
Thank you for your message the other day regarding the healing I gave to the lady that was rude and aggressive.
I did another healing on a lady a couple of days ago, who texted me the next day. and said she now felt that all hope she ever had of having a good life had been destroyed by the healing I gave her.
I think these situations happen to give me the opportunity to be stronger and have unshakable belief in myself.
It's not a problem, i'm not upset, it's good, it's almost funny.
The energy I bring in is consciousness and compassion. I have spent 15 years studying cultivating consciousness, being of right heart and right mind. The healing I facilitate ( as you have intuited ) delivers clarity and self realisation, which people aren't always keen to have and also they are not expecting it at times, others are delighted as they are ready to come out of the fog.
I have had a high number of people coming to me for healing recently who have addictions. I am wondering if I"m going to be moving into this area more with my healing. These clients can be more challenging than most - rude, aggressive and unappreciative. I wondering if this is part of my training for this work.
Thanks for all the great posting you do and the friendship.
~Magickal Graphics~
Jul 16, 2010
Myriel RAouine
Thank you so much for checking this site out and for joining in!
I will add your name and location to the members' list and inform all the other members of your presence, soon. Have you already found out when connection time is for you? You find links to the time convertor at the main page and in the group "Lightgrid" :-)
If you have any questions or doubts, please contact me or one of the administrators or leave a comment at the discussion "Personal Experiences with the Silver Violet Flame and Ray" in the group "Lightgrid".
Concerning June 26 and July 17 - please check out this group about the Conscious Convergence:
Discussions which are posted in the groups are usually not shared with all the members of lightgrid, therefore I ask you to have a look at the groups, decide which ones arouse your interest and join them. If you are interested in Channelings, please join our group called Channelings of the day :-)
There are also several groups where we support each other and I invite you to make friends, exchange experiences and and Help our Mother Earth and all Her Beings
Mutual Support Group
Reiki Healing
Love, Light and Blessings,
Sonja Myriel
Jul 23, 2010
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Thanks for being with us as the Spiritual Warriors and the Co-Creators !
You are welcome with lots of Love and Blessings,
Aug 11, 2010
Apr 12, 2011
THANK YOU dear Sister for joining the group!;)
Apr 14, 2011
Lynette Williams
Thank you for your message the other day regarding the healing I gave to the lady that was rude and aggressive.
I did another healing on a lady a couple of days ago, who texted me the next day. and said she now felt that all hope she ever had of having a good life had been destroyed by the healing I gave her.
I think these situations happen to give me the opportunity to be stronger and have unshakable belief in myself.
So thank you for your lovely message.
Love Lynette x
Apr 21, 2011
Lynette Williams
Dear Hilda
It's not a problem, i'm not upset, it's good, it's almost funny.
The energy I bring in is consciousness and compassion. I have spent 15 years studying cultivating consciousness, being of right heart and right mind. The healing I facilitate ( as you have intuited ) delivers clarity and self realisation, which people aren't always keen to have and also they are not expecting it at times, others are delighted as they are ready to come out of the fog.
I have had a high number of people coming to me for healing recently who have addictions. I am wondering if I"m going to be moving into this area more with my healing. These clients can be more challenging than most - rude, aggressive and unappreciative. I wondering if this is part of my training for this work.
Thanks for all the great posting you do and the friendship.
Love Lynette x
Apr 22, 2011
Lynette Williams
Thank you for your lovely offer of friendship.
All my love Lynette x
Apr 22, 2011
Ishema, Carol Suchecki
Have a wonderful week Hilda!
Love, Carol
May 3, 2011
Myriel RAouine
BLESSINGS of Love and Light and THANKS from the bottom of my heart,
Sonja Myriel
May 23, 2011