HIGHER SELF/Divine Spark within

On/About/For: Re~membering, Being and  Living as Our Higher Selves, along with any answers/guidances/messages received.
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  • carol/ snow paws brown

     ive been looking at the images posted on the group page and the first one funnily reminded me of me last night sitting on my bed while looking at my bos . 

    but I also remembered the drawing I done ages ago of my astral form sitting next to a water fall allowing all my sorry and worries drift away . plus I had been filming my bedroom as ive been getting orbs visiting me . as all you will have notice that ive not been on the website for awhile due to my husband being terminal ill. he sadly pasted into the hands of the angels in march a year and a day after we were married in march this year so ive had a lot to deal with . it seems that my spiritual path is now allowing me to see the truth that had been hidden from me all these years by family and proffesionals . 

    I'm suffering from osteoarthrist and what I would count as either autism or as I would count it as shamans illness . so I hope my white light gifts help many others especially as the world is hitting a period of trouble . where I live its the brexit but the rest of the world its weather etc .

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Thank you so much Carol for sharing with us. Your white light gift is very much needed in the world at this time. There is a Great Shift in Consciousness that is occurring, and the Light is helping humanity to see what needs to change. We are moving into a New Age when Love and Harmony will be the norm, but for now there is much that needs to change. We need the Light to see what to change and where we are going. 

    Blessings of Love to you!


  • Myriel RAouine

    Dearest Carol, life can be intense and demanding and there is no way to escape our lessons of LOVE. PURE, undemanding love and service open us up to the next level of existence, a level where we reencounter JOY as the true ELEXIR OF LIFE
    PEACE AND HEALING are the gifts which are being released by the lightgrid for all of humanity and for all life on Earth. It's good to see you back, Carol. LOVE is the answer to any difficult Situation because it melts away the surrounding darkness and what remains is an EXPERIENCE which has helped you to deepen your Love and to feed your Wisdom.

    Threefold Flame Blessings and Violet Ray Greetings,

    Sonja Myriel