Ascending And Living In Our Unfolding 5th Dimensional World

The focus of this group is sharing...sharing our visions of the new 5th dimensional world we are all helping create with our spiritual practices...and also sharing our experiences of our journey in our spiritual life, ascension, and in creating our new world.

My vision is to create a world where everyone is living in peace and joy and abundance with all of humanity having realized and embodied their Divine Self.

So feel free to share, and a convenient link to do that is:

So feel free to share with posts, comments, etc.

Infinite Blessings of the Creator's Love & Energies of Unity Consciousness & Crystalline Rainbow Light with ever-unfolding Enlightenment, & Violet Flames, & Blessings of Divine Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You in Every Moment !

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  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    What are you grateful for today?

    This is the question that I start and end every single day with and most importantly: this question vibrates in my body multiple times throughout the whole day.

    Our days can easily suck us into loops and unconscious patterns that make us repeat behaviors that we actually don’t feel anymore to be our truth.

    To stop during the day is crucial to develop a healthier and more abundant lifestyle.

    I feel touched by heaven every single day. So many blessings are gifted to each one of us. We simply have to open our eyes for them and receive every single moment as a teaching and gift.

    Sending love always ♾️🤍

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Recorded live during the 8.8.8 Uluru Rebirth Journey - a gift for all from the amazing Arcturian Scientific Collective.

    With love love love as always, Solara An-Ra

    Light Tribe of Gaia

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    You are invited to ask for the presence of various guides who bring their unique energies to support your ascension process. You'll also have the opportunity to connect with your personal Star Family, opening doorways to cosmic wisdom and memories.
    This meditation aims to raise your vibration, preparing you for the intense energetic work of the coming days. As you open yourself to these higher frequencies, you may experience profound shifts in perception and a deepening sense of your multidimensional nature.
    Allow yourself to fully receive these energies, trusting in the process and your own innate ability to evolve.
    Guides called in: Angelic Realm, Mother Mary (Blessed Mother), Buddha, Maitreya, Kuan Yin, Ascended Masters, Elohim Council of Angels, Your personal Star Families

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Melanie Beckler:
    September 17th/18th 2024 we have a powerful Super Full Moon Eclipse happening, and the Full Moon, known as the Harvest Moon is bringing a heightened energy of transformation and illumination as we harvest all we've learned from and grown through in this current cycle as we now prepare for the next cycle and something new.
    This Full Moon is the perfect opportunity to cleanse and release what is no longer serving you so you can step into the new paradigm possibilities for your life.
    Are you ready for it? The Eclipsed Harvest Full Moon is a powerful opening act for the September Equinox Gateway of Balance on the 22nd ...
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    Hello there, divine being of light

    Light Language is a Sacred Technology that offers you a powerful visual, auditory, and sensory experience that activates your divine, original, truest and purest templates of being.

    This Light Language transmission is to clear energetic imprints that are not in alignment with our Divine Soul Blueprint. Re-activating and turning on our original programmings of the highest vibrational templates of truth, love, and light.

    As we go about our life in the matrix, we unconsciously take on many belief systems that are not part of our Divine Soul Template.

    I was being given the analogy to describe this like a computer being attacked by viruses.

    These external templates (belief systems, values, identities) can get really deeply imprinted into our fields and we lose connection with who we TRULY are overtime.

    You are a powerful being and I’m here to assist you to clear these implants and imprints and call back your Divine Soul Blueprints.


  • Steve Hutchinson