Ascending And Living In Our Unfolding 5th Dimensional World

The focus of this group is sharing...sharing our visions of the new 5th dimensional world we are all helping create with our spiritual practices...and also sharing our experiences of our journey in our spiritual life, ascension, and in creating our new world.

My vision is to create a world where everyone is living in peace and joy and abundance with all of humanity having realized and embodied their Divine Self.

So feel free to share, and a convenient link to do that is:

So feel free to share with posts, comments, etc.

Infinite Blessings of the Creator's Love & Energies of Unity Consciousness & Crystalline Rainbow Light with ever-unfolding Enlightenment, & Violet Flames, & Blessings of Divine Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You in Every Moment !

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  • Steve Hutchinson


    Melanie Beckler:

    Right now is a powerful point of preparation for the upcoming Eclipse Cycle. The time is now, to activate greater love within and to align with Soul Light and Divine Presence to cleanse and uplift your energy overflowing out beyond you to bless and benefit All.
    In this guided meditation you will experience a transmission of love, I Am Presence, and Angel Energy Healing frequencies to empower you to Ignite Your Soul Light, to anchor a higher level of your authentic truth, and to realign with your Soul.
    This realignment with your Divine Soul Blueprint not only helps you to live in greater harmony, balance, joy, love, and abundance now… But also to access the new level of gifts, awareness, and higher consciousness available as you step into the next phase of your highest mission and destiny.
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Neelam - The Quantum Alchemist:

    As the energy of war breaks out in Israel many are feeling the energy of sadness. To ease these feelings I connected in meditation to White Buffalo Calf Woman who showed me a powerful meditation using the peace pipe to resolve conflict through focused intention meditation and visualisation.

    Please join us for the next 30 days and help lift the vibrations of Earth. Join our newsletter and stay connected for our next community gathering and peace on earth meditation.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Steve Nobel:

    Archangel Kristiel (often spelt Christiel) is assisting humanity at this time in anchoring Feminine frequencies within the Christ grid. She is helping to restore the original template of peace and harmonious living on this ascending earth-plane.

    “Archangel Christiel is the angel of the divine feminine Christ Consciousness. She is a very high vibrational angel who can assist you in activating the Christ light within, connecting you to the energies of love, compassion, peace, forgiveness, courage, strength and higher wisdom.

    The Christ light is usually associated with Jesus, but many masters of light such as the Buddha also worked with this energy. Archangel Christiel can help you connect to this energy of higher consciousness and love directly through the higher chakras – the soul star, causal and stellar gateway chakras.” – From the Angels Among Us Guidebook

    The Divine Feminine Christ Light is returning to this dimension of the earth now to help end the darkness this planet has endured for thousands of years.

    This remastered transmission will assist you in reconnecting with the 6D Divine Feminine template of harmony, peace, love and Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness. It will help to clear your pain body of lower frequencies, uplift all your earthly relationships and also help to increase the light within the planet itself.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    This video from Melanie Beckler actually premiered on Oct 7, and it's still as powerfully uplifting as ever - so if you haven't had the pleasure of meditating with Melanie's video - just click on the photo or the link below for Melanie's YouTube Video - Ignite Your Soul Light
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Melanie Beckler:

    November 11th (11/11) is a powerful awakening portal. Learn 3 things you need to know about this powerful portal & point of Profound Energy Shift now!


  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Steve Nobel:

    As we move through the intensity of the shift of Ages from Dark to Light we are still experiencing the insanity of violence and war.
    This transmission is designed to increase the vibration of peace within your physical, etheric, emotional and mental bodies. You will have the space to take a vow of peace at all levels of your being if you so choose.
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Moojibaba shares a very powerful and simple daily practice that brings us into the heart of being. Many people around the world have incorporated this exercise into their daily lives and are testifying to the immense fruits of this new call for commitment and dedication to Self-discovery.

    “I want you to sit and just be aware of your sense of being, just the sense of ‘I am.’ However often the mind comes, it’s ok—don’t fight, just come back to awareness.

    Even if you felt you did not succeed, you will feel a difference. There is a power in learning to observe with detachment, even if you think you fail, just do it! This exercise is going to change your life, but only if you persist. This is the greatest gift you are giving to yourself, ever.” 28 October 2023

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Melanie Beckler:

    The November Full Moon offers a powerful point for you to reclaim your power and step into living in greater Truth and authenticity. It's also potentially got a volatile energy. Are you ready for it?

    Learn more about How to Tap Into the Power of the Full Moon here:

    Then... For even more support making the most of this time... Check out these videos next: How to Let Go:

    Violet Flame Meditation - Instant Energy Shift! ✨💜🔥

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson