Ascending And Living In Our Unfolding 5th Dimensional World

The focus of this group is sharing...sharing our visions of the new 5th dimensional world we are all helping create with our spiritual practices...and also sharing our experiences of our journey in our spiritual life, ascension, and in creating our new world.

My vision is to create a world where everyone is living in peace and joy and abundance with all of humanity having realized and embodied their Divine Self.

So feel free to share, and a convenient link to do that is:

So feel free to share with posts, comments, etc.

Infinite Blessings of the Creator's Love & Energies of Unity Consciousness & Crystalline Rainbow Light with ever-unfolding Enlightenment, & Violet Flames, & Blessings of Divine Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You in Every Moment !

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  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    THE POWER IS HERE NOW is an Invitation to FEEL Your POWER. To Feel WHO you are. To Feel that GIFT that you are. We are ALL so UNIQUE and so DIVINE. We Each have Such POWER and STRENGTH in Simply BEING OURSELVES and Showing Up.
    To Always Remember, NO MATTER WHAT, we All STUMBLE, we All FALL. As the Hilarious and Ingenious Bill Hicks used to say: 'Life is a Roller Coaster, it's UP and DOWN.' And so, this song is about Just Being Okay to GO WITH THE FLOW OF LIFE.
    To be PROUD of Your UNIQUENESS. To say to the World: “THIS is WHO I Am - THIS is WHAT I Do.”
    You and Me as a COLLECTIVE, with the FORCE of our KINDNESS, have the Potential of Creating REAL MAGIC here on Earth. Magic that is so REAL, and so POSSIBLE.
    It's NOT Just a DREAM ! Our THOUGHTS Create Reality (so Make Sure you Choose your Thoughts WISELY)
    And in a time when we Idolize and Imitate people on our Smartphone Screens whom we have Never Met, and Probably Never Will, she Encourages us JUST TO BE OURSELVES. To be TRUE to Ourselves, as we have:
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    Matt Kahn:
    I am sending out prayers, love, blessings, and vital resources to everyone affected by the fires in Lahaina, Hawaii and in all other areas currently facing wildfires or are preparing for the landfall of a tropical storm/hurricane.
    These are transformative times when the power of community, and our connection to Source become even more important.
    With love from my heart to yours, I offer a new Energy Update video (below) to help us all make sense of some of the energies we may be experiencing and are processing—to allow us entry points into a new reality.
    Please join me for this transmission of healing energy as we explore the emotional and energetic themes of this month.
    I will also answer some of your deepest questions to help you heal during this time of global expansion.
    Let us come together, feel together, and heal together.
    All for Love,

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Enjoy Patricia Cota-Robles latest message for our spiritual upliftment...

    Video - Vlog 337 - The Next Step of The Integration of My I Am Presence -

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Setting intentions and consciously bringing your vibration into resonance with what you are choosing to welcome in your life.
    One powerful method for doing this is utilizing affirmations.
    Consciously infusing your consciousness with the qualities of the Divine you are now choosing to claim and call forth:
    I Am That!
    The harmony of the early morning hours offers us a fresh canvas, and morning meditation, and affirmation are both powerful ways to very consciously set the tone for the day ahead.
    With each positive affirmation, you're not just setting your intentions for the day but also aligning your vibration with that of abundance, love, and possibility.

    Listen to this new Morning I Am Affirmations track every day for 21 days as a part of your morning routine to empower positive blessings in your life.

    You can listen as a meditation, or put it on in the background as you're getting ready for work, making breakfast, or diving into whatever other tasks you do in the morning.

    With love and bright blessings,

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    Solara An-Ra:
    In this September Equinox Portal the Arcturian Councils (assisted by the Pleiadians, who come in later), lead us through a beautiful guided visualisation which assists in our understanding of our evolution into 5-D consciousness – and how this relates to the planet and the new 5-D Core Crystal of Love.
    We learn how our heart connection with the Core Crystal of Love allows us to receive the Codes of Rejuvenation from the Core Crystal of Love ~ which allows our bodies to heal and rejuvenate so that we can walk our paths of Light unimpeded by physical difficulties.
    And we connect also from our hearts with Alcyone, the Sun-Star of the Pleiades ~ our most important higher dimensional connection because of our seeding by the Pleiadian Star Mothers at the time of Lemuria. Our connection in both directions is essential in the birthing of the New Earth right here, right now! And So It Is!
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    Listen to the Music of the Universe. Relax the mind, raise your frequency and settle in bliss, divinity & love. Breathe slowly and deeply. Feel your body. Connect with the Earth & Sky.
    You are safe, you are protected. Everything supports us. Give yourself a smile. You deserve it. And everyone does. We are all one. May we all experience the divine, that we all are.
    In our natural state of peace & love, the gratitude comes forward and we step into the surrender, through which our best possible creation happens.
    Let us all discover our highest potential and manifest it right here, right now. Let’s be in service to one another and may our hearts guide us. The best happens right here, right now.
    The music has been created intuitively in the state of flow and surrender. The sound of didgeridoo has been weaved with angelic singing.
    The title and the energy of the music speaks to the state and feeling of Abundance. Connect with it, cultivate it. Tune into gratitude and receive.
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson