Ascending And Living In Our Unfolding 5th Dimensional World

The focus of this group is sharing...sharing our visions of the new 5th dimensional world we are all helping create with our spiritual practices...and also sharing our experiences of our journey in our spiritual life, ascension, and in creating our new world.

My vision is to create a world where everyone is living in peace and joy and abundance with all of humanity having realized and embodied their Divine Self.

So feel free to share, and a convenient link to do that is:

So feel free to share with posts, comments, etc.

Infinite Blessings of the Creator's Love & Energies of Unity Consciousness & Crystalline Rainbow Light with ever-unfolding Enlightenment, & Violet Flames, & Blessings of Divine Healing, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You in Every Moment !

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  • Steve Hutchinson

    A sacred sound journey and meditation to the sanctuary of your heart. Clear density, weave, create and live consciously aware of the love that you are once more. Including the wisdom and power of the plants to awaken your connection with essential oils.

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Patricia Cota-Robles leads us with Mother Mary in a beautiful and powerful invocation to help heal every human being with the Violet Flames.

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Right now is a powerful point of new beginning, and of beginning to move forward ... Receive the message from the Angels meant to find you now at this powerful point in time. ✨🙏💫

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Judy gifts us in this video with very powerful upgrades for all working with Reiki or any other modality of energetic healing. The Divine Light Energy Judy transmits will also help awaken anyone's natural healing abilities, and will also help your spiritual upliftment.

    Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light to all, Steve

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Greeting & Blessings of Divine Love,

    Beloved family of the One God, the mighty I Am Presence.

    May you too earn your ascension as soon as possible, according to your Divine Plan.

    God Bless, protect, illumine, heal, sustain and supply you without limit!

    The Ascension

    I feel my God Flame touch my brow,

    The breath of Love - Eternal Now!

    I raise my eyes, and lo I see,

    My eternal Self over me.

    A dazzling cloud envelopes all,

    I hear my own God Presence call.

    I feel a surge of Love's great Might,

    And enter deeply, its breath, its Light!

    I see within this pulsing Flame,

    And listen, hear, its pulsing Name.

    I feel the glow - the Great Flame's Breath,

    I Am the Victor over Death.

    I pour out life - I lift, I raise,

    My heart overflows and sings its praise.

    My power strengthens and inspires,

    My great Light Rays are God's own Fires.

    I Am a Sun, My Love, Its Light,

    All else grows dim, earth lost to sight,

    I know that I Am God - The One,

    The Source - The Great Central Sun.

    I stand forth free - ascended now!
    To my heart's Light - I bow to all things.
    I Am a Being of Divine cause alone,
    And that cause - Love - The Sacred Tone.
    I pour out life, I lift, I raise,
    My heart overflows & sings its praise,
    My power strengthens and inspires.
    My Great Light Rays are God's Own Fires.
    I Am a Sun, My Love, Its Light
    All else grow dim-earth lost to sight;
    I know that I Am God - The One
    The Source-The Great, Great Central Sun.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    In this video, please join Matt Kahn for a transmission of healing energy to transform the pattern of loneliness into a doorway of greater connection and self-awareness.

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Your personality self may not be at peace, but your higher self always is. So today, we are inviting the higher selves of every single person on the planet to step forward and light a candle for peace.
    Take a moment to close your eyes, ground yourself, and take a deep, peaceful breath. Set your intention for world peace. Just relax and allow each breath to take you deeper into a centered space.
    In a centered space, open your heart. Literally feel the petals of your heart center open and feel the beautiful center of your heart radiating.
    Now, call forth Archangel Metatron, who is in charge of the ascension of our planet. Call that energy forth from the glowing depths of your heart chakra. Archangel Metatron is with you now. You may see, sense, or trust that his golden-orange light is right with you.
    Ask for a divine dispensation that the higher self of every single person on the planet oversights them for an instant. And in a blinding instant, the shimmering, glorious higher self of everyone surrenders into the Divine Peace & Love in their heart.
    I Accept the Energies of Divine Peace & Love into my Whole Being, and I surrender to the Divine Peace & Love & Freedom of my Divine Self. I accept this Divine Grace & Blessings for myself and for every human being.
  • Steve Hutchinson

    Learn a 7 step tried-and-true practice for meeting your spirit guide, and then, close your eyes relax and allow as I guide you through the practice in a short spirit guide meditation so you can connect with the guidance, wisdom, light and frequency of your spirit guides now.
    This practice works, and with effort and dedication, the time you invest to connect with your spirit guide will be rewarded tenfold as you deepen your bond with the spirit world. Your spirit guides are waiting; all you have to do is press play.

  • Steve Hutchinson

    In this transformative meditation experience, prepare to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and inner illumination.
    Through the gentle guidance of this meditation, you will immerse yourself in the harmonious frequencies of light language, a celestial communication that transcends words.
    Allow the sacred light codes to permeate your being, activating dormant energies and empowering your soul's essence. As you delve deeper into this immersive meditation, you will awaken your inner light, align with your true purpose, and experience a profound sense of empowerment and spiritual growth.
    Get ready to ignite the spark within and embrace the limitless potential of your being. Join us on this transformative journey of self-realization and personal empowerment.
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    This is a Mass Meditation to heal our hearts and Raise the Vibration of the entire planet  Held the fourth Sunday of every month.
    Get notified of our Next Unite in LOVE meditation-
    Thank you all who joined in and added your magic!!
  • Steve Hutchinson

    Welcome to Sound Alchemy for Your Soul with intuitive healer, channel, and voice alchemist, Anümani Santos. In this show, we will transport you to Shambala, where you will experience an activation with the Goddess Tara and the Tibetan Monks of the Melchizedek.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Let yourself enjoy Patricia Cota-Robles powerfully uplifting meditation with ascended Master Mother Mary.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Steve Nobel:

    We are at a point where the timelines are splitting. In this transmission you will learn to unhook from the old karmic earth grid and more fully connect to the new ascending crystalline 5D grid.
    This transmission will also help you open the inner channel and thus connect more deeply with the Christ Grid and open to the new 5D chakra system waiting to be birthed inside of you. This transmission will help Starseeds prepare for the current energy shifts
  • Steve Hutchinson

    Melanie Beckler:
    June 3rd/ 4th we have a Powerful Full Moon... Learn what this Full Moon Lunar energy means for you and how to tune into the opportunities and navigate the challenging aspects here now.
    Then... Here is the Video I mention about How to Connect With Your Spirit Guide:
    Here is a free 5 Min Energy Cleanse with Archangel Michael:
    Full Moon Guided Meditation here:
    With Love & Bright Blessings,
  • Steve Hutchinson


    This is an energy channeling & guided meditation for this Full Moon in Sagittarius. The session takes you on a journey through your mind, heart & Soul. We breakthrough the energy of our comfort zones & align with the next level of expansion. You also get the key to fulfilling your deepest hearts desires & wishes. Much love, Rachael

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Welcome to Sound Alchemy for Your Soul with intuitive healer, channel, and voice alchemist, Anümani Santos (Elohi Magdalena Rosa). In this transmission, we will be taking you to a temple of light to reconnect with your Source Light, returning you to the Source within.

    Join Anümani every second and fourth Monday of the month at 5pm EST where she will be channeling her galactic guides (Ishtar) along with other deities and ascended beings of light to share spiritual teachings and take you on a guided symphony of sounds, song, spoken word, and light language to help you melt away what’s in the way of a deeper connection with your Soul and the Divine Being of light that you are.

    Video - Sound Alchemy For Your Soul

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Join Patricia Cota-Robles and call upon and merge with Cosmic Light Beings supporting mankind's healing and ascension.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    Relax back into this 45 minute guided meditative practice of yoga nidra to connect to the wisdom of Anahata chakra or the heart chakra. This energetic centre is the bridge between our inner and outer worlds, represented by the air element. This chakra invites us to connect deeply to the essence of our true innermost self and to take the time to consider our own needs and desires in this life.

    This practice invites you to return home to the heart and to extend loving awareness and energy outward to Self and to all beings. Meeting yourself with kindness and compassion, embody the air element as you send love and compassion to all layers of you, recognizing that love, like air, exists within you and all around you. Thereby strengthening your relationship to Self and all that existed in this world.

    Cultivate qualities of love, compassion, joy, gratitude, peace and calm. Emerge feeling at home in your body, at home in the heart space. This practice is a reminder that you too, deserve the same loving attention you give out into the world. You are worthy of it.

  • Steve Hutchinson


    This New Moon and entrance into the Solstice Gateway presents opportunity to harmonize and realign with your Soul, and to welcome yourself into the next stage of your soul mission, purpose, awakening, and really thriving in your life.

    Listen to a FREE Angel Meditation here:    • Angel Meditation!...  

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Divine Mother Energy Healing with Beth Wright, A Meditation A Day. In this Meditation, we will invoke the Light to activate our energy centers and subtle bodies. We will connect the Heart of the Earth and the Universal One Heart with our own hearts. We will receive the Love of the Divine Mother as we connect with her healing presence.
    “A Meditation A Day” is sponsored by Enlightened World Network. Our intention is to come together to surround the planet, humanity, and ourselves with divine healing love. We know when two or more are gathered, that we then amplify the intention and energy for ourselves and for the collective.Connect to Enlightened World’s global network of lightworkers and enjoy our videos, articles and meditations.
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson


    Solstice Transmission By Neelam - The Quantum Alchemist
    Neelam is a Cosmic & Quantum Alchemist, Grand Master Healer, Channel, DNA Activator and Cosmic Visionary. She is the founder of Circle of Light, leading, supporting and nurturing a conscious global community of heart centred souls that are focused on self transformation and expansion with the intention to empower all of its members.
    The essence of her work is based in authenticity, integrity, compassion, truth, peace and love. She teaches how to experience more joy, harmony, abundance, balance, freedom and flow in our lives. These are the vibrations of the higher dimensions and the energy she has come to guide us back to.
    Neelam is a powerful receiver and transmitter of the latest and highest cosmic light technologies, frequencies & energetic upgrades coming to earth. She is a guide for souls who are choosing the ‘fast track’ to ascension as her work is incredibly high frequency. She will help you unlock the doors to your greatness and reconnect you to your heart and joy. Love
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    Lasting just 30 minutes, this group practice can help transform your week and energise you. Hannah covered breathwork, tapping, and some light movement. You'll find our weekly sessions within the Calendar of the Light App and also on the Light Website, Linkedin, and Eventbrite. These events are free to attend and we welcome you to bring a friend.
    With a decade of experience, Hannah weaves together practices that resource, regulate, reprogramme, heal, and inspire curiosity. She knows that the more of us nurturing a compassionate and curious connection to who we really are, leads to lives lead with integrity, ease, confidence, and freedom.
    The ripple effect of that in our communities and beyond is unfathomable. She began working in Events and Major Donor Fundraising with NGOs, but after years of battling disordered eating, chronic anxiety, and cycles of burnout, she embarked on her own holistic healing journey.
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



  • Steve Hutchinson



    Steve Nobel :

    The Holy Grail is a metaphor for Mary Magdalene who was the earthly embodiment of the Feminine Christ. In her lifetime with Yeshua she was lover, wife and sacred priestess.
    The Feminine Christ holds the template of an all-embracing inclusive love. The Feminine Christ honours all of life and recognizes each life form as perfect, loving all without conditions.
    The Feminine Christ radiates a fierce tenderness that is highly protective. She births a flame in the heart of unconditional love. This flame opens us to new energetic gateways/pathways for our consciousness to flow through. Gateways and pathways that have been blocked by patriarchal religious systems for the last 2-3 thousand years.
    This transmission invokes the Divine Feminine as Her aspect as Holy Grail/Feminine Christ. It is an invitation to absorb this set of frequencies returning to the earth into every cell of your body. This creates a flame in the heart of every cell that creates a connection to the returning Christ.
  • Steve Hutchinson


    In this sacred journey, immerse yourself in the gentle waves of healing energy as it flows effortlessly through time and space, embracing your being with unconditional love and tranquility.


    Find solace in this sanctuary of calmness, as you are guided towards inner harmony and awakened to the boundless peace within.


    Embrace this sacred opportunity to restore balance, release stress, and cultivate a deep sense of serenity. Join me in spreading the ripple of peace across the world, one energy connection at a time.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    Let yourself enjoy 2 very powerful and pure channelers  to uplift you in this large group meditation and energy activation session with 2 Soul Healers, Veronica Parks & Rachael Thompson.

    Veronica YouTube:    / @soulhealing-vero...  

    Matts YouTube: @mcwarriorofthelight

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson



    The Lions Gate Portal is open until the 12th of August, with its peak being on August 8th. High energies and vibrations are coming in.

    I have been working with the Sirians these past days and have been receiving powerful Sirian Codes of Light Downloads from our beautiful Sirian Star Family.

    During my morning meditation today I was guided to receive this Transmission for you. Open your heart and being, to recieve these high vibrational Sirian Healing Codes of Light, as we are heading towards the peak of the Lions Gate.

    If it resonates with you, you may choose to do this meditation daily for the coming days, to anchor in the beautiful light, frequencies and codes. I am truly grateful for the loving support of our Sirian Family of Light and hope this Transmission serves you well.

    This is my website for Sound and Energy Healing sessions (worldwide on Zoom), Light Language Singing, Spiritual Coaching, Cosmic Journeys and Music for the Soul: