the latest channelings pertinent to the day...
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  • Joni

    These Wondrous Days We Live
    Received by Alec Christos Gabbitas
    September 8, 2010

    Sananda by you my friend of old and companion of untold ages! We welcome once more this opportunity to share our thoughts and feelings with you all for these times are indeed most taxing, yet also quite uplifting and rewarding. There are moments in these 'end times' of this particular millennium that you will feel exhausted and can not go a step further, and this we readily respect. Yet, up you get, dusting yourselves down, stretch your aching limbs, adorning once more your warrior armour of vibrant light, and on you go so gallantly yet again! How do you do it? I ask myself so often as I watch you all with wonder and amazement, your light and might is indeed tracing rainbows in the skies.

    Who could never ask of you to do more, for that which you now do is truly utter monumental and so magical to perceive! Beloved fellow travellers, I am so honoured to simply be here in your midst, so to say enwrapped within your so loving presence' and blessed indeed to call you my sister or my brother. Your loving energies bless me too with their boldness yet also with gentility. There are the obvious magical signs of the full flow of feminine energies beginning to level and balance out with most of you dear ones on planet earth.

    We see the male dominant features being mulled and softening. We see also the once down trodden and deflated feminine energies, now birthing into a new and virginal power, balancing out and replacing those depressing climes of yesteryear. We see the ever narrowing gaps that were separation and control, now beginning to ebb and fall away as divine feminine intuitivity and loving grace once more re-emerging, not only in the few but in the many across this planet that you now so bless with your precious beings. Your input, deeds, trials and victorious uplifting energies of rebirth and of remembering. You are blazing an unmistakable trail across the heavens and indelibly etching a new tapestry of life, that is unfurling and re-emerging with an ever finer golden definition.

    We see the tears that spill from the eyes of the little ones that are bereft of the love of their parents as the seething waters do wash away those most blessed ones, whose time indeed it is, for rejoining with their heavenly family. My God, are we so grateful to them, indeed we truly are! We see the waters levelling many an uneven place and washing clean away. We see far afield the mighty splitting of the roads and the houses come tumbling down, yet sparing all and every manner of life, for these homes were built on surer footings, portraying such a difference between each countries uneven, misplaced social structures. We see the cloth like homes that meagerly house the lost and the lowly, and how in much grace they are surely held!

    We see inner pain and the outer hurts as tired bodies search for a place to lie. We see the richly in-famous souls who shudder inwardly to see the startling differentials that this so beautiful planet, Mother Earth, through human ego's gross mis-creations have unerringly self created. We see all these things yet with a love and understanding as the walls of Jericho do now begin to tumble down. Life is a continuum and rebirth is a golden opportunity to rebuild those castles - not only in the sky yet once more on Mother Earth's fertile soil and cleansing pure healing waters.

    We see those wizened men deep in the bowels of Mother Earth, in a copper mining short-fall,seeking to overcome their perilous situation with such heart, with such bravery and with such tremendous and loving supportive help from those above, justly determined to support, salute and save these magical 33 souls.The number of the Universal Christ that amazingly offers this challenge to one and all. It attracts the focus of the world, in a disproportionate guise, all striving and praying that this universally energetic number will safely and surely realise that miracle for these dear souls. We see the millions. . . we see the few. . . we see the mammoth tasks that this world is now 'head on' in facing.

    We see the absurdity of all that is, we see the ludicrous situations that surely provoke the pleas of the pure and wise, the just, the humane, the true dear souls who wonder how so many trillions "dollars or pieces of eight" are squandered daily to keep so many warring factions in action in so many so called wars on terrorism! And yet, there is but a comparative pittance, or a widows mite, that is allocated for those so dire of need. When will mankind open his eyes and open his heart . . . when will he see the writing on the tabernacle walls . . . when will he realise that it is his soul, his mind, his body and his being out there living an indescribable hell on earth, miscreated by the obsolete and outdated 'male dominant' energies that no longer serve a use - yet, more a warning!

    All is of divinity, everything in divine order, nought is wasted and nothing is ever lost. Humanity is embracing the future spirals of light and these will ever be rampant as the realisation of far greater expression is the key to the future. We'll all be blessed with the light of the future, for that future beloved's is now, and there is no regressing into old and ravaged signs of yesteryear, for as we move through these imminent portals are we entering most surely the avenue of forward thinking and justly being. We see the future in the now, as we saw the past leading to today.

    We are thoroughly enamoured with this opportunity to be with you for these few words and I am joined indeed by the Lady Magdalene whose role as you all know is to assist meaningly in the injection of divine feminine energies. She is adamant and assertive that you, with her, have broken the back of the old opposition, and assures you that here is the virtual beginning of the aged 'end times' that are now fast receding as we move into the centre or nucleus of the energies. We are here in tandem, and you are well aware of the sound significance of this embrace, for together we co-habit to co-create that which is in perfect divine order, and that which is of purity and purpose in these days ahead. Blessed we are to be beside you, one and all, for it is also our dream that we shall all together merge, combining our skills, our joys, our mutual intents, and our selfless love for one another, and our profoundly sacred commitment - to serve the Oneness in significant unity consciousness.

    Blessings to you each and every one, beloved friends and fellow travellers, we walk the paths of righteousness and aim ever deep into the pure heart of unconditional and purest love and divine highest intent. We search the many avenues of expression and we all, as a Oneness, will re-emerge back into perfect alignment and leaving behind duality mode being, and fulfilling the sacred marriage into the adrogenous state of true life and true being. We hold this goal in our hearts, and our souls rise up as the phoenix soars heaven wards into the immaculate conception, realising the fullest solution of Being as One.

    We embrace you all, feel our love and simply hold it to your own, merging the energies, enjoining the souls and dancing the dance of divinity and joy and pureness of grace. We are ever by you, we are ever by your sides and we feel the pain and the pleasure of all that you encounter. When you invite us in, then in highest good will we comply, for sharing our love with you is then the ultimate goal in our lives, for so it is and it will surely ever be. Namaste....
  • Joni

    Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day

    Beloved one, for too long—for many, many lifetimes—you have bought the belief of the world that life has to be a struggle, that reality is harsh, that whatever corner you turn, you are going to run into problems. That has been the teaching of the world over and over. But as I have said, my kingdom is not of this world. Your kingdom is not of this world. Your kingdom (the reality that you experience) is of the Christ making, and you are free to make it however you want to make it, and to be happy in it.
  • Joni

    New Guides: We are standing next to you, empowering your soul

    We hold you in our wings today, for there are many energy changes in this time frame you call a day. Especially when you are awake you are experiencing this intensely in a conscious way. When you are a sleep you are experiencing those same energy shifts. You are more open for other spaces in where parts of your soul lives. It's like you are living many lives on subtle levels, that are more open for you to experience when you are asleep. And then comes the time you wake-up, and step into this dimension. Have you heard your first conscious thought today when you woke up? What did your mind told you? What message was there for you in your heart?

    There are days you wake-up and you are tired, so tired you hardly can open your eyes. There are days in where you can't wait to get out of your bed, chair or where ever you sleep. The energy at night is magical for most humans are sleeping. There is silence in the air, disturbing minds are less loudly, creating less loud rumor. So when you wonder why you are awake at those times, know it's a present from your soul letting you experience a world at it's most silent. You are living in many different worlds, and yet you are One with your Higher-self and everything around you. This is the dimension in where you feel the most denseness, in where pain is being felt the hardest in a physical body, this is the dimension in where you experience the pleasure of your body to the max. This dimension, called earth is so special we can't get enough of it. And yet, there are humans who would rather leave the earth. And at one point in their life they do. They are old, sick, or choose in different ways to leave earth and that is as much honored as every other choice you make in a human body. There is no other place then here where you can create like you do, where you can choose like you do, in where you are in the candy store and are choosing which candies you want to taste. There is nothing you can't create and nothing you can't do.

    We hear your thoughts right now, searching how you can walk without legs, how you can be a man when you are a woman, how you can experience those earthly things that seems like it's impossible to experience right now. There is always another life dear ones, in where you can create whatever you want to experience on a conscious level. Your soul has the greatest experience ever, right here on earth in a human body. Your soul is truly living his highest potential and wants nothing more then to let you know you are safe. The entire universe has made so much efforts for you to be here, right now. And now you have created the space for us to stand next to you and we are telling you, you are safe. Right here, right now. In every now moment you are being taken care off. In every moment your soul is living it's highest potential. Else you wouldn't be here. Dear ones, please believe your soul when it's telling you, you belong here. You belong here on earth cause you have an important part to play right here, right now. There is truly nothing that you can't create. Don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright dear ones. You are singing this for your children, and now we are singing this song for you. Everything is gonna be alright. We are happy to receive all your sorrows. worries, fears, anger, hate and pain. You can give us all those feelings that make you feel jucky. Cause every little thing is gonna be alright.

    We love you more then you can imagine, dear ones. We are standing next to you, empowering your soul. We love to hear how you are receiving messages from your soul, and most of all how you are feeling that soul confidence as a spirit in a human body. You can do it! And please remember that everything is gonna be alright. We'll make sure.

    Elleke Verhoeckx * * *
  • Myriel RAouine

    The gifts of the September Equinox:

    Balance & Alignment
    in preparation for the

    Procession to the 10-10-10 Stargate
  • Dr. SohiniBen Shukla

    Dear Sonja,
    This whole month of Sept .is very important for all the Lightworkers for Ascension !
  • Myriel RAouine

    Yes. Could you tell us more?
  • Angel~a

    Daily Thought for Monday, October 4, 2010
    by Master Djwhal Khul
    I am so happy and grateful that peace has come to Earth, and it has come through me.
  • Angel~a

    Daily Thought for Friday, October 8, 2010
    by Master Djwhal Khul
    I am so happy and grateful that the "peace that passes understanding" reigns brilliantly in my heart this day.
  • Joni

    Isis' Message of the Day -

    Are you your brothers keeper? Yes! For "you" are your brother. All life is connected . . . woven into a beautiful tapestry. Pull one string and it begins to unravel.
  • Joni

    Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day

    Beloved one, from now on, choose freely where you want to go, what you want to say, who you want to be with, what you want to eat and drink. What feels good to you is what is good for you.
  • Joni

    SaLuSa: The Truth Has A Way of Getting Out
    November 19, 2010

    On Earth sensational news travels fast, and the truth about the missile that was shot down is no exception. A brave soul Colleen Thomas has allowed an interview to give the Pleiadian version of events. I am asking Michael to make the link known to you, and he will put it at the bottom of this message. Such news is a sign of the times indicating that people are no longer in fear of the authorities, and are intent on spreading the truth around. It will only be by such sharing of information, that the real purpose behind action being taken in your name will be revealed. For too long you have been lied to and treated as objects for use of the Illuminati, in their plan for your eventual enslavement.

    Many people have in fact indicated their readiness to support the efforts of the likes of Steven Greer. He has amassed hundreds of testimonies that will confirm the truth of disclosure, which awaits official permission to recognize our presence. It will be just the start of a long series of revelations that will go back far longer than you will probably imagine. The mood upon Earth is changing rapidly and the people are mobilizing themselves, to put pressure where it is needed to get the truth out about the cover-ups. No longer do they blindly accept what the Governments tell them, and have long questioned their statements. With the increasing levels of consciousness this move to learn the truth will spread. For the time being the Internet is your only source of reliable information, but beware of those who for different reasons send out anything but the truth. If in doubt trust your intuition, and check the facts out by comparing it to websites you trust.

    What is happening is speeding you towards the first real changes that are going to take most people unawares. However, there are enough awakened people to help ease them into an understanding of the reason behind such events. The most important reason is of course the ultimate completion of this cycle and finally Ascension. In the months leading up to it, much time will be given to explaining the manner in which people may prepare for it. It is largely a need to know how to centre yourself, and expand your consciousness to a point where the lower vibrations can no longer affect you. Ascension is a natural result of the culmination of the powerful energies that will bring it about.

    It is easy for us to ask you to keep calm when Mother Earth becomes more active, but it is essential if you are to avoid experiencing fear. Fear quickly lowers your vibrational level, and if sustained will make you susceptible to illness. It also attracts to you the very thing that has brought it about in the first place. The Law of Attraction has no means of discerning whether what you are thinking strongly about is viewed as desirable or not. What you focus on is what you bring to yourself, and is the basis of self healing. It is possible to think yourself as healthy by taking such a positive attitude. In the distant future you will become powerful creators, and even co-creators with God. It may seem a long way off bearing in mind where you are now, but already such powers are already developing.

    Most of you having been immersed in the lower vibrations for so long, have in fact forgotten your true potential. Opening your minds to it is part of the awakening process, and it will continue until you are fully conscious Beings. For so long you have been deliberately kept down, and had little realization of the great Being you really are. That is now all changing, and you are beginning to understand concepts that not too long ago would have baffled you. If you can identify with that description then you are surely experiencing an expansion in your consciousness. Telepathy will also start to grow and you will realize that when you know what people are thinking and you are picking up their thoughts. You can develop it by projecting your thoughts to another person and will be surprised to find it works. In time it will become the normal means of communication, which is what we of the Galactic Federation use.

    You will find that in your dream state you will meet other souls also out of the body, but more importantly bring a waking memory back with you. Some of you will also be allowed to visit us, and that will most likely be because you are in fact related to our civilization. Many of you on Earth especially for this time are representing your real family, such as Colleen Thomas and the Pleiadians that we mentioned earlier in this message. You will at some stage get to know about your links with us and may find that you have arranged to return to your home planet when this cycle ends. You are coming out of your dreamlike state which has been put upon you and into an unrealistic position of believing the illusion that you have been living. That is why some emphasis is being placed upon getting the truth out into the public domain.

    Dear Ones, so much is happening your heads may be in a spin, which is why we so often emphasize the need to stay centered. Going with the flow is good advice, but use your advantage of knowing what is planned to stay grounded and calm. One day you will look back at these times and in seeing the big picture realize how privileged you were to be present to experience the transition to the higher dimensions. It is a big event of such massive importance to all life in the Universe and it will pass off as planned and represent a fantastic change that could only happen at the Creator’s command. Little Earth therefore becomes a very important cog in a very big machine and it is why it is attracting a great deal of attention. Visitors to your solar system have to keep their distance but many, many civilizations even from other Universes want to be present to record Ascension. That will give you an idea of what a great event is about to be played out and it cannot be affected by anything that happens on Earth. The potential for such levels of interference has passed and we are here to see that success is guaranteed.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thrilled by your progress towards the real commencement of Ascension. Of course it started a long time ago, but it is only since the last 30 years that it has substantially picked up.

    Thank you SaLuSa,
    Mike Quinsey
  • Myriel RAouine

    Here's the video Hilda has shared. THANKS to her and Lady Shekina ROSE!





  • Myriel RAouine

    Ah, ok, I see ... it does not show. I will start a discussion here ....



  • Myriel RAouine

    Messages from Ann & the Angels - 1/22/2011


    When you look at this picture do you see sad frozen flowers or incredible beauty? Both are there, but as with everything in life, our experience is dictated by how we choose to see it. When we look through the eyes of beauty, love, and grace, life begins to transform.


    "© Ice |" - All Rights Reserved.

    heartMessage from the Angels

    My dear friends, we love you so very much.

    Never in your days are you without options. Even when it seems you have no options in your present condition, you do! You have complete control over how you choose to perceive the situation. Do you choose to perceive your life with gratitude or grumbling? Do you choose to see lack or abundance? Do you choose to feel rich or poor? Do you choose to focus on being loved or unloved.

    Always and forevermore dear ones, all perceptions exist all at once. God [Goddess] loves you immeasurably even if no one else on earth did, and if you focus on that, you would love yourself more, and presto! You would attract others who love you as well. There is abundance all around you dear ones. Think of those less fortunate than you when you feel lack and give thanks for all you do have. Look for the abundance, focus on it, feel it, and then you will attract more. Are you sick? Can you recall a time when you felt wonderful and give thanks that you remember what that felt like? Or can you imagine it? If so you have begun the road to recovery.

    Your minds dear ones are tools, given to you by God [Goddess] for you to use to perceive your physical universe and your human existence. They have been programmed, in many cases, by everyone and everything other than your own soul! Take back your power dear friends, by taking back your own mind. Choose, over and over and over again, until you create new mental habits, to see love, to see abundance, to see well being, to see joy, and to see the good in everything. In this fashion you begin to create the existence you want, right now, from the inside out.

    God [Goddess] bless you! We love you so very much.
    -- The Angels

  • Myriel RAouine

    This is about BREATHING DEEPLY but GENTLY and much more ... if you have some time I recommend you listen to it :-)
    Sonja Myriel
    Greetings Everyone,

    Here is the link to listen to the Moon Call audio, New Moon in Pisces - March 2011.   Sent to you on behalf of Katherine Wright Desai.

    This is a potent time for deep communication. play/W2xntFgP
    <a href="" target="_blank">Click here to listen...</a>

    Tracey Faireland
  • Marek Andrzej Żarecki

  • Myriel RAouine

  • gino plantamura

  • Myriel RAouine

    Thank you :-)
  • gino plantamura

  • Michilin

  • gino plantamura

  • Myriel RAouine

    Oh - THANK YOU SO MUCH, dear dusty, THANK YOU!


  • marlon powell

    I am so happy to with you all i have been searching for people like you all for a very long time and now i get the chance to be a family member of everyone on here, i come with peace and love that will last forever...marlon

  • Myriel RAouine

    WELCOME HOME, dear Marlon :-)))


  • Amanda Carol Engels

    Welcome welcome Marlon. Amanda

  • Myriel RAouine

  • Whitefeather

    Channeling using a Purple Sheen Obsidian sphere. 29.2.12

    This Sacred Day out of Time, it does not exist in your material world and so you are like, the hand of a cloak trying to move forward yet stuck and continually trying without success, to move forward. Your world has become obsessed and oppressed by time. Money and greed. In the ethos of time, none of these things truly exist, they are but illusions that keep you believing you must have more of the same in order to move forward. How can this be ? Surely more of the same adds to the burdens and weight you are already carrying ? How will more of the same fulfill the need within you when it has clearly failed to do so thus far ? How long can you bash your heads on walls before you fall unconscious and die ?
    What you seek cannot be found in your material world. It cannot be found in paper and monetary systems. It cannot be found in the poisons you are told will heal you. It cannot be found in the adulterated foods you eat. It cannot be found by allowing others to lead you. It cannot be found outside yourself. Even your ‘new age’ guru’s cannot give it to you, not even those that tell you to reach out to the universe. For the universe is not ‘out there’ , it is within you. It is within all things and if you wish to experience it you must first open yourself to understand and know what is inside yourself and what you are capable of.
    Would you travel from one metropolis to another and then simply say “ Hey, I’m here “ when there is clearly a door that needs opening ? Why wait for someone, who may not come, to open it for you ? Do you not have a physical body and hands to open it with yourself ? “A key, I don’t have a key” you cry plaintively. YES YOU DO ! Open your heart, open all of your senses, connect all of yourself back together and then you will find that elusive key. You have all the equipment and resources to open the door. But always you wait for someone else to open it and if they do not come, you look elsewhere. Always you look outside yourselves when you should look within.
    Your being, both physical and spiritual, have become fragmented by the ingestion of impure foods, by toxic substances that mask the messages your mind, body and soul are trying to share with you. You have shut the door to your own true ally - YOURSELF. When your body hurts, you do not listen to it, speak with it, instead you rush to someone else to ‘mend’ it, to make a quick fix. Yet if you listened to yourself, your body, your heart, you wouldn’t need anyone else to fix you, you would know how to mend yourself with natural ways that are in harmony with your body and the natural flow of life.
    When you can again run with Wolves, soar with the Eagle, swim with the Dolphin and dance with the Salamanders, then you will feel again what it is that you have lost, what it is to be whole again. When you sleep with the Bear, rise from the Fires of life like the Phoenix into the Air, sing your emotions like the Whale, then you will have found yourself once more and your connection to all that is. For it is your connection that is missing.
    You are born spiritual beings into a physical body and physical world, a world of concrete where you cannot feel the Earth Mother beneath your feet, cannot breathe sweet pure, unpolluted Air, or drink crystal clear, pristine spring Waters. Instead of Fire to create warmth and light, a living being that you share space with, it is used to burn and destroy . You destroy your foods with heat and Fire, produce toxic fumes and create nothing but death and destruction.
    You are killing yourselves and your planet and you are blaming one another, blaming a system that you have created and that you feed and keep alive with your own actions. Even those amongst you who recognise these messages and warnings, do nothing or very little, and so the disconnection grows.

    Step away from foods that you have not grown, tended and prepared for yourselves. Step away from poisons that kill you, that mask the messages your body wishes to send you, and look to the natural pharmacy that Mother Nature has provided for you. Step away from the need to have a paper value on everything, and value instead the things that paper cannot bring you.
    If it is a return to a garden of Eden existence that you desire, then you have to step away from the world you are used to and walk with like minded souls to begin to create the garden you desire to live in. A garden can only flourish if it is tended, watered and loved. You have let your own gardens die and only you can bring them back to life again. If you do not put the effort in to tending the garden, how can you expect it to produce the sustenance and beauty that you seek ?
    The message of this Sacred day is simple yet profound. Cut the strings that are holding you as a puppet and take full responsibility for yourself, for all aspects of yourself, and the life you wish to create. Do not allow yourself to be fooled any longer by the greed of others that will tell you that you need this or that and that you can only have it if you have monetary systems of value. You cannot eat money, money buys you corrupted foods and medicines. All you need for a beautiful, sustained and nourished life, lives within you, within every soul on the planet. It is time to wake up and become that enlightened soul you long to be, who is whole, healthy and working collectively towards a sustainable future for everyone.
    2012 is humanities wake up call, it is time to get active, make statements of intention, not by sitting in concrete cities then going home to continue buying into the material existence. But by stepping out and not relying on or supplying the current detrimental systems. Wake up, step away and start creating your garden.

    I am the vastness that lives within you all, I am the empty void, yet I am all that exists. I am that which you seek and I am untouchable, yet I am the sound of your heart and the pleasure of that moment that’s sparks your imagination. I am your desires and your fears. I am you, I am me, I am all, yet I am nothing. And so it is with you. Become the infinite spirit that you are.

  • Amanda Carol Engels

    Aaahhh, Yes.

  • Galina

  • xx

    Thank you for a wonderful group! Blessings <3

  • TheFlashRon

    A heartfelt greeting to all here... I have just joined this group and wish to post a very special video by the Earth Allies, published on Feb. 16 2013.

  • Marek Andrzej Żarecki

    On my blog shows a lot of interesting information, I invite you to read.

    Fashion in the God's standards .

    In Love and Light.

    Marek Andrzej Żarecki

  • Beverly Karakochuk

    I thank you for this amazing group, It is an honour to be here.

  • Myriel RAouine

    PLEIADIAN PROPHECY 2015 - 2017: World Revolution!

     by Barbara Marciniak 11/23/14.

  • Eileen Coleman

    Wow, I must read this book, it was Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara that woke me up in the 90's! 

  • Eva

    During my morning meditation session I got a very clear message: Clear, Release, Rinse, Repeat.... give up anything and everything no longer needed in your physical body, emotional body, your mind, your spirit. let go of events, stories, attachments, anything that is weighing you down.  It is time.  Lighten the load on all levels, in all ways possible, physically, mentally, emotionally, old beliefs, constructs and contracts in all dimensions, in all ways, in all forms, past, present and future. Do this until there is no more to clear. Keep your eyes to the light and love of Mother/Father Prime Creator. No distractions. 

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Thank you Eva for your helpful message here. I am getting this message too. It seems like I have a lot to release. I think it means that old stuff is coming up and I am more conscious of it now. 

  • Eva

    Another message from my celestial friends! 

    Just like money, your energy gets created by alignment and living life itself...babies are made by love (mostly and it always turns out better if they are made with this currency of love). And just as you spend your money on only that which you want, so you can spend your energy on only that which you want. You have no idea how much energy you have because you have been zapped of it by TV, movies, the emphasis on bad events in your news media, talk of death and taxes (which are btw not inevitable in any way whatsoever if you choose that path) ; this is how the one without love and his slaves feed on you. They cannot generate their own energy because they are not connected to the current of Love. Yes I said Current, because that is what it is. You are electrical systems, energy systems created to create more of this current the multiverse is made from. When you cut yourself off from the heart, you cut yourself off from your food source namely Love and Prime Creator as well.  Be pristine in how you spend your currency ie, energy/love and your physical dollars or electronic energy, give in exchange for only that which you want!

  • Ishema, Carol Suchecki

    Eva, thank you again for another good message.

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

    Steve Nobel
    Dear Starseed,

    Global Ascension News
    I would not say my life has been easy, there have been so many challenges and at times I have felt stretched to the limit of my strength and capacity. Maybe many of you can relate.
    It was not until my early thirties that I began to feel the spiritual path calling out of my 3D sleepiness. Since my first awakening in 1991 I would say that a strong element of spiritual support and magic entered my life.
    After my second awakening in 2010 I went through a very difficult six years that felt I was experiencing the darkness of the world. When I came out of this 'Dark Night of the Soul' I began this work.
    I have discovered that challenges, even extreme ones hold lessons and gifts. In a way, the challenges I have faced have shaped me, my current perspective on the world and my ability to connect with multidimensional aspects of myself.
    So, my message is do not fear darkness, do not fear challenges. Everything can be utilised by your soul for your upliftment and growth!
    Much love
    Steve Nobel
  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson

  • Steve Hutchinson