Each of You Have The Power To Create Miracles! By Saint Germaine & Lee DeganiLee Degani:I just love this message from St. Germaine that reminds us of the power of using…
3 Things You Must Know About The Profound 12/12 Full MoonBy Melanie BecklerBlessings,What a joy to step into this sacred season together yesterday with the 12/12 Ascension…
...A Short Message For You From Archangel Muriel On Divine Love - By Melanie Beckler...Angels exist in a realm that is somewhat finer and lighter than our physical dimension…
Sooooo.....Powerful! - By Melanie BecklerBlessings, A quick reminder for you today ... That with awareness: Each moment and every experience (blissful or challenging)…
5 Ways To Work With The Violet Flame By Melanie BecklerBlessings, In this very moment now: Immense opportunities are presenting, to shift! To learn from whatever happened in the past... To welcome whatever arises in the moment with acceptance and compassion ... To free yourself from old…
...Connect With The Celestial Healing Music With Archangel Sandalphon By Octavia Vasile..."You are all blessed with the divine energies of pure unconditional love.I am here…
Spiritual Awakening To Embody Divine ConsciousnessBy Melanie Beckler Blessings, We're living in a powerful time of accelerated awakening. One that has long been foretold for humanity ... But its up to us to claim the power. Its up to us to free ourselves from the illusion. We are the ones…
Receiving Activations Of Light - A Simple Ascension Meditative ProcessBy Melanie BecklerA simple and yet so powerful meditative process for Receiving Activations of Light…
Free Yourself from Ego's Chains: Unlock Your Divine Potential and True Self Melanie BecklerWe're living in a powerful time of Accelerated Awakening, that has long been…
> Lion's Gate Portal - 3 Things You Need To Know -By Melanie Beckler Blessings, Are you feeling the magic in the air from the powerful Lions Gate energies unfolding? The energies of this years Lions Gateway are so powerful, and we're still building towards the energetic peak on 8/8! To…
The angelic realm is here with you to help you in your daily life. These Divine Being of God, when called upon, can help guide you in your spiritual growth and heal you. When you are having problems in your daily life they can send you their Divine Energies to uplift you and help widen your perspective and view the problem more clearly. They can help you in so many ways - but remember - you have to call upon them first !