Taking Action By Suzanne Giesseman Do not sit and wait for your dreams to manifest. Yes, you are creating them with your intentions, but part of the process is taking…
...Jump With Joy By Suzanne GiesemannJump for joy! There is a reason you have this…
Toward The Light By Suzanne GiesemannThe wheat in the field does not worry about what it will turn out to be or do. It simply follows the light and grows naturally. You were…
Time To Get Into Your Divine Dance By Suzanne Giesemann Relationships are catalysts for growth. When you are in disagreement with another and feel the urge to correct,…
...This rich satsang invites us into the ‘Commitment to Self-Discovery’ guidance—a profound sitting exercise from Moojibaba to ‘Just Be’. By focusing our attention on Beingness, we are led from the forest of delusion to the sky of Pure Awareness...."Any sensation can come. The sky, limitless,…
Live In The Present Moment With Divine Awareness !By Suzanne GiessmanWhen in turmoil, what is your best tool? The same as it is at any time, dear one: awareness. “But I am…
The Choice - By Suzanne GiesmannChoose to be at peace. If you can change a thing through your positive actions, then by all means do so, but if you cannot, then how you…
Suzanne Giesemann is a Messenger of Hope and the founder and teacher of The Awakened Way™ – a path to knowing Who you are and why you’re here.
Today she shares “21st Century Spirituality”, merging the latest scientific understanding about Consciousness with ancient spiritual wisdom. Her work provides stunning evidence of the existence of Universal Consciousness and our interconnectedness. She teaches proven methods that anyone can use to connect with all levels of Consciousness.
"My mission has changed from serving my country, (former naval commander), to serving those who are dealing with the challenges of being human. You may feel broken. You may be wounded. But it is my greatest honor to help you discover you are a soul, and your soul is perfectly fine.”