... Receive a beautiful transmission of energy from Ascended Master Kuan Yin. Feel her Divine Presence open you to transcendent, unconditional love.Follow along with the transmission as Kuan Yin prepares you to receive unconditional love from the Cosmic Heart....This is a live channelled…
Love's Triumph By Ascended Master Quan YinWith Natalie GlassonGreetings to you divine beings of light, I am Lady Quan Yin. I come forth and embrace you with a tenderness of…
...Quan Yin Transmission / Guided Meditation WithSound HealingThis is a guided Meditation with Sound Healing to cleanse, heal, relax, and replenish. Journey to a beautiful…
...Qwan Yin - Plant The Flowers Of Love & We Shall Blossom Our Planet!...Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM QWAN YIN!...I bring my heart full of love and joy, and I…
Walking The Pathway To The Renewal Of The SelfWith Lady Quan Yin & Walking Terra Christa Ray Chohan Lady Quan Yin representing the 11th Ray of God of the Pink-Orange…
Initiating Oneness - By Ailia MiraAilia's Message ..... As we each feel and experience this huge change in our world, in very personal and different ways, one constant that…
BalanceClarityBeloved God I Am, I come to be with you this day Dear Soul. I Am Kuan Yin. I would be delighted to offer you my thoughts and feelings to this Divinely Inspired Love in Action. “The Spring Equinox of 2017 was a Spiritual Marker in the history of humanity, regarding many things related…
Choose your focus – Quan Yin channeling By Jenny SchiltzHappy New Year everyone! I hope that your holiday season has been full of joy and laughter. I spent a lot…
Kuan Yin, Kwan Yin, Quan Yin ... Boddhisatva of Compassion - We are caaled to work with you and come to know you this moon which started on July 19th and lasts until August 17th.
COMPASSION will show us where to send the Violet Light and Ray.
As Chohan of the 11th Ray she helps us to integrate all the lessons for final Ascension
Qualities: Understanding, strength, stability, loving kindness, wisdom, generosity, abundance,
compassion, equilibrium and balance, organization, and discernment;
Color: Pink-Orange; Chakra
Center: Third eye