Your Angelic Realm

The angelic realm is here with you to help you in your daily life. These Divine Being of God, when called upon, can help guide you  in your spiritual growth and heal you. When you are having problems in your daily life they can send you their Divine Energies to uplift you and help widen your perspective and view the problem more clearly. They can help you in so many ways - but remember - you have to call upon them first !

A Short Message For You From Archangel Muriel On Divine Love - By Melanie Beckler


A Short Message For You From Archangel Muriel On Divine Love - By Melanie Beckler
Angels exist in a realm that is somewhat finer and lighter than our physical dimension ... but you are able to tune into the angelic realm and with practice and intention, you can learn to clearly see, hear, sense and know the presence of Archangel Muriel.
✨💜 Simply relax and listen to this channeled angel message from Archangel Muriel ... allow her loving energy to cleanse, lift, and attune your being to the angelic realm!
🙏😇 Through her words of wisdom and compassion, Muriel reminds us that we are never alone on our journey ... that we are eternally supported and guided by the love and grace of the Divine. ...
Whether you are facing challenges in your personal life, or simply longing for a deeper sense of connection and purpose ... this message from Archangel Muriel is a soothing balm for the soul ... a gentle invitation to trust in the power of love, forgiveness, and inner transformation.
So take a moment to pause ... to breathe ... and to open your heart to the healing presence of this beautiful angel.
Allow her words to wash over you like a gentle wave of peace and comfort ... and know that you are loved, supported, and divinely guided every step of the way. ...
If you feel called to go deeper into the energy of Archangel Muriel, you can learn more here: [
Or listen to a Meditation with Archangel Muriel here: [ ](📷 • Integrating Love~ Free Angel Message ... Learn more about Healing with the Angels ...
Video Link: A Short Message For You From Archangel Muriel