Post your request for HEALING - or any other matter in which you orf a beloved one need assistance - here in this group and we will send you LOVE, LIGHT and energy for healing and transmutation.
Finding Your Own Sense of Joy & Ecstasy Is Part of Your Spiritual Journey - By Sri
Today I remind you of the importance of bringing balance into your life. This helps you to find a pathway down the middle. When you avoid going towards one extreme, you remain centered. Balance work with play. Balance obligations with self-nurturing activities . Balance socializing with quiet time. Cultivating this balance heightens harmony, prosperity and happiness in your life. So create balance in your life by weighting your choices, when you find balance your soul rejoices.
You cannot give what you are lacking, dear one. Fill your life with joy so that you are able to spread joy in the world. Fill your life with self-compassion and self-nurturing so that you are able to help nurture and show compassion to others. Have faith so you can offer it.
When you forgive yourself, you can more easily forgive. You can only provide for others what you’ve learned to provide for yourself. Practice giving yourself the love, nurturance, and grace first then extend it outwards.
At times you may wish for a peaceful life. You might think an easy life of luxury would be ideal. Yet today I remind you that challenges are what make life meaningful. Overcoming obstacles is what builds your character and strengthens your soul. The troubling times also lead you to discover how deeply your faith runs.
Your problems can become easy to overcome, you just need to apply your innovation to some.
Embrace the challenges that come your way and remember that your Divine Presence within your sacred heart is always here guiding your path.
Fear not. Release the imprisoning thoughts of “what if” and move forward with your life trusting that you are being divinely guided and unconditionally loved. There are some situations, including illnesses, that you simply cannot control. When this occurs, look to your faith. Find grace in the situation.
Remember what you can control though are your reactions to people and situations. Continue to be a pillar of strength and hope for others. When you fear, you turn your back on the angels and your Divine Presence within you.
Whatever you do today, let it be joyful. Finding your own sense of ecstasy is part of your spiritual mission. Joy looks different from person to person. There is no one size fits all method of happiness. That is what makes everyone special and unique.
By doing what you love, you are creating more of this in the world. You figure out who you are on a spiritual level by figuring out what makes your heart sing. I want to help you on this endeavour. Reach out to me if you need inspiration and I will send some hopeful joy and merriment your way.
Good Morning, SRI
Video - Portal Activation & New Moon - Align With Your Highest Timeline
Let's HELP each other - Prayers and Energy HEALING - Requests
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Post your request for HEALING - or any other matter in which you orf a beloved one need assistance - here in this group and we will send you LOVE, LIGHT and energy for healing and transmutation.
Finding Your Own Sense of Joy & Ecstasy Is Part of Your Spiritual Journey - By Sri
by Steve Hutchinson
Nov 19, 2023
Finding Your Own Sense of Joy & Ecstasy Is Part of Your Spiritual Journey - By Sri