Let us compile information on Special Places here on Earth of whatever dimension to bring as many parts of the jigsaw together as possible! Information on Shamballah, Telos, Lake Titicaca, Machu Picchu, Stonehenge and so on and so on and so on ...
is a ‘great energy current’ that travels the world from Uluru (Ayres Rock), linking ‘planetary increase sites’ or chakras, before meeting it self back in Uluru.
The Aborigines knew this serpent well. Their stories tell of two serpents; a female snake Kuniya and her nephew Liru, who meet at Uluru. According to Robert Coon, the Rainbow Serpent is the female aspect of two great energy lines.
The other, the Plumed Serpent, is the male aspect (see map). These serpents are themselves made up of male and female currents that intertwine like a Caduceus or Kundalini through the landscape.
The Michael and Mary Line is the part of the Rainbow Serpent that travels though England (see UK map) linking many sacred sites from St Michael's Mount, Cornwall, through to Glastonbury, Avebury and many sacred sites up to Bury St. Edmunds and finally, Hopton-on-Sea, where it goes into the North Sea.
The one energy centre that stands out for Robert Coon is Glastonbury. The Tor is the earthly representation of the planetary heart charka, which spreads out through the landscape zodiac. The Michael and Mary lines pass through Burrow Mump (third eye of the landscape Unicorn), Glastonbury Abbey, Chalice Well (and White Spring) and the Tor, before moving on to the Avebury Complex.
Crown Chakra - Mount Kailas, Tibet
Third Eye Chakra - Currently at Glastonbury & Shaftesbury, England
Throat Chakra - Great Pyramid, Sphinx & Mount of Olives, Egypt
Heart Chakra - Glastonbury & Shaftesbury, England
Solar Plexus Chakra - Uluru. Australia
Sacral Chakra - Lake Titticaca, South America
Base Chakra - Mt Shasta, North America.
Gaia’s energy system is remarkably similar to our own. Our connection to the earth is also far greater than we realise, especially when the 6th planetary chakra or 3rd Eye, is held not in the landscape but in the consciousness of people. It moves with the precession of the equinoxes to a new location, which is currently in Avalon for the Age of Aquarius (Piscean Age - Jerusalem).
We are the awareness of the planet. Her birthing pains are ours, and the plundering of her resources we also feel as our own struggles.
The Project The Rainbow Serpent Project was conceived when I left my editing job in Bristol, packed my bags and when around the world late 2003. My friend Shaun gave me a crystal to give to the Rainbow Serpent in its birthing pool at the foot of Uluru (ayers Rock, Australia) so I was on my way there, I did some research into the Rainbow Serpent and the Earth Chakras, I have always connected strongly with chakras, there seemed to be a project brewing but it wasn’t until the action of throwing the crystal in the birthing pool at Uluru did I realise what I was being asked to do, it came as a response in the form of a small Rainbow Spark, that came out of the birthing pool. You have to go to all the Earth Chakras, do ceremony there and link all tribes together.
I remembered the Hopi prophecy “Some time in the future, the Indians said, the animals would begin to disappear. People would no longer see the wolf, or the bear, or the eagles. And, the story goes, the giant trees would also disappear. And people would fight with each other and not love each other. And, the story goes, the beautiful rainbow in the sky would fade away, and people would not see the rainbow anymore. Well, children would come. And these children would love the animals, and they would bring back the animals. They would love trees, and they would bring back the giant trees. And these children would love other people and they would help people to live in peace with, each other. And these children would love the rainbow, and they would bring back the beautiful rainbow in the sky. For this reason the Indians called these children the rainbow warriors.”
This says so much to me as for fifteen years I have been working with the channeled information from Farther Abraham channeled for the Arimathean Group, of which I am a founder member. He shared information of the Children of Light, souls coming back from Atlantis and Egypt as we move into the Aquarian age, indigo? Rainbow Warriors? Crystal?
Since the first journey around the world I have done all the other chakra points around the world and spoken to and interviewed native elders such as Charlie Thom Sr. Red Hawk, Spiritual Leader of the Karuk Nation at mount Shasta; Guided to the island of the sun on Lake Titicaca by the light worker Sonia Newhouse; honored to connect to the Rainbow Serpent with Bob Randall ‘Uncle Bob’ of the Yankunytjatjara Aboriginal people; Many people at the Heart, Glastonbury my home, as the third eye is there to I interviewed the Arimathean Elder Lisehanne Webster about the Christ Consciousness; and to Tibetan Lama Khenpo Rinpoche about the crown chakra Mount Kailash.
Please join and share your connections to the Rainbow in Serpent form, Warrior form or all the other forms that it shows its self in. This new consciousness is open to all of us. I have understood over the last five years doing the Rainbow Serpent Project we can only do this together through love so lets do it. Love Tor,
Tor Webster: Earth Chakras and 2012 from kedarvideo on Vimeo.
Myriel RAouine
Mythological information about the plumed serpent Quetzalcoatl and his jaguar brother Tetzcatlipoca here:
Quetzalcoatl's astrological connection.
John Major Jenkins has this to say: "...the Toltec pantheon that represented the Zenith Cosmology was Quetzalcoatl, whose earliest astronomical association is with the Pleiades...The Pleiades were known as the serpent's rattle, and the flight of the Pleiades into alignment with the zenith sun evoked the image of a flying serpent." Maya Cosmogenesis 2012.
The Pleiades are an open star cluster of hot blue stars in the constellation of Taurus. They are the nearest star cluster to the Earth. You can see them with the naked eye during winter in the Northern Hemisphere.
Although the story varies between different Mesoamerican cultures,Quetzalcoatl was considered the god of the morning star, and his twin brother Xoloti was the evening star(Venus). Quetzalcoatl was considered the inventor of books, the calendars, presenter of maize (corn), and sometimes the symbol of death and resurrection. He was also related to the gods of the wind, the dawn, of merchants, arts, and crafts. He was the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge.
This god is also attributed with going to the underworld and creating mankind of the fifth-world (present world). Wind, fire, and earthquakes destroyed humankind in the four previous worlds. According to Aztec legend this happened because these beings did not worship the gods.
Most ancient stories or myths did not depict actual events or people. They mythologized hard to explain phenomena using metaphors or symbols to make the greater meaning easier to understand. These myths were handed down generation after generation as a memorized story. The story of this deity is no different.
Quetzalcoatl represents far more than just an explanation of the Pleiades.
Quetzalcoatl was a revered god throughout Mesoamerican before Cortez. He symbolizes the vital energy within us...our own God selves. The Maya were very aware of this energy. They symbolized it as their feathered serpent.
Why feathered? Feathers represent the freedom to go between worlds, or the transcendence of the bonds of the flesh. Birds are the only animals that have the freedom to maneuver between all the elements, air, earth, and for some water as well.
The Kukulcan or Quetzalcoatl Pyramid at Chichen Itza is a huge solar clock or Mayan calendarlocated on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. I was fortunate to be there one year for the Spring Equinox and witness the light display of the great feathered serpent Kukulcan or Quetzalcoatl depending on where you're from, descending down the stairs of the pyramid and into the ground. What a spectacular experience!
"To be Quetzalcoatl or Kukulcan is to know the seven forces (chakras)that govern our body - not only know them but also use them and understand their intimate relationship with natural and cosmic laws. We must comprehend the long and short cycles and the solar laws that sustain our lives. We must know how to die, and how to be born." The Secrets of Mayan Science/Religion, Hunbatz Men
So what does the serpent mean to the Maya?
Quetzalcoatl means "plumed or feathered serpent." To many ancient religions, the serpent represents the kundalini energy coiled at the base of our spine.
"The Maya equivalent of "chi" (China) is referred to as coyopa or "lightning in the blood," which enables one to perceive within the body messages from the external worlds - both natural and supernatural...There is no one word for this in English, but it means something like, "vital force spirit." The Hidden Maya, Martin Brennan
At the end of the 5125 year cycle, which came to an end on 21st of december 2012, SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN WITH / IN the SUN!!!
Thus, we need to meditate with the SUN ...
Chichén Itza - the site where the Serpent comes down ... und climbes up again, visible in the shadows of the stairs of the pyramid - is the largest Ceremonial Centre on the peninsuly of Yucatán ...
Will the sun appear one day in the WEST?
Why pray to the SUN, to the Cosmos?
Because it can and will wake up your MEMORY ...
PS: Gucumatz is Quetzalcoatl y Kukulkan
Tepeu is Tetzcatlipoca
Mar 31, 2015
Myriel RAouine
Permalink Reply
May we enter the next round of the Spiral of Evolution through the upgrade of our emotional bodies, now that our mental bodies are already resonating to the higher frequency octave of New Earth!
I begin to see that MORE Earth changes are right around the corner ... our united effort will be very much needed to help the planet to transit as peacefully and smoothly as somehow possible! New Earth is not just a metaphor ... our Mother is truly re-juvenating! Leaving ... transitioning ... making way for a New Earth Being, as SHE is ASCENDING - fully! -Leaving behind what She once WAS ... to BECOME!
Will the Sun rise in the West one day? We do not know, but Hunbatz Men insinuated this possibility in 2012.
All insights into what is happening is MEMORY.
Our MEMORY is being re-awakened by the SUN ...
Love Light Blessings,
Sonja Myriel
Apr 2, 2015
Dr. SohiniBen Shukla
Dear Sonja,
Good Job !!
All The Earth Chakras are very important to know !1
The energies are really you can feel there if you have visited those places that have capacity to energize all that corresponding Our Chakra system also...
very True !!
Thanks for all details here...
I was not knowing about Rainbow serpent....
Thanks for all the details....
Apr 22, 2015